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Unit8 Our Clothes Topic 1 What a nice coat!一重点词汇及短语(一)词汇:1.服装名称:sportswear运动衣 blouse宽松的上衣 boots 靴子 cap 帽子coat外套 dress套裙 gloves手套 hat 帽子jacket夹克 jeans牛仔裤 pants裤子 raincoat雨衣scarf围巾 shirt衬衣 shoes鞋子 shorts 短裤skirt裙子 socks 短袜 stockings长袜 suit套服sweater毛衣 tie领带(二)短语:1.so/suchthat 如此以至于2.so that 为了3.prepare for 为准备4. be made of/from 由制成5. depend on 依靠,依赖,相信6. as well as 也,还7.in fact 事实上,实际上8. protectfrom 保护使不受9. catch ones eye 吸引某人的注意10.Its said that 据说二重点句型:1. My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones. sothat:如此以至于,so后应该跟adj/adv,that后应该跟从句eg:The boy is so clever that he does well in studying. He works so hard that his boss is pleased with him.2. I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look more handsome.so that为了,结果是,引导的是结果状语从句.eg:I often get up early so that I can catch the early bus.3. Its made of natural materials.be made of意为“由制成”(看出原料),类似结构的短语还有be made from“由制成”(看不出原料)be made in “某物生产于某地”be made into“把作成某产品”如:The table is made of wood.这张桌子是木头制成的。Paper is made from wood.纸是木材做成的。The TV set is made in Japan.这台电视机是日本产的。Bamboo can be made into fishing rods.用竹子可以制成钓鱼竿。4. A silk scarf caught her eye.catch ones eye 意为“吸引某人的注意”如:Can you catch the teachers eye? 5. People started to wear clothes so that they can protect themselves from the sun ,wind, rain and cold. protect from sth/doing sth 阻止做如:The trees can protect the sand from moving.树可以防止沙子向前移。 Try to protect your skin from the sun.尽量保护你的皮肤不受太阳暴晒。三语法学习结果状语从句so that “如此 以致于”, a)主语 + be + so + adj. + that + 句子(如that引导的从句表否定时,常与too to .句型转换.)e.g: The cost is so expensive that we should raise money. I was so tired that I couldnt go on any longer. = I was too tired to go on any longer.b)主语 + 实义动词+ so + adv. + that + 句子e.g: He plays basketball so well that we all like to play with him. He got up so late that he couldnt catch the bus. = He got up too late to catch the bus. c) so +adj+a/an+n = such+a/an+adj+n e.g: She is so clever a girl that we all like her.= She is such a clever girl that we all like herTopic2 Uniforms have many uses in our lives.一重点词汇1.make uniform 做制服 2.allow sb.to do sth 允许某人做某事3.make a survey做调查 4.be in need 在需要时5.carru out 执行 6. take off 脱下,脱掉;起飞7. protectfrom保护使不受 8.dress for为穿衣服/打扮9.in fashion 流行,时尚 10.out of fashion 不流行,过时11.advise sb.(not) to do sth.建议/劝告某人(不要)做某事12. get help得到帮助二重点句型1. I think our school should allow us to design our own uniform. allow“允许、许可”,allow sb .to do sth.“允许某人做某事”如:Mr.Wang allows us to play football.2. Is it important for you to wear uniforms at work?It is suitable to wear uniforms for our work.它们体现的句型是:Its adj for sb to do stheg: Its necessary for us to wear school uniforms at school.3. Second, people in trouble can find us easily.in trouble:在困难中类似短语有:in danger在危险中 in need在需要时eg:When you are in trouble, you can call me.4. And third, our uniforms may stop some people from doing bad things.stop from译成:阻止做,特别注意from后面的动词要用ing形式.eg:The trees can stop the water from washing the earth.5. You should take off your shoes when you enter someones home in Japan.take off意为“脱下,脱掉”,反义词组是put on. take off还可表示“起飞”如:The plane will take off in an hour.飞机将在一小时内起飞。Youd better not take off your coat, it is cold outside.外面很冷,你最好不要脱掉大衣。三语法学习1. 宾语从句(三)宾语从句的第三种类型特殊疑问词引导,特殊疑问句要改成用陈述句语序,如:Where does he come from? I dont know where he comes from? (他来自哪里) What could he do at the age of three? Do you know what he could do at the age of three? (在三岁时他会做什么) When is his birthday? He asks me when his birthday is? (他的上日是什么时候) How will Maria go to Beijing this time?I am not sure how Maria will go to Beijing this time? (Maria这次将怎么去北京)以上画线的句子均是由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,注意画线部分的陈述语序,都被改为“主语+谓语动词”2. Its adj (for sb) to do sth = Its adj that+从句如:Its important for us to do exercise every day. = Its important that we should do exercise every day.Topic 3 Lets go and watch the fashion show.一重点词汇1. fashion show 时装表演/时装秀2. in the center of 在的中心3. stand for 代表4. get ones name 得名5.be different from与不同6. eitheror或者或者7.bothand和8.from then on 从那时起9.in the past 在过去10.at one time曾经二.重点句型 1. Theres going to be another one there tomorrow. There is going to be是There be结构的将来时,表示某地将举行某项运动,或将有某物。其同义词短语是:There will be如:There is going to be a football match in our school next week.=There will be a football match in our school next week.2. Chinese fashion is different not only from western fashion, but also from that in other Asian countries.Today people can design the Tang costume as either formal or causal clothes.not onlybut also:不但而且,eitheror:或者或者以上两个短语都遵循就近原则,即谓语动词的选择要依据but also/ or后面的主语而定 eg: Not only I but also my sister likes watching movies.Either my brother or I help my mother do the housework every day.3. It expresses both the wears personal style and Chinas rich traditional culture. both and:和, 它后面的谓语动词要用复数形式.eg: Both Jane and Maria are good at swimming.4. The Tang costume stands for Chinese history and fashion culture.stand for意为“代表”如:In China, number eight stands for luck.5.Chinese fashion is different not only from western fashion, but also from that in other Asian countries.be different from与不同, 反义词是:the same as:与一样eg: The table manners in China are different from those in western countries.6.Today, hardly anyone wears kimono except on special occasions like marriages and national celebrations. except 除之外, besides除之外还有如:The roads were clear except for a few cars.除了几辆小汽车外,马路上空荡荡的。I have many friends besides Jane.除了Jane之外,我还有很多的朋友。三语法学习 宾语从句的时态一:课文原句再现1. But Kangkang said he watched it.2. And he said it was wonderful.3. The poster says it will start at 7:30 p.m.二:时态的选择 1)当主句为一般现在时,从句时态依照意思而定。 I think that he was badly hurt in the traffic accident yesterday. I think I will have a talk with him. 2)当主句的时态为一般过去时,从句时态被限制在过去的某种时态。 (一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时。) I didnt know he was ill yesterday. I believed he was watching TV at 9:00 last night. 3)当从句描述的是客观真理或存在事实时,从句时态不受主句时态的影响,从句时态统一用一般现在时。Mr Wang told us the earth goes around the sun.Mr Wang often tells us the earth goes around the sun.


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