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张家界澧滨小学2012年六年级英语复习提纲 Unit 1一、掌握词汇kid, good at, good idea, picture, watch a film.二、语法“be good at doing”和“like doing”的用法。1. Youre good at drawing,Peter.2. Im not good at swimmingskating.3. I like drawingwatching films.Unit 2 一、掌握词汇learn , skating rink , keep ,straight, fall over, try to.二本单元要掌握的过去式。want-wanted go-went ask-asked say-saidtry-tried fall-fell help-helped三、语法“want to do something”的用法,to后面接动词原形1 Anne wanted to skate.2 I want to skate like you.3 I want to stand up straight.Unit 3一 .掌握词汇cover , enough, sell , bookstore, dictionary, a dirty mark, useful, of course.二本单元要掌握的过去式。see-saw need-needed have/has-had get-got 三、语法enough和too的含义及用法形容词+enough ; enough+名词; too+形容词1、Have you got enough money?No. I havent . Ive got only forty-five yuan.2、Is it useful enough? Oh,Yes! It is!3、Its small enough.4、The desk is too heavy. Unit 4一、掌握词汇 earth, light, Space Museum, land, talk, be interested in.二语法1、“look like ”的含义和用法Our earth looks like this from space.The ceiling looks like the sky.2、本单元要掌握的动词原形及它的过去式. gowent watchwatched is/amwas arewere talktalked wantwanted borrowborrowed Unit 5一、掌握词汇similar; same; hawker; more; fewer; different; less二. 语法more+可数/不可数; fewer+可数; less+不可数名词.There are more/fewer+可数名词复数+其它。1、 There are more shops in Picture One.2、 There are fewer shops in Picture Two.There is more/less+不可数名词+其它。3、 There is less rain in Picture One.Unit 6一、掌握词汇across, near, interesting, butcher, a piece of, bridge, another, better, other, drop.二.语法 特殊形容词的比较级“more+形容词”用句型“A is are more.than B.”对两事物进行比较。1.He likes some books more than others.2.Some stories are more interesting than others .3.It is more exciting than swimming in a pool .Unit 7一、掌握词汇most; least; boring; librarian; space二、语法 特殊形容词的最高级“ the most +形容词”。1.Space stories are the least interesting stories.2.Fairy tales are the most boring stories.3.The most interesting stories.Unit 8一、掌握词汇Dragon Boat Race, rice dumpling, famous, poet, lunar month, The Dragon Boat Festival.二、语法一般过去式,特殊疑问句1.-Why do we eat rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival?-To remember the famous poet,QuYuan.2-Why did the people throw rice dumplings into the river ? -They threw rice dumplings into the river so that the fish would not eat the body of QuYuan.三本单元要掌握的过去式。holdheld loveloved writewrote jumpjumped comecame diedied throwthrew startstartedUnit 9一、掌握词汇 notice , bus fare, never mind, catch.二、语法特殊疑问句;情态动词can+动原 的用法。1.What can I/he/she do? IHeShe can +动原2.Im too fat. What can I do? Do more exercises.3.Im tired. What can I do? Have a rest.4.Im ill. What can I do? Go and see a doctor.Unit10一、掌握词汇will, will not=wont , weather forecast, stay , hate.二、语法Will引导的一般将来时,will+动原1.Tomorrow will be rainy. 2.I wont stay at home. 3. Ill get wet.三、一般将来时的构成:1.will+动词原形2.be (is/am/are)going to+动词原形常见的几类词形转换: 一名词的单数变复数。1直接+s. pictures , cakes , girls2词尾是s,x,sh,ch结尾的词+es. buses , boxes , peaches , fishes, watches, classes.3辅音加y结尾的词变y为i,再+es storystories library-libraries, family-families.4不规则变化. footfeet toothteeth childchildren man-men woman-women5.以f,fe结尾的词把f,fe改为v,再加es.wifewives knifeknives leafleaves二现在分词的构成(动名词的构成与此一样)。1直接加ing. gogoing playplaying ask-asking2.去e加ing. comecoming taketaking write-writing3.双写加ing. sitsitting run-running hop-hopping三动词的过去式的构成。1直接加+ed. play-played talk-talked want-wanted 2.不发音的e结尾的动词+d. love-loved like-liked3辅音+y结尾的,变y为再i+ed. trytried carry-carried4重读闭音节结尾动词双写+ed. drop-dropped5.不规则变化. go-went take-took see-saw get-got have/has-had am/is-was are-were四一般现在时动词的第三人称单数的构成。1一般+s . ask-asks get-gets2以o, x,s,ch,sh,结尾的动词后+es. dodoes teach-teaches wash-washes go-goes watch-watches3辅音+y结尾的动词,改y为i+es. fly-flies cry-cries4特殊形式。 have-has五形容词的比较级和最高级。1一般+er或+est. few-fewer- fewest tall-taller-tallest2以e结尾+r或st . nice-nicer-nicest 3辅音字母+y,将y改i+er或+est. heavy-heavier-heaviest4重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母单词,双写辅音字母+er或+est. big-bigger-biggest fat-fatter-fattest5多音节或部分双音节词在原级前+more 或 +most.interesting- more interesting- most interestingboring- more boring - most boring 6不规则变化。good/well-better-best little-less-leastmany/much-more-most六、完全形式和缩写形式.1.you are-youre 2.can not-cant3.do not-dont 4.let us-lets5.will not-wont 6.I will-Ill7.is not-isnt 8.he ishes七、反义词.big-small long-short fat-thin old-new thin-thick yes-no go-come on-underbuy-sell ugly-beautiful black-white this-thatthese-those late-early tall-short hate-likecold- hot cool-warm cheap-expensive备注:1.六下英语书61页单词必须识记。 2.六下英语书110单元课文必须熟读,重点句子要识记。张家界澧滨小学2012年六年级英语冲刺习题集一. 掌握二十六个字母大小写,并指出五个元音字母。 五个元音字母:二、找出不同类的单词( )1.A.kid B. hawker C.librarian D.library( ) 2.A. bookstore B.learn C.dictionary D.pen( ) 3. A.similar B.same C.different D.catch( ) 4. A. other B.bigger C. smaller D. better( ) 5. A.drop B.meat C. dumpling D.cake( )6. A.fewer B.biggest C. smallest D.noisiest( )7. A.plane B.bus C. poet D.jeep( )8. A.China B.Peter C. Canada D.Japan( )9.A.most B.fewest C.good D.longest( )10.A.twelve B.third C.sixteen D.eleven三词形转换。1.poet(名词复数)- 2.library(名词复数)- 3.story(名词复数)- 4.class(名词复数)-5. watch (名词复数)- 6.box(名词复数)-7.man (名词复数)- 8.child(名词复数)-9.draw(现在分词)- 10.write(现在分词)- 11.skate(现在分词)- 12.swim(现在分词)- 13.run(现在分词)- 14.go (三单) - 15.wash(三单)- 16.have(三单) - 17.fall(过去式)- 18.go(过去式)-19.carry(过去式)- 20.see(过去式)-21.big(比较级) - 22.good(比较级)-23.interesrting(最高级) - 24.little(最高级) -25.lets(完全形式)- 26.will not(缩写形式)-27.heavy(反义词)- 28.beautiful(副词)-29.know (同音词)- 30.rain(形容词)-二选择正确中文意思( )Dragon Boat Festival A.污点( ) famous poet B.别介意( ) a dirty mark C.端午节( )weather forecast D.著名诗人( )never mind E.天气预报( )good idea F.一块肉( )watch a film G.跌到( )fall over H.好主意( )a piece of meat I. 看电影 ( )skating rink J.滑冰场( )jump into K.当然( )of course L.粽子 ( )rice dumpling M. 跳进四 选择题( )1. Youre good at_,Peter.A. draw B. drawing C. to draw( ) 2.Our earth looks _ this from space. A. of B .like C. in( ) 3. Anne wanted _ skate. A.to B. in C.at( )4. Tomorrow _ be sunny . A. will B. can C.shall( )5.-Have you got _ money?- No, I havent. A.too B.enough C.much( )6.- How tall _ you ?- I_ 158cm. A.is .are B.am.are C.are.am( )7.How to say“The Dragon Boat Festival”in Chinese? 春节 B. 端午节 C中秋节 ( )8.- I feel sick .What can I do?- _. A. See a doctor B.Drink some water C.Eat some food( )9.-What does she want to buy? -She wants to _a dress. A.buy B.bought C.buying( )10.-How will be the weather tomorrow? - Tomorrow will be_. A.rain B.rainy C.rains( )11.-Can you sing?-_. A. Yes , I can. B. No. Im not. C. Yes, I do .( )12.He is _ in our class . A. tall B. taller C. the tallest( )13.Peter and his mother _to the Space Museum yesterday.A.go B.went C.going( )14.He likes _in the sea.A.swimming B.swim C.to swim( )15.-_is the pen? -Five yuan. A.What time B.How many C. How much ( )16.There are _ shops in Picture One. A.less B.fewer C.same( )17.The _ interesting Stories. A.fewer B.more C.most( )18.Some _ are more interesting than others. A.stories B.storys C.a story( )19.I have _ eraser ._ eraser is on the table. A.a ; the B.an ; the C.the ; an( )20.This shirt is_ old for me.A.enough B.but C.too五.搭配:把左栏中与右栏中相对应的答案序号填写在括号中( ) 1.Whats your name? A. Im fine .( ) 2. How old are you ? B. Im 12 .( ) 3. Where are you from ? C. My name is Peter .( ) 4. What do you like doing ? D. Im from China .( ) 5. How are you ? E. I like drawing .( ) 6. .Whats the weather like ? F. Its sunny.( ) 7.What time is it ?G. He is a teacher.( ) 8. What colour is it ? H. Its ten oclock( )9.Thank you very much. I. You are welcome.( )10.What is your father? J Its red .六 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Jim _ (have) _ (many) bread than Lily.2. He _ (see) a dictionary in a bookstore yesterday.3. The boy _(watch ) a film with his mother tomorrow.4. Ann always _ (go) to school at 7:00 am.5. Mrs Huang is _ (read ) a poet for her students.6. There_ (be) many books on the table.7. Elephant ia the _ (big ) animal in the zoo.七 连词成句。1. brother is at my good singing ._2.wants Zhangzhang to skate him with ._3.it enough is useful ?_4. earth our like from space looks a ball ._5. rain is there less in Luoyang ._6. books are boring some more than others ._7.the boring stories they are most ._8.wrote QuYuan many poems famous ._9.havent any for I money got bus fare the ._10.isnt at all it interesting ._11.tomorrow will be it rainy says ._


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