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疯狂英语 躺着, 听着, 背单词 初三英语跟着李阳老师,做单词大王!要学好英语, 单词一定是要背的!但怎么背才最有效呢?背单词最有效的方法就是:背包含单词的句子和文章!背单词的革命现在开始!躺着,听着,闭着眼睛就能轻轻松松背单词!-520个单词, 108个短语,1000 多个经典句, 巨大的财富等着你去拥有!-初三英语课本单词全面汇集!逐个突破!李阳疯狂英语经典概念:句子量比单词量更重要!背句子比背单词更容易!更有成就感!用地道的句子突破单词!这是真正拥有词的唯一途径!配有李阳老师和美国播音员录制的纯正录音,让你用纯正的发音去突破单词,发音也得到极大改善!口语突破单词,背单词,练口语一箭双雕!-拥有了疯狂英语 躺着, 听着, 背单词掌握单词不再是梦!口语更胜一筹!背单词的十大方法第一大方法: 大声朗读背诵法 大声朗读是最简单最有效的背单词方法大声朗读就是在不断地刺激大脑记忆细胞,不断地加深印象,所以同学们在背单词的时候一定要大声朗读。下面给大家介绍三个大声朗读的方法:1“英中英”例如:different-不同的-different;2. “英英英中” 例如different(三遍)不同的3中英拼写句子,例如:不同的-different-d-I-f-f-e-r-e-n-t-Im different.(我与众不同)这三个方法有个前提一定要大声读出来!第二大方法:元音分类背诵法将单词按照重读元音分类进行记忆,这样可以帮助大家了解单词的发音规律,也就是单词拼写与发音之间的关系,让大家不在为单词的拼写而大伤脑筋,使背单词变得更容易! 例如:包含 /ai / 这个元音的单词,我们可以找到 cry, fly, smile, high等,包含/e/ 这个发音的单词,则有make, take, change, pain, amazing等。通过发音背单词不但很快就能记住单词,更能练出地道发音!第三大方法:脱口而出句子背诵法 孤立地背单词只能是记了忘,忘了记!这是我们坚决反对的!英语中大部分单词只有在特定的句子里才有明确的含义,所以,在句子中的单词才是有生命力的单词,你才会记住它的用法,才能与之建立真正的感情,才会让你刻骨铭心,永难忘怀!更重要的是,通过脱口而出句子背单词,你不但在累积单词量,更在累积句子量!句子量比单词量更重要!第四大方法:听录音跟读背诵法 听着录音跟读背单词,这是背单词最有效的方法之一!把录音机的音量开到最大,反复听录音,同时一定要跟着录音大声读出来。这时候,你的眼睛,耳朵,嘴巴全部用起来了,你的右脑得到开发,印象也就特别深刻!而且,你的听力也得到了大副度的提升!记住:嘴巴一定要动!只有读出来才会有效!第五大方法:重点单词背诵法 英语中有许许多多使用频率很高的单词,它们在不同的句子里有着不同的意思,这些单词是我们背诵的重点。最有效的背诵方法就是用大量的句子,对话甚至短文对重点单词进行集中轰炸,只有这样,你才会对这些重点单词的各种用法了如指掌。更重要的是,在学习这些单词的过程中,你还收获了大量的句子,对话和短文,这是一大笔珍贵的财富!第六大方法:单词家族背诵法 英语中很多单词都有整个家族,名词,动词,形容词,副词,加上不同的前缀,后缀,就有不同的词性变化,意思变化。要想彻底掌握一个单词,我们要做的就是:整个家族一锅端!家族内所有单词全部消灭。这样不但可以对一个单词印象特别深刻,还可以有“意外收获”, 一下子掌握一大串。第七大方法:同声传译背诵法 在背单词的时候,找一个同学和你一起背。请你的同学说出单词的中文,你立刻脱口而出这个单词:说单词的英文、你立刻脱口而出这个单词的英文。通过中英文自由转换帮助背单词,效果特别好!与此同时还可以快速提高你的口译能力。第八大方法:“三最”短文背诵法 用“三最”法操练短文可以大面积地消灭单词!一篇段文里面包含了大量精彩的单词和短语,并且在段文中表达了它们明确的含义,当你用“三最”法(最大声,最清晰,最快速)操练短文时,就是在不停地复习巩固这些单词和短语。所以,当你能够脱口而出一篇“三最”短文时,你不但掌握了大量的单词和短语,更重要的是,你能够大段大段地讲英语了,这才是我们学习英语的最终目的。第九大方法:随时随地背诵法 背单词之所以痛苦是因为我们总是“记了忘,忘了又记”,反反复复无休止。其实最根本的原因是我们重复得不够。只要你将记不住的单词写在卡片上或小纸条上,随身携带,利用每日三餐前后,睡觉前,等车,上学,放学路上甚至上厕所的零碎时间,不断地重复,不断地刺激大脑,重复多了,想记不住都难!第十大方法:卖弄背诵法 有些同学虽然背了很多单词,但没有机会使用,很快就忘记了,所以一定要找机会将背过的单词用在句子里卖弄出去。你可以向老外卖弄,向老师卖弄,向家长卖弄,向同学卖弄。找不到人就对着镜子卖弄,对着墙壁卖弄,甚至对着天空卖弄。通过卖弄,背过的单词和句子将真正成为你的财富!No.1 Sealed With A Kiss 以吻封缄-Though weve got to say goodbye for the summerDarling I promise you this Ill send you all my loveEvery day in a letter sealed with a kiss亲爱的朋友虽然我们不得不因为放暑假而要分开但我向你保证每天我会送给你我的祝福以吻封缄-Yes its gonna be a cold lonely summerBut Ill fill the emptiness Ill send you all my dreamsEvery day in a letter sealed with a kiss的确不错这将是一个心灰意冷寂寞难熬的暑假但我会填补寂寞我会寄给你每个梦 以吻封缄Ill see you in the sunlight Ill hear your voice everywhereIll run to tenderly hold you But darling, you wont be there我会在阳光里见到你 我会听见你的声音无处不在我会跑过去轻轻把你抱起但是亲爱的你却不在那里I dont want to say goodbye for the summer Knowing the love well miss Oh, Let us make a pledge to meet in SeptemberAnd seal it with a kiss一想到我们将要错过的友谊我真不想因放假和你分开好吧那就让我们相约在九月开学时再见面吧以吻封缄经 典 动 听 英 文 歌 曲 园 地No.2 If I Could 假如我能够Id rather be a sparrow than a snail Yes, I would. If I could,I surely would Mmm Id rather be a hammer than a nail Yes, I would. If I only could, I surely would. Mmm我愿是只麻雀不是蜗牛啊我愿意假如可能我真的愿意我愿是支铁锤不是铁钉啊我愿意假如可能我真的愿意Away, Id rather sail away 飞翔我愿飞翔在蓝天Like a swan thats here and gone像只从此间飞过的天鹅A man gets tied up to the ground人啊被束缚在大地上He gives the world its saddest sound 他向世人唱出最悲伤的歌Id rather be a forest than a street Yes, I would. If I could,I surely would Mmm Id rather feel the earth beneath my feet Yes, I would. If I only could, I surely would. Mmm我愿是森林不是条大街啊我愿意假如可能我真的愿意我愿抚摸脚下的大地 啊我愿意假如可能我真的愿意No.3 One More Try 再试一次One more try, one more tryDont give up and youll reach the sky.Dont give up and youll wear a smile.High above, the sky is fine.One more try and youll reach the sky.No. 4 How Do You Do? How do you do, Mary, Michael? How do you do?Is there anything that we can do for you?We are glad to welcome you and we hope you like us, too.How do you do, Mary, Michael? How do you do?No.5 It Will Be Alright Dont you cry now! Its all rightWe will be just fineWipe your tears away tonightLeave your worries all behindDont you worry! Dont you cry! You will be all rightIt doesnt matter where you are Ill be right there by your sideNo.6 Wonderful World Theres a rainbow in the skyFlashing colors of delightLighting up the nights in my mindAll my dreams have come aliveAll my troubles turn to lightAll my pains have come to an endSuddenly you call on meAsking me to be with youLighting up the days in my lifeWhen I hold you in my armsI can feel the time has comeAsking you to be in my lifeNow that you come to my lifeI will make you my wifeI wish I can ask youTo have some children of our ownWonderful world wonderful lifeIn which were living inThrough days and nights well singUntil the end of timeNo.7 Rain, Rain Go Away!Rain, rain, go away, come again another dayLittle children, little children want to play.No.8 My BonnieMy Bonnie is over the ocean. My Bonnie is over the seaBring back my Bonnie to me! Bring back bring backOh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.Repeat _!No. 9 Water Stream Water stream flowing sweetly Flowing slowly to the seaBut it seems never endingNever gonna find its peaceIts just like all my troublesNever seem to come to an endIll never let go. Ill never let goNever gonna let go my loveGonna leave up high Leave you up to the skyJust you and me just you and meJust be far away from the sea经 典 动 听 英 文 歌 曲 园 地No. 10 Sleep Baby SleepSleep baby sleep! Your father tends the sheep.Your mother shakes the dreamland treeAnd finds a dream for you and me sleep baby sleep!No.11 Shell Be Coming Around The MountainShell be coming around the mountain when she comes Shell be coming around the mountain when she comes Shell be coming around the mountainShell be coming around the mountainShell be coming around the mountain when she comesNo.12 Oh Susanna!I came from Alabama with my banjo on my kneeIm going to Louisiana my true love for to seeIt rained all night the day I left. The weather it was dryThe sun so hot I froze to death Susanna dont you cryOh! Susanna dont you cry for me!Ive come from Alabama with my banjo on my kneeNo. 13 Love Aint Gonna Find MeLove can only heal the painLove can only heal my heart again. From the day you said goodbyeI couldnt get back to my lifeLife has no meaning when you walked out of the door.You smile and say goodbyeI couldnt hold back all the tears insideNothing has been changed Do it all againGive our love a chance Couldnt hold the pain.Give me one more chance. Do it all again!Give ourselves a chance to erase the painAll my life I have been waiting For the day that I would find a loverBut I guess it wont be easyCause you just walked awayAll my lifes a pain. I have failed again.Oh when you just walked out of my doorAll my lifes a pain. I have failed againI guess now love aint gonna find me 经 典 动 听 英 文 歌 曲 园 地No.14 I Will Be Waiting Tonight it seems its gonna be the sameIts gonna be a weary nightIt just aint right without you here by my sideWanna call you. It just aint right.Im so afraid. I know its getting late.I dont know if youre at home tonightIf youre not there, oh well if Im rightGuess I would be alone again.If youre with someone that I dont knowPlease let me know youre all right.Cant you give me assurance?Oh, please my love, Ill be all right.Dont let him hold youDont let him fool you girl!Dont let him tell you things that he cannot keepI will be waiting for you to come home now.I couldnt bear to think that youre in his arms now.No. 15. Row, Row, Row Your BoatRow, row, row your boatGently down the streamMerrily, merrily, merrily, merrilyLife is but a dream.No.16 You Are My SunshineYou are my sunshine, my only sunshineYou make me happy when skies are gray.Youll never know dear how much I love youPlease dont take my sunshine awayThe other night dear as I lay sleepingI dreamed I held you in my armsWhen I awoke dear I was mistakenSo I hung my head and cried.经 典 动 听 英 文 歌 曲 园 地No.17 I Cant Forget You - Its been quite a long, long timebut Im still thinking of you.You are so beautiful to me and youre everything I want- Never felt like this before Only you could make me strongYoure so wonderful to me and youre everything I need- When we are falling in love my life was full of happinessTill that day you fell for someone else and left me My life hasnt been the same again.- Darling I thought I could just forget your love that had changed my lifeBut Ill never forget your love and the sweetnessThinking what a fool I was- Dont you remember back thenhow you used to hold me tight?I could never make it if you were to leave mePlease dont let me be alone.No.18 I Dont Wanna Go You used to tell me that you will break my heartIf I make you stay here with meYou took my dreams away and left me hangingTheres nothing else that I can do Theres really nothing else I want moreHow would I not be sad?How could I not think back?Memories of us together?Wherever you will be, Ill always be there.Waiting just for you. Oh please come back!I dont wanna go. I just I wanna stay.Let me stay with you for the rest of your life.We must both believe it will not be longYou will realize Im the best of your life.Unit 1 In The Library 在图书馆1. CD player My CD player is broken.2. several1. Ive seen the movie times. Its really wonderful2. I have several close friends at school.3. I made my first trip to China several years ago.3. shelf Your dictionary is on that shelf.4. already1. Ive already seen that movie, so Id rather stay at home.2. We have already made a good beginning.3. Thank you for inviting me to dinner, but Ive already eaten.5. used to 1. I used to take a walk in the park after supper.2. Mother used to tell us stories when we were young3. He used to smoke, but now he doesnt.4. Jim used to get up very early in the morning5. It used to be a prosperous town.6. When he was a young boy he. ask lots of questions7. He used to be a waiter, but now hes a taxi-driver.8. People used to believe that the earth was flat6. onCan you give me some advice on how to learn English?7. knowledgeA little knowledge is a dangerous thing8. yard Who is that man standing in our yard?9. schoolyard Our schoolyard is very beautiful.10. put downLet me put down your telephone number11. step 1. Mind your step!2. Ouch! You stepped on my foot!3.The thousand-mile journey begins with the first step12. librarianThe librarians in our school are very friendly to us.13. probablyIll probably go to shanghai next week疯狂英语 躺着, 听着, 背单词初三英语14. pay1.Do you want to pay by check or by credit card?2. If you lend me some money, I promise to pay you back tomorrow.15. pay forHow much did you pay for those shoes?16. sadlyThe little girl is crying sadly because she is lost17. come up withHow did you come up with such a clever answer18. markTheres a dirty mark on the back of your shirt19. bookmarkThere is a bookmark in each book in the library.20. think ofWe are thinking of going to Beijing for our vacation.21. encourage1. When I failed, my father .ed me to try again.2. The teacher .ed her students to ask questions.3. A child who is not .ed will not have courage.22. get back We can never get back lost time.23. pick up Shall I pick you up at the station?24. once I call my family once a week.25. abroadI have a strong desire to go abroad to study26. copy Use your own ideas.Dont always copy what the others do.27. asHe always treats me as his best friend.28. screenIts not healthy to stare at a computer all day29. spoilOur holiday was spoiled by bad weather.经 典 名 言 集 锦No.1 I have no secret of success but hard work.除了努力工作,别无成功的秘诀。No.2 The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. 对明天最好的准备就是今天做到最好.Unit 2 Water Sports 水上运动1. surf Can you teach me how to surf?2. surfing Surfing is my favorite sport.3. surfer Hes a very good surfer.4. wave The waves are great. Theyre much better than yesterday5. Hawaii1. I am thinking of going to Hawaii for my vacation.2. Sanya is known as the Hawaii of China6. beachHawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches.7. have a try1. Youll never succeed if you dont have a try.2. You should have a try; you will enjoy it.8. twice Ive been there only twice.9. BondiOne of Australias most famous touristAttractions is Bondi Beach.10. noneIts none of your business.11. Newquay He was born and raised in 12. water-skiWater-skiing is not as easy as it looks.13. canoeWe could cross the river only by canoe at that time.14. describe1.Words cant describe the beauty of Lijiang.2. Its impossible to describe how I felt.15. all overChina attracts millions of tourists from all over the world every year.16. especiallyI have been especially busy this week.17. attract1. Teacher Lis speech attracted a lot of students.2. New Zealand has attracted large numbers of tourists from all over the world.3. The film attracts a large audience.18. Large numbers ofanimals have died because of pollution. 疯狂英语 躺着, 听着, 背单词初三英语19. Waikiki Im going to a conference in20. Honolulu is a great place to visit21. no matter1. No matter how hard it is, Ill try my best2. No matter what you say, I wont believe you.22. so-calledThe linguist cant even speak a simple sentence.23. possibleCould you give me your answer today if possible?24. bothandI like both popular and classical music.25. give up 1. Dont give up!You will realize your dreams some day.2.If you give up now, all your hard work will be wasted.3.The doctor asked my father to give up smoking26. San FranciscoMy uncle has lived in San Francisco for five years27. sinceGreat changes have taken place in China since 1978.28. ever sinceHe went to America in 1980 and has been working there ever since.29. part-time I am looking for a .job.30. althoughAlthough Ive studied English for ten years, I still cannot speak with confidence.31. fitMorning exercise can help you keep fit.32. prizeI got the first the English competition.33. competition1. I will take part in an English competition on behalf of our school.2. Are you going to enter the speech .?34. eventI hope that one day surfing will be an event in the Olympic games.35. Olympic Beijing is the Host City of the 2008 Olympic Games.Unit 2 Water Sports 水上运动36. the Olympic GamesWe are sure that the 2008 Olympic Games will be a great success.37. such 1. Its such a pretty day!2. Ive never seen such a beautiful mountain in my life38. fail Dont lose heart even if youve failed one hundred times.39. practice1. Practice, practice, practice. This is the only way to speak good English.2. Practice English hard until you can speak English in your dreams.3. You should. speaking English every day.4. The more you , the better English you will speak.5. It takes a lot of to speak good English.6. You need plenty of when youre learning to drive.7. Practice will make you a good musician.8. We must put our plans into practice.9. I cant wait to put what Ive learned into .40. New ZealandHe went to New Zealand to study after he graduated from high school.41. business1. I want to go into business.2. His business is going from bad to worse.42. so farShe has been doing quite well at school 43. crossBe careful when you cross the road.44. come trueMy dream of speaking good English has45. channelThe English Channel separates France from England.46. mainlandThe businessman from Taiwan wants to invest in the mainland.47. slow The train slowed as it came to the station疯狂英语 躺着,听着,背单词 初三英语疯狂英语 躺着, 听着, 背单词初三英语48. slow downSlow down. I still cant follow what you said49. journeyWish you a pleasant journey!50. among1. She is among the best student in our class.2. Yao Ming is.the tallest players in the NBA51. proudI am proud of my success.52. be proud of1. Im so proud of you2. Im most proud of being Chinese.53. speak highly ofThe teacher spoke highly of my composition54. not onlybut also1. I can speak not only English, but also German.2. Hes not only intelligent but also diligent.55. pride Her son is her pride.56. unlessUnless you study hard, you will never pass the examination.57. shotLet me have a shot at it.58. truth1. Please tell me the truth.2. To tell the truth, I really dont want to go.Unit 3 Make Our World More Beautiful1. pour Its pouring outside2. waste Playing computer games is a waste of time3. dirty Youve got a really dirty mind4. be afraid ofDont be afraid of making mistakes.Open your mouth to speak English.5. memberChina is a new . of the World Trade Organization.Unit3 MakeOurWorldMoreBeautiful 让 世 界 变 得 更 加 美 丽6. join I would like you to join us for dinner.7. environmentWe must stop polluting the environment8. harmSmoking does a lot of harm to your health9. rubbish His job is collecting rubbish10. collectWere collecting money for Project Hope11. whenever You can do the job you like12. produce1. Hard word produces good results.2. This factory ed more cars this year than last year3. That factory produces bicycles.4. He works in a factory that produces furniture.5. Our company is producing new products for the Chinese market.6. The cows are producing a lot of milk.7. The artist produced a beautiful painting.8. She has produced very little work recently.9. The famous director has ed a lovely film recently.13. wherever1. Wherever did you get that idea?2. Wherever you go, Ill go with you.14. neighborhoodThere are several banks in the neighborhood15. litterLets clean up the litter in the park.16. onto Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?17. public1. I do not want to speak about it in public.2. The public library is open every day.18. spit Its bad manners to spit in public.19. cut downAll the trees on the hill have been cut down.20. protect If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.疯狂英语 躺着, 听着, 背单词初三英语21. tidyIt is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy22. dustbin Please throw the rubbish into the dustbin.23. recycleHave you ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?24. contribution She received a bonus for her great .s to the company.25. make a contribution to We must study hard so that we can make great contributions to our country.26. suppose 1. I suppose youre right2. I suppose it will rain this afternoon3. Lets suppose that the news is true.4. S.your father saw you now, what would you say?5. What do you suppose he wanted to say?6. I you want to borrow money from me again.27. riddle Whats the answer to the riddle?28. do well inIf you.school, it will be easier to find a good job.29. nearby Is there a bus station nearby?经 典 名 言 集 锦No.3 You win because you think you can你成功是因为你认为你能成功No.4 You make the failure complete when you stop trying.当你停止努力的时候, 也就是你完全失败的时候No.5 Success is largely a matter of holding on after others have let go成功在于其他人放弃

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