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医学英语写作常用句型材料与方法1. How to write the materials and methods section2. Follow the guidelines below for writing a good Materials and Methods section Write most of the section in the past tense. Organize it in chronological order. Construct subheadings that correspond to those to be used in the Results section. Be precise and concise. Study Subjects Present inclusion and exlcusino criteria for selecting the subjects studied. Give details of all relevant characteristics of the study subjects and of any control subjects. Give details of informed consent procedures if human subjects are involved. Materials Give exact technical specifications of the materials used. Do not use proprietary(专卖的,专利的) names unless the properties of a particular proprietary product were important to the experiment. Give the genus(种, 类), species and strain of any animals, plants, etc. used in the study. Methods Describe what you did. Give sufficient detail to permit other research workers in the field to replicate your work. Describe statistical methods. Mention a well established method by name, or by giving an appropriate referenceRead the following example Materials and Methods section and familiarize yourself with the layout: MethodsPatients Thirty-six consecutive patients underwent heart transplantation by the midatrial-cuff technique between August 1992 and June1993. Nine patients were not enrolled in the study; five patients had multiple medical limitations after prolonged hospitalization, and four patients declined to participate. Within two weeks after transplantation, informed consent was obtained from the remaining 27 patients, who were randomly assigned (by selection of sealed envelopes) either to a group that participated in an exercise training program in an outpatient cardiac-rehabilitation setting (exercise group, 14 patients) or to a control group (13 patients). The control group received written guidelines for exercise but participated in no formal, supervised exercise sessions after discharge from the hospital。All the patients were treated with triple-drug immunosuppression including cyclosporine,( 环孢霉素) azathioprine(硝基)咪唑硫嘌呤), and prednisone. The dosage of prednisone was initially 1 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, given in divided doses, and was gradually decreased to 0.1mg per kilogram per day by six months after transplantation. Episodes of cardiac rejection were treated with an oral bolus(大药丸) dose of prednisone and then tapered(逐渐减少) doses and, for clinically severe rejection, with OKT3 murine monoclonal antibody (muromonab-CD3). Episodes of rejecitn and infection were recorded, and blood pressure, renal function, and weight gain evaluated in both groups of patients during the study. Cardiac function was assessed with echocardiography and right-heart catheterization at base line dn at a six-month follow-up examination. Exercise ProgramAt the time of entry into the structured, six-month program of rehabilitative exercise, patients in the exercise group were evaluated by a physical therapist for overall muscle strength, joint flexibility, and aerobic endurance. On the basis of these findings, a supervised program of exercise was developed by the therapist according to each patients specific needs. Strengthening exercises consisted primarily of closed-chain resistive activities(e.g., bridging lifting of hips with knees flexed in a supine position, half-squats, and toe raises) and abdominal exercises (curl-ups and pelvic tilts). Flexibility exercises, which emphasized chest expansion and thoracic mobility, included side stretches, trunk twists, scapula squeezes, and shoulder rolls. Aerobic exercises consisted of walking on a motorized treadmill or pedaling on a bicycle ergometer(Cybex, Ronkonkoma, N.Y.), as well as arm movemnts on an ergometer(Cybex). The duration and intensity of aerobic-exercise sessions were increased to meet the patients tolerance, with a goal of at least 30 minutes of continuous exercise at a moderate intensity.Patients initially visited the cardiac-rehabilitation clinic one to three weekly(some were unable to attend more than once each week because of transportation difficulties) and receive specific instructions for exercising at home. The frequency of cardiac rehabilitation sessions was gradually reduced to one every two weeks as patients became more independently involved in their home exercise programs. Patients who had rejection were instructed not to exercise until a follow-up endomyocardial biopsy showed resolution of rejection, which usually required two weeks. .Measurements Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing All the patients underwent a cardiopulmonary exercise stress test that is routinely administered in our laboratory within one month after cardiac transplantation and again six months after transplantation. Cardiopulmonary exercise stress tests were conducted by bicycle ergometry. During testing, the electrocardiogram was monitored continuously and the blood pressure was measured regularly. For maximal cardiopulmonary exercise stress testing, the patient first cycled at 50 to 70rpm with no workload for three minutes. Then the workload was incrementally increased by 10 W every minute until the patients ability to exercise became limited by symptoms. This point was taken as peak oxygen consumption (peak aerobic capacity).During exercise testing, expired gas was collected and analyzed with a gas analyzer (Medical Graphics System 2001, Kalamazoo, Mich). The cardiopulmonary exercise measurements permitted determination of peak oxygen consumption, workload, ventilatory equivalent for oxygen, exercise time, time to estimated threshold of lactic acidosis as determined by the V-slope method (the V slope is the point of a nonlinear increase in carbon dioxide production during exercise.), resting heart rate, peak heart rate, resting blood pressure, peak blood pressure, and minute ventilation. The primary end points of this study were the differences between the two groups of patients in the results of cardiopulmonary exercise stress testing at one month and six months after transplantation.Statistical AnalysisThe distribution of the patients characteristics, the results of cardiopulmonary exercise testing at base line, the changes in the cardiopulmonary exercise measurements between the base-line evaluation and the six-month follow-up, and postoperative characteristics were evaluated by means of prespecified analyses. The frequency distributions and mode were examined for all the categorical measures. For all the continuous measures, the mean; the 25, 50 75, and 95 percent quantiles; the standard deviations; and the minimal and maximal values were examined. Fishers exact test was used for categorical measures, and the paired t-test was used for continuous measures. For all the tests a two-sided P value of less than 0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance. 材料与方法动词形式说明研究或实验之前发生的动作或情况,用过去完成时;表示过去以前一直进行的动作,用过去完成进行时。例如:受试者就座至少5分钟后,由训练有素的观察者用标准水银血压计测量两次血压。 BP was measured twice by trained observers using a standard mercury sphygmomanometer after the subject had been seated for at least 5 minutes. 877例胃癌患者中,有9例原已确诊为恶性贫血。 Among 877 patients with gastric cancer,pernicious anaemia had previously been diagnosed in 9. 12名儿童患者中有7名患者在进行胆囊切除术时年龄不足6岁。年龄最小的是一名9个月的男孩,在出生后不久便因十二指肠创伤一直接受全胃肠外营养。 Seven of the 12 children were less than 6 years of age at the time of cholecystectomy, and the youngest was a 9-month-old boy who had been receiving total parenteral nutrition since shortly after birth after duodenal trauma.说明图表内容和数值表示法等,用一般现在时。 所有标本均在20下冷冻,用酶联免疫吸附测定法测定o All samples has been frozen at20until tested by conventional ELISA -The abbreviation(s) is /are the same as that/those in Tab. 1. - Results are expressed as Mean SD -Data are given as the mean number of monocytes per high power field standard deviation.材料与方法常用结构表达选择受试者的常见句型:入选的标准是.:InclusionEntry criteria were consisted of = Inclusion criteria: 5 to 15 years of age and diagnosis of ARF (=acute renal failure急性肾功能衰竭)confirmed by 2 or more rheumatologists (风湿病学家), sustained for at least 6 months and two or more visits. = The following inclusion/exclusion criteria were intended to allow entry of most patients with behavioral health problems and to ensure that the study sample was representative of the overall primary and medical care population.不得人选的标准包括.:Exclusion criteria included Other exclusion criteria were only one visit to our Unit and/or follow-up shorter than 6 months. In the present study systematic random sampling was done to have a higher precision and children in the age group 24-47 months were included to study the coverage of booster(加强剂量) doses and the MMR(=measles,mumps,rubella麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹) vaccine. 研究对象的选择是根据.:Selection was based on ;were selected based on = Selection was based on examination of postmortem specimens. = Children of age 24-47 months were selected using systematic random sampling.人选参加本研究的主要标准为.:The major criteria for inclusion in the study were. = The major criteria for inclusion in the study were psychosocial(社会心理的) problems such as domestic violence.如果有以下任何一条不得参加本项研究: were excluded from the studyparticipationenrollment if they had any of the following All those children were excluded who had a history of an effective antibiotic therapy within one week prior to admission in the hospital, a known allergy to penicillin, chloramphenicol 氯霉素), quinolones(喹诺酮类) or cephalosporins 头孢菌素), and a history of immunization with typhoid vaccine. Because of missing data on several variables, 11 subjects were exclude from the analyses. .因.被认为不适合:.were considered ineligible for.参加本项研究:.were entered into the study.选自.:wererecruited from. = Participants were recruited from four large primary care clinics of Group Health Cooperative (GHC), a group model health maintenance organization serving approximately 400,000 persons in Washington State.在.被选人参加研究:were enrolled atin. Three hundred forty-three patients scheduled for elective coronary artery bypass grafting were prospectively enrolled in the study and gave written informed consent. In the study participation, a total of 386 patients were enrolled in the randomized trial.从.随机挑选.参加研究:.were selected at random from表示研究对象分组.被随机分成.: . were randomized into . ; . were randomly allocated to . = A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to a random sample of the National FINRISK Study, drawn from the general population aged 2564 years in three areas in Finland in 1992. = Intervention Patients were randomly assigned to a 12 month collaborative care intervention (IMPACT) or usual care for depression. .被分成. : . were divided into; .were grouped into . ; .were stratified into.,.were classified into = Joint features were divided into 5 patterns of presentation表示材料来源 .来自.:.was from. .由.提供:.was provided by. .购自.:.was purchased from = All antibiotic disks were purchased from Sigma Company.是从获得:.was obtained from = The study was approved by ethics committee of the faculty and written informed consent was obtained from patients parents. = We observed that 54.16% of H. Pylori isolates obtained from 29 pediatric patients were resistant to metronidazole which is a high proportion. 由.赠送:.was donated by;was thea gift of from;was a donation from 用骨分析器(由夏威夷西门子奥斯汀公司生产):using Osteo Analyzers (Simens-Osteorn,Wahiwas,Hawaii) 人类免疫缺陷病毒的抗gp41小鼠单抗隆抗体(由华盛顿州西雅图市遗传所的KathyShriver博士赠送):mouse monoclonal antibody to gp41 Of HIV(a gift from Dr Kathy Shriver,Genetic systems,Seattle,WA) 表示借鉴他人的实验方法(被动态主句 + by/with/using/by using引出的状语).用方法分离:was isolated by the procedure of.根据.方法制备:.was prepared according to the method described by . = Two overlapping rf2a-hybridizing genomic clones were obtained by screening B73 libraries. Both libraries were constructed using the DASHII (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) vector and were prepared by Pam Close and John Tossberg, respectively.按照以前介绍的方法进行.;.was carried out as previously described = Library screening conditions were as described by XU et al. 1997. 用以前介绍的技术分离.:.was separated by the technique described previously用.方法测定:.was determined by.;.was measured with = Inflammatory activity was determined by ESR, CRP, and/or mucoprotein(黏蛋白) levels. = Cytokine(细胞活素) release and the responses of the immature lung are determined by allelic(等位基因的) differences of the genes, creating a genetic susceptibility to BPD. = Cognitive function was measured with a battery of(一连串的) performance-based neuropsychological tests, reduced to a four-cognitive domain scores with factor analysis, and a self-report measure of cognitive difficulties.与.相似:.was similar to. = The change in HDRS scores (an interview based assessment) was significantly different between the two arms and though the magnitude of change in CESD scores (a self-report measure) was similar to the change in HDRS this change was not significantly different in the two arms. = We observed maximum MDRTF cases in the age group of 2 - 5 years (30.6%) which was similar to other studies.表示实验标本制备从取标本:Samples of.were obtainedtaken from. = Reference values of C1r, C2, C5, C7, Properdin(备解素,裂解素), and factors D, H, and I and C3a and C5a have been determined in cord blood samples from healthy term newborns.取作测定.的标本:Samples for.were obtainedtaken from.在.条件下收集.:was collectedharvested under.conditions用.固定.:was fixed with.用染色:.was stained with.被包埋在:.was embedded in和以前一样(用以前介绍过的方法)制备的切片:Sections ofwere prepared as beforeas previously described在.超薄切片机上制作切片:Sections were cut on aultramicrotome被切成.厚的切片:was sectioned at a thickness of;.was sliced into sections.在.中脱水:was dehydrated in表达稀释、培养等 被稀释到:was diluted to =The immunoprecipitates were diluted to 1 ml with 1% Triton X-100/immunoprecipitation buffer with/without iodoacetamide (510 mM) and divided into aliquots,用.在(温度)保温.小时:.was incubated with.at.forhours = The cells were incubated at 37C in 5% CO2 for 3 days. = In some experiments, 0.1 ml of 2 mg/ml 6-19 mAb was incubated with 0.1 ml of various concentrations of non-cryogenic IgG3 mAb or PBS at 4C for 24 h.被种植在培养基中:.was grown in.medium 取出一份: An aliquot ofwas removed.被配制成悬浮液,浓度为:.was suspended toat a concentration of被保存在(温度):was stored at表示年龄与性别在某一年龄,如45岁:a 45-year-old patient;a patient aged 45(years);a patient 45 years of age;at the age of 45(years);at age 45. 在某一年龄以上,如45岁以上:overabovemore than the age of 45 years;overmore than 45 years of age;45 years of age and over;45 years of age or older;older than 45 years;aged over 45 years;aged 45 years and over 在某一年龄以下,如45岁以下:underbeforebelowless thanafter the age of 45(years);45 years of age and under;45 years of age or less;less than 45 years;younger than 45-year-old 年龄范围,如45与55岁之间:between the age of 45 and 55(years); from 45 to 55 years of age;have an age range of 45 to 55 years;aged 45 to 55 years;range in age from 45 to 55 years 平均年龄,如:with a mean age of 453 years;in both age groups (mean.months);with an average age of 45.4 years (range 2060) = The findings are based on analysis of data from 13,239 subjects, between 20 and 79 years of age, who participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1988 to 1994. = In some part of the U.S. as many as half of all women under age 35 have an active case. Yet 99 out 100 women who are HPV-positive will never get cervical cancer. = The fact that cases were included only if they were younger than 15 years of age might have excluded some teenagers and lowered the mean age of the sample. = The mean age of the neonates studied was 10.794.68 days. 性别比例:male-to-female ratio;with female-male ratio of 2:1; rats of both sexes;mixed-bred dogs of either sex = Declining frequency of circumcision: implication for changes in the absolute incidence and male to female ratio of UTI(泌尿道感染) in early infancy. = The signal-to-noise ratio of images obtained with an MR compatible incubator with a dedicated head coil(螺旋) is 2.3 times that of a standard MR coil in age-matched patients. = Of 93 children, 62(66.6%) were MDRTF. 24 cases were below 5 years, 26 between 5-10 years and 12 were above 10 years. Male to female ratio was 1.85: 1.表示诊断 通过.诊断为:.was diagnosed by.被诊断为.:.was diagnosed as.被诊断患.:was diagnosed with 根据作出.诊断:.was diagnosed according to. 对作出诊断:Diagnosis ofwas confirmedmadeestablished.漏诊:.missoverlook diagnosis of.被误诊为:.was misdiagnosed as;was mistaken for.是诊断.的依据:was diagnostic of = n a recent prospective study of infants younger than 3 months diagnosed with UTI, 22 of 45 infants (46%) had urinary tract abnormalities. = Subnormal respiratory burst function and intracellular killing has been observed in children diagnosed with myeloperoxidase(髓过氧物酶,绿过氧物酶), glutathione (谷胱甘肽) synthetase(合成酶), and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (脱氢酶 )deficiency. = Obstruction of passage of a catheter through esophagus in a newborn is mostly diagnosed as esophageal atresia (EA/食管闭锁) with or without tracheo esophageal fistula(瘘, 瘘管) (TEF). 表示治疗通过(用).治疗:be treated bywith. = The majority of milder cases of depression are assumed to be treated by the primary care staff with more severe cases being referred to behavioral health. = The patients with a presumptive pri5zQmptiv(假定的) clinical diagnosis of typhoid fever were initially treated with chloramphenicol chloramphenicol 9klR:rmfenikRl(氯霉素) (75 mg/Kg/day) by oral or intravenous route. 因治疗.:be treated for 首选治疗方法:the treatment of the first choice .受.治疗:.was on.therapy 门诊治疗:be treated on an outpatient basis 被转诊到.:.was referred to. = Those patients in need of care would be referred to an outpatient behavioral health clinic within the same building. = A 3-month-old girl was referred to the department of pediatrics,表示实验动物 饲养在:was bredfed in 用(在.条件下).饲养.:was maintained withunder 术前12小时禁食:.was fasted 12 hours prior to operation .用麻醉:.was anesthetized with .被关在笼内,随意喂以自来水和饲料:was caged,fed ad libitum with tap water anddiet.可随意饮水、进食:.was given access to food and water ad libitum 杂交羔羊,雌雄不分:crossbred lambs of either sex 本研究采用体重为雄性新西兰白兔;Male New Zealand white rabbits weighing between.and.were used for the study被断头(放血)处死:.was killed by decapitationcervical dislocationexsanguination 用处死:.was sacrificed with表示倍数和比例 一倍:onceone-fold;两倍:twicetwo-fold;3倍:three times;23倍:Two or three times2 or 3 times;25倍:two and a half times A的长度是B的3倍(A比B长两倍):A is 3 times as long as B;the length of A is 3 times the length of B;A is 3 times longer than B A增加了两倍(A增加到3倍):A increases 3 times 是.的两倍;twice as much as 动脉压可能同时升高到正常值的1 2/3倍。 The arterial pressure might rise simultaneously to about 1 2/3 times normal 左心室的厚度约为右心室的两倍。 The left ventricle has approximatel


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