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湘少版小学3-6年级英语复习提纲湘少版小学英语复习提纲(三年级下册) Unit 1词汇:how怎样 fine好的well很好 kind 友善的about关于 thanks=thank you谢谢句型:How are you ? 你好吗?Im fine.我很好.Im not very well .我不好.How are you ?/ How about you? /And you ?你呢?Im fine. too.我也很好.Im not very well.我不好.Unit2词汇:number 号码car 小汽车one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 zero 零句型:Whats your number?你的号码是多少?My number is five.我的号码是5号.Im number five.我的号码是5号.Im sorry .I dont know.对不起,我不知道.Is this number eight?这是8号吗?Yes, it is.是的No,it isnt.不是的Unit3词汇:old 老的 sick 生病的 please 请birthday 生日 how old 几岁句型:How old are you ? 你几岁了?Im six .我六岁.sit down please .请坐下Thank you !谢谢!Happy birthday 生日快乐Thank you . 谢谢.Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?My name is Cheng Lingshu. 我叫陈林舒.Im Cheng Lingshu. 我叫陈林舒.Unit4词汇:the 那个 time 时间 clock 钟表goodbye 再见eleven 十一 twelve 十二 oclock 点钟night 夜晚 day 白天句型:Whats the time ?几点了?Its eleven. 11点钟了.It is eleven oclock 11点钟了.Good night晚安Good night 晚安Look at the clock,please.请看钟.Unit5词汇:pen 钢笔 count 数 thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 twenty 二十 how many 多少句型:How many.are there?有多少如: How many rulers are there? 有多少尺子?There are four有4把.(注意:How many 后面用名词的复数形式)Unit6词汇: colour 颜色 red 红色 pink 粉红色blue 蓝色 yellow 黄色 white 白色green 绿色 cloud 云句型:What colour is this? 这个是什么颜色?或:What colour is this balloon?这个气球是什么颜色?It is red/pink/blue 是/红色/粉红色/蓝色Unit7词汇:food 食物 drink 饮料 cup 杯子 chopsticks 筷子 bowl 碗 plate 盘词型:This is 这是This isnt 这不是其中isnt 为 is not 的缩写必背的句型:This isnt my food. 这不是我的食物.Its your food.它是你的食物.This isnt my schoolbag.Its your schoolbag.这不是我的书包,它是你的书包.This is my drink.This isnt your drink.这是我的饮料,这不是你的饮料.Unit8词汇:banana 香蕉 mango 芒果 lemon 柠檬 market 市场 classroom 教室orange 橘子 pineapple 菠萝句型:Is this a mango? 这是一个芒果吗?Yes it is. 是的.No it isnt. 不是.This is a market .It isnt a classroom!这是市场,这不是教室.注意: a/an 表示一个.其中an用在元音开头的单词前。a用在辅音开头的单词前。如:an orange an apple a bananaUnit9词汇:like 喜欢 sunny 晴朗的 rain 雨 ice-cream 冰激凌 rainy 下雨的 warm 温暖的 hot 热的词型:What do you like? 你喜欢什么?I like 我喜欢必背的句子:I like the sun. 我喜欢太阳I dont like the rain. 我不喜欢雨I like a sunny / fine day 我喜欢晴朗的天气I like ice-cream. 我喜欢冰激凌Unit10词汇:cold 冷的 weather 天气 windy 有风的 snowy 下雪的 cloudy 多云的重点句型:Whats the weather like? 天气怎么样?It is windy/cloudy/rainy/sunny. 是有风的/多云的/下雨的/天晴的It is a windy/cloudy/rainy/sunny day是有风的/多云的/下雨的/天晴的必背句:I dont like this weather. 我不喜欢这个天气.I like fine days. 我喜欢晴朗的日子.I like rainy. 我喜欢下雨天.I dont like hot days. 我不喜欢很热的天气.How do you feel? 你觉得怎么样?I feel cold/hot/warm/cool.我觉得冷/热/暖和/凉爽.Unit11词汇:T-shirt T恤 they 他们(主格) beautiful 漂亮的 big 大的 trousers 裤子shorts 短裤 coat 外套 dress 套裙 shirt 衬衫重点句型:look at the 看 这必背;Look at the T-shirts.看这些T恤The blue trousers are nice.这条蓝色的裤子很好看.They are very nice.它们很漂亮.Unit12词汇:come to 来到 school 学校 them 他们 ship 轮船 by 乘坐 him 他 bus 公共汽车bicycle 自行车 train 火车重点短语:by plane 乘飞机 by car 乘小汽车 by bicycle 骑自行车 by train 乘火车 go to 去 come to 来重点句型:I go to school by bus. 我乘公共汽车去学校.I come to school by bicycle.我骑自行车来学校.Unit13词汇:shape 形状 circle 圆形 triangle 三角形 robot 机器人 square 正方形句型:What shape is this? 这是什么形状Its a triangle/circle/square 是三角形/圆形/正方形Unit14词汇:jumper 外套 mummy 妈妈 fit 适合 put on 穿上句型:Heres a jumper.这有一件外套.The weather is cold.天气很冷.I need a jumper.我需要一件外套.I like this jumper.我喜欢这件外套.I dont like it.我不喜欢它.It fit you.它适合你.Put it on.穿上它缩写形式It is=Its He is=Hes She is=Shes What is=Whats is not=isnt湘少版小学英语复习提纲四年级下册 Unit.1单词:a pair of 一双,一对 shoes鞋 cupboard柜厨 behind在后面 new新的 glasses眼镜句型:Wheres my new cap?我的新帽子在那里?It is in the cupboard在柜厨里It is on the bed在床上It is under the bed在床下It is behind the door 在门后面Where are my glasses?我的眼镜在哪里?They are on your head.在你的头上。Unit.2单词:in English 用英语 busy 忙碌 can能够 climb爬,攀登write 写 letter 信 cant=can not不能句型:Jimmy can climb. Jimmy 能爬。He can read. 他会读。Can you write in English?你能用英语写吗?Yes,I can. 是的,我能No, I cant. 不,我不能。Unit3单词:make 做 piano钢琴 bake 烤 pie 甜饼 mess 混乱 boat小船playing the piano 弹钢琴 baking a cake 烤蛋糕 making a kite 做风筝句型:Are you making a kite?你在做风筝吗?Yes, I am.是的 No, Im not.不是。Unit4单词:sleep sleeping睡觉 work working 工作 sweep sweeping扫 cook cooking做饭 paint painting画句型:Peter is writing. Peter正在写字。Peters mother is cooking. Peter的妈妈在做饭。Annes mother is sweeping. Anne的妈妈在扫地。Unit5单词:hop hopping单足跳 dance dancing跳舞 play basketball playing basketball 打篮球 skip skipping跳绳句型:Whats Anne doing? Anne正在干什么?Shes skipping. 她正在跳绳Shes climbing她正在爬山She is hopping.她正在单足跳Unit6单词:walk 走,散步 empty空的 go going去 come coming来 holiday 假日,假期 post office邮局句型:Where are you going?你要去哪里?Im going to school. 我正要去学校Im going to the post office.我正要去邮局。Unit7单词:Sunday 星期天 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 music 音乐lesson 课程 football足球句型:What day is it today?今天星期几?Today is Sunday. 今天星期天 Its SundayToday is Monday今天星期一 Its MondayToday is Tuesday .今天星期二Unit8单词:cool凉快的 spring 春天summer 夏天autumn 秋天 winter冬天句型:I like spring.我喜欢春天。 I like autumn. 我喜欢秋天。Spring is warm and nice.春天温暖而美好。Autumn is cool and nice.秋天凉爽而美好Whats the weather like today? 今天天气怎样?Its hot/cold.天气很热/很冷。Unit9单词:from 从,自 international 国际性的 camp 野营,营地 China 中国Canada加拿大 India 印度 France 法国 America 美国 Australia澳大利亚句型:Where are you from?你来自哪里?I come from Australia/China./Canada. 我来自澳大利亚/中国/加拿大Im from China/Canada/America.我来自中国/加拿大/美国Where is he/she from?他/她来自哪里?He/She comes from India. 他/她来自印度。Unit10单词:how much 多少 dollar美圆 pound 英镑 yuan 元 lollipop棒棒糖句型:How much is the apple?苹果多少钱?Its three yuan.3元钱。How much is the orange? 橘子多少钱?Its two yuan. 2元。Unit11单词:leg 腿foot(复数feet)脚 finger手指knee膝盖 puppet木偶 hold握住,拿着句型:I have a puppet.我有一个木偶。 I have a book我有一本书He/She has two feet.他/她有2只脚How many teeth do you have?你有多少颗牙齿?I have sixteen teeth.我有16颗牙齿。Unit12单词:ticket票 hurry 匆忙 shirt pocket衬衣口袋sock袜子a pair of socks一双袜子句型:Do you have a ticket?你有一张票吗?Have you got a ticket? 你有一张票吗?Yes,I have是的,我有No,I dont have it.不,我没有。语法:现在进行时概念:表示当前正在发生的动作或存在的状态。基本结构: be+V-ing(现在分词)例句: I am looking for my dog.我正在寻找我的狗He is singing.他正在唱歌She is running.她正在跑步We are reading.我们正在读书现在分词的构成:1.直接在词尾加ing; look-looking看 read-reading 读 listen-listening听 湘少版小学英语复习提纲五年级下册 一、单词.词组roof 屋顶taxi出租车subway地铁chimney 烟囱road道路zoo动物园race比赛sports运动会street街道yesterday昨天today今天sick生病的weekday平日corner 拐角hit击中naughty调皮的on foot 步行outside在外面post office邮局a strange man一位陌生人a storeroom一间仓库a television 一台电视机railway station火车站a metre 一米near the sofa在沙发附近beside a lamp在台灯旁边a ring一个戒指on top of在。顶部look for寻找Underwater World海底世界Yuelu Academy岳麓书院Hunan Provincial Museum湖南省博物馆above the tree 在树的上方in front of the car 在汽车前面Dont read in the bed. 不要在床上看书Dont talk in class. 不要在课堂上讲话Dont play on the road .不要在马路上玩Dont pick flowers in the park. 不要在公园里摘花shopping centre 购物中心mine我的his他的hers她的ours我们的theirs他们的yours你的、你们的January一月February二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月二、短语。注:默写on the roof 在房顶上in front of在前面look for 寻找above the tree 在树的上方be careful 小心by ship乘轮船taketo 带.去on foot步行come from来自search for 查寻go to 去on Tuesday在星期二give.to把给live in居住a pair of scissors一把剪刀in a cafe 在咖啡店put.in把放进三规则和不规则动词过去式。注:默写missmissedaskaskedreach-reachedmake-madesee-sawis/am-wasare-weredo-didgo-wentcome-cametake-tookhit-hithave/has hadgetgoteat-ate四基数词.序数词。注:默写one first-1sttwo-second-2ndthree-third-3rdfour-fourth-4thfive-fifth-5thsix-sixth-6thseven-seventh-7theight-eighth-8thnine-ninth-9thten-tenth-10th五名词性物主代词mine我的yours你们的,你的his他的hers她的ours我们的theirs他(她,它)们的六句型。1.肯定祈使句:Draw a cat on the roof .在屋顶上画一只猫。Sit down , please.请坐。2否定祈使句:A:Dont put your feet on the seat .不要把脚放在座位上。Dont do this .不要这样做。Dont talk in class.不要在课堂上讲话。B:sorry.对不起。3.There s a policeman near the post office.邮局附近有一个警察。4.A:Is there any car at the corner?在角落处有汽车吗?B:Yes, theres a car at the corner.是的.在角落处有一辆汽车。5.A:Where were you yesterday?昨天你/你们在哪里?B: I was in bed at home.我卧床在家。B:We went to the railway station.我们去了火车站。6.A:Who was first?谁是第一?B: Peter was first.彼得是第一。7.A:Was it in the wardrobe?它在衣柜里吗?B: Yes.it was .是,是的。B: No.it wasnt.不,它不在。8.A:Whens your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?B: Its on the fifth of march.它是在三月五号。9.A:Is that your pen?那是你的钢笔吗?B:No,thats not mine.不,那不是我的。10.A:Whats the matter?怎么了?B: Tony hit me.托尼打了我。11.A:Can you help me to look for it?你能帮我找找它吗?B: Ok/Of course.好的。12.A:What did she do?她做了什么?B: She threw something.她扔了东西。13.A:Where did you go?你们去了哪里?B:We went to the Yuelu Mountain.我们去了岳麓山。14.A:What time did you see him?你什么时候看见他了?B: I saw him at 9:15.我在9点15的时候看见他了。15.A:How did you come to the school?你是怎样来到学校的。B: I came by bus.我坐公共汽车来的。一、从下列单词中选出不同类的一项,并将其代号填入括号内.( )1.A.on B.beside C.street( )2.A.bus B.cat C.subway( )3.A.blue B.post office C.bus stop( )4.A.today B.yesterday C.station( )5.A.Sunday B.Monday C.Sunny( )6.A.fifth B.first C.road( )7.A.yellow B.white C.book( )8.A.cake B.sofa C.lamp( )9.A.July B.water C.February( )10.A.hers B.me C.yours二、根据问句选择合适的答句。( )1.Where was the rabbit? A.No,it wasnt.( )2.Was the bag on the desk? B.Tom( )3.Can you help me? C.Yes,with pleasure.( )4.Who was the first? D.It was in the box.( )5.Is there a man in the street? E.Yes,it is.( )6.Where is my pen? F.Yellow.( )7.How did you go to BeiJing? G.No.there isnt.( )8.What time did she go there? H.Its in the book.( )9.Is this a television? I.By train.( )10.What colour is the card? J.At about 11:00.三、情景反应.( )1.教室里很吵,老师会说:A.Dont talk in class. B.Talk in class.( )2.你做错了事,你会向别人说:A.Im Ok. B.Im sorry.( )3.当你问安妮在哪里,应该说?A.Whos Anne? B.Wheres Anne?( )4.当别人问你昨天在哪,别人应该怎么问?A.Where were you yesterday? B.Where are you?( )5.运动会刚结束,你想问老师谁是第一名,你会怎么问?A.Who was second? B.Who was first?( )6.你想告诉别人“这是我的”应该说:A.It was me. B.It was mine.( )7.别人问你一年中的第一个月是哪个月,你会怎么回答?A.June B.January( )8.当别人问你的生日是什么时候,应该怎么表达?A.When is your birthday? B.What is your birthday?四、单项选择.( )1.We went to school bus.A.take B.by C.at( )2.The show starts Sunday.A.at B.in C.on( )3. is your birthday?A.What B.When C.How( )4.Peter painted the paper a brush.A.with B.for C.use( )5.Anne to the national park yesterday?A.go B.went C.going( )6.Wheres book?A.my B.me C.I( )7. is the post office?Its near the school.A.What B.Where C.How( )8. it in the wardrobe?A.What B.Was C.How( )9.Give the bag me.A.at B.to C.with( )10.His birthday is the seventh of March.A.for B.in C.on五.根据句意选词填空。sleeping read be walk talk1. Dont in class.2.Dont late for school.3.Pease be quiet.The baby is .4.Dont on the grass.5.Dont in the sun . 湘少版小学英语复习提纲(六年级下册熟记书P61面的单词和短语.kid ood t ood ide picture wtch film lern sktin rink keep striht fll over try to coverenouh sell bookstore dictionry dirty mrk usefulof course erth liht Spce Museum lnd tlk interested similr sme hwker more fewer different less cross ner interestin butcher piece of bride nother better other drop most lest borinlibrrin spce Dron Bot Festivl rice dumplin fmous poet lunr month notice bus fre never mind ctch will wont wether forecst sty hte二选择1. Peter_ good at drawing.A am B is C are D has2. Anne is good_ swimming. A in B on C at D to3. Mingming is good at_. A skatesB skated C skatingD to skate4. Lets_ and watch a film. A go B goes C going D went5. She likes_ A jump B jumps C jumping D jumped6. Anne wanted_ A skateB skatingC to skateD skates7. Ling ling wants_ a kite A to fly B fly C flew D flies8. The basketball is_. I cant put it into the box. A enough big B too big9. The chair is_. You can carry it. A enough light B light enough10.Peter was very interested_ the film. A in B on C at D to11.This tree looks_ a dragon. A at B for C like D out of12.Once upon a time ,there_ a dog. A is B was C am D were13.Some stories are_ than others. A interesting B as interestingC more interestingD most interesting14.A butcher gave a piece_ meat to the dog. A of B at C on D to15.Tomorrow _ _rainy. A am B is C are D will be16.Ill take you to school_ bus. A at B take C in D by17.Ill stay_ home tomorrow. A at B in C to D for18.She_ to the skating rink yesterday. A go B goes C went19.-_ you got enough money? -No, I havent. A Have B Has C Had20.Our earth_ like this from space. A look B looks C looking21. Chinese is s s Enlish.Amore interestin BinterestinCmost interestin D the most interestin22.This apple is bigger_ that one. A this B than C then23.-Can you sing? -_. A Yes,I am B Yes,it is C Yes,I can24.Who has_ books, Anne or Peter? A most B less C fewer D least25.Peter can_ fast. A run B running C runs D to run三按要求写单词trtree(复数)foot(复数) swim(现在分词)_good(比较级)_go(过去式)_ _ big(比较级)_have(三单)_ interesting(最高级)_say(过去式)_ expensive(比较级)_tall(比较级)_ many(比较级)_ask(过去式)_ draw(现在分词)_ _watch(三单)_ child(复数)_ _will not(缩写)_ is not(缩写)_ _cannot(缩写) take(过去式)small(反义词)_ is(过去式)_ _hot(反义词) little(比较级) story(复数) write(现在分词)long(最高级) one(序数词)two(序数词) ten(序数词)四选择正确答案的序号完成句子.AhevyBpoet C remember D forecstElikeFsimilrenouhHlibrryIsmller J butcher1The moon is thn the sun.2My fther is listenin to the wether now.3There wont be rin tomorrow.4- Do you know bout Qu Yun? - Yes,I know. He is .nd he wrote mny fmous poems.5The two picture re ,but they re not the sme.6Anne hd not money to buy the dictionry.7The kite looks bird.8I bouht some met from the 9-Why do we et rice dumplins durin the Dron Bot Festivl? - To the deth of Qun Yun.10- Lets o to the . -OK, I wnt to borrow book,too.五1-A: How are you? -B: Im fine.2-A: Whats the weather like today? -B: Its rainy.3-A: What color is this pencil? -B: Its red.4-A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome.5-A: Wheres the cat? -B: Its in the kitchen.6-A: How many pens are there? -B: There are sixteen.7-A: Im sorry. B: Never mind.8-A: How old are you? -B: Im twelve.9-A: Can you swim? -B: Yes,I can./No, I cant.10-A: Are you sleeping? -B:Yes,I am./No,Im not.11-A: What are you doing? -B:Im writing.12-A: Whats the time? -B:Its six oclock.湘少版英语教材知识点总复习 1字母:(大小)辨认、书写顺序;元音字母:A a , Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu2. 数字:1999的基数词和序数词的运用,如计算、购物、时间、日期等。句型:Whats your number?Whats the time?How many pens are there?How old are you?How much is it?How tall are you?How heavy are you?What time do you get up?Whens your birthday?What time did you see him?3. 颜色:单词:red, pink, yellow, brown, blue, purple, orange, black, white, green.句型:What colour is it?Its red/green.Whats your favourite colour?My favourite colour is pink.4. 时间:年、季节、月、星期、日、时刻:Season( spring, summer, autumn, winter)Month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.Week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.Day: 1st May (the first of May), May 2nd ( May the second)句型:见话题2。5. 食品与饮料:人对食品与饮料的喜好;东西方食品。句型:I like biscuits.Id like a cold drink.Would you like some buns?Do you want some rice?This isnt my food.6. 服装:服装的颜色:人对服装的喜好;某人的穿戴;所属关系;位置等。句型:I like the green T-shirt.Wheres my new cap?Whos shirt is this?Is this your hat?7.物品:名词的单、复数;特点、颜色、所属关系;存在的位置(in, on, under, beside, behind, in front of, above, near, inside, outside)。玩具(toy car, doll, )文具(desk, book, bag ,pen, pencil, pencil-box, ruler, pencil sharpener,)句型:Whats this?What colour is it?Whose is this?This is my brothers painting.I have a puppet.Theres a car near the hospital.Was it in the wardrobe?Is there a book on the desk?Thats not mine.8.动物和植物:cat, dog, duck, fish, sheep, bird, panda, monkey, rabbit, hen , cock, chick, tiger, lion, pig, cow , mouse (mice), elephant, ladybird, puppy, tree, flower, rose,9. 建筑与场所:factory, hospital, park, house, library, museum, office, farm, post office, bank, police station, railway station, bookstore, school, classroom, skating rink, caf, house(bathroom, living-room, sitting-room, bedroom, kitchen),garden10. 身体:head, hair, eye, nose, ear, mouth, neck, hand, finger, foot(feet) ,toe外貌: fat, thin, tall, short, old, young, two big blue eyes, long hair, short hair, black hair. 句型:This is my nose.Touch your head.Raise your arm.11. 个人情况:姓名、年龄、地址、特点与爱好。句型:Im twelve years old.My hobby is reading.I like music.Im interested in space.My name is Peter.Im tall and thin.Do you have any hobbies?12. 家庭、亲属和朋友:姓名、年龄、地址、职业、特点与爱好、与你的关系family, grandfather(grandpa/granddad), grandmother(grandma/grand mum), father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, friend.句型:Whos he? Hes my father.Hes a doctorHe likes playing games.My father helps me.Is he a soldier?Whats he?13. 学校:学校建筑和学校生活。school, classroom, library, playground, Chinese, maths , English, music, computer, PE, art, science,句型:When do you go to school?What time do you have English?14. 情绪和身体状态:happy, sad, tired, angry, shy, sorry, well, sick,句型:Im sick.Im happy.We are sorry. I feel sad.15. 社交礼仪:礼貌用语;询问与应答。句型:问候Hello./ Hi.Good morning/afternoon/evening.How are you?How do you do? Glad to meet you./ Nice to meet you.介绍My name isIm a pupil.Im 12.This is our teacher, Miss Chen. He is from Japan.道别Goodbye./Bye.See you.Good night.道谢Thank you./Thanks.Youre welcome.道歉Sorry.Im sorry.Excuse me.请求Can I have a puppy?Can I borrow a pencil?Yes, please.Of course.祝愿Happy birthday.Merry Christmas.提供帮助Can I help you?What can I do for you?Whats the matter?寻求帮助和建议What can I do?用餐Do you want some soup?Would you like some rice?Id like a cold drink.购物Which one do you want?


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