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1 2018 年新版八年级上册 1 10 单元 课文 翻译 英语 Go for it 八年级上册 1 10 单元 课文 翻译 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation P 2 你去哪儿度假了 Unit 2 How often do you exercise P4 你多久锻炼一次 Unit 3 I m more outgoing than my sister P6 我比我的姐妹外向 Unit 4 What s the best movie theater P8 最好的电影院是哪家 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show P 10 2 你想看个游戏节目吗 Unit 6 I m going to study computer science P 12 我打算学习计算机科学 Unit 7 Will people have robots P 14 人们将会有机器人吗 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake P16 你怎样制作香蕉奶昔 Unit 9 Can you come to my party P18 你能来我的聚会吗 Unit 10 If you go to the party you ll have a great time P20 如果你去参加聚会的话 你将会玩得非常高兴 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 你去哪儿度假了 Section A 1b P1 Conversation 1 对话 1 Xiang Hua Hey Tina Where did you go on vacation 嘿 蒂娜 你 去哪儿度假了 Tina I went to the mountains with my family 我和家人去爬山了 Xiang Hua Did everyone have a good time 大家都玩得开心吗 Tina Oh yes Everything was excellent Where did you go Xiang Hua 哦 是的 一切都很棒 你去哪儿了 项华 Xiang Hua I went to New York City 我去了纽约市 Conversation 2 对话 2 Girl Where did you go on vacation Sally 莎莉 你去哪儿度假了 Sally Nothing I just stayed at home 没有 我只是呆在家里 Girl And did you do anything interesting Bob 你做了什么有趣的 事吗 鲍勃 Bob Yes I visited my uncle We went fishing but we didn t get any fish 是的 我看望了我叔叔 我们去钓鱼了 但是没钓到鱼 Conversation 3 对话 3 Boy Did you go anywhere on vacation Tom 汤姆 假期你去了什 么地方吗 Tom I went to summer camp 我去了夏令营 3 Boy Did you go with anyone 你和别人去的吗 Tom Yes I went with my friends Everyone had a great time 是的 我和朋友们一起去的 大家都过得很高兴 2a 2b P2 Conversation 1 Boy Where did you go on vacation Grace 格蕾丝 你去哪儿度假 了 Grace I went to New York City 我去了纽约市 Boy Oh really Did you go with anyone 啊 真的吗 你和别人去 的吧 Grace Yes I went with my mother 是的 我和我母亲一起去的 Boy Did you go to Central Park 啊 真的吗 你去了中央公园没 Grace Yes I did It was really nice 是的 我去了 那真的不错 Boy Did you buy anything special 你买了什么特别的东西吗 Grace Yes I bought something for my father 是的 我给我父亲买 了点东西 Boy Oh really What 哦 真的吗 是什么 Grace I bought him a hat 我为他买了顶帽子 Conversation 2 Girl Where did you go on vacation Kevin 凯文 你去哪儿度假了 Kevin I went to the beach 我去了海滩 Girl Oh that s nice Did you play volleyball 哦 那倒不错 你打 排球了没 Kevin No I didn t 不 我没打 Girl Well did you swim 那么 你游泳了吗 Kevin Yes I did The water was really warm 是的 我游了 水真 的很暖 Girl How was the food 食物怎么样 Kevin Everything tasted really good 每样东西都很好吃 Girl Did you meet anyone interesting 你有没有遇到有趣的人 Kevin Yes I met some very interesting people 是的 我遇到了一 些非常有趣的人 Conversation 3 Boy Where did you go on your vacation Julie 朱莉 你去哪儿度 假了 Julie I stayed at home 我一直呆在家里 Boy Oh So did you do anything interesting 哦 那你有没有做什 么有趣的事 4 Julie No I didn t 不 我没有 Boy Did you study for your tests 你有没有为测验而学习呢 Julie Yes I did 是的 我有 Boy Did you go out with anyone 你有没有和谁出去呢 Julie No No one was here Everyone was on vacation 不 没人在 这里 所有人都在度假 2d Rick Hi Helen Long time no see 嗨 海伦 好久不见 Helen Hi Rick Yes I was on vacation last month 嗨 里克 是的 我上个月去度假了 Rick Oh did you go anywhere interesting 哦 你去了有趣的地方 吗 Helen Yes I went to Guizhou with my family 是的 我和家人一起 去了贵州 5 Unit 2 How often do you exercise 你多久锻炼一次 Section A 1b P9 Reporter What do you usually do on weekends 你周末通常做什么 Girl 1 I sometimes go shopping 我有时去购物 Boy 1 I never go shopping I usually watch TV 我从不购物 我通常 看电视 Boy 2 I always exercise 我总是做运动 Girl 2 I often help with housework 我经常帮忙做家务 Reporter How about you 你呢 Girl 3 I hardly ever watch TV I always read 我几乎不看电视 我总 是看书 Reporter Oh why is that 哦 为什么呢 Girl 3 Oh I don t know I guess I just like books 哦 不知道 我 猜我只是喜欢书 2a 2b P10 Reporter So Cheng Tao how often do you watch TV 那么 程涛 你多久看一次电视 6 Cheng Tao Hmm about twice a week I guess 嗯 我想大约一 周两次吧 Reporter Uh huh And how often do you read 嗯哼 那你多久读 一次书 Cheng Tao Oh I read every day at school 哦 我每天都在学校读 书 Reporter How often do you go to the movies 你多久看一次电影 Chen Uh let s see maybe once a month 嗯 让我想想 大概一个月一次 Reporter How often do you exercise 你多久锻炼一次 Cheng Tao Oh I exercise about three times a week 哦 我一周大 约锻炼三次 Reporter How often do you shop 你多久购物一次 Cheng Tao Shop I shop about about twice a month 购物 我大 概 一个月购物两次 2d Jack Hi Claire are you free next week 嗨 克莱尔 你下周有空 吗 Claire Hmm next week is quite full for me Jack 嗯 我下周都 安排满了 杰克 Jack Really How come 真的吗 怎么会呢 Claire I have dance and piano lessons 我得上舞蹈课和钢琴课 Jack What kind of dance are you learning 你在学什么种类的舞蹈 7 2b P13 What Do No 5 High School Do in Their Free Time 起锻炼时 你可以陪着朋友家人 请记住 旧习难改 因此 趁着时机还不晚 赶快开始锻炼吧 Unit 3 I m more outgoing than my sister 我比我的姐妹外向 Section A 1b P17 Conversation 1 Boy 1 Is that Sam playing the guitar 是萨姆在弹吉他吗 Girl No that s Tom Sam has longer hair than Tom 不 那是汤姆 萨姆的头发比汤姆的长 Boy 2 Both Tom and Sam can play the drums but Sam plays them better than Tom 汤姆和萨姆都会打鼓 但萨姆比汤姆打得好 Conversation 2 Boy That s Tara isn t 那是塔拉 不是吗 Girl No it isn t It s Tina Tina is taller than Tara And she also sings more loudly than Tara 不 不是 是蒂娜 蒂娜比塔拉高 而且她还唱得比塔拉大声 Conversation 3 Boy Is that Paul 那时保罗吗 Girl No that s Peter Peter s heavier than Paul And Paul s shorter than Peter 不 那是彼得 彼得比保罗胖 而保罗比彼得 矮 2a 2b P18 Interviewer Tina do you think you are different from your sister Tara 蒂娜 你认为你和你的姐妹塔拉不同吗 Tina Oh sure We look similar but we re very different 哦 当然 我们看起来像 但非常不同 Interviewer Really In what ways are you different 真的吗 你们什 么方面不同 Tina Well I m more outgoing than Tara I m friendlier and funnier too And I love sports 好的 我比塔拉更外向 我还更友 善 更有趣 而且我热爱运动 Tara Yes she can run faster and jumper higher than me 是的 她 能比我跑得更快 跳得更高 Interviewer Who s more hard working at school 谁在学校更勤 奋 Tara Tina thinks she works harder than me but I work as hard as Tina But she s smarter than me 蒂娜认为她比我更努力 但我 和她一样努力 不过她比我聪明 8 Tina Not really I think I m lazier than Tara She always gets up earlier than me 不是真的 我认为我比塔拉懒 她总是比我早起 2d Unit 4 What s the best movie theater 最好的电影院是哪家 Section A 1b P25 Conversation 1 Jack Hi Anna Do you want to go to the movies 嗨 安娜 你想 去看电影吗 Anna Hi Jack Yes let s see a movie 嗨 杰克 是的 咱们去看 电影吧 Jack What s the best movie theater to go to 去哪家电影院最好 Anna Town Cinema It s the closest to home 城镇电影院 它离 家最近 Jack Yes but what about the long waiting time to get movie tickets 是的 但是为了拿到电影票所等待的漫长时间又怎么办呢 Anna Don t worry There are a lot of people working there You can buy tickets the most quickly at Town Cinema 别担心 有许多 人在那儿工作 在城镇电影院你可以最快地买到票 Conversation 2 Ken Hi Julie 嘿 朱莉 Julie Hi Ken How are you 嘿 肯 你好吗 Ken Good thanks Do you want to watch a movie 挺好的 谢谢 你想看电影吗 Julie Sure 当然 Ken Is there a good movie theater near here 这附近有好的电影院 吗 Julie Yes Screen City It s the most popular one near here and it has the best sound 有 大荧幕影视城 它是这附近最受欢迎的 而且它有最佳的音效 Ken Sounds good Let s go 听起来不错 我们走吧 Conversation 3 9 Barry Hi Jill Do you want to see a movie 嗨 吉尔 你想看电影 吗 Jill Hi Barry Yes a great idea 嗨 巴里 是的 好主意 Barry Do you know a good movie theater 你知道好的电影院吗 Jill Yes there s one not far from here 是的 离这儿不远有一个 Barry What s it called 叫什么名字 Jill It s called Movie World It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats 叫电影世界 它有最大的银幕和最舒适的座位 2a 2b P26 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show 你想看个游戏节目 吗 Section A 1b P33 Mark Hey Jack I plan to watch TV tonight Do you want to join me 嘿 杰克 我今晚打算看电视 你想和我一起吗 Jack Sure What do you want to watch 当然 你想看什么 Mark Well what do you think of talk shows 嗯 你认为访谈节目 怎么样 Jack I don t mind them but sometimes they can be a bit boring 我不介意它们 不过有时候它们可能有点无聊 Mark That s true Do you want to just watch the news 那倒是真 的 你想要只是看看新闻吗 Jack I guess so Maybe we can watch that new talent show after the news I usually can t stand talent shows but that one is quite funny 我想是吧 也许我们可以看看新闻之后那个新的才艺节目 通常 我无法忍受才艺节目 但是那个相当有趣 Mark OK sure but the soccer game starts at 5 00 p m 好吧 当然 但是足球比赛下午 5 点开始 Jack Oh yeah I want to watch that game too 哦 是的 我也想 看那场比赛 2a 2b P34 Sally Hi Lin Hui What are you watching 嗨 林辉 你在看什么 10 Lin Hui Hey Sally I m watching a really funny sitcom 嘿 萨莉 我在看一部确实很有趣的情景喜剧 Sally Oh I don t like sitcoms What can you expect to learn from them I like to watch the news or talk shows 哦 我不喜欢情景喜 剧 你能期望从它们中学到什么 我喜欢新闻或者访谈节目 Lin Hui Watching sitcoms is a great way to relax You can learn some great jokes too 看情景喜剧是种很棒的放松方式 你还能学到些 不错的笑话 Sally Well I like shows that are more educational I think even game shows are better than sitcoms You can try to guess the answers to the questions 嗯 我喜欢更有教育意义的节目 我认为甚至是游 戏节目都比情景喜剧更好 你可以尽力去猜那些问题的答案 Lin Hui Then what do you think of soap operas 那么你认为肥皂剧 怎么样 Sally Oh umm well I know you can t expect to learn much from soap operas but I have to say I love watching them I plan to watch Days of Our Past tonight 哦 嗯 好吧 我知道你不能指望从肥 皂剧中学到很多 但是我得说我爱看它们 今晚我打算看 我们 过去的日子 2d Unit 6 I m going to study computer science 我打算学习计算机 科学 Section A 1b P41 Conversation 1 Boy Tina what do you want to be when you grow up 蒂娜 你长 大后想做什么 Tina Hmm I think I want to be a computer programmer 嗯 我认 为我想当一位编程人员 Boy Wow Sounds difficult How are you going to do that 哇 听起 来很难 你打算怎样做到呢 Tina I m going to study computer science 我打算学习计算机科 学 Conversation 2 Girl Larry what do you want to be when you grow up 拉里 你长 大后想做什么 Larry I love basketball so I want to be a basketball player 我热爱篮 11 球 所以我打算当一名篮球运动员 Girl How are you going to do that 你打算怎么去做 Larry I m going to practice basketball every day 我打算每天练习 篮球 Conversation 3 Boy What do you want to be when you grow up 你长大后想做什 么 Girl I want to be an engineer 我成为一名工程师 Boy I see but how are you going to do that 我知道了 但你打 算怎么去做 Girl I m going to study math really hard 我打算真正努力地学习 数学 Conversation 4 Tina What do you want to be when you grow up 你长大后想做什 么 Boy I want to be an actor because I want a job that s fun 我想成 为一名演员 因为我想要一份有趣的工作 Tina Cool How are you going to do that 真酷 你打算怎么去做 呢 Boy I m going to take acting lessons 我打算上表演课 2a 2b P42 Girl What do you want to be when you grow up Cheng Han 程寒 你长大后想做什么 Cheng Han I want to be a teacher 我想成为一名教师 Unit 7 Will people have robots 人们将会有机器人吗 Section A 1b P49 Boy 1 Do you think people will have robots in their homes in 100 years 你认为 100 年后人们的家里会有机器人吗 Boy 2 Yes I do I saw a robot on TV and it cleaned the kitchen 是的 我认为会 我在电视上见过机器人 它能打扫厨房 Boy 1 Well I don t think people will use money 我认为人们不会 再用钱 Boy 2 Do you think everything will be free 你认为每样东西都会免 费吗 12 Boy 1 Yeah probably 是的 很可能 Boy 2 I think there will be only one country 我认为将会只有一个 国家 Boy 1 Only one country in the world Will there be world peace 全 世界只有一个国家吗 未来会和平吗 Boy 2 I hope so 我希望如此 Boy 1 I think kids won t go to school They ll study at home on computers 我认为孩子们不再去学校 他们将在家通过电脑学习 Boy 2 Oh I disagree 哦 我不同意 Boy 1 You do 你不同意 Boy 2 Yeah there will always be schools 是的 学校一直会有的 2a 2b P50 Ms Steen OK now I want to hear everyone s predictions about the future 好的 现在我想听一下大家对未来的预测 Girl 1 Well I think there will be more people 我认为将会更多的人 口 Ms Steen More people OK What else 更多人口 好的 其他同 学 Boy 1 I think that there will be less free time 我认为空闲的时间将 会更少 Ms Steen I hope not 我希望不会 Girl 2 Well I think there will be fewer cars 嗯 我认为汽车将会更 少 Ms Steen You do 是吗 Girl 2 Yes people will use the subways more 是的 人们将会更多 地搭乘地铁 Ms Steen That s a great idea Let s hear another prediction 那是个 好主意 让我们听听另外一个预测 Boy 2 There will be less pollution 污染将会更少 Ms Steen That will be good for the earth 那样会有益于地球环境 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake 你如何制作香蕉 奶昔 Section A 1b P57 Boy 1 I m hungry Let s make a banana milk shake 我饿了 我们 13 制作香蕉奶昔吧 Boy 2 How do you make a banana milk shake 你怎样制作香蕉奶 昔 Boy 1 Well first peel three bananas 好吧 首先把三个香蕉剥皮 Boy 2 Three bananas 三个香蕉吗 Boy 1 Yes Then cut up the bananas 是的 然后把香蕉切碎 Boy 2 OK I m finished 好的 我完成了 Boy 1 Now put the bananas and ice cream in the blender Then pour the milk into the blender 现在把香蕉和冰激凌倒进搅拌器 然后 再把牛奶倒进搅拌器里 Boy 2 Is this enough milk 这牛奶够吗 Boy 1 I guess so Next turn on the blender Finally pour the milk shake into a glass and drink it 我想够了 接下来打开搅拌器电源 最后 把奶昔倒进杯里喝掉 2b 2c P58 Girl 1 Let s make fruit salad 我们来做水果沙拉吧 Girl 2 OK Do you have bananas 好的 你有香蕉吗 Girl 1 Yes I do How many bananas do we need 是 我有 我们需 要几个香蕉呢 Girl 2 We need three bananas 我们需要三个香蕉 Girl 1 That sounds about right What else 那听起来不错 还要什 么呢 Girl 2 Watermelon 西瓜 Girl 1 How many watermelons 多少西瓜 Girl 2 Oh only one small watermelon And we need some honey 哦 只要一个小西瓜 还有我们需要蜂蜜 Girl 1 How much honey do we need 我们需要多少蜂蜜 Girl 2 Let s see Two spoons 让我想想 两勺 Girl 1 Right What else 好的 还要什么呢 Girl 2 Apples 苹果 Girl 1 How many apples do we need 我们需要多少苹果 Girl 2 Two should be enough And yogurt 两个应该够了 还要酸 奶 Girl 1 How much yogurt do we need 我们需要多少酸奶 Girl 2 A cup Now what else do we need Oh do you have any oranges 一杯 现在我们还需要什么 哦 你有橙子吗 Girl 1 I think so How many oranges do we need 我想有 我们需 要几个橙子 14 Girl 2 Only one This is going to taste good 只要一个 这样味道就 很会很好了 2d Unit 9 Can you come to my party 你能来我的聚会吗 Section A 1b P65 Sun Ning Hey Ted Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon 嘿 特德 你能来我在周六下午的聚会吗 Ted I m sorry I can t Sun Ning I have to help my parents 抱歉 孙宁 我不能 我得帮我的父母 Sun Ning Too bad How about you Jenny Can you come to my party 太糟了 珍妮 你呢 你能来我的聚会吗 Jenny I d love to 我很乐意去 Sun Ning Tim What about you 蒂姆 你呢 Tim When is it 什么时候 Sun Ning Saturday afternoon 周六下午 Tim Oh no I can t I have to study for an exam 哦 不 我去不 了 我得备考 Sun Ning What about you Wilson 威尔逊 你呢 Wilson Sorry I must go to the doctor 对不起 我必须去看医生 Sun Ning Anna can you come 安娜 你能来吗 Anna I can t Sun Ning I might have to meet my friend 我不能 孙宁 我可能得去见我的朋友 Kay I can t either Sun Ning I have the flu 我也不行 孙宁 我 得流感了 Sun Ning That s too bad Kay Oh maybe next time What a small party 那太糟了 凯 哦 也许下一次吧 多么小型的聚会啊 2a 2b P66 Conversation 1 Anna Hi Jeff Can you come to my party on Saturday 嗨 杰夫 你能来我周六的聚会吗 Jeff I m sorry I m not free I might have to meet my friend on Saturday 抱歉 我没时间 我可能得在周六去看我的朋友 15 Conversation 2 Anna Hello Marry Can you come to my on Saturday 你好 玛丽 你能来我周六的聚会吗 Unit 10 If you go to the party you ll have a great time 如果你去参加聚会的话 你将玩得非常高兴 Section A 1b P73 Conversation 1 Peter Hi John What will you wear to the party 你好 约翰 你想 穿什么去参加聚会 John I think I ll wear jeans to the patty 我想穿牛仔裤去参加聚会 Peter That s not a good idea If you do the teachers won t let you in 那不是个好主意 如果你那么穿 老师不会让你进的 John Really 真的吗 Peter Yes 是的 John Then I ll wear my smart trousers 那么我将穿我的时尚长裤 Peter Good idea 好主意 Conversation 2 Mary Hi Sam Will you go to the party 嗨 萨姆 你将要去聚会 吗 Sam No I think I ll stay at home 不 我想我将留在家里 Mary Oh why If you do you ll be sorry 哦 为什么 如果你这 么做 你将会遗憾的 Sam Yes I know But my friends won t go 是 我知道 但我的 朋友们将不会去 Mary Well I ll go You can come with me 嗯 我会去 你可以 和我一起来 Sam OK 好的 Conversation 3 Mark Hey Alice Will you take a taxi to the party 嘿 艾丽斯 你 16 将搭出租车去聚会吗 Alice Hi Mark No I think I ll take the bus to the party 嗨 马克 不 我想我会坐公共汽车去聚会 Mark The bus If you do you ll be late 公共汽车吗 如果你这么 做 你会迟到 Alice Yes I know But a taxi is expensive 是 我知道 但出租车贵 Mark Well We can take a taxi together That ll be cheaper 嗯 我们可以一起打的 那样会便宜点 Alice OK That s a great idea 好吧 是个好主意 Conversation 4 罗伯特 亨特就常见问题对学生们提出建议 他与劳拉有相 同的感觉 最好不要逃避我们的问题 我们应该一直尽力去解 决它们 他认为第一步是要找到一个你信任的人来谈谈 这 人不需要像他一样是个专家 学生们常常忘记他们的父母有更多 的经验 而随时会去帮助他们 在英语中 我们说与人分担一个 问题就像把问题分成两半 因此 你只要跟人聊聊这个问题 你 就已经解决了问题的一半


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