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Module 1 Getting to know youUnit 1 Hello againPeriod OneTeaching contents: Look and say & Look and talkTeaching aims :1. Basic aims :a. Using nouns to identify people. e.g. Kittys my classmate.b. Using demonstratives to refer to people. e.g. This is my c. Using possessive adjectives. e.g. This is our dog.2. Developing aims:a. Using possessive adjectives to show possession.b. Using formulaic expressions to greet people and respond to greetings, introduce others and take leave.c. Free talk.3.Education aims: Greet people and introduce oneself politely.Difficult and key points:1. Introducing someone to someone else.2.Possessive adjectives.Teaching aids: pictures, word cards, cassette player, and soft toy animalsTeaching Procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1.Rhyme (Two fat boys in the rain)2.Song (Good morning)Pre-task preparation1.Revision2.Presentation1.Using two soft toy animals to review the greetings and response. Cat: Good morning. How are you? Dog: Im fine, thanks.2. Move round the class and greet individual students using Good morning. How are you?3. Ask students to greet each other in pairs.1. Use glove puppets to identify people. Introduce: Ben, Kitty, Eddie, and Wendy.2. Guess: Who is Wendy? to elicit: Shes Eddies sister. While-task procedure1.Introduce: classmate2.Introduce:our3. Listen and answer1. Invite one student to stand up. Say: He/She is your classmate. Youre classmates.2. Imitation (Show the word card) Ask students to read the word several times.3. Invite a different student to stand up. Ask: Whats his/her name? Prompt the students to say: This is my classmate. His/Her names _.4. Substitution: In groups of four, have students introduce their classmates.1. Show the toy dog. Ask: Whose dog is this? to elicit: Its Kitty and Bens dog.2. Play the cassette: This is our dog. His names Sam.3. Imitation: a. Show the word card. Ask students to read the word.b. Play the cassette again. The students listen and repeat.4. Sentence making: e.g. This is our friend/classmate/teacher. His/Her names _.1. Play the cassette: Look and say. The students listen carefully.2. Answer the questions: Whos Eddies classmate? Whos Wendy? Whose cat is this? Whats the cats name?3.Play the cassette again. The students listen and repeat.Post-task activities1. Production2. Assignment1. In groups of four, have the students practice the dialogue.2. Play a game (Look and talk)a. Write the numbers on the back of the word card. b. Students choose the different numbers.c. Then ask students to complete the dialogue according to their cards.3. Free talk Encourage students to introduce their pets, their classmates using their own name and their toy animals.1. Introduce your parents using This is His/Her names2.Write about one of your classmates. 课后随笔成功经验 板书设计 思考与对策Period Two Teaching contents: Read a story & Learn the soundTeaching Aims:1. Basic aims:a. Using verbs to describe actions. e.g. run, swim, jump b. Using modals to talk about ability. e.g. She can run.c. Using connectives to link contrasting ideas e.g. But she cant cook.d. Saying the sound ch- 2. Developing aims: a. Read and act the story b. Talking about ability.c. Write a simple story.Teaching aids: pictures, word cards, cassette player, and maskTeaching Procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up Song (I can sing)Pre-task preparation1. Revision2. Presentation1. Say and act: sing, draw, write2. Sentence making:e.g. I can draw a dog. I can sing a song.1. Put on the mask. Ask: Do you know him? to elicit: He is a Superman. 2. Encourage students to describe Superman.e.g. Hes strong. Hes brave/super.While-task procedure1.Introduce:run, jump, swim, dive, fly2.Introduce: cook, 3.Read the story1. Ask students to guess what Superman can do.2. Put the word and picture cards on the board in random order. Using mine, introduce: run, swim, jump, dive, and fly.3. Read the words with actions.4. Invite individual students to come out and match the words and pictures.5. Invite students to say what Superman can do.e.g. He can run. He can dive.1. Ask students what they think Superman cant do.2. Using mime, introduce: cook3. Introduce: Superman can fly. But he cant cook.4. Sentence making: e.g. I can sing. But I cant fly.1. Ask: Do you like Superman?to elicit: Alice likes Supergirl. Shes reading a story about Supergirl. 2. Ask students what they think Supergirl can or cannot do.3. Play the cassette. The students listen and check their guesses.4. Play the cassette again. The students listen and repeat. Post-task activities1. Production2. Learn the sound3. Assignment1.True or FalseAsk students to read the statements in Read and answer. Do number 1 and number 2 with the students to help them understand the words True and False. Then ask them to finish the rest of the exercise.2. Invite students to retell the story. 3. Draw and writeDivide students into groups of four. Have them draw a picture of their favourite cartoon character and write the caption underneath. Then talk about each drawing.1. Have students repeat the sound and words after you.2. Play the cassette. Students listen and repeat.3.Invite individual students to read aloud the sentences.1. Retell the story.2. Write a story about your favourite cartoon character.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period Three Teaching contents: Look and say & Ask and answerTeaching aims:1.Basic aims:a. Using verbs to describe actions. e.g. paint, read b. Using interrogatives to ask yes/no -questions to obtain simple responses. e.g. Can you swim?c. Using modals to talk about ability. e.g. Yes, I can. / No, I cant.2 .Developing aims: a. Asking about ability.b. Do a survey in class.3.Education aims: Talking about ability to establish friendly relations with your classmates.Teaching aids: pictures, word cards, cassette player,Teaching Procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1. Song2. Responding to simple instructions e.g. Sing a song. Draw a circle.Pre-task preparation1. Revision2.PresentationInvite individual students to come to the board and choose a Picture Card and mime whether they can do or cant do a particular action. The rest of the class say: He/She can/cantInvite individual students to stand up. Point to the pictures and ask: Can you ? And prompt them to use: Yes, I can. /No, I cant. to answer your questions.While-task procedure1. Introduce: paint2.Introduce: read3. Listen and say1. Introduce: paint by miming a painting action, and then stick the Word and Picture Cards on the board.2. Read the word with action.3. Ask individual students: Can you paint? to elicit: Yes, I can./No, I cant,4. Ask and answer in pairs.1. Draw a picture on the board. Ask: What can she do? to elicit: She can read.2. Read the word in different voices.3. Ask individual students: Can you read? What can you read? to elicit: I can read English/a story.1. Play the cassette: Look and say. Students listen.2. Play the cassette again. The students follow in their books and, in groups of four, practice the dialogue.3. Invite individuals to read the dialogue to the class.Post-task activities1. Production2.Assignment1. Show a photo album. Tell students that it is your album. Encourage them to ask about your photograph using Can you ?2. Students work in pairs using the pictures in Ask and answer to find out what their partner can and cannot do.3. Do a survey:Ask students to walk around the class and interview three to five classmates. Students are to find their classmates who can or cannot do a certain thing.Invite individual students to report back to the class.1. Complete Workbook page two.2. Write about your ability using I can课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 How old are you? Period OneTeaching contents: Look and say. Ask and answerTeaching aims:1. Basic aim: 能听懂,会说,会读本课对话. E.g. How old ? Happy birthday. Thank you.2Education aim: 会相互询问对方年龄,庆贺对方生日,增进感情。3Developing aim: 能运用本科知识,在一定的语境中进行扩散性的对话。Difficult and key points:1. 会询问对方的年龄,说出对方的年龄。2. 灵活运用所学知识进行情景会话。Teaching aids: pictures , cards , tape Teaching procedure:Procedure Contents MethodsWarming-up1, Rhymee.g.One,two,three,four.Come in,please. Close the door. Five,six,seven,eight. Look at the clock. You are very late Nine,ten. Dont be late for school Again.2. SongThe numbersPre-task preparation1.Revision1.Introduce: Supergirl, your friend1.( Show the picture of Supergirl.) T: Do you like Supergirl? T: Can you introduce her?2. Please introduce your good friend for us. 2.Ask and answer3. T: Can you? P: Yes, I can. (No, I cant.)2.presentati-on3. questions4. T: Can you draw a cake? P: Yes, I can draw a cake. T: Can you draw it on the board? P: Yes ( Ask four students to draw.) T: Can you draw candles on the cake? .While-taskProcedure1.Mechanica-l practice1. Learn to say: Happy birthday.1. ( Show four childrens face on the board.)T: Today is those childrens birthday.Introduce: Hes Paul. Today is his birthday. Hes nine today. Happy birthday, Paul.2. For more able students, use guided questions to prompt them to say the above lines. For example: Whats his/her name? How old is he/she? Then, have the whole class say: Happy birthday, ( name ).2. practice How old?T; How old are you?Pa: Im How old are you?Pb: Im How old are you?Pc: 3. Cassette1. Look and say.Have students listen and repeat. Then invite pairs of students to do simple role-plays using the dialogue.2. Ask and answer.Count the candles with the students. Ask: How old are you? to elicit: Shes nine. Have pairs of students take turns to ask and answer.2.Meaningful practiceDo a surveyTask: Boys, listen. Who is nine? Put your hand up, etc. Then write the correct numbers in the boxes.Post-task activity1.Production1. A memory game. How old is he/she?1. Divide students into groups of four.2. One student asks the others of four.How old are you?3. The other groups ask: How old is ? The student answers : Hes/Shes 4. The student with the most correct answer wins the game.3. Free talk.e.g. Hello, Im Nice to see you. Whats your name? How old are you?Ps: Have a short dialogue. Then work in pairs.2.Assignment1. Use “ How old ?” to get some information.2. Complete Grammar Practice Book 4A page4.Writing: picture1 picture2 picture3 picture4 birthday Happy birthday, Paul. Thank you. How old are you? Im How old is he/she? Hes/Shes Period TwoTeaching contents: Look and sayTeaching Aims:1. Basic aim: 能听懂,会读,会说本课对话。2. Education aim: 初步了解做生日贺卡的步骤的简单用语。3. Developing aim: 能灵活运用生日用语进行交际性的情景会话。Difficult and key points:1. 本课对话的掌握及制作贺卡的简单用语。2. 能灵活运用生日用语进行交际性的情景会话。Teaching aids: tape , pictures , knife, cake, birthday cardTeaching procedureProcedur Contents MethodsWarming-up1. Song2. Daily talk1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY2. Ask: Whats your name? How old are you? Are you? Can you? Pre-task preparation1. RevisionSentence: Heres Thanks.1. T: Your book is on the ground. Here you are.Pa: Thank you.2. T: Ive got many presents for you. What do you want? Pa: I want T: Heres your Pa: Thank you, Teacher.2.Presentati-on1. Guessing1. ( Show the picture of Alice.) T: Guess. How old is Alice? T: Shes nine. Today is Alices birthday. Prompt students to say. Happy birthday 2. ( Show the pictures on the board.)Tell the class that Alice is having a birthday party. Use guided questions prompt the students. e.g. Can you see Alices friends? Who are they? What do they eat?While-task procedure1.Mechanic-al practice1. Introduce1. Use the pictures on the board to introduce new lexical items. e.g. fruit, biscuits, sandwiches, ice-cream. Introduce: a birthday card. For average and more able students, introduce a few lexical items, e.g. chocolate cakes, cheesecakes candles, juice, etc.2. cassette1. Look and say.Students listen. Introduce: blow by lighting a candle and blowing it out. Introduce: cut. Use a knife and cut a cake.2. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat. Then invite groups of students to act the story in front of the class.2.Meaningfu-l practice1. Dialogue makingAsk students to have a birthday to Ann. Then work in pairs.2. Make a birthday card.1. Tell students that they are going to make a birthday card. Ask them to read the instructions and look at the pictures in Make a birthday card.Post-task activity1.Now listenCassetteThis listening task will give the students additional practice in using the language learned in this module. The task sheet for this listening activity is to be found onPhotocopiable page 6.2.Assignme-nt1. Make a birthday card for your good friend.2. Have a birthday party for him/her.Writing A birthday party Happy birthday to you. Pictures Happy birthday, dear Alice. Blow, Alice. Cut the cake, Alice. Period ThreeTeaching contents: Say and act. Ask and answer.Teaching aims:1. Basic aims: 1).能听懂,会读,会说本课对话。 2).回用句型 Is this your ?进行问答。2. Education aim: 培养学生之间团结友爱的精神。3. Developing aim: 灵活运用本课句型,对话进行情景会话。Difficult and key points:能将本课句型,对话运用到一定的语境中进行交际 性会话。Teaching aids: a big bag, cassette, pencilTeaching procedure: procedure contents methodsWarming-up1. song 2. ask and answere.g. How old are you?How old is he/she?Whats your name?Whats his/her name?Pre-task preparation 1. revisionIntroduceAsk the students to introduce himself/herself. e.g. name, age, etc.2.presentatio-nReview possessive adjectives.1. Carry a big bag and walk around the class. Invite individual students to put a stationery item into your bag when you walk past.2. Put the collection on the desk. Pick one thing up and ask: e.g. Is this your pencil,(name)? to elicit: Yes, it is my pencil./No, it isnt my pencil.3. If you make a wrong guess, encourage the students to tell you who that particular object belongs to. e.g. It isnt my pencil. Its his/her pencil. Ask students to point to the owner.While-task procedure1. Mechanical practice1. Imitation: Is this your?T: Say a word. Pa ( Ps)2. Cassette1. Play the cassette: Say and act.Students listen and follow in their books. Introduce: ride. Encourage students to guess the meaning of it by looking at the pictures.2. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat. Then work in pairs3. Invite pairs of students to do the role-play in front of the class. Have students vote for the best pair.2. Meaningful practice1. Ask and answer.1. Ask students to read the dialogue in Ask and answer.2. Form students into groups of six. Have each student put three things into the bag without letting the other group members see what he/she has put into it.2. Play a game.Students take turns to ask questions and play a game similar to the one in the Pre-task preparation. The fastest group to find out which object belongs to whom will be the winner.Post-task activity1. Photocopiable page 7.1. Ask students to complete this page. Have more able students fill in the cards and less able students fill in the speech bubbles.2. For more able students, encourage them to form groups and take turns to act as the DJ.2. Workbook page41. Have students work in pairs and complete Read, circle and write orally.2. Students fill in the blanks individually3. Invite pairs of students to read the dialogues to the class. The rest of the class check answer.3. Assignment1. Use “ Is this your ?” to get some information.2. Make five sentences about: Is this? Yes, No, Writing Is this your bicycle? Pictures Yes, its my bicycle. No, it isnt my bicycle. Ride your bicycle. Unit 3. What are you? Period OneTeaching contents: Look and say.Teaching aims:1. Basic aims: 1). 能听懂,会说,会拼读单词fireman, policeman policewoman an ambulance man 2). 能听懂,会读,会说句型:Whats he/she? Hes/Shes 3). 能听懂,会说,会读并会表演儿歌。2. Education aim: 培养学生的安全意识。3. Developing aim: 培养学生模仿儿歌,自编自创儿歌的能力.Difficult and key points: 1 能拼读本课单词,表演儿歌。 2 能自编自创儿歌,并表演。Teaching aids: cassette, picture cards, telephoneTeaching procedure:procedures contents methodsWarming-up1. song2. Daily talk.( tape recorder )Ps: say, act and singPre-task preparation1. Revision Job: e.g. teacher, worker, driver, doctor1. T: Im a teacher. You are students. Please tell us loudly. What are you?2. T: What is your mother/father?Pa: Hes/Shes a doctor.( worker, driver )2.Presentatio-nGuessing( show the picture of Alices father )T: Please guess. Whats Alices father? Pa: guess what Alices father is by answering.While-task procedure1.Mechanical practice1. learn the words:fireman, policeman, policewoman, an ambulance man1. ( show the picture cards on the board)T: Alices father is a fireman. Alices uncle is a policeman.2. introduce: a fireman, a policeman3. Ask students to find all the firemen and policemen in the picture on the board. Then introduce: policewoman, an ambulance man. Write the words on the board.2.Words: firemen policemen policewomen ambulance men1. Use pictures to introduce: firemen, policemen, policewomen, ambulance men. Write the words on the board.2. Draw one fireman on one side and three firemen on the other side of the board. Write: one fireman and three firemen under the relevant picture. Use a different colour chalk to write the “e” between “m” and “n”.3. learn to say the rhyme1. Play the cassette: Look and say.( play the rhyme only). Students listen.2. Prompt students to work out the meanings of fire and engine. Say: e.g. Look at the fire. This is a fire engine. What colour is it?3. Introduce: telephone one, one, nine by using a telephone and pressing one, one, nine in front of the class. Repeat, as it is the first time students have used telephone as a verb.4. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat. Then ask them to read and act.2.Meaningful practiceAsk and answer.1. play the cassette.( dialogue only). Students listen and repeat. 2. Students use the dialogue to ask and answer about peoples jobs.3. Say: Count the firemen/ambulance men. Ask; How many firemen/ambulance men? For less able students, count the firemen/ambulance men with the students.Post-task activity1. A new rhyme.Make a new rhyme.1. Ask students to make a new rhyme like Page8. Underline the fifth and the sixth line using a different coloured chalk. Say: firem

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