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01 I am Eda 02 Hello 03 Good morning 04 This is Kay 05 This is Miss Dizzy Your English teacher 06 How do you do 07 Hi 08 Good bye 09 So long 10 Bye bye A Hello I am Eda Hello I am Mr Write I am Bobby I am Kay B Good morning Mr Write I am Bobby Good morning Good morning I am Andy I am Miss Dizzy Good morning C This is Kay This is Alum How do you do This is Miss dizzy Your English teacher How do you do D Hello Bobby Hi Eda Good bye Bye bye Hi Kay Hi Bobby So long Bye bye 11 Is this your football 12 Yes it is 13 Thank you 14 May I use it 15 Please 16 Sure 17 No it isn t 18 It is my hat 19 Here you are 20 Thank you very much a Robbie is this your football Yes it is Thank you Is this your hat Boddy Yes it is thank you b Is this your nice cake Yes it is May I use it Please thank you Is this your ink bottle Yes it is May I use it Sure c Is this your hat Mr White No it isn t Is this your football No it isn t d Is this your hat Yes it is It is my hat Here you are Thank you very much Is this your glass No it isn t It is my glass Here you are Thank you very much 21 What s this 22 It s a cake 23 What s that 24 It s an orange 25 Are you hungry 26 Oh nice 27 May I have some 28 Excuse me 29 Is that your apple 30 May I have it a What s this Edda It s a cake What s that It s an orange b Edda are you hungry Yes what s this It s a cake Oh nice c Mom What s this It s a melon May I have some Of course d Excuse me Is that your apple May I have it Please Thank you 31 I m hungry 32 Give me some bread 33 Sit down 34 Try on that new shirt 35 Pass me the ball 36 All right 37 I m cold 38 Look 39 Show me your hat 40 My hat is old a Mom I m hungry give me some bread Here you are Thank you b Sit down Edda Try on that new shirt Oh nice c Robbie pass me the ball All right I m cold Mom Pass me the coat All right d Look this is my new hat Oh nice Show me your hat My hat is old 41 Show me your new bottle 42 It s green 43 Beautiful 44 What color is it 45 It s black and white 46 What color is your hat 47 My ruler is yellow 48 My ruler is yellow too 49 Here is your jacket 50 This is not my jacket a Show me your new bottle This is my new bottle It s green Beautiful b What s this mom It s a zebra What color is it It s black and white What color is your hat It s red c My ruler is yellow What color is your ruler My ruler is yellow too d Hi Is it your jacket This is not my jacket What color is your jacket It s green 51 What s your name 52 My name is Eda 53 His name is White 54 What s your English teacher s name 55 Her name is Miss Dazzy 56 That s my mother 57 His name is Bobbie too 58 What s her name 59 He is Mr White 60 She is Mrs Dazzy a Hello I m Bobbie what s your name My name is Eda Thank you b This is Mr White my teacher He s name is White What s your English teacher s name Her name is Mrs Dazzy c This is my father That s my mother What s your father s name He s name is Bobbie too What s your mother s name Her name is Mary d Mom This is my English teacher What s her name She is Mrs Dazzy How do you do Mrs Dazzy That is my teacher Dad What s his name He is Mr White How do you do Mr White 61 I m in grade one 62 Are you in grade one 63 Yes I am 64 No I m not 65 I m not in grade two 66 He is fat 67 Am I fat 68 No you aren t 69 Yes you are 70 You are beautiful too a Hello Bobbie I m in grade one Are you in grade one Yes I am b This is David and his brother How do you do How do you do Are you in grade two No I m not in grade two c This is my father Oh He is fat Am I fat No you are not d That is my mother Oh she is beautiful Am I beautiful Yes you are You are beautiful too Thank you 71 Look at the photo 72 It s photo of my class 73 Who s this man 74 Is this a photo of your family 75 She is a teacher 76 What s she 77 No she isn t 78 Is she a cook too 79 Oh it s you 80 Let me have a look a Mom look at the photo It s photo of my class Who is this man He is Mr White Who is that woman She is Mrs Dazzy b Edda is this a photo of your family Yes this is my mother What is she She is teacher c Is this a photo of your family Yes this is my father He is a cook Who is that woman She is my mother Is she a cook too No she isn t she is a teacher d What s this Bobbie It s photo Let me have a look Oh It s you Bobbie Yes 81 Let s play hide and seek 82 Count after ten 83 I m ready 84 Start 85 Let s jump together 86 Stop 87 What s in it 88 Let s open it and see 89 Here are two cakes 90 These are oranges a Let s play hide and see Count after ten Edda One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten I m ready Start b Boys and girls Let s jump together Yes sir One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Start c This is my bag What s in it Robbie Let s open it and see One cake two apples three oranges and a banana d I m hungry mum Here are two cakes These are oranges Thank you mom 91 How much is two plus three 92 It s five 93 How much is nine minus three 94 Sorry 95 What are these 96 They are apples 97 How much are these apples 98 Ten Yuan 99 What s your telephone number 100 It s two eight five six six two two a Robbie how much is two plus three It s five Good How much is five plus six It s eleven Very good b Edda how much is nine minus three Six How much is twelve minus four No It s seven No it s eight Sorry c What are these mom How much are these apples Ten yuan d What s your telephone number It s two eight five six six two two 101 We are in grade one 102 Glad to meet you 103 Is David kind to you 104 I like her 105 It s a dictionary 106 Happy birthday to you 107 Here is a gift for you 108 Guess 109 I like green 110 Oh Lovely a Good morning my name is Edda her name is Ellen his name is Bobbie We are in grade one How do you do Glad to meet you b I m in grade one Is David in grade one too No he is in grade two Is David kind to you Yes he is Is Mrs Dazzy kind to you too Of course I like her c What s this It s a dictionary Is it your dictionary Yes it is May I use it Please Thank you Mrs Dazzy d Happy birthday to Boddie Thank you Here is gift for you What s this Guess It s a box What s in the box Guess It s a football No It s a tie Yes What color is it It s green I like green Here is your tie Oh Lovely 111 How old are you 112 I m eleven years old 113 It s his birthday today 114 Let s go to say happy birthday to him 115 He is one year older than you 116 We are in the same grade 117 She is twenty 118 She is young 119 I like a young teacher 120 Welcome to my home a How old are you Ellen I am eleven years old Bobbie is ten years old it is his birthday today Let s go to say happy birthday to him Let s go b Happy birthday to you Bobbie Thank you Mom This is Edda this is Ellen Hello Edda and Ellen Good morning How old are you Edda I m nine Bobbie is ten He is one year older than you But we are in the same grade How old are you Ellen I m eleven You are one year older than Bobbie Yes c Happy birthday to you Bobbie Thank you Here is a gift for you Thank you very much Who s that young woman She is Mrs Dazzy my English teacher How old is she She is twenty Oh She is young I like a young teacher d This is Mrs Dazzy mom This is my mom Mrs Dazzy Welcome to my home Glad to meet you 121 What s the time 122 I m late 123 It s twelve 124 It s eight in the morning 125 It s time for class 126 Let s go home 127 Let s go to bed 128 Good night 129 Class is over 130 Stand up a What s the time It s eight I m late What s the time It s twelve I m hungry b What s the time It s eight in the morning It s time for class c What s the time It s four in the afternoon Let s go home Ok What s the time It s nine in the evening Let s go to bed Good night Ellen d What s the time Edda It s four Class is over Stand up class Goodbye Goodbye Sir 131 Where is your tie 132 It s on the chair 133 Where are your shoes 134 They are under the bed 135 Where are you from 136 I m form Beijing 137 Where are the other boys 138 They are over there 139 I can see you 140 You are behind the tree a Pass me my tie and shoes Edda Where is your tie It s on the chair Where are your shoes They are under the chair Here is your tie and shoes Thank you b Ellen this is Ling Ling my Chinese friend Hi Ling Ling Where are you from I m from Beijing I m from New York Glad to meet you c Bobbie where is Mr White He is over there Where are the other boys They are over there too d Let s play hide and seek Count after three Edda One two three I m ready I can see you are behind the tree 141 What day is today 142 It s Monday 143 Spell it 144 Who is on duty today 145 Clean the blackboard for Mrs Dazzy 146 Open your hands 147 Your hands are dirty 148 Go and wash them 149 Your are free today 150 Water the flowers for me a What day is today It s Monday Spell it M O M D A Y Good b What day is today It s Wednesday Spell it W E D N E S D A Y Right Who s on duty today I am Clean the blackboard for Mrs Dazzy Ok c It s Friday I m on duty today Open your hands Yes Your hands are dirty Go and wash them All right d What day is today It s Sunday You are free today Yes Water the flowers for me Ok 151 There is a kite in the sky 152 It s like a bird 153 It s very high 154 Is there a football under the chair 155 Yes there is 156 There are some footballs under David s chair 157 There is a piece of bread 158 There is some water 159 Are there any birds in the tree 160 No there aren s any a Ellen look what s in the sky There is a kite in the sky It s like a bird It s very high b What s under the chair There is a football Is there a football under your chair kids Yes there is There are some footballs under David s chair too c What s in the glass There is some water May I have some Please What s on the plate mom There is a piece of bread May I have it Of course d Are there any birds in the tree No there aren t any What s in the tree There is a kite a beautiful kite in the tree 161 May I speak to Kayde 162 This is Kayde speaking 163 Let s go there together 167 Who s calling David 165 Is it between grade one and grade two 166 Let s go there and cheer for our grade 167 Is there a basketball match this afternoon 168 What s in your hands 169 What s on your feet 170 Great a Hello May I speak to Kayde This is Kayde speaking There is a football match this afternoon What time One o clock Let s go there together Ok thank you b Who s calling David Hi There is a football match this afternoon Is it between grade one and grade two Yes Let s go there and cheer for our grade c Is there a basketball match this afternoon No there is a football match this afternoon Is it between grade one and grade two Yes it is Let s go there and cheer for grade one d What s in your hands There is a football What s on your feet There are football shoes Is there a football match this afternoon Yes there is Let s go there and cheer for you Great 171 How many pupils are there in your class 172 There are twenty 173 I hate girls 174 How much water are there in the bottle 175 There is very little 176 Go and fetch some 177 Be careful 178 I m sorry 179 Never mind 180 There are very few a How many pupils are there in your class There are twenty How many girls are there in your class There are nine There are twenty girls in our class I hate girls b How much water is there in the bottle There is very little Go and fetch some All right c How much flowers is there in the bottle There is very little Pass it to me Be careful I m sorry Never mind d How many apples are there on the table There are very few Go and fetch some All right 181 I have a new bat 182 Let me have a look 183 Let s play Ping Pong 184 She has a brother 185 He has a son 186 Have you a Chinese dictionary 187 Yes I have 188 Have you any flour Mrs Dazzy 189 Sorry I haven t any 190 I ll go and ask for some How many peoples are there in Mr White s family There are three Who are they They are Mr White and Mrs White He has a son Thank you a I have a new bat Let me have a look Here it is Nice Let s play Ping Pong b Eleen how many peoples are there in Edda s family There are four Who are they They are mother and father She has a brother Thank you c Mrs Dazzy Yes Have you a Chinese dictionary Yes I have May I use it Of course Have you any flour Mrs Dazzy Sorry I haven t any But Edda s mom have some I ll go and ask for some Thank you 191 We have two teachers 192 One is Mr White 193 The other is Mrs Daisy 194 What a big house 195 They have two big houses 196 Have you any big houses 197 We have no hot water in the bottle 198 I m busy now 199 You lazy boy 200 They have no lessons today a Mom this is a photo of our class Let me have a look We have two teachers One is Mr White The other is Mrs Daisy They look very kind b This is Bobbie s house What a big house They have two big houses One is here The other is in the countryside Have you any big houses Yes we have c David we have no hot water in the bottle Go and fetch some I m busy now You lazy boy d Is Sunday today What a fine day The boys are free They have no lessons today But there is a football match 201 How many lessons do you have today 202 How much homework do you have today 203 You are lucky 204 What can I do for you 205 I want to buy some flour 206 Here is some money 207 Go and fetch me some chalk 208 No there isn t any either 209 Clean them 210 We can walk there a How many lessons do you have today Five How much homework do you have today Very little You are lucky b What can I do for you I want to buy some flour How much flour One tin Here it is Here is the money Thank you c Kaide go and fetch me some chalk There is no chalk in your office Is there any in Mr White s office No there isn t any either I m on duty today Bobbie open your hands They are dirty Go and watch them There is no water Clean them with some paper I have no paper either Here is the paper Thank you d May I speak to Kaide This is Kaide There is a football match in pop school this evening Great Let s go there together But there is no bus in the evening We can walk there Ok let s walk there 211 He is in bed 212 What s the matter with him 213 He has a fever 214 You have a bad cold 215 You d better stay in bed 216 It s too bad 217 I have a headache 218 Let s call the doctor 219 Let me take your temperature 220 You must have some medicine A Where is Bobby He is in bed What s the matter with him He has a fever B What s the matter with you I have a fever Open your mouth Show me your tongue Say ah Ah You have a bad cold You d better stay in bed It s too bad C Mum I have a headache Let s call the doctor What s the doctor s telephone number It s 2233447 D What s the matter with you I have a headache Let me take your temperature Oh you have a fever You must have some medicine It s too bad 221 How is Bobbie 222 He is better 223 Can I see him please 224 Come upstairs 225 You look well 226 No you can t 227 You must stay in bed for a day or two 228 Has she a temperature 229 Yes you can 230 That s good news a How is Bobbie today He is better Thank you Doctor Can I see him please Certainly Come upstairs b You look very well You are better now Can I go to school No you can t You must stay in bed for a day or two It s too bad c How are you today Edda I m better Has she a temperature Doctor No she hasn t Can I get up Yes you can Can I go to school No you can t You must stay at home for a day or two d Good morning Mr White Good morning How are you today I m well today That s good news 231 Fish can swim 232 Fish can t run 233 But she can color the flowers 234 May I come in 235 Come in please 236 Who can sing songs Edda or Kaide 237 She is good at singing 238 I like both of them 239 What can an elephant do with its nose 240 It can bring food for the elephant a Edda what s this It s a fish Fish can swim Can you swim No I can t But I can run Fish can t run Can you draw flowers No I can t Edda can draw flowers Ellen can t draw flowers but she can color the flowers b May I come in Edda Come in please Oh What s this It s my cat it can catch rats I have a dog Can your dog catch rats No it can t c Who can sing songs Edda or Kaide Edda She is good at singing Who can help you move the desk Edda or Kaide Kaide He is strong I like both of them d Look An elephant It has a long nose What can an elephant do with its nose It can bring food for the elephant Can your nose bring food for you No 241 Don t sit on the floor 242 Why 243 I like to do so 244 It s a bad habit 245 Here comes the bus 246 Hurry up 247 It s no good for your eyes 248 Don t wait here 249 Don t hurry 250 Don t play football just after lunch a Bobbie don t sit on the floor Why It s dirty But I like to do so It s a bad habit b Look Here comes the bus Hurry up Don t read in the bus Why It s no good for your eyes Thank you c What s the time It s four in the afternoon Let s wait for the bus Don t wait here Why Here is no bus now Let s walk home Ellen let s go to school Don t hurry Why It s Sunday today there is no lesson Oh yes Let s go to the zoo d Don t read in the dark Why It s no good for your eyes Thank you Don t play football just after lunch Why It s no good for your health Thank you 251 What are you doing 252 I m drawing 253 I m making some cakes for tea 254 Let me help you 255 Just nearly empty 256 He is drinking Dad s coffee 257 I m drawing with this new pen 258 What is the boy doing 259 What is happening 260 She is wearing a funny hat a Bobbie What are you doing I m drawing Is that me Yes Mrs Daisy But my nose isn t red Sorry b What are you doing I m making some cakes for tea Let me help you All right bring me some flour There is no flour Just nearly empty c What is David doing He is drinking Dad s coffee But there is no sugar in it It s not very nice What are you doing I m drawing with this new pen But there is no ink in it So it s not a very nice pen d What are you reading I m reading a picture book What is the boy doing He is riding a horse What is he kicking He is kicking the ball What is happening He is falling to the cave What is the girl wearing She is wearing a funny hat What is happening Her hat is flying to the sky 261They are enjoying Bobbie s birthday party 262 Are they wearing funny hats 263 They are laughing and playing games 264 What is she doing now 265 She is picking up a pencil on the ground 266 Whom are you drawing 267 Why is she turning off the light 268 He is taking off his shoes 269 We are having an English lesson 270 Are you watching a football game a What t this It s a photo Who are they They are Kaide Ellen Bobbie and David What are they doing They are enjoying Bobbie s birthday party Are they wearing funny hats They are laughing and playing games How funny they are b What are you drawing What is she doing now She is handing it over to Mr White Is she Ellen Yes she is a nice girl c Whom are you drawing I m drawing a nice girl Why is she turning off the light There is no one in the classroom A nice girl Whom are you drawing I m drawing a boy Why is he siting on the ground He is taking off his shoes But it is very dirty So he is not a nice boy d Look at these pictures Dad Who are they They are my classmates What are you doing We are having an English lesson What are you doing now Are you watching a football game No we are watching a basketball game Are you happy at school Yes I like my school 271 I get up at half past six 272 I have breakfast at seven 273 I go to school at half past seven 274 What time do you go to bed 275 I go to bed at ten 276 What time do you have supper 277 I have supper at half past six 278 What do you do after supper 279 I go back home at two in the afternoon 280 Do you have lunch every day a What are you doing I m writing a time table Read the time table I get up at half past six I have breakfast at seven I go to school at half past seven Good b Are you late for school today No I m not I have a time table Please read your time table I get up at half past six I have breakfast at seven I go to school at half past seven Good But what time do you go to bed I go to bed at ten It s too late c What time do you go to bed I go to bed at nine What time do you have supper I have supper

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