2014 KPMG网申(已通过网申的OQ)

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KPMG 一 INTERESTS Question 1 Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities including sports and hobbies Most friends of mine think that I m energetic all the time I always make good use of my spare time to do many interesting things I would love to spend my spare time on traveling if time permits There was a time when I traveled to Beijing alone and had eight days fun with my friends at famous sites Usually on weekends I would go out with my friends to play badminton which is a great solution to release the stress of the past days and a good way to meet new friends I joined the badminton club of my department once I lead the class committee to hold a badminton mixed doubles competition which attracted 2 3 of the classmates and it strengthen the team spirt of the class Besides I love watching movies and reading sometimes I ll spend a whole day in the library to read magazines novels newspapers Besides I love watching movies especially romantic movies Just imagine how relaxing it is to curl up on the couch doing nothing but watching the love story unfolding itself Question 2 What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity I am the minister of the Department of Public Relations The focus of my attention is on the coordination of campus activities with people from other departments as well as financial sponsors from outside I often go out to find sponsors and negotiate with them The work can be complicated sometimes but we don t have enough people to cover the work So I come out with an idea that we establish a work study association Many family economy difficulty students join the association and we provide the members of the association part time jobs to add their income At the same time we can get enough people to help us accomplish the work When there are large events to hold our team needs to have meetings and discussion late at night But I have gradually learnt how to balance my life between regular courses and this job I received an individual prize for excellent performance of my hard work Most important of all this experience has developed my leadership communication skills and taught me how to build strong and effective teamwork Question 3 What factors have influenced your career choice 重要问题 答案最 好跟申请的工作有关 My career choice is based on the following points 1 Interest and Profession During my undergraduate study I majored in taxation and build up a solid foundation of professional knowledge In my daily life I always pay close attention to taxation Whether it is news about tax law or tax planning cases I find it really interesting to learn more about it Thus I decided to study taxation deeply in my postgraduate and I choose tax planning as my master research direction Sometimes I ll communicate with my classmates who are working in different fields about tax practice in their companies which not only expanded my knowledge on taxation but guided me to learn the subtle differences between theory and practice With great interest and broad knowledge on taxation I believe that a career on taxation will be suitable for me 2 Social experience I served as an auditing intern in Ruihua Certified Public Accountants from Nov 2012 to Mar 2013 This experience provided me a chance to experience work in accounting firm and I 3 Ability strong adaptive capacity leadership Team cooperation ability analytical ability 4 Skills Professional skills up to now I ve passed the accounting and tax law exam of CPA and this year I participant the financial management and economic law exam Language Skill Understand most articles in English engage in an extended conversation with English speaking foreigners write a report or essay that communicates the desired messages Computer Skill Collect and analyze data with Excel confident with other Microsoft Office applications email and the web Question 4 Outline your career ambitions and objectives Short term objective in this stage I plan to accumulate practical experiences by doing some basic work At the same time adding different knowledge needed in my work and getting the CPA certificate Mid term objective After the efforts and study for a couple of years I could be qualified for the leader work of a program So I hope to become a manager in several years and lead my team to serve our clients Long term objective Become an expert on taxation or partner of KPMG Question 5 At KPMG our global values guide the way that we interact with each other and help to create our open friendly and supportive culture Please tell us about a situation where you have used two of KPMG s values to achieve a positive outcome In my first year of undergraduate I joined in the Low Carbon Life Action Project organized by Chengdu Environment Protection Communication and Education Center I was leading a team to do a social research on the carbon emissions of daily life and how to reduce the carbon emissions At first we can t decide to take which means to do the research An idea came into my mind I have learned how to design questionnaire and done questionnaire survey before So I suggest that we can take this way to do the survey and we all agree Then we collected many relative information asked help from our teacher and accomplished the design work of the questionnaire Then I leaded my team enter into community to do our survey But new problem occurred Most of our respondents are native of Sichuan they can t say mandarin especially the aged but more than half of our team member come from other province and they can t understand Sichuan dialect So I divided them in pairs and try to involved a Sichuan native in each pairs and assigning the aged respondents to groups which have native members During the survey we often shared the problem we meet whenever anyone got into trouble we would help him to work out the solution together As the famous saying goes Two heads are better than one cooperation improved our work efficiency Finally we finished the research beyond our expectation And our report was awarded the best report Every member of our team get the excellent volunteer certificate I began to understand the key to success lies in being open friendly and supportive in your team

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