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Unit3 My favourite things教学设计 1. 教材版本:Primary English for China2. 使用年级:小学三年级3. 课题: Unit3 My favourtie things,Book64. 授课课时:共五课时5. 教学设计1)学情分析:三年级的学生活泼好动,好奇心、模仿能力强,他们的形象思维占优势,他们感兴趣的往往是形象直观的感性材料,对英语学习持有的是直接兴趣为主,凡是趣味盎然的学习内容和游戏活动,他们都会积极主动地参与。但学生的理解力和自制力仍不是很强,识记单词是很多学生的难关,因此需要教师不断地通过有效方式激发和强化。另外,由于受主、客观原因的影响,学生的自主学习、灵活运用所学的英语进行交际的能力以及学习策略等方面都是有待老师培养和引导的。2)教材分析(1)本单元的教学内容是以围绕谈论个人的喜好和爱好的物品来介绍,贴近学生的生活和学习实际。教材整合了第一单元所学的数字来学习新句型“I have some/”及特殊问句式“How many s do you have ?”的学习。(2)秉持整体式语言教学的理念和培养学生综合运用语言能力的目标,本教学设计以参观学生的新家为线索贯穿整个单元的教学中,处理教材时适当调整了顺序,把E、F、G的内容创造性地整合在A,B部分的教学过程中,教学新知时整合了相关的旧知,体现的是由浅入深,寓词于句、寓句于篇的整体式教学理念。(3)本单元的教学内容与设计对今后的教学起的是铺垫作用。i. 教学目标1. 语言知识目标(1)能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 badges,coins, IC cards, key rings , soft toys , stamps .(2)掌握句型:I have some . How many s do you have .?/I have 2. 语言技能目标(1)学会有关的物品的名称并能灵活运用到实际生活中。(2)能使用句型“I have some ”描述自己喜欢的东西。(3) 通过对自己喜欢的东西的描述与语言操练,培养学生的观察、想象力以及语言的表达能力,同时发展学生的空间智能。3学习策略目标(1)主动与同伴合作交流,共同完成学习任务。(2)培养学生自主学习和可持续学习英语的能力。4. 情感态度目标(1)通过儿歌、游戏等学生喜欢的活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,增强学生学习英语的自信心。(2)通过不同的任务活动培养学生主动参与、乐于合作交流的态度。(3) 通过本单元的学习教育学生要爱家的积极情感。5. 文化意识目标引导学生了解中外文化表达的异同,加深对中外文化的理解,培养学生的跨文化交际能力和交际意识。ii. 教学重点与难点1.本单元的教学重点(1) New words: badges, coins, IC cards, key rings , soft toys , stamps . (2) Sentences: I have some . How many s do you have .?/I have 2. 本单元的教学难点(1) 单词“badges,coins soft toys , stamps”的发音。(2) 名词复数形式的正确表达。iii. 单元教学安排第一课时为新授课,着重教学A部分的新词并整合了E部分的“coins ,toys”两个单词及其及其名词单复数相关的知识。第二课时为新授课,在教学B部分的句型及其名词单复数的相关的知识。第三课时为故事性的阅读教学。第四课时是语音教学。第五课时是复习巩固课,是对本单元所学内容的巩固与检测,也是本单元教学的升华。综合活动课,整合了A,B,E,F,G部分相关的内容以及旧知进行了语言的综合训练。iv. 教学方式遵循小学英语教学的目的和以学生为主体的原则,根据三年级学生的年龄和心理特点,本单元主要采用的是情境教学法、TPR教学法、任务型教学以及小组合作学习等教学方法,让学生通过视、听、说、唱、演等方式感知语言、理解语言,从而达到运用语言的目的。学法:自主学习法,小组合作学习法v. 教学用具1多媒体环境下的英语教学。2教学准备:自制课件,单词卡,课堂奖励用的小图片,玩具、钥匙扣、IC卡、硬币、头饰等表演用的道具。The First Teaching Period.教学目标能听、说、读、写单词badges, coins, IC cards, key rings , soft toys , stamps。1、 能使用句型“What do you have ? I have.”来介绍各自的东西,培养学生的观察、想象力以及综合运用语言的能力。 . 教学重点1单词:badges, coins, IC cards, key rings , soft toys , stamps2句型:What do you have ? I have. 教学难点 单词“badges, coins,soft toys , stamps”的发音,流利运用所学的语言介绍自己喜欢的东西。.教学准备 自制课件,单词卡、课堂评价使用的代表物品的图画和竞赛用来奖励的“badges, coins, IC cards, key rings , soft toys , stamps”小图片若干。. 教学过程步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段Step1.Warm-up1)Sing a song and do theactions“Ten little Indian boys”.2)Revisions: Teacher ask the pupils to count the numbers in the class and tell the pupils There are 56 students in our class . There are 6 fans in our class . Review the single and plural forms with the students .eg. one student -8students one fan six fans a bagtwo bags 1)通过唱英语歌热身,让学生迅速进入英语学习状态,并无意识地复习了旧知。2)通过 Revisions使全班学生复习了名词单复数,也为本课的新单词教授埋下了伏笔。1)TPR 2)示范提问唤醒学生的语言积累。1)学生集体说唱哥并做动作。2)全班学生站起来报数,用英语说出自己的座位号。通过Koko 爱英语光盘播放“Ten little Indian boys”.的歌曲。Step 2. Lead in1. 1.Teacher show the bag to the pupils ,asks the pupils to guess“Whats in the bag? ” Ask several pupils touch the things .通过让学生猜测 Tim的书包里有什么东西?这一疑点刺激学生的好奇心,吸引学生的注意力,然后循序渐进引入谈论Tim书包里的物品话题,自然地过渡到新授单词的学习。设疑并引导学生猜测,随即引入新课。学生调动旧知猜测。教师向学生展示Tim的书包Step 3. Presentation1. Learn the word living room .1) ) CAI shows the badges and ask the pupils What can you see?2) Point to the badges. Write the question on the board and show the word card. 3) Write the word bad above the word badge and encourage the pupils to spell the new word badge.4) Teacher show a badge to the pupils and have the pupils repeat with her : one badge , give the badges to the pupils who can say correctly. 5) Teacher say : “I have two badges .” ask the pupils who have the badges : “What do you have ? ”Encourage the pupil to say :I have badges in the familiar tone.2. Learn the word stamp .1) Take out some envelopes and say“ when we want to send a letter , what shoud we need ? Encourage they answer “stamp”。 2) Write the word stamp on the board , then write another Sam above stamp , review the word , then encourage the pupils read the new word stamp . Teach how to pronounce the word stamp” and then play the game “high-low voice.” to practise the word. 3) Show them 100 stamps in CAI, and ask Do you know How many stamp do I have ? Show them the answer , and encourage the pupils answer :You have 100 stamps .4)Then teacher give some stamps to the pupils ,then ask them What do you have ? Gestures the pupils to say the sentences“I have 5 stamps. 5) Encourage the pupils to chant “stamps, stamps, I have 100 stamps. ” in the familiar tone. 2. Learn the word key rings.1) Take out a key and say“look,this is the key , we use it to open the door. Then show them the key ring and ask do you know whats this ?” then teach the word :key ring ,have then read after the tape .Then ask the pupils What do I have now ? Encoourage them answer “ you have key rings now . Yes, I have key rings .Then encourage the pupils to chant “key rings ,key rings , I have .key rings.” 2)Teacher ask : What do you have now ? Encourage the pupils to answer :” I have key rings.” 3. Learn the word IC cards and coins .1) T: Its a kind of card .We use it to call our mum or Dad in the school.Do you know what is it ? 2)Teach the word “IC cards” and get the pupils to say“one “IC card Two IC cards”, then gestures them to say the sentence “I have IC cards.” 3)T:Its a kind of money, Its circle , What is it ? Then lead into the word coins and teach it in the same procedure. 4. Learn the word soft toys.1) T: I have some things in the bag , please touch and guess what is it ?2) Lead in the word “soft toy” and write the word “sofa and boy” above soft toy. Review the words with them and encourage them to learn to read the new word “soft toy”.3) teach it in the same procedure.1)通过让学生观察物品,直观地引入新知学习,培养了学生的认知能力和观察能力。2)通过学生已知的bad这一形近词让学生领悟单词badge的拼读,潜移默化地使学生掌握了单词的学习策略。3)巧妙的设问让学生灵活地整合了新旧知识作答,TPR调动了学生的学习积极性。1)通过向学生询问寄信所要必备的东西这一常识巧妙地导出了新词stamp的学习,引导学生先复习Sam这个人名,对比拼读新词stamp,潜移默化地使学生掌握了单词的学习策略。2) 通过玩高低声音的游戏练说难点词stamp,以趣促说,突破了教学难点。3)让学生边猜边说句子,既迎合了学生喜欢玩游戏的年龄特征,促进了学生各种机能的协调发展,又可以帮助学生形象地理解句义。4)教学新词后通过chant的方式进一步整合了相关的语言知识,体现了词不离句的语言教学原则。1)通过直观导入单词key rings,有利于降低学生的学习难度,让学生能在短时间内理解单词的意思。2) 引导学生借助旧单词来拼读、识记新单词,以旧带新,既复习了旧知,又使学生掌握了有效的学习策略。通过设疑,猜测导入单词IC cards and coins .激发学生的学习欲望。1)通过猜,摸导入单词soft toys .激发学生的学习欲望。2)利用旧知启发新知的学习,达到温故而知新的学习效果。1)联系生活创设情景引导学生结合旧知作答。2)单词教学过程中渗透学法引导。3)教师示范引导学生边做动作边说句子。1)导入新词stamp并创设该词的运用情景。2)通过嘴形示范stamp的发音后开展师生互动游戏。3)TPR教学法1) 设疑导入新词。2) 新词教学中渗透学法指导。1) 设疑导入新词。1) 设疑导入新词。2) 新词教学中渗透学法指导。1) 通过观察图片回答目之所见。2)在形近单词的形象刺激下感悟新词的拼读。3)通过观察、想象联系生活整合新旧知识作答。1) 模仿单词发音并和教师开展互动游戏。2)学生有节奏地边做动作边说句子。3)手,脑、口并用学习、练说新词所在的完整句式。1)联系生活猜谜。2)学习新词的发音并运用到具体的情景中交流。1)多媒体课件展示所学的物品。2)运用单词卡呈现新词badge.3)课件展示句式“I have badges.”4) 课件展示邮票的图片并呈现新歌词的内容。1)出示信封并用课件呈现寄信的情境。 2)把奖励用的表示物品的小图片贴到反应快,表现好的小组的书包。多媒体课件逐步展示所学的新单词key rings.的图片。Step4. PlaytimeT:We have know What are Tims favourite things . Can you remember Tims favourite things name? S: Good, now its our playtime.Boys and girls , if you win in the game , you can get some coins , you can buy the soft toys! When we are playing, please keep the order, ok? Then write the words “boytoycoin” on the board and get the pupils to spell them. 1) Get the pupils to say the chant and do actions.Boys ,boys , boysI have some coins I want to buy soft toys .2) Quick response.Teacher says the first sound of a word, get the pupils to say the word and make sentence as quick as possible. 3)Play a game. One student act as Hui tailang , the other students should give things to it , then they can save out the sheeps . Have them role play by using the sentence pattern : What do you have ? I have .1) 通过Playtime引出E部分的单词“coins, soft toys”并教学体现了灵活处理教材,整合语言知识的理念。2) 此环节整合了PartE的部分内容,引导学生在观察形近词的基础上悟出新词的拼读,降低了学习难度,也使相关知识有机地得到了整合。将所学的单词,句子通过Chant的方式再结合全身反应法来让学生练说,能牢牢地抓住学生的注意力,使学生乐念不疲,并使学生的瞬间记忆化为长时记忆。3) 音词句的阶梯式快速反应游戏操练由浅入深, 让学生们整合新旧知识扩展,为后继的篇章描述做了铺垫。4)扮演从灰太狼解救羊羊的游戏再一次唤起了学生的学习兴趣,也有利于训练学生的听力,巩固已学的知识。1)引导学生领会类似发音且形近词的拼读。2)示范引导3)教师说单词的首音。4)问答句操练引导学生对重点句式的学习。1) 学生在拼读单词“play, please”的基础上回忆所学的含有“pl”的单词。2)学生集体说唱韵律诗并做动作。3)学生快速说出相应的单词并造句。4)在玩游戏中操练重点句型。1)板书单词plane, plot.2)课件展示Chant的内容及相应的图画。3)把奖励用的小图片贴到反应快的小组的书包内。4)课件展示解救羊羊的图画。Step5. Sum up.Teacher asks the pupils “What have you leant today?” After they say the six words, then asks them repeat these words again.以提问的方式进行总结,有效地巩固了本课的重、难点。提问引发学生的知识回忆。回顾课堂教学内容作答。Step6. Homework1. listen to the tape and read Part A three times. 2. Draw the favourite things, try to introduce them to your friends or parents. 让学生在听录音熟读课文的基础上设计自己喜欢的物品,既达到了学以致用的目的,也为下一节课的复习环节提供了有利素材。布置作业记作业课件呈现作业内容。The Second Teaching Period.教学目标1、掌握句型:I have some coins. How many coins do you have?I have fifty-three coins.2、 能灵活运用How many疑问词提问并作答,综合运用所学的知识进行交际。. 教学重难点1重点:I have some coins. How many coins do you have?I have fifty-three coins.2难点:学会用How many提问以及运用动词have和代词 some来描述自己拥有的物品及数量。.教学准备 自制课件,单词卡,及徽章、硬币、IC卡,钥匙扣、玩具、邮票若干。. 教学过程步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段Step1.Warm-up1)Sing the song “Numbers”.2) Get the pupils to say and do. e.g, what do you have ?What do you have ? badges, badges, I have ten badges.” 通过歌曲把学生带入学习英语的环境,接下来热身活动既复习了相关的数词词及特殊疑问句,也为本课的教学做了铺垫。师生一起唱歌,一起做热身活动。师生一起唱歌,一起做热身活动。课件播放歌曲。Step2. Revision and lead in1) Ask some pupils to show their design about their bags and make the dialogue in pairs using the structure “ What do you have ? I have coins .”2) T: Today many students bring their favourite things to the class, I bring my several favourite things today , lets see together. 1)让个别学生展示他们作业所设计的书包并相互询问自己书包里的东西,培养学生用英语交流获取信息的能力,也有机地复习了上节课所学的知识。2)顺承上节课的故事情节导入新课,循序渐进。任务型教学学生展示自己的作品并介绍。学生的作品Step 3. Presentation1)Teacher put a number of coins on your desk. Do not count them. Tell the pupils There are some coins.I have some coins . Repeat with different numbers of other objects, e.g. stamps, badges.2) Then return to the coins. Ask a pupil to come to the front to count the coins. Ask How many coins do you have? Encourage the pupil to reply I have coins. If the pupil has no coins remind him /her to say I have no coins.3) Have the students ask the teacher by using : How many do you have ?4)Repeat the process with the other pupils and items of stationery they have on their desk. Tell the pupils to work in pairs to ask each other about the things in their school bag or pencil case.1)创设情景,让学生初步感知新的语言知识。2)引导学生自主学习,通过回答老师的询问,让学生在参与、体验的过程中学习语言,体现了“做中学,学中用”的教学思想。3) 引导学生通过提问,自主学习问句。4)让学生以小组的形式用其它的物品来相互操练新句型,培养学生自主探究合作学习的能力。1)联系生活创设情景。2)引导学生运用板书的句式结构交流自己拥有的东西。3)引导学生灵活运用新知练习。1)在听的过程中感知询问信息的交流。2)自主运用所学的知识相互交流。3)在作答的过程中领悟语言的学法。1)多媒体课件展示徽章、邮票等物品及句子。2)多媒体课件展示B部分的图片。Step4. Practice1)(Books open.) Show Transparency and play the Pupils Book Cassette. The pupils listen and follow in their books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the sentences after the beeps.2) Group work.Get the pupils to read the dialogue in roles. 3)Help the pupils to ask and answer about the other items in the small pictures. 4)Play a guessing game: Students write down their address , teacher say one lucky number from one to ten or twenty to one hundred, if they can guess out the lucky umber , they should tell the teacher their address , then they can get the present . 1)视听B部分后模仿跟读,整体感知语言2)分角色练习对话后把让学生模拟表演,满足了学生的表现欲,也培养了学生在模拟的情景中灵活运用所学的知识进行交际的能力。3) 抽奖游戏让每一组的学生都有参与活动的机会,寓学于乐,进一步激发了学生的学习兴趣。此游戏新颖有趣,学生乐于参与,也有机地操练了所学的句型。1)引导学生视听B部分的对话并跟读。1)分好学生的角色练习对话并在教室创设模拟情景。2)示范引导如何开展游戏。 3)示范讲述游戏要求。 。1) 学生跟读,注意语音语调。2) 学生小组练习对话并上台表演。3)学生分组逐步游戏。3)学生自主开展游戏活动。1)Koko爱英语光盘播放B 部分。Step5. Sum up.Ask the pupils to tell how to learn the new words or sentences in this class by heart.让学生自己总结识记单词和句子的方法,有利于培养学生自主学习的能力和可持续学习英语的能力。引导学生总结学习方法。讲述自己识记单词和句子的方法。Step6. Homework1. Listen to the tape and read Part B three times. 2. Imitate the pictures in Part B and Ask you classmates favourite objects. 让学生画画并写出问答的作业体现了英语和美术学科的融合,激发了学生的创新欲望和成就感,也培养了学生的作业兴趣。布置作业记作业课件呈现作业内容。The Third Teaching Period.教学目标1、能听懂、会说、会读整个故事。2、能够运用所学的知识表演故事。 . 教学重难点1重点:听读故事,理解并且表演故事。2难点:用所学的语言复述故事内容。.教学准备 自制课件,人物和故事卡片. 教学过程步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段Step1.Warm-up1 ) Free talk .2) Sing the song of Part G and do the actions. 简单的Free talk后师生一起唱歌热身,能引发学生的情感共鸣,使学生产生兴奋情绪,立即进入英语学习状态。师生一起唱歌并做相应的动作。师生一起唱歌并做相应的动作。多媒体播放歌曲。Step2. Revision and lead in1 . Revision1) CAI shows some vague pictures。2) Get the pupils work in pairs, ask and answer about the vague pictures.3) Get some groups to show their dialogues.2. Lead inShow them a beautiful bag and let them describe it .模糊图片的猜测调动了学生的生活和语言积累,猜测后的对话练习给学生提供了一个语言输出的机会,有机地复习了前几课所学的知识,为接下来的整体性故事教学做好了铺垫。给学生能够自主发挥的环节,调动他们学习的积极性。呈现几张模糊不清的图片作为信息沟,引导学生用前几课时所掌握的重点单词和句型进行问答。自主学习导入新课。学生两个一组选择一张“相片来进行问答。多媒体课件展示处理过的模糊不清的图片。如:钥匙扣,徽章等。Step 3. Presentation1)Show the story via CAI and get the pupils to watch, ask them to think about the questions: How many key rings does she have?How many badges does she buy?(Teacher writes the two questions on board and check answers after watching.) 2) Get the pupils to finish the exercise in Part D. Then check answers, asking them to read the items in order.3) Teach the important and difficult sentences with gesture.How many badges do you have? I want one.I have no money.Here s a badge for you .Thats nice of you.4)Get the pupils to read after the beeps first, then read after teacher, try to read with correct intonation and with actions for some sentences. Then get the pupils to read the story in roles. 让学生带着问题更加有兴趣, 有目的的去听故事。通过D部分的练习,可以让学生整体感知故事情节,同时训练学生的阅读能力。通过态势语教学故事中的重、难点句能化难为易,化枯燥为有趣,从而调动学生的学习积极性。让学生听录音模仿读可以培养学生正确的语音语调。接着老师带读并伴有夸张的语音语调和动作,可以加深学生对故事的理解,激发学生读的兴趣。教师把问题板书在黑板左边,引导学生带着问题去听读、理解故事。布置阅读练习任务并检查。板书故事中的重、难点句并教学。教师借助夸张的语音语调和动作带读故事。学生带着问题,认真看电视播放的故事并思考。完成D部分的练习。跟读并做动作表意。学生先看书跟读磁带,然后模仿老师夸张的语音语调跟读。1课件展示书包的图片后 播放C的故事。课件呈现D部分的练习。课件展示故事中的重、难点句子。Step4. Practice1)Give some key words“Whose is this ?How many?”and some examples, encourage the pupils to work in pairs to ask questions about the story and find the correct answers. 2)Get the pupils to practise the story in groups of four. 3) Ask some groups to come to the front and act out the story. When the groups act the story, ask the other groups watch carefully and evaluate the best group and actor.4) Ask some not so able pupils to come to the front and act, the other pupils add the sentences for their performances.让学生在熟悉故事的基础上自主对故事提问并作答的方式,可以培养学生主动探究、理解阅读的能力,也充分体现了学生的主体性,培养了学生的能动性。小组分角色练习可以培养学生的合作精神,也能提高操练的效率。让小组上台表演故事,可以展示孩子们的学习才能,使学生获得成就感。表演后让学生参与评价可以发挥学生的主体性作用,突出学生的主体地位。让后进生进行哑剧表演其他学生配音,可以增强学习的趣味性,让后进生也体验成功的快乐,体现了新课标面向学生全体这一理念。 教师给学生一些关键词和例子,指导学生就本故事进行问答。老师指导学生小组练习,并随时解决学生操练过程中遇到的问题。教师鼓励学生表演并引导学生进行评价。学生两人一组对本故事进行提问,并找出答案学生四人一组,小组长分配好角色练习故事。个别小组上台表演,其他同学对他们进行评价,评出最佳表现组和个人。对于部分后进生,鼓励他们根据故事进行哑剧表演,其他学生进行配音。课件呈现提问的关键词和例句。把故事卡贴在黑板上,便于学生了解故事顺序。Step5. Sum up Ask the pupils to tell what they have learnt from the story.这个总结性的问题可以引发学生的发散性思维,教师可以根据学生的回答适当渗透德育教育。提出问题,并适当进行德育教育。结合故事内容进行发散性思考。Step6. Homework1Listen to the tape and read Part C three times.2Draw simple pictures about their favourite things.t with one or two sentences. 让学生画出一些他们喜欢的东西并用一、两个句子描述,该作业是前几次作业的升华与拓展,体现了教学循序渐进的原则。布置作业记作业课件呈现作业内容。 The Fourth Teaching Period.教学目标1.能掌握字母组合oi(coin) 和oy (boy,toy)的读音规则。2.能综合运用所学的语言创造性地进行交流,培养学生的综合语言输出能力。.教学准备 自制课件(把本单元的内容由简到难呈阶梯状分成四个关卡让学生来闯关)动画片段(大灰狼和小白兔故事的部分片段).教学过程步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段Step1.Warm-upSing the song of PartG唱G部分的歌曲并做动作热身可以集中学生的注意力,增加学习的趣味性和理解性,迅速复习本单元所学的重点词句。播放录音并做动作唤醒学生的语言积累。学生集体唱G部分的歌曲。通过Koko 爱英语光盘播放G部分的歌曲。Step 2. Lead inT:Can you remember what we have learnt in Unit 2?Today we will have a contest step by step. 给出一个情境,让学生了解本节课的目的并作好准备。 布置本节课的主要活动。集中注意力回忆本单元所学的知识准备闯关活动。多媒体课件展示闯关的图片。Step 3. Presentation第一关:Who can say the words in the same group?e.g:thirty-forty-fifty-sixty badgescoinsstamps第二关:Please make more sentences with the words. 1.(badges, coins, IC cards, key rings , soft toys , stamps)e.g:coins: I have some coins.I have 20 coins in my bag.A boy has some coins.The boy has 32 soft toys.2. Play the Pupils Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sounds and the words.Point out the spelling of this sound. It is important that the pupils realize the vowel sound is spelt with two letters.3. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that ;the pupils are saying the sounds correctly.Play the pupils Book cassette again .Ask the pupils to circle the coins and the toys in the picture. Tell the pupils to repeat the rhyme.第三关:Retell the story about Part C. T: Can you remember the story in Part C?Can you retell it again?第四关:Make dialogues. Work in pairs to make a dialogue. 通过设计词、句、篇、语言的综合运用这四个关卡让学生来进行闯关复习巩固,可以让不同层次的学生都有语言输出的机会,体现了新课标面向学生全体的理念。第一关主要是复习与房屋有关的词语和动词。此关通过给词造句后扩句的方式复习B、E部分的动词以及现在进行时的句式表达,体现了词不离句的整体性教学理念。第三关由句到篇, 让学生把所学到的知识通过自己的理解表述出来, 起到知识内化的作用, 有机地复习巩固了前几课时所学的内容。让学生运用所学的语言自己创编对话并通过表演show出来,真正体现学了就用,学以致用的目的。引导与激励学生积极参与到闯关活动中来.老师给出例子:coins: I have some coins.I have 20 coins in my bag.给学生示范复述故事的开头I like your key rings .给学生两个范例,让学生自由组成小组创编对话或故事。 说出与老师说的单词同类的单词。学生根据老师给出的词语进行造句和扩句。学生根据老师所给出的开头继续往后复述故事。学生自由练习对话。把学生们分成两大组进行比赛,最后总结评出优胜组。课件展示闯关知识的内容,并通过适当的评价机制给学生们激励。课件展示故事发展的过程和重点词,给学生以提示的目的。学生自由练习。Step5. Sum upT: We have learned a lot about our favourite things. Do you like them? 总结本单元所学的知识总结闯关比赛的结果。课件展示比赛结果。Step6. HomeworkWrite your favourite and difficult words or sentences in this unit.给学生一个有弹性的作业,让学生自己回顾单元内容总结,体现了学生的自主性。布置作业记作业课件呈现作业内容。The Fifth Teaching Period.教学目标1.能掌握G部分的歌曲。2.能综合运用所学的语言创造性地进行交流,培养学生的综合语言输出能力。.教学准备 自制课件.教学过程步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段Step1.Warm-upSing the song of PartG唱G部分的歌曲并做动作热身可以集中学生的注意力,增加学习的趣味性和理解性,迅速复习本单元所学的重点词句。播放录音并做动作唤醒学生的语言积累。学生集体唱G部分的歌曲。通过Koko 爱英语光盘播放G部分的歌曲。Step 2. Lead inShow them a bag and let them to describe it。用学生熟悉的事物来导入新棵。布置本节课的主要活动。自己组织语言,来描述。事物展示来描述。Step 3. Presentation1 Remind the pupils about the concept of favourite from Book 4 where they had to choose their favourite animal. Ask them to choose their favourite possession, poss


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