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江苏省东台市头灶镇中学中考英语二轮复习课时方案 动词和非谓语动词(无答案) 牛津版专题内容:第 六 课时(总第 40 课时)复习目标:1. 动词和非谓动词的分类; 2. 动词和非谓动词的用法;导学活动(以达成复习目标作为贯穿全课活动的一根“红线”,从助你补缺、给你定标、请你点击、引你运用、为你指点、推你提升等6个环节去设计整个教学过程):复习研讨:一、什么是动词动词是用来表示主语做什么(即行为动词),或表示主语是什么或怎么样(即状态动词)的词。按照含义及它们在句中的作用分成四类,即行为动词(也称实义动词)、连系动词、助动词和情态动词。(一)行为动词行为动词(实义动词)是表示行为、动作或状态的词。它的词义完整,可以单独作谓语。按其句法作用可分为及物动词和不及物动词。按其持续性可分为延续性动词和瞬间动词。1、及物动词及物动词本身意义不完整,后面必须跟宾语,意思才完整。如:ask , borrow , carry , devote 等。 【中考链接】(2010 芜湖) Do you have anything to _? A. say B. speak C. talk D. speech2、不及物动词不及物动词自身意义完整,后面无须跟宾语。如:disappear , go , jump , listen 等。【中考链接】(2009 宁波)A big car accident _ the poor boy yesterday . A. happened B. happen to C. happened to D. was happened to注意:有些动词既可作及物动词又可作不及物动词。如:move , practice , share , try 等。 3. 延续性动词表示一个动作可以持续一段时间,可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。如: learn, drive, write, clean, slean, sleep, speak, talk, wait, fly, stay, write, sit, stand, lie, keep等。【中考链接】(2010 南通)-I hear the weather will _ cold for another week .-I hope not . I hate cold weather .A. turn B. last C. get D. stay4. 瞬间性动词表示一个动作发生在一瞬间,非常短暂,动作一经发生立即结束,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。如: arrive,stop,open,close,buy, borrow, lend, happen, join , leave,lose等。【中考链接】( 2011 徐州 ) Lily with her parents _ Oxfam since two years ago. A. has joined B. have joined C. has been in D. have been in瞬间动词的否定形式可以与表示一段时间的状语连用,例如:I havent seen you for a long time.(好久没见到你了。)(二)连系动词 系动词本身有词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须和表语一起构成谓语,说明主语的状态、性质、特征或身份。常见的有be,become ,get ,look ,sound ,smell ,feel ,taste ,touch ,turn ,seem ,keep等。这些词没有被动语态的形式,也不用于进行时态。【中考链接】(2011安徽)The food here smells good. But what does it -like? A. taste B. touch C. seem D. feel(三)助动词这类词本身无词义或意义不完全,不能单独作谓语。它必须和别的动词连用,帮助构成各种时态、语态、否定句和疑问句等结构。常用的助动词有:be, have, has, do, does, did, will, would 和shall等。1.助动词be : am ,is ,are ,was ,were(1) 助动词be+现在分词构成进行时【中考链接】( 2011 杭州 )-Is tea ready? -No, mother is_it ready now. A. doing B. cooking C. burning D. getting (2) 助动词be+过去分词构成被动语态。【中考链接】( 2011 荷泽 )Marry is tired of learing because she is _ to do better than she can , both at school and at home. A. thought B.expected C.hoped D.helped2.助动词have (has ,had)(1)have/has+过去分词,构成现在完成时。【中考链接】(2011 盐城) Mr White came to our school in 2008 , and since then he _ us English.A. teaches B. taught C. has taught D.will teach(2)had+过去分词,构成过去完成时【中考链接】(2009 常州 )The teachers _the office for a few minutes when we arrived .We didnt meet them. A. had been away from B. had left C.have been away from D. have left3.助动词do (does, did)用于构成疑问句,否定句,倒装句,加强语气及代替前面刚出现的动词等。4. 助动词will , shall , would 用于构成将来时。(shall 仅用于第一人称,will 可用于各种人称)【中考链接】(2010 北京朝阳区) I _ to the bookshop as soon as school is over this afternoon. A. will go B. have gone C. go D. went(四)情态动词这类词本身虽有意义,但不完整。它们表示说话人的能力、说话人的语气或情态,如“可能”、“应当”等。这类动词有can, could , may, might ,must, need, dare, haveto, ought to等。它们不能单独作谓语,必须与行为动词(原形)或系动词连用构成谓语,表示完整的意思。它们没有人称和数的变化(have to 例外。)【中考链接】( 2011 南京 )-Fifty dollars for such a T-shirt ! You _ be joking !-Im serious . Its made of silk . A. must B. need C. may D. can二、非谓语动词(一)、动词不定式1、动词不定式的构成不定式的基本形式:to +动词原形,有时可以不用to .这里的to 是不定式符号,本身无词义。动词不定式的否定形式是“not + ( to ) + 动词原形”。不定式具有动词的特点,即可以有自己的宾语和状语,但它没有人称和数的变化。2、动词不定式的句法功能(1)不定式作主语动词不定式作主语时,常用it 作形式主语,而将真正的主语放在句末,其结构为:It+be+adj.(+for/of sb.)+动词不定式.【中考链接】(2007 黑龙江齐齐哈尔) Its polite for students _ hello to teachers . A. to say B. saying C. says D. to saying (2) 不定式作宾语a. 一些谓语动词后只能用不定式作宾语,常见的这类词是表示命令,打算或希望的,如:would like, want, wish, hope, decide, plan, expect 等。b. 在find, think 后跟不定式作宾语时,常用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放在后面。【中考链接】(2011 哈尔滨) -Americans prefer _ forks and knives rather than chopsticks . -Different cultures make it . A. using ; to use B. to use ; use C. to use ; to use (3) 不定式作宾语补足语不定式作宾语补足语时与宾语有逻辑上的主谓关系。tell, ask, want, allow, get, would like, encourage 后跟动词不定式作宾语补足语。【中考链接】(2008 南京)Last week our geography teacher told us _ more information about how to protect the environment.A. get B. got C. to get D. getting注意:还有一些使役动词和感官动词也用不定式作宾补。这时不定式要省略to.这些动词有:一感(feel)、二听(hear, listen )、三让(let, make, have)、四看(look at, see, watch, notice).但这些动词变被动语态时,必须加上to.【中考链接】(2009 黑龙江大庆)Dont let him _out allone at night. He is young and will be frightened . A. go B. goes C. to go D. going (4) 不定式作定语【中考链接】(2011 乌鲁木齐) Water Park is a good place _ . A. to have fun B. have fun C. having fun D. to have a fun(5) 不定式作目的状语【中考链接】(2009 宿迁)The doctor did what he could _the dying man . A. save B. to save C. saved D. saving(6) 不定式常和疑问词what, which, when, where, how 等连用,相当于一个宾语从句。当堂训练:A1. You had better _ ( not laugh ) at others because everybody makes mistakes. 2. All the rules must _ (explain) to the players clearly before the game starts.3.- It seems that you know a lot about the story. - Well. We _ (read) it many times.4. It is said that he devoted much of his time to _ (write) his new novel. 5. Boys and girls, please read the guidebook carefully, or you _ (get) lost during the visit. 6. Fifty students have entered the writing competition since it _(hold) for the first time.7.He promised us that she _ (tell) him about the event at the proper time, but actually(事实上) she didnt.8. Before our teacher reminded us, we _ (send) the e-mails.B1. These sweet bananas _(bring) here from Taiwan yesterday.2. There _(be) little rain in Wuxi in three days, is there?3. Mum told me that she _(get) supper ready five minutes before.4. The day all the American basketball fans looked forward to _(come) at last.5. To learn English well, we should find chances to hear English _(speak) as much as we can.6. Someone broke into Granny Lis home yesterday. Luckily, she _(walk) her dog nearby.7. Our English teacher is happy because the rest of her students _(pass) the exam as well.8. Dont wake up your father, if he _(sleep) when you get home, will you? C1. Please repeat what I said, Millie. Sorry! I_(not listen).教学时间: 班2013年 月 日; 班 月 日 教导处评价: 2. It is said that our country _ (send) twenty thousand engineers to Africa to help the people there so far.3. Nothing _ (offer) to them at first, so they didnt know how to start.4. We should make our hometown a more natural environment _ (attract) more people to come.5. Oil _ (catch) fire easily. You must be very careful.6. Many businesses_ (donate) money to help the people in Wenchuan rebuild their homes the year before last.7. No one was sure how long the snow _ (last) at that moment. All they could do was to wait.8. It was reported that the plane to London _ (fly) back to Paris by the time of 2:30 yesterday afternoon because of the rainstorm.D(3) The report shows that some animals can _ (train) to work for people.(4) Those dried flowers _ (not sell) as well as the fresh ones.(5) Where is Jim? Im afraid he _ (forget) the visit to the museum.(6) The passengers were told that the plane _ (take) off in two hours because of the bad weather.(7) It is reported the police searched the whole building yesterday but nothing unusual was found there.Really? I _ (think) the thief had already been caught.(8) In order to complete the task, all the club members had no choice but _ (stay) up late.(9) He failed the math exam again because the bell _ (ring) before he finished the rest half of the testing-paper.(10) Many scientists are always trying to devote themselves to _ (study) in different areas.E1.To keep safe, everyone _ (tell) to wear a seat belt in the car now.2.The sports meeting they were looking forward to _ ( hold) yesterday.3.There _ (be) little healthy food for us to eat in the future, will there ?4.The life we were used to _ (change) greatly in the last five years.5.My wife advised me _ to the south, but I couldnt take her advice. (move)6. Sally doesnt have to be made _ (learn).She always works hard. 7. He _ (realize) how important English is until he fails .8. Dont trouble him, he is busy _ (repair) my broken bike.F1. These sweet bananas _(bring) here from Taiwan yesterday.2. There _(be) little rain in Wuxi in three days, is there?3. Mum told me that she _(get) supper ready five minutes before.4. The day all the American basketball fans looked forward to _(come) at last.5. To learn English well, we should find chances to hear English _(speak) as much as we can.6. Someone broke into Granny Lis home yesterday. Luckily, she _(walk) her dog nearby.7. Our English teacher is happy because the rest of her students _(pass) the exam as well.8. Dont wake up your father, if he _(sleep) when you get home, will you? G1. Everyone knows that the disabled mustnt _ (laugh)at.2. Sam, its the third time that you_ (forget) to bring your Math book.3.You cant imagine how much difficulty I had _ (achieve) the balance between my family and my work.4. The book he devoted all his lifetime to _ (come) out at last.5. People were told that the plane _ (not take) off until the rain stopped. 6. He could not fall asleep because he (not give) out the posters yet.7. People thanked the soldiers for the things they had done to prevent fires_ (make) the environment safer.8. -When will we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre?-Not until the work _ (finish) tomorrow.

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