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大三高英下学期期中考试Unit 1 Why Dont We Complain? unctuouslymortificationdiscreetrectifyostentatiouslybellicoseinsincerelyShame and embarrassmentCareful and prudentcorrectshowilyFond of fighting or quarrelingAdv. 油腻地,油腔滑调地n. 屈辱,羞愧adj. 谨慎的vt. 改正, 校正adv. 铺张地,炫耀地adj.好战的,好争吵的deferentiallyreproofvirileapathyplenipotentiaryimperviousrespectfullyCensure, rebukeFull of masculine strengthLack of interest, indifferenceFully empoweredNot affected or influencedadv. 表示敬意地,谦恭地n.责备,指责adj. 有男子气概的,强壮的n. 漠然,冷淡,无兴趣adj. 全权大使的,全权代表的adj. 不可渗透的,无动于衷的,不受影响的unobtrusivedolefulfortifytelltaleraringwhiskNot too noticeableSad, sorrowfulstrengthenrevealingVery eagerCause to move very quicklyadj. 不突出的,谦虚的; 不唐突的adj. 令人沮丧的,阴郁的vt. 加强,增强adj. 搬弄是非的,泄露秘密的,能说明问题的adj. 渴望的,一心向往的vi. 飞奔,疾过notoriousresignationprimemoannonchalantlyvisualizeinfamousPassive acceptance, patient submissionbrief, prepareMake a low sound of pain or griefIndifferently, unconcernedlyFrom a mental picture, imagineadj. 臭名昭著的n. 辞职,顺从vt. 使准备好; 填装; 事先指导vi. 呻吟,悲叹,抱怨adv. 漠不关心地,无动于衷地vt. 设想; 使可见Head-onShowdownPresumptionIrksomeIntimateComplianceFirm and directFinal fight to settle a disputeSuppositionTroublesome, annoyingHint, make known indirectlyWillingness to yield, agreementadj. 正面的,迎头的n. 摊牌; 一决胜负; 紧要关头n. 推测,设想adj. 令人厌烦的v. 暗示,提示,宣布,通知n. 服从,听从; 承诺It is now or neverGet on to (doing) sth.Be tied up withSummon upSettle forAssert oneself机不可失坚持,掌握忙于使出,召集愿意,渴望表露Run out ofPrevail upon sb. To do sth.Stash awayOn ones partSet inCarry away用完劝说,劝服藏起,隐藏(某物)就而言,站在一边,代表v. 开始,到来,上涨, 插入拿走,使激动, 使着迷Unit 2 College Pressure ScribbleAuthenticUnswervinglySavorvenerateInduceWrite very fast or carelesslyTrue, reliableUnchangingly, firmlyRelish, enjoyRespect deeplyLead, causevt. & vi. 潦草地书写,乱写adj. 真正的,可信的,可靠的,有根据的adv. 坚持不懈地,坚定不移地vt. 给.加调味品,使有风味,品尝,欣赏vt. 崇敬,尊敬vt. 引诱,引起,归纳IntangibleDimensionVisualizeSampleExhilarateAccrueThat cannot be easily defined, vagueAspect, sideForm a clear picture in the mind, imagineGet to know by experienceMake cheerful and excited, thrillaccumulateadj. 触不到的,难以理解的n. 尺寸,面积,范围,度,维vt. 形成思维图像,设想, 使可见vt. 取的样品,品尝, 抽样调查vt. 使高兴,使兴奋vi. vt. 增加; (通过自然增长)产生,获得,(使钱款、债务)积累ExhortTenacityPay-offSynthesizeVacillateFurtivelyUrge or advise stronglyDoggedness, perseverancerewardBring separate parts into a whole, fuseBe uncertain of what action to takeStealthily, secretlyvt. & vi. 劝告,劝说,倡导,勉励n.韧性,固执,坚持,不屈不挠,黏性得到(研究)成果vt. & vi. 综合; 人工合成vi. 摇摆,振荡,犹豫adv. 偷偷地,秘密地SymptomaticPerceiveContagiousReverseJuggleNurtureIndicative, being a signView, interpret things in a certain wayTending to spread easily from person to personChange around completelyrearrangeTrain, educate, developadj. 有症状的v. 意识到, 察觉,理解adj. 有传染性的,有感染力的,会蔓延的vt. & vi. (使)反转, (使)颠倒,推翻vt. 用玩杂耍,篡改,欺骗,失去平衡vt. 养育,培育,滋养CircuitousPotentPositivelyIntertwineSteerDrabLong and indirectVery effective and powerfulDefinitely, indeed, reallyIntermingle, interweave, be twisted so as to become joinedDirect the course ofUninteresting, dulladj. 迂回的,绕行的adj. 有效的,强有力的,有权势的adv. 明确地,肯定地vt. 缠结在一起; 使缠结vi.vi. 驾驶,掌舵,控制vt.adj. 单调的, 土褐色的Be privy toUp the creekConceive ofIn perspectiveMake much ofCatch up with了解狼狈想象正确地,符合透视法地极为重视,充分利用,理解跟上Hang on toPile upThin outCut back on紧紧抓住,紧握堆满使稀薄,使稀疏在方面减少Unit 4 Portrait of an ActressCongenialSeasonedStockGrateGrowlphantomagreeableexperiencedCommonly usedMake a harsh unpleasant soundSay in a low, rough, angry voiceillusionadj. 意气相投的,性格相似的adj. 调过味的,成熟的,老练的adj. 常备的,存货的,陈旧的vi. 发出刺耳的摩擦声,使人烦恼难受vt. 低声咆哮着说,粗鲁地说出;vi. (雷)作隆隆声,嘟哝,愤愤不平地抱怨n. 幻影,幽灵,错觉InsubstantialScribbleBuffetStumbleShamIncongruousImaginary, not realWrite quickly and roughlyPush roughly from side to sideWalk unsteadilyFraud, something not realOut of placeadj. 无实体的,无实质的vt.& vi. 潦草地书写,乱写vt. 反复敲打,(人与命运,波浪等)博斗,(用手)打,殴打vi. 跌跌撞撞地走,蹒跚,结巴adj. 虚假的,假装的adj. 不协调的,不一致的,不相称的DomesticityForsakeSolitudeSurgeOutrageousContradictThe state of living at home with your familyAbandon, desertThe state of being aloneArise suddenly and intenselyVery unusual and slightly shockingSay something that conflicts with something said by anothern. 家庭生活vt. 放弃,舍弃,摒弃(坏习惯)n.孤独,偏僻处,隐居处; 幽静(的地方),荒野v. 汹涌; 起大浪,蜂拥而来adj. 粗暴的, 无法容忍的, 反常的vt. vi. 反驳,否认,与矛盾MinuteRambleDefyVery detailed, accurateWalk for pleasure with no special destinationBe so difficult as to make impossibleadj. 极小的, 微不足道的,仔细的vi. 漫步,漫谈,蔓延vt. 公然反抗,蔑视, 向挑战Throw light onFob off withCome uponAt a ventureAbove the head of sb.Out of proportion ton. 提供线索,查明用搪塞某人,欺骗(某人)接受(不值钱的东西等)v. 突然产生,成为负担,偶遇冒险地,胡乱地,随便地听不懂,理解不了与不相称At any rateBe on the rackadv. 无论如何,至少十分痛苦, 极度焦虑Unit 5 A Wagner MatineeLegacyScourgeFumbleUpshotRevertDoggedlySomething left behindCause great pain and sufferingFinger or handle awkwardlyFinal result, outcomeReturn, go backPerseveringlyn. 遗产,遗赠vt. 鞭打,重惩vt. vi. 弄乱, 笨拙地做,摸索n. 结果vi. 恢复,重提,回到上,归还adv. 固执地,顽强地HaggardConjectureInertTrepidationExcruciatinglyMatineeTired and thin-facedGuess, speculateNot wanting to move or act to thinkFear or nervousnessIntensely, unbearablyA performance held in the afternoon or morningadj. 憔悴的,面容枯槁的vt.& vi. 推测,猜想,揣摩adj. 迟钝的, 惰性的n. 害怕,不安,颤抖adv. 极痛苦地,难忍受的n. (剧场、影院等的)午后的演出,午场DrowsyJocularityDelugeInterminablySeethingMyriadHalf asleep, feeling sleepyThe quality of being humorous or given to joking and jestingFlood, an overwhelming amountendlesslyboilingCountless, innumerableadj. 昏昏欲睡的,沉寂的,呆滞的n. 滑稽,戏谑,打趣n. 洪水,泛滥,倾盆大雨adv. 漫无止境地,没完没了地adj. 沸腾的,火热的adj. 无数的,各式各样的InfatuationContourSlenderturmoilGauntAloofnessIntense but foolish loveOutline, shapeSlight, small, poorA state of confusion or disorderSo thin that the bones under the skin can be seenThe state of being cool and unconcernedn. 热恋,迷恋n. 外形,轮廓,(地图上表示相同海拔各点的)等高线,概要adj. 苗条的, 微薄的,柔弱的n. 混乱; 焦虑adj. 憔悴的; 骨瘦如柴的, 荒凉的超然态度PerceiveNotice, become aware ofv. 意识到, 察觉,理解Out of placeGo aboutPrevail uponNot so much asSink intoAt the mercy of不在应在的位置,不恰当,不协调处理,到处走动,流传劝告,说服连都不肯,甚至不渗入,沉入, 把投入任摆布, 在前毫无办法Dead toTo all intents and purposesIn short对无反应或感觉的,麻木不仁的几乎在一切方面, 实际上, 基本上简而言之, 总之

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