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五年级英语unit 2 my favourite season第一课时教学设计教学重点:1. 听、说、读、写五个名词:spring, summer, fall, winter, season.2. 运用句型Whats your favourite season? 和Whats the weather like in?进行问答。教学难点:听、说、读、写单词spring, summer, fall, winter, season.【教学目标】1. 能够运用句型Whats your favourite season? 和Whats the weather like in?进行问答。2. 能理解并说唱Lets chant 部分的歌谣。3. 能按指令完成Lets find out中的任务,画图并进行对话。【教学过程】一、Warming up/Revision(热身/复习)1.情绪热身: Lets chant:Mmm! Its warm today! Take off your jacket!Phew! Its hot today! Put on your T-shirt!Oooh! Its cool today! Put on your sweater!Brrr! Its cold today! Put on your coat!2.复习(1)Boys and girls, what are you wearing today? Are you cold? Look out of the window. Whats the weather like today?(2)My favourite food is mutton. Whats your favourite food / sport / animal / colour? 二、Presentation/Practice(新课呈现/操练)(一) Lets learn利用课件学习单词spring, summer, fall, winter, season.1.学习:spring.Its warm today. The spring is coming. Its spring now. I like spring. Do you like spring? Look at the big cream. Its spring. (板书spring) Whats the weather like in spring?(利用课件展示小草发芽,鲜花盛开,冰雪融化,小溪流水等精美图片。让学生体验和感受春天。)1.学习:summer.I like spring. But do you know my favourite season. Whats my favourite season? Can you guess? Just listen:(利用课件播放蝉和青蛙的叫声。)Its summer. My favourite season is summer.(板书summer)Whats the weather like in summer?1.学习:fall.Look at the big cream. Is it spring or summer?(利用课件展示瓜果丰收、大雁难飞和黄叶飘落等精美图片。让学生体验和感受秋天。)Is it spring? Is it summer? No, its fall! Its fall. (板书fall)1.学习:winter, season.There are four seasons in a year. They are Spring, summer, fall and The last season is winter. Do you like winter? Whats the weather like in winter? (板书winter, season)操练:通过有感情的朗读来练习单词winter.(把冬天寒冷的感觉读出来。)1.学习:Whats your favourite season?Spring, summer, winter and fall. Guess: what is my favourite season? And why do I like it? My favourite season is summer. I can eat ice creams. I can wear T-shirts. Do you like summer? Whats your favourite season?操练:通过Make friends练习句型Whats your favourite season?在班内找出三个与你最喜欢的季节相同的同学作为朋友。6.听录音模仿语音语调Listen and repeat. (二)Lets start1. 用简笔画呈现四季,让学生回答:Whats the weather like in this picture? 复习巩固有关天气的形容词。2. 出示标有重要城市的世界地图,指导学生两人一组运用句型:whats your favourite season? Because its完成Lets start中问答与填表任务。(三)Lets chant播放Lets chant部分的录音,教师配合肢体语言反复出示相应的图片、词卡与Lets chant中语句对应,帮助学生理解,然后让学生跟录音说唱歌谣。(四)趣味操练1. Lets chantSpring, summer, winter and fall.Whats your favourite season?Spring or summer? Winter or fall?Spring or summer? Winter or fall?Whats your favourite season?2. Guessing game.对错碰碰乐。两队各派一个代表在前,把春、夏、秋、冬四季的单词卡两套打乱顺序反扣在讲桌上。同学们一齐问:两个代表分别回答,然后抽取词卡给大家看。如果不一致,游戏继续。最先说的与词卡相同的队获胜。【设计意图】通过生动活泼游戏、说唱练习单词与句型。这些活动适合学生的生理和心理特点,倍受学生喜欢,真正作到寓教于乐。三、Consolidation and extension(巩固与拓展)(一)Read, fill in the blanks and match. (填空并连线。)春天图夏天图秋天图冬天图 f_ll w_ ter s_mmer spr_ng (二) Sum up(总结)Boys and girls, we have learned spring, summer, fall and winter. Who is the winner? Lets count. Boys, you are the winner. Congratulations! Girls, you must work hard. I think youll be better!四、Emotional Theme(情感升华)Spring, summer, fall and winter. They make a year, make our life. Every season is different and every season is important. We should take good use of them. No matter we like or not! 五、Homework(家庭作业)(一) Teach your parents the new 5 words and copy them for 3 times.(二) Finish “Lets find out”.(三) Draw some pictures about seasons.

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