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历年厦门中考英语试卷清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供05厦门市中考英语试题 A卷 (满分100分) 第一部分听力测试(略) 第二部分基础知识与运用 (共20分,每小题1分)选择填空 从A、B、C、D中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。31. How many_would you like?Two, please. A. cups of tea B. cup of teasC. cups of teas D. cup of tea 32. Where is_maths teacher?Hes talking with Sams father over there. A. a B. an C. the D. /33. You speak English very well. You must have a goodEnglish teacher. But no one taught me. I learned it all by_. A. me B. I C. mine D. myself 34. I study in Yu Cai Middle School. There are two_students in our school. A. thousand B. thousandsC. thousand of D. thousands of35. The coat is too expensive. Look, heres another one. Its_and nicer. A. dearer B. cheaper C. older D. longer36. There are two classes_ Saturday afternoon. We can not have a rest this weekend. A. at B. on C. in D. of37. It was so late, _ the farmers went to working in the field. A. and B. or C. so D. but38. It will_you about thirteen hours to fly to England from Hong Kong. A. spend B. take C. use D. pay39. _more clothes. Its snowing heavily outside. A. Put on B. Turn on C. Get on D. Go on 40. Which do you like better, Mcdonals or KFC? _, I just like Chinese fast food. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None41. Its hard to say who will_the match in the end. They are neck and neck. A. win B. beat C. fight D. play42. Keep quiet, please. They_a meeting right now, A. have B. hadC. are having D. have had43. The letter_in French. I cant read it. A. writes B. wrote C. is writing D. is written44. _ has Miss Jones been in Beijing?For two and a half years. A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How soon45. Do you know_?He is a driver. A. who is he B. who he isC. what is he D. what he is46. I dont feel like_ now. I prefer to have a walk after supper. A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. walks47. Have you finished reading Harry Potter V?_. I still have some pages. A. Yes, I do B. No, I dontC. Yes, I have D. No I havent 48. I didnt know anything about it_my father told me. A. until B. because C. if D. after49. What are you_over there?My watch, but I cant_it. A. seeing; find B. watching; lookC. looking for; find D. finding; see50. After such a long journey, the children_be very tired now. A. can B. must C. have to D. need 第三部分:阅读理解(共30分) V阅读下面四篇短文 根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答5170小题,其中,A、B两篇每小题1分,C、D两篇每小题2分(A)I Dont Have the Time. A driver stopped his car on a street side to have a rest. As he lay down in the seat and closed his eyes, a man came up and knocked at the window to ask the time. The driver opened his eyes and looked at his watch. Its 8 a. m. he said. Then he went to sleep again. But soon he woke up because a second person was knocking at the window. Sir, do you have the time? he asked. The driver looked at his watch again, and told the man it was 8: 30 a. m. At this rate(照此下去) , he could not have a good rest, so he wrote a short note(字条) and put it up on the window for all to see. It said, I dont have the time. Again the man lay down in the seat for his sleep. A few minutes later, a third person came along and began knocking at the window. Hey, sir, he said. Its a quarter to nine. 51 . The driver stopped his car because he_. A. didnt know the time B. lost his watchC. saw his friend D. was very tired52. He was woken up again by the second person_. A. a few minutes later B. half an hour laterC. forty-five minutes later D. the next morning53. The driver _ after he put up the note on the window. A. had a very good restB. was woken up again very soonC. really forgot the timeD. made a phone call to the third person54. The third person came to knock at the window to . A. ask the time B. have a sleepC. tell him the time D. ask for help55. According to (根据 ) this passage, we know that . A. the driver didnt have his own houseB. the first two persons liked the drivers watchC. the third person was kind and friendlyD. the driver had a good sleep last night(B)The Young Pop KingHe is quiet and shy. He likes to hide his eyes behind his hair. He doesnt smile very often. However, if you talk to him about music, hell have a lot to say. This is Jay Chou, the 24-year-old Taiwanese pop king(天王). His fans are so excited because he will sing songs in Beijing on September 12. Those songs are from his new album (唱片), Ye Huimei, and the album was released (发行) in July and was named after his mother. Chou grew up just with his mother. He did not talk much and did badly in many school subjects. His mother noticed the boys special interest in music and sent him to learn piano when he was only three years old. He loved it and kept on practicing. Chou is not very handsome. He does not speak clearly when he sings or talks. But the singer has huge crowds of fans. He is really good at music. It makes him attractive(有魅力 的) to me, said Liu Jiajun, a Junior 2 student in No. 101 Middle School in Beijing. He is true to himself. He never follows others, said Zhang Yujie, a Junior 1 girl at Huaibei Middle School in Sihong, Jiangsu Provice. 56. From this passage, we know that Jay Chou_. A. is very handsomeB. has a bright smileC. often makes too much noise D. is a pop music star57. His fans are so excited because_. A. he released a new album in JulyB. he will sing new songs in BeijingC. he can play the piano very wellD. his new album was named after his mother58. When he was a little child, he_. A. talked a lot every dayB. did well in his study at schoolC. started to like musicD. had huge crowds of fans59. According to one of his fans, Jay_. A. is a good studentB. has long and beautiful hairC. is a well-known pianistD. is very attractive to them60. The sentence He never follows others in the lastparagraph means_. A. he always has his own style(风格)B. he likes to walk aloneC. he doesnt like other peoples songs at all D. no one can catch up with him(C)A School ReportName: Edward Scott School: Kelvin Grove Stale High School Grade: 7 Term ends: 6, MaySubjects: Maths He is a little weak in this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others. English He is the best in the class. Keep it up. ScienceHe can work out many difficulties. FrenchHis reading is very good, he can remember many words. HistoryHe is not so good at this, but has done better than before. GeographyHe is familiar(熟悉) with the names of many places. in the world. MusicHe doesnt like pop songs, though sings very well. Remarks( 评语): Edward is able to do a lot better. More work is needed next term. Class teacher: IvyHeadmaster: M. L. Martin School reopens: 11, September61. Tins is a_. A. studying plan of Edward ScottB. teaching plan of IvyC. school report of Edward ScottD. working plan of M. L. Martin62. Which subject is NOT mentioned(提到) in the form? A. Chinese B. Music C. Maths D. Geography63. Edwards best subject is_. A. science B. English C. French D. history64. Edward is not so good at_. A. science and geographyB. history and FrenchC. music and EnglishD. maths and history65. According to the form, which of the following sentences is TRUE?A. Edward doesnt do well in science. B. Edward cant sing songs well. C. Edward studies two languages at school. D. Edward likes pop songs so much. (D)A New Kind of Mobile Phones Two robbers have been put into prison(监狱) in Italy. One of them is called Daniel Pure. He is twenty years old. The other one is Doran, and he is twenty-one. Its new in the world to catch robbers with the help of mobile phones. This is a new kind of mobile phones. It can take a photo and send it to other mobile phones. These two persons moved slowly outside a clothes shop for a long time, and they seemed to have nothing to do. The owner of the shop felt they were unusual. So he used his mobile phone to take their picture. After that he sent a message with the picture to the police. The picture surprised the police. Because the persons in the picture had done something wrong, and the police were trying to catch them! A pobce car was immediately sent to the shop. The pair was caught there. The two robbers were put into prison for six months. A police told a newspaper, We think it is the first time in the world that a picture message has been used to help catch criminals. 66. The shop in the story sells_. A. mobile phones B. pictures C. newspapers D. chothes67. The shopkeeper felt something was wrong with the two persons because they_. A. looked quite unusual B. had no mobile phones C. sent messages to him D. wore strange clothes68. The new kind of mobile phones can_. A. catch robbers B. take picturesC. read newspapers D. move slowly69. The word criminals refers to (指) those who _. A. like taking photos B. like shopping clothesC. have done something wrongD. have nothing to do70. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? A. The two robbers are both young men. B. The police must have the new mobile phones, too. C. The two robbers robbed nothing this time. D. Its the first time the two robbers did something wrong. 第四部分情景交际运用(共20分)Cai = Cai Ming Lin = Lin Tao Wang = Wang QiangCai: Hi, Iin Tao! Where 71 you just now?Lin: I was watching the 200 -metre 72 on the playground. Cai: Who won?Lin: Wang Qiang, of course. He always runs the 73 of all. Cai: What 74 Chen Dong? He is good at running, too. Iin: Oh, I hear he fell and 75 his leg when he was jumping. Cai: Oh! 76 luck! Shall we go and 77 him? Lin: All right. Look! Wang Qiang is coming. Cai: (shaking hands with Wang Qiang) Well done! Wang Qiang. 78! Wang: Oh, thank you very much. I am lucky today. Where is Chen Dong, do you know?Lin: He 79 at home because he had his leg hurt. Wang: I am 80 to hear that. Well, I must go for a rest now. See you. Lin & Cai: See you. 常用句式根据提示,写出恰当的句子完成下列问答。注意:必须用完整句式作答,并传递明确的信息,不能使用(dont know之类的句子。(每句2分,共10分)81. A: I am very sony. B: _82. ArWhat would you like to drink?B: _83. A: When did you go to bed last night?B: _84. A: _B: My favourite colour is blue. 85. A: _B: Its June l, a happy day for all children. B卷(满分50分) 第一部分阅读与综合运用(共30分)I完型填空(本题共10分,每小题1分) 根据短文的内容,选出能填入文中空白处的最佳答案,将代表答案的字母标号填入题前的括号中。On April 19, we were told to leave school and stay at home because of a new disease called SARS. We started an unusual holiday. Its not very 1 for us to stay at home all day. I think going to school is much better than staying at home, although our classes are sometimes 2 . It would be good to see my classmates because I started to 3 them so much. After two weeks, my parents took me to the Great Wall. I felt 4 when I was able to be outside again. It was not crowded there because 5 people were leaving their houses. My school had asked me to do a special job during this unusual holiday. Every day I 6 ten of my classmates and asked them to take their temperature. I also asked them if they had done their homework. Then I gave the 7 to our teacher. This was a lot of fun. I had 8 made so many phone calls to my classmates before. Its the end of the month now. 9 knows how long this holiday will last. When we go back to school, I 10 everything will return to normal (正常) , and SARS will never come back again. ( )l. A. bad B. nice C. late D. safe( )2. A. interesting B. moving C. surprising D. boring( )3. A. think B. hate C. miss D. know( )4. A. think B. worried C. afraid D. sad( )5. A. little B. many C. no D. few( )6. A. taught B. helped C. phoned D. visited( )7. A. composition B. attention C. information D. congratulation( )8. A. already B. yet C. ever D. never( )9. A. Somebody B. Everybody C. Anybody D. Nobody( )10. A. hope B. find C. decide D. checkII阅读理解(本题共10分,每小题2分) 阅读短文,根据文章内容回答问题。Every Pet Has His/Her DayPets are a part of peoples lives. Some pets are like family. In these days, many people have pets at home and spend a lot of money improving their lives. In fact, in some parts of the world, pets get real VIP treatment (待遇). VIP usually means Very Important People, but here VIP means Very Important Pets!When you want to give Fido or Kitty a holiday, or when youre going away on business, you can choose from many dog and cat hotels. Some have many different good services(服 务) . Dogs can exercise inside or outside, and cats have a large place with something to climb on and play with. The guests get the best food during their stays at these hotels. There are other special services at these hotels. Imagine you are travelling and you want to see your pet: The hotel can put a video camera in the pets room. So you can see your Fido or Kitty on TV. The hotels usually have good groomers(美容师): They offer baths and the best hair care for the pets. But you need to make an appointrnent(预约) because these people are usually very busy taking care of pets. 11 . Whats the new meaning of VIP in this passage?12. According to this passage, where can you put your pet when you are away on business?13. What does Fido stand for(代表) here?14. How can you see your pet during your travelling?15. Why need you make an appointment when you want a good groomer for your pet?翻译(本题共10分。每空1分) 根据中文提示填空,完成下列句子,每空1词。16. _ _or youll miss the early bus. (快点,不然你会错过早班车的。)17. I have a better idea, although I_ _you. (虽然我同意你的意见,但是我有更好的想法。)18. The room was_ _people when I got there. (当我到那里的时候,屋里已经挤满了人。)19. Computers will become much smaller and more useful _the_. (将来,电脑会变得越来越小,越来越有用。)20. We must not_ _others when they are in trouble. (there, bird, tree)(当别人身处困境时,我们不能嘲笑他们。) 第二部分写作(共20分) IV看图写句I本题共8分每句2分) 根据图片和提示词,写出一个恰当的句子。 (要求:1使用全部的提示词;2写出完整的句式结构)(there,bird,tree)21._ (Mark, football, with)23._ V短文写作(本题12分) 在初中三年的学习生活中,你一定交了不少好朋友,留下了许多美好的回忆。请以“My Best Frierd Tom/Mary为题,写一篇100词左右的短文,介绍一位你最要好的朋友,男生姓名用Tom;女生姓名用Mary统代替。内容要求:1他,她的外貌特征和个性特点; 2你们一起经历的一件你印象特别深刻的事情。注意:严禁使用真实的校名和姓名【05答案】 A试卷 第一部分 听力测试略第二部分 基础知识与运用IV. 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B 36. B 37. D 38. B 39. A 40. C 41. A 42. C 43. D 44. B 45. D 46. B 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. BV. 51. D 52. B 53. B 54. C 55. C 56. D 57. B 58. C 59. D 60. A 61. C 62. A 63. B 64. D 65. C 66. D 67. A 68. B 69. C 70. DVI. 71. were 72. race(match) 73. fastest 74. about 75. hurt(broke) 76. Bad 77. see(visit) 78. Congratulations 79. is(was/stays/stayed) 80. sorryVII. 81. it doesnt matter. ( Thats all right. /Its OK. /Dont mention it. /Never mind. ) 82. Id like some orange juice. 83. I went to bed at ten. 84. Whats/Whiehs your favoufite colour? What/Which colour do you like best? What/Which colour is your favoufite? 85. When is Childrens Day? (Whats the date today?)I. I. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. AII 11. Very important Pets. (The new meaning of VIP is/It means) 12. A dog and cat hotel. (I can put it in ) 13. A dog/A pet. (It stands for ) 14. On TWBy a video camera (The hotel put a video camera in the pets room, then I can see it ) 15. Busy(Because they are usually)III . 16. Hurry, up 17. agree, with 18. full, of(filled, with/crowded, with) 19. in, future 20. laugh, atIV. 21. There is a bird in the tree. 22. Kate is waiting for a bus now 23. Mark often plays football with his classmates. 24. Bettty gave presents to her teacher on Teachers Day. 2006厦门中考英语试题及参考答案第部分(选择题)()听力测试(每小题 1 分, 共 30 分)略(二)基础知识与运用(每小题 1 分, 共 30 分)V. 选择填空:从 A 、 B 、 C 中, 选出个最佳答案完成句子。21 Could you give me some _ ? Why dont you join an English club and do more practice?A. interest B. advice C. voice 22. James likes to play _ violin and _ chess when he is free.A. the, / B. / , the C. the, the23. The math exam was very difficult. I dont think _ could pass it.A. someone B. everyone C. no one24 - Would you like _ cake? No, thanks. Im full.A. another B. other C. else25. Good news! We are going _ a school trip to Guangzhou next week. A. at B. with C. on26. _ our football team failed in the match, we tried our best. A. As B. Though C. Because27 _ did she become a famous actress? In 1999.A. When B. How C. Why28. I am afraid that I _ finish the task in such a short time. Could you help me, please? A. can B. am not able to C. am going to29 Do you hear her _ in the next room?Yes. It sounds perfect.A. sings B. to sing C. singing30. The phone is ringing. Who can _ it for me?A. call B. answer C. ask31. Would you mind _ the music? I cant hear it clearly.A. turning up B. turning down C. turning on32. The price of the computer _ what kind you want to buy.A. goes on B. takes after C. depends on33. Look, thats our new school building. There _ be old and low houses.A. is going to B. had C. used to34. Mr Wang _ dinner when we got to his house.A. had boiled B. had made C. had kept35. He doesnt tell me when he _ . Ill call you up as soon as he _ .A. will come, arrives B. comes, arrives C. will come, will arrive36. I think teenagers in China should _ to make their own decisions.A. allow B. be allowed C. be stopped37. Will people live to be 200 years old? -_. A. No, they dont B. No, they wont C. No, they arent38. How often do you watch TV? -Maybe _. You know, were students in Grade 3, so we dont have much time.A. in the evening B. for twenty minutes C. once a week39. -Where will we meet? -Sorry? -I asked _meet. A. where we would B. when we would C. where will we40. The boy _ lost his backpack has to borrow books from his teachers. A. who B. whose C. whichVI. 完形填空从A、B、C中, 选择

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