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2010-2011学年度第一学期英语六年级寒假作业一、选词填空和阅读理解;另加8页字帖。一、选词填空,在空格中填上适当的词,使句子完整。 1.(often, library, behind, name, subway, minutes, post office, foot, live, right, straight, far, sometimes, right)My name is Ann. I _ in Flower Street. I usually go to school on_. _ I go by bike. My home is not _ from my school. Go_ from the west school gate, turn left at the _, Walk about four _. You can see a post office on the _side. My home is _the post office.2.(does, do, have, water, is, wash, cook, make, dont, happy, in, making)It 1_ Sunday tomorrow. I 2_ go to school. It is my moms birthday. So I am going to 3_ all the housework for my mom. I am going to 4_ the flowers and 5_ the lunch. After lunch, I am going to 6_ clothes and clean the living room. 7_the evening, we are going to 8_ a birthday party. That will be fun. I am 9 _ a birthday card for my mother. She will be 10_.3. (is , comes, drives, likes, works, teaches, with, riding, taking, have, take, has) Mary _ a good friend, Amy. Amy _ from the USA. Now she _ in a company in Shanghai. Every morning she gets up very early. She _ a car to work. In the evening, Miss Li _ her Chinese. She _ Chinese very much. Her hobby is _ a bike. This weekend, she _ going to _ a trip.4.( teacher , engineer ,dont , doesnt , Saturday , Monday , watche ,watches , afternoon , evening , library ,bookstore , works , reads )Its _morning. Amy _go to school. She is going to the _ . She wants to buy a comic book . She is going to read the comic book in the _. In the evening , shes going to _ TV .Amys mother is a _. On the weekend ,she often_ TV . Sometimes she _ newspapers after dinner .Amys father is an _. He _ in a car factoy. He designs cars .5. (likes like on foot walk policewoman policeman help helping goes going go salesperson fruit good)Sarahs mother works in a _ stand. She is a _. She _ to work by subway. Her father works in a police station. He is a _. He goes to work _ _. He likes _ people. He is a _ policeman. Sarah _ her family very much.6.(have busy visit in do with noodles friends help then going)The girl is _ to be _ next Sunday. _ the morning, shes going to _ do housework. He is going to cook _ for lunch. _, she is going to _ her _. She is going to _ sports. She is going to _ a good time.7.(boy, John, then, Chinese, China, on, bookstore, cinema, dictionary, by, with, friend, take, get, at, in, go)Hello, this is _. He likes _books very much. Hes going to the _. He is going to buy a _. He is going there _ his _. First, they are going to _ the No. 1 bus. Get off _ the cinema, _ turn right, _ straight for five minutes. The bookstore is on the left.二、阅读理解(一)根据短文内容,选择恰当的答案。(1)Tomorrow is Saturday. Ben isnt going to school. He is going to get up early. In the morning, he is going to Xinhua Library .Hes going there by bus. Hes going to have lunch in KFC In the afternoon, he is going to play ping-pong with his friends. At about 4:30,he is going home to do homework. Then he is going to water the flowers .Hes going to cook the meals for his parents in the evening.( )1.What day is it today? Today is .A. Friday. B. Saturday.( )2. Whats Ben going to do on Saturday morning ? He is going to A. Xinhua Library B. visit his grandparents( )3. Ben is going to have lunch ?A. In KFC . B. In McDonalds( )4. Ben is going to Xinhua Library by A. train. B. bus( )5. Is Ben Jie a good boy?A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt.(2)Little Tom is playing basketball in front of a house. A salesperson with many boxes in his hand asks him, “Hello, little boy, is your mother at home?” “Yes.” Tom answers. Then the salesperson rings the doorbell. But no one answers. The man asks Tom, “Is anyone in your house?” “Yes.” Tom answer, “But this is not my house.”( ) 1. Tom is playing _. A. sports B. chess( ) 2. Tom is _. A. at home B. near the house( ) 3. The salesperson wants to _Toms mother. A. see B. say goodbye to( ) 4. _is in that house. A. Nobody B. Toms mother( ) 5. Is that Toms house? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.(3)Today is Saturday . This morning , Im going to clean my bedroom . Then Im going to do my homework in the afternoon .In the evening,Im going to the bookstore . Im going to buy a story book .Im going to walk to the bookstore .What are you going to do this weekend ? Can you tell me ?( ) 1.Im going to the bookstore _. A. by bus B. on foot( ) 2.Im going to buy a _. A. comic book B. story-book ( )3. Im going to the _ in the afternoon . A. library B bookstore ( ) 4.Tomorrow is _. A.Friday B.Sunday( )5.In the _, Im going to the bookstore . A. afternoon B. evening(4)Hello, I am Andy. I am a student. I like going to the nature park. But now I cant see the white clouds in the blue sky. I cant smell the fresh air, and I cant see the clean water. Because there are so many cars on the road now. It becomes dirty and dirty. So I am going to be a scientist. I am going to find new ways to make our sky blue and the air fresh. I am going to do more for our earth. I want to protect the earth. I am going to study hard every day. What about you? What are you going to be? ( ) 1. Andy is a _. A. worker B. student C. scientist( ) 2. Andy likes _. A. fresh air and clean water B. blue sky and white clouds C. A&B( )3. Is the air fresh and the water clean now? . A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it isnt.( ) 4. Andy is going to be a _. A. engineer B. scientist C. teacher( ) 5. Can we protect our earth? A. Yes, we cant. B. Yes, we can. C. No, we can.(二) 阅读下面的短文,判断下列句子的对错。 (1) Today is Friday. Im going to take a trip tomorrow. Now Im going to the supermarket. Im going to buy some food and a comic book. First , I m going to Guangzhou tomorrow morning. Im going to go by train. Im going to read my new comic book on the train. Then Im going to Kunming by plane from Guangzhou. In Kunming , Im going to see folk dances and eat snack. Ill be very happy.( ) 1. Im going to take a trip next Friday.( ) 2 Im going to buy some food and a comic book tomorrow.( )3. Im going to Guangzhou by train this morning.( )4. Im going to Kunming by plane.( ) 5. Im going to see modern dances in Kunming.(2)Hello. My name is Jack. I have a new pen pal. He is John. He comes from England. He likes collecting stamps. His father is an engineer. He can make cars. His mother is an English teacher. She likes doing housework. Jacks school is very far. He goes to school by bike. Today is Sunday. He doesnt go to school. He is going to do his homework first and then he is going to watch TV.( ) 1. John is Jacks classmate.( ) 2. John is an English boy.( ) 3. Jacks fathers hobby is making cars.( ) 4. Johns mother works in the school.( ) 5. John is watching TV now.二、基础题部分Unit 1:一、填单词。(每词1分,共15分)走路 乘自行车 坐公共汽车 坐火车 坐飞机 坐船 坐地铁 怎样 上学 交通 交通灯 交通规则 停,停车站 等待 到达 二、看答句,写问句。(每题1分,共7分)1. A: ? B: I go to school by bike.2. A: ? B: We go to Canada by plane.3. A: ? B: Yes, they go to work on foot.4. A: ? B: No, his sister goes to school by subway.5. A: ? B: We must stop at a red light.6. A: ? B: I should wait at a yellow light.7. A: ? B: You can go to the Peoples Park by the No. 32 bus.三、 作文简单介绍一下你和你的同学周末去什么地方?去做什么?怎么去?和谁去?要求不少于5句话。请注意书写规范和标点符号的要求。 Unit 2:一、填单词(每题1分,共19分)图书馆 邮局 医院 电影院 书店 科学博物馆 在哪里 请 与相邻 向右转弯 向左转弯 在右边 在左边 直走 然后 东 南 西 北 二、看答句,写问句。(每题1分,共6分)1A: _?B:The hospital is near the bookstore.2. A: _? B: Yes, the cinema is behind the bank.3. A: _? B : No, the post office is on the right.4. A: _? B: No, the school is near.5. A: _?B: You can go straight for six minutes. Then turn left.6. A: _? B: The library is west of the bookstore.left.三、 作文仿写Peter正站在超市门前,他想到医院看病,但不知道如何去。你遇上路旁的他,请看图发挥想象力,写一段话,不少于5句话。(交通方式:乘车)peterNo. 2 No. 2hospitalcinema Unit 3:。(每题1分,共15分)下周 今天上午 今天下午 今天晚上 明天 去旅行 阅读杂志 去看电影 长城 漫画书 明信片 报纸 购买 杂志 字典 二、看答句,写问句。(每题1分,共7分)1. A: _? B: Im going to the Great Wall next month.2.A: _? B: Were going to Beijing by plane.3. A: _? B: Theyre going this evening.4. A: _? B: Yes, Johns father is going to take a trip tomorrow.5. A: _? B: No, hes going to plant trees in the park.6. A: _? B: Im going to be a teacher in 20 years time.7. A: _? B: I want to be a docter in the future.三、作文你这个周末打算做什么? Unit 4一、填单词。(各1分,共12分)1.爱好 2.骑自行车 3. 跳水 4.拉小提琴 5.制作风筝 6. 集邮 7.笔友 8.居住 9.教 10.观看 11.读;看 12.去 二、看答句,写问句。(各1分,共11分)1. A: ? B: I like playing football.2. A: ? B: He likes drawing pictures.3. A: ? B: She likes listening to music.4. A: ? B: My mother likes cooking.6. A: ? B: Her father likes swimming.7. A: ? B: He teaches English.8. A: _?B: My brother often reads books after lunch.9. A: _? B: No,we go to the zoo on foot.10.A: _?B: Yes,she does. She goes to bed at 10.11. A: _?(学校) B: No,he doesnt. My father works in a hospital.三、写作文写一写你妈妈的一天,通常做些什么?(题目:My mothers day) Unit5一、填单词。(各1分,共13分)1.歌唱家;歌手 2.作家 3. 男演员 4.女演员 5.画家 6. 电视台记者 7.工程师 8.会计 9.(男)警察 10.销售员 11.清洁工 12.在哪里 二、看答句,写问句。(各1分 ,共10分)1. A: ? B: Hes a teacher.2. A: ? B: My mother is a doctor.3. A: ? B: She works in a CD company.4. A: ? B: My father works in a hospital.6. A: ?(英语) B: No,he teaches math.7. A: ? B: He is my father.8. A: _?B: The boy is my brother.9. A: _? B: My sister goes to work bu car.10.A: _?B: He goes to works by subway.三、作文写一封email给你朋友,介绍你家有几口人,他们是谁,并说说你父母的职业,在哪上班,怎样上班,几点上班。 Unit6一、根据中文的提示写出单词。(各1分 ,共20分)1.雨 2.云 3.蒸汽 4.太阳 5.小溪 6.来自 7.变成 8.照耀 _ 9.种子 10.土壤 11.嫩芽 12.种植 13.应该 14.然后 15.公园 16.花园 17.放置 18.几个 19.看见 20.盆 二、根据答句写出问句。(各2分 ,共28分)1A:_? B: I can see some mountains in the picture.2. A:_? B: We can see eight birds in the sky.3. A: _? B: I can see three. (图片:三个书包)4A:_? B:There is a boy in the bedroom.5. A: _? B: There are five people in my family.6. A: _? B: I have two brothers. 7. A:_? B: Amy has seven new pens.8. A: _? B: The rain comes from the clouds.9. A:_? B: The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.10A:_? B: Im going to plant flower seeds in the garden.11. A:_? B: Its easy. First, put the flower seeds in the soil.12. A:_? B: Water them. In several days, you can see a sprout. 四、作文仿写1.说说雨的形成过程。 2.说说怎样种花。 3.说说怎样种树。


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