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PEP小学英语五年级下册期末复习提纲Unit1 This is My Daydo morning exercises晨练 eat breakfast吃早饭have English class上英语课 play sports进行体育活动eat dinner吃晚饭 when什么时候 evening夜晚,晚上get up起床 at在点钟 usually通常,一般noon中午 weekend周末 often经常climb mountains爬山 go shopping去购物play the piano弹钢琴 visit grandparents探望(外)祖父母go hiking去远足 sometimes有时候一When do you do morning exercises?你什么时候晨练?一I usually do morning exercises at 8:30我通常在8:30晨练。When do you十动词短语?它的回答:I usuallyoften或UsuallySometimes l一Excuse meCan l ask you some questions? 对不起,打扰了。我可以问你些问题吗?它的回答是:SureCertainly Yes等等。 What do you do? 你是做什么的?一I am a policeman我是个警察。女警察:policewomanWhen do you go to work?你什么时候去工作?Go to work:去工作 go to school:上学 go to bed:上床睡觉一I eat dinner at 7:00in the evening我晚上七点钟吃晚饭。in the morning:在早上 at noon在中午in the afternoon:在下午 in the evening:在晚上一What do you do on the weekend? 你在周末做什么?What do you do on MondaysSundays?你星期一星期日干什么?I(usuallyoften) 或者:Usually Sometimes I 一How about you?=What about you? 你呢?Unit 2 My Favourite Season spring春天 summer夏天 fall秋天 winter冬天 season季节 which哪一个 best最;极 swim游泳 fly kites放风筝 skate滑冰;滑冰鞋 make a snowman堆雪人 plant trees植树 why为什么 because因为 sleep睡觉 一Whats your favourite season?你最喜欢哪个季节? 一Winter冬天。Whats your favourite?你最喜爱的是什么?I like或者直接答出这样东西就可以。一Whats the weather like in spring?春天的天气怎么样?它的回答是:ItsWhich season do you like best? Whats your favourite season? 你最喜爱那一个季节?Which do you like best? 它的回答:I likebest或者直接答出这样东西就可以。 一I dont like winterIts too cold我不喜欢冬天,天气太冷了。 I dont like表达自己不喜欢某物。喜欢就用:I like 一Summer is good,but fall is my favourite season夏天不错,但我最喜爱秋天。 一Why do you like spring?你为什么喜欢春天? 一Because l can plant trees因为我可以植树。Why do you like?为什么你喜爱? 它的回答:Because Why do you like summer? Because l can swim in the seaUnit 3 My Birthday Jan.一月(缩写) Feb.二月 Mar.三月 Apr.四月 May五月 June六月 July七月 Aug.八月 Sept.九月 Oct.十月 Nov. 十一月 Dec.十二月 birthday生日 uncle叔叔;舅舅 her她的 date 日期 一When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候? 一My birthday is in June我的生日在六月。 一How many birthdays are there in January? There are 有多少人的生日在一月?有。 一Is your birthday in February,too?你的生日也在二月吗?这是般疑问句。 一When is Childrens Day? Its in June儿童节是什么时候?在六月。常见的国内外节日还有: Tree-planting Day 植树仃 New Years Day 新年,元旦 National Day 国庆节 Christmas Day 圣诞节 Mothers Day 母亲节 Fathers Day 父亲节 Womens Day 妇女节 Teachers Day 教师节 一When is Grandpas birthday?爷爷什么时候生日?某人s:表示某人的,并且要注意:位于人名或姓氏之前表示亲属关系的词,其开头的字母要大写。例如: 。 Uncle Bills birthday is in June比尔叔叔的生日在六月。 When is Aunt Marys birthday? 玛丽阿姨的生日是什么时候? Cousin Alices birthday is in April爱丽丝表姐的生日在四月。When is your birthday? 的回答有多种形式: My birthday is in+月份。2Its in+月份。3Its +月日。(有具体月日,不用“in”) Whats the date?几号? Whats the date today? 今天几号? What day is it today? 今天早期几? 一Is her birthday in June?她的生日在六月吗?一般疑问句。它的肯定回答是:Yes,it is.否定回答是:No,it isnt 一Does she have a computer?她有电脑吗?这是She has a computer的一般疑问句。它的肯定回答是:Yes,she does否定回答是:No,she doesntUnit 4 What Are You Doing? drawing pictures画画 cooking inner做饭 reading books看书 answering the phone接电话 listening to music听音乐 cleaning the room打扫房间 writing a letter写信 writing a E-mail写邮件 mom妈妈 grandpa爷爷 study书房 一What are you doing?你正在干什么? 一I am doing the dishes我在洗碗碟。现在进行时 意义:表示正在进行或发生的动作,常见的搭配有:now,Look! Listen!它的构成是:be(amareis) +动词的ing形式。 例如:I am drawing pictures我在画画。 HeShe is cooking dinner她在做饭。 They are reading books他们在看书。 一Its Chen Jie我是陈洁。这是打电话用语,用来介绍自己。它等于This is Chen Jie=This is Chen Jie speaking千万不能说成:I am Chen Jie 一What is your father doing? 你爸爸在干什么?- 一Hes writing an e-mail他在写电子邮件。以上这两句都是现在进行时。 一Grandpa is writing a letterBrother is doing homeworkMom is cooking dinner in the kitchen爷爷正在写信。哥哥在做功课。妈妈在厨房里做饭。 Unit 5 Look at the Monkeys flying飞 jumping跳 walking走 running跑 swimming游泳 kangaroo袋鼠 sleep睡觉 climb爬 fighting打架 swinging荡秋千 drinking water喝水 一Look at the tiger看这只老虎。 一I see the mother elephant我看见了大象妈妈。 mother elephant:象妈妈,不能说成:elephant mother baby kangaroo:袋鼠宝宝,不能说成:kangaroo baby What is it doing?它在干什么? 它的回答是:Its+动词的ing形式。这是主语是第三人称单数的现在进行时。例如:Its eating bananas它在吃香蕉。 一Do you see any elephants?你看见一些大象吗? -That elephant is drinking water with is trunk那只大象用它的象鼻喝水。With:和一起,用。在这里是“用”的意思。 一What are the elephants doing?大象们在干什么? 一They are drinking.它们在喝水。以上两句是主语是复数的现在进行时。例如:What are they doing? They are sleeping. 一What do you see? I see two elephants你看见了什么?我看见了两只大象。还要注意:What can you see?它的回答是:I can see two elephants Unit 6 A Field Triptaking pictures照相 watching insects观察昆虫 picking up leaves采摘树口十 doing an experiment做实验 catching butterflies捉蝴蝶 counting insects数昆虫 collecting leaves收集树口十 writing a report写报告 playing chess捉棋 having a picnic去野餐 honey蜂蜜 一What is Mike doing?迈克在干什么? 一Hes watching insects他在观察昆虫。 一They are in the woods他们在树林里。 woods:树林 in the forest/woods:在森林。 -Are they catching butterflies?他们在捉蝴蝶吗?这是They are catching butterflies的一般疑问句。它的肯定回答是:Yes,they are否定回答是:No,they arent一Are you eating lunch?你(们)在吃午饭吗?这是“I am eating lunch”或者“We are eating lunch的一般疑问句。它的肯定回答是:Yes,I amYes,we are否定回答是:NO,I am notNO,we arent一Is he taking pictures?他在照相吗?这是He is taking pictures的一般疑问句。它的肯定回答是:Yes,he is否定回答是:No,he isnt 一Is she counting insects?她在数昆虫吗?这是She is counting insects的一般疑问句。它的肯定回答是:Yes,she is.否定回答是:No,she isnt

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