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九年级英语全册 Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版Section A一、Teachers word: There is only one person who can define success in your life and that is you.在你的人生中只有一个人可以定义成功,那个人就是你。二、学习目标1:The use of important words and phrases ;Review “used to” “ present simple” “ passive voice ”“present perfect”2:How to describe animals;Debate an issue with your own words.3:Its our duty to save endangered animals.三、教学重难点:识记单词并能熟练运用。能运用所学知识进行自主表达。四、学习过程1. 预习导学及自测(1)自主学习P118-120上的生词。(2)尝试性题目:根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。1.The little dog is p .Many visitors like it.2.He is 1.87 meters tall but he only w 55kg.3.The river has been p with waste water from local factories.4.Different kinds of birds are kept in large c in the zoo.5.The book is s ( 适合的)for children.6.In the world, different animals have different (生长环境)。7.What would you do if you won a million p ?2. 情景导入:We and the animals all live in the world. What kind of animals do you like?Why? Can you describe them with the words we have just learned?3. 自主探究(1)1a、Write these words in the boxes below.(2)听录音,完成2a,2b.(3 ) 尝试翻译下列短语P118-119濒临灭绝的动物 水下植物 长着红树的沼泽地 一条斑点狗 100英镑的食物 一条被污染的河流 重1000英镑 10英尺长 (4 )自主阅读3a,3b.判断正(T)误(F)1.“Disgusted” is against building a new zoo in the town.( )2. He thinks zoos are good places for animals to live in.( ) 3. Last week he visited a zoo and thought the animals in the cages are happy enough.( )4.There were a lot of people in the zoo when “Animal Frend” visited the zoo yesterday.( )5.He thinks zoos are important places for endangered animals and they can educate the public about caring for animals.( )4.合作交流(1)Group work:说出你和某种动物的相似点,让你的同学猜猜是哪种动物。(2)pair work:模拟一个你和动物园饲养员的对话,用上2b中的信息或你知道的信息,描述一种动物。5.拓展创新(1)英语中表示长度、宽度、高度、深度、重量的句型为:数字+单位+表长度(宽度)的形容词 如:The river is about 1000 meters long.这条河大约有1000米长。 This is a river and that river is . A.200-meter-long,200 meter long B. 200-meter-long, 200 meters long C. 200-meters-long, 200 meters long D. 200 meters long, 200-meter-long(2)对数量进行提问时用:How+长/宽/高/深/重+be+sb./sth.? 如: How tall is the boy?这个男孩有多高?How deep is the river?这条河有多深?(3)pollute(v.)-pollution(n.)polluted(adj.)如:We must stop them from (pollute)the river.There will be less (pollute)in the future.There are few fish in the (pollute)river.(4)try to do sth.试图干某事 Try ones best to do sth.尽最大努力干某事 Have a try 尝试一下如:我们正在试图挽救那些濒临灭绝的动物。 我们应该尽最大努力帮助那些处于困境中的人们。 你能让我试一试吗? (5 )discover, invent , look for, find, find out的区别 (6)be against有“反对、倚、靠”之意。后接名词或动名词。其反义词组为be for如:We are all for peace and against war.我们都赞成和平,反对战争。Bruce is standing the wall because he is tired.A.To ,too B. towards ,not C .against, very D. at, much(7)educate(v.教育)-education(n.教育)-educator(n.教育家)educational(adj.有教育意义的)(8)be suitable for对很适合如:This kind of hairstyle is suitable for you.这种发型很适合你。(9)urge sb. to do sth.强烈要求/竭力主张某人干某事He urged me to join his company.他强烈要求我加入他们公司。6. 达标检测(一)用所给单词的适当形式填空 I like small (fur)animals. He has a (play)puppy.The (pollute)rivers have few creatures. I urged him (stay)for dinner.Many old coins (discover)while he was digging a well in the garden.She (weight)the stone in her hand and went out.(二) 单项选择( ) Do you know the reason she got so angry yesterday?A. why B. which C. for D for why( ) Although Jeff loves KFC(肯德基),he tries it too often.A.to eat B.not eat C.to not eat D.not to eat( ) Dr Bethune many Chinese soldiers in the war.A. gave B. bought C. knew D .saved( ) With the money he had saved,he went on his studies.A. that B. what C .who D .where( ) -How often do you go to the net bar? - . A .Once B .Once upon a time C Once a week D. More than once ( ) The railway station is noisy but in my eyes.A. living B. live C. alive D .lively ( ) The Internet provide us a lot of we need.A for information B .with ,information C. with, informations D. for, information( ) Smoking is not good ones health.A.for B.to C.in D.by( ) All the children _there.A. take good care B. take good care ofC. are taken good care D. are taken good care of ( ) I have never seen one zoo _I liked _my life.A. where ;in B. that ;in C. which ;for D. where ;in(三) 根据汉语完成句子在餐馆里,服务员为人们提供热水。 Waiters hot water peaple in the restaurant.他跑得足够快,可以赶上汤姆。 He runs to catch up with Tom.我们应当互相关心,互相帮助。We should each other and help each other.由于空气污染较少,扬州更适合人居住。Yangzhou is for people to live in less air pollution.他在一生中为自然科学做出了巨大贡献。He has made great contributions to science .那条街大约有200米长,三米宽。The street is about 200 metres , 3 metres . 7.小结回扣 五典型例题解析1.Countries like Japan and the USA often send their e-waste(电子垃圾)to China .Guiyu in Guangdong Province_“the e-waste capital of the world ”now.A. was called B. has called C. is called D. calls2. -Have you ever been to Albany ?-Where is it? I have never _it.A. thought of B. thought about C. heard of D. heard from3. - you take a bus to school?-Yes .But now I usually go to school on foot.A Did, use to B. Were, used to C. Do, use to六中考链接xkb 1.c om1.(2007,威海,1分)Why wont you go to the movie with me Betty? -Because I it twice.A. see B. will see C. saw D. have seen2.(2007,襄樊,1分)The World Cup _in Germany now.A. being had B. is having C. is holding D. is being helding3.(2007,哈尔滨,1分)-Our environment is getting worse than before. -Youre right. But thanks to Earth Day(地球日),people have done more and more useful things to protect the earth since Earth Day .A .is started B was started C. has started七写作练习你听说过某些濒临灭绝的动物吗? 请以Why should we protect wildlife animals?为题,用英语写一篇短文,说明为什么要保护野生动物。词数为80 词左右。写作提示: 1. 为什么有些野生动物处于危险之中; 2. 为什么保护野生动物很重要; 3. 我们应该采取什么措施来保护野生动物。提示词语: wildlife(野生的) ,endangered, tiger, panda, destroy(破坏),fur, take measures(采取措施),plant, tree, build a birdhouse _Section B 一、Teachers word: Protecting the envinment is actually protecting ourselves.二、学习目标1:The use of important words and phrases.Eg: Recycle, built pull, planet society, spare?hear of, be made from stop doing, turn off, most unusual woman?2: Write an article using the topic(话题) in this unit. 3: We should try our best to save the endangered planet and animals .三、教学重难点:现在完成时、被动语态、定语从句、used to do等的灵活运用。四、学习过程1.预习导学及自测(1)自主学习P121-122上的生词。(2)尝试性题目:根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。They are r money for the poor student.The earth is one of the nine p_ turning round the sun.In his s time, he often goes fishing with his father.Mr Green is making a (模型)ship for his son at the moment.Help me move the piano.You push and I (拉).Obama(奥巴马)is the first black p in the U.S.A.Many tall buidings have been (建造) in the last five years.This kind of machine is used for (回收)waste paper.-Have you heard from your parents r_?-Yes, I have. I received a letter yesterday.2.情景导入:Saving endangered animals is one thing we can do for our world. What else can we do to help save the planet?3.自主探究完成1a、2a、2b尝试翻译下列短语P121-122停止驾驶汽车 关灯 停止使用餐巾纸 回收纸张 干?很困难 听说 一位很不寻常的女性 过去常常干? 由?做成 “回收”材料 废弃的瓦片 获奖 在业余时间 (4 )自主阅读3a,回答下列问题。What kind of person do you think Amy Winterbourne is?What are the windows and doors of her house made from?What are the walls made from? What about the roof and the fence?Amy won an award recently, didnt she?What does she make model toys for?4.合作交流Pairwork 1b:利用1a中的信息,与同位会话,讨论一下哪种事情容易做,哪种事情难做。3a :Read the article and write down five questions you would like to ask.Share your questions with your partner.5. 拓展创新stop doing sth.停止干某事 stop to do sth.停下来去干(另一件事)stop sb. from doing sth.阻止某人干某事如:Please stop talking.Our teacher is coming.别说话了,老师就要来了。You look stressed out.Youd better stop to relax yourself.你看起来压力很大,你最好停下来放松一下自己。We should stop him from doing bad things.我们应该阻止他干坏事。turn on 打开 turn off 关闭 turn up 把音量开大 turn down 把音量关小如:Its too noisy here, Could you please the radio ?A .turn, on B. turning down C .turn, down D. turning offhear, hear of与hear from 的区别1.hear表示“直接听到”我听到他正在隔壁房间里唱歌。 2.hear of 意为“听说”表示从某人那里间接得知情况我不认识那位老师,但是我听说过他。I dont know the teacher.but I have him.(4)hear from “收到某人的来信”,与get/receive a letter from sb.同义昨天他收到了妈妈的来信。 Eg: Have you ever anything so strange before? A. listened B. heard from C. heard of D. listened to(5)be made from ,be made of ,be made in, be made into ,be made by ,be made up of的用法区别1.be made from 意为“由?制成”。强调从成品中看不出原材料。如:这酒是由葡萄酿成的。The wine 2.be made of意为“由?制成”。 强调从成品中能看出原材料。如:这张桌子是由木头制成的。 3.be made in 意为“在?(地点)制造”。后面跟产地。如:这种机器是中国制造的。This kind of machine 4.be made into意为“被制成?”。后跟加工制成的产品。如:Bamboo can be made into walking sticks and fishing poles.竹子可以被制成拐杖和钓鱼竿。5.be made by意为“由?(人)制造”。后跟动作的执行者。如:This model plane is made by Uncle Wang.这架模型飞机是由王叔叔制造的。6.be made up of意为“由?组成”,后跟组成部分。如:The football team is made up of eleven players.足球队是由11名队员组成。6.达标检测(一)用所给单词的适当形式填空 Its (easy)to pull down than to build up a building. Tibet is (unusual)place in our country.You should stop (worry) about it.Some people (dance)while others were singing.He is an (inspire)teacher. We all like him.There have been many changes in (recently)years.The old school (pull)down .A new school is being built.The old man sold the things (raise)money to the Hope Project. (recycle)paper can help protect the environment.- you (pay)for your shoes yet? -Yes .they only cost me fifty yuan.(二) 单项选择( )I am building a new factory here. It will be bad for the environment.A. to B. for C. with D. against( )-Have you finished the book? - No, never.A. read B. reads C .to read D .reading( )The fences were built bricks and wood.A. in B. with C .out of D. from( )This wine tastes a little bit strange. Its made apples.A .of B. from C. by D .in( )I think important to tell him the news.A. that B .this C .it D. him( )We to close the windows before we left the lab.A. tell B. told C. are told D .were told( )-There goes the bell. -Its time for class .Lets stop .A .talk B .to talk C .talking D .not talk( )-Do you remember what ? -She has round face with two big eyes.A .she likes B .does she like C .is she like D. she is like( )If I five minutes ,I everything ready.A .am given, will get B .will give, will get C .will be given ,get D. have, get( )-Would you help me put away these things? - .A. Yes, quite right B never mind C. Youre welcom D. With pleasure(三) 根据汉语完成句子1.防止饮用水污染是非常重要的。It is to keep the drinking water being polluted.2.我们应该爱护动物,关爱地球。We should take care of animals and the earth.3.你在业余时间都干些什么?What do you do ?4.我们正在寻找一个安静的地方度假。We are a quiet place to go vacation.5.我以前从没有听说过这个故事。 I have never this story .(四)书面表达 假如你是一名中学生,上个星期天为保护环境你与同学和老师们一道开展了一系列的活动。请根据下面所给的信息写一篇日记。文章的第一句已经给出,要求文段意思连贯,时态正确,书写工整,可适当发挥。所给信息必须全部用上,词数100左右。提示:1.出发时间和地点:早上8点,学校门口;2.目的地:大连市附近的一个小镇; 3.交通工具:校车4.所带东西:有关环境保护的海报或传单5.活动内容:上午贴海报、发传单,宣传环保知识;下午拣垃圾、塑料袋,打扫街道,种花、种树; 6.傍晚;回家,累但高兴。参考词汇:poster海报 leafIet传单 environmental protection环保Sunday,March 12 Today I am very excited because I a lot of things with my classmates and teachers to protect our environment. 五、典型例题解析1.-Listen! The pop music is wonderful.-Hush! Grandma is sleeping . Youd better _the radio.A turn up B. turn down C. turn on D. turn off2.Millions of trees around our city every year. Our environment is getting better and better.A. are planting B were planted C. planted D .are planted3.Old people must .A .be spoken to politely B .speak to polite C. be spoken politely D. speak polite六、中考链接1.(2008,厦门,1分)I couldn,t believe _I saw.A. what B . how C. where D. when2.(2007,海南,1分)I wanted to know _with your nose.A. what is wrong B. what wrong is C .what was wrong D. what wrong was3.(2007,北京,1分)Cars cause most of Beijings air pollution .So the “No Car Day” campaign(活动) asks Beijing drivers _their cars at home one day each month. A. leave B. leaving C. to leave

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