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美联英语提供:医学英语:口腔临床对话-正畸治疗 小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http:/www.meten.com/?tid=16-73374-0Orthodontic Treatment正畸治疗Doctor Smith has referred my son to your office fororthodontic treatment.史密斯医生把我的儿子介绍到你这里进行矫正治疗。I see. Would you and your son come into myconsultation room, please? How old is your son?哦,那么,请你和你的儿子进到治疗室去,你儿子几岁了?10 years old, Doctor.十岁。Has he ever had a serious disease?他以前得过重病吗?Does he have a history of serious illness?他以前有得过重病的历史吗?No, nothing out of the ordinary.没有,没有什么太重的病。Did he ever have a thumb-sucking habit?他有没有吸吮大拇指的习惯?He used to suck his thumb when he was younger, but he stopped when he was eight years old.他还小的时候习惯吮吸大拇指,到了八岁时就不吮吸了。Is he a mouth breather?他是不是用嘴巴呼吸的?Does he sleep with his mouth open?他是不是张着嘴巴睡觉?Does he usually breathe through his mouth?他是不是常常用嘴巴呼吸?Does he have a habit of biting his lips or tongue?他有没有咬嘴唇和咬舌头的习惯?Does he press his tongue against the back of his teeth when he swallows?他吞东西时是不是把他的舌头紧贴在牙齿后边?Is he a tongue thruster他是不是习惯推伸舌头?Sometimes, Doctor, he does make a habit of biting his tongue.他有时有咬舌头的习惯Did you use a comforter (pacifier) for a long time, Taro?太郎,你是不是用橡皮奶头用过一段很长时间?Do you bite your fingernails?你咬指甲吗?Do you ever bite on pencils or other objects?你咬过铅笔或者别的什么东西吗?T: Yes, I do bite on pencils at school.是的,我在学校里咬铅笔。Has he ever had trouble with his tonsils or adenoids?他得过扁桃腺炎或腺状肿吗?Has he ever had throat infections?他喉咙得过感染没有?Did he have his tonsils or adenoids removed?他割过扁桃腺或线状肿吗?Not yet, Doctor.没有割过。Did Tara have a lot of cavities in his baby teeth?太郎的乳牙蛀的多不多?Did he lose any baby teeth because of decay or infection?他有没有因为蛀牙或感染而脱落乳牙?Does anyone in your family have a similar disarrangement of the teeth?在你家人当有没有患有类似的齿列不正的?Do you sleep on your stomach or on your back, Taro?太郎,你是肚子在下边是背在下睡觉的?I forget, Doctor.我忘记了。The normal development of the teeth and jaws may be affected by the way that a child sleeps.孩子们牙齿和颌部的正常发育可能因睡眠的姿势而受到影响。All of these things are important to the teeth?这些对牙齿都很重要吗?Yes. Oral habits and premature loss of the baby teeth are also important factors indetermining how the teeth and jaws develop.是的,与口腔有关的习惯和乳牙过早脱落也是决定牙齿和上、下颌如何发育的重要因素,Oral habits are very difficult to stop.口腔的习惯不易改变过来,Sometimes they can be treated successfully.有时却能治的好。For example, Thumb Suck may help the patient to stop thumb sucking.例如:人工做的、用来吮吸的、假拇指,可以帮助病人改掉吮吸大拇指的习惯。A lip bumper may help to stop lip sucking.唇套也有助于改掉咬嘴唇的习惯。Is it necessary to have cavities in the baby teethrepaired?乳牙蛀成了洞还有必要补上吗?If the baby teeth are going to fall out, I dont thinkthat it matters if they become decayed.如果乳牙是要脱落的,我想蛀了也没有关系呀?Youre mistaken about that. Cavities in the babyteeth should be treated for two reasons.对于这一点你是错的,乳牙之所以要治疗有以下两个原因:First of all, the tooth may become infected if the decay is severe. Infection from a tooth mightbe painful and harmful to a childs general health.首先,假如蛀得太厉害了,对于其他牙齿是会感染的,牙齿感染可能会痛,对孩子的全身健康也有害。The second reason is that premature loss of baby teeth can result in crooked permanentteeth.第二个原因是乳牙过早脱落会使恒牙长成阻生齿。For which teeth is the most important?哪一颗牙齿最重要?This is particularly important in the permanent first molar (six year molar), and the deciduoussecond molar. If the permanent first molar moves forward because the deciduous second molarhas been lost too soon. the length of the dental arch will be shortened. If that happens, theremay not be space for all the permanent teeth.恒牙的第一颗磨牙(六岁磨牙)和乳牙的第二颗磨牙最重要,假如恒牙第一颗磨牙因为乳牙的第二颗磨牙过早脱落而向前移动,那么齿弓的长度就要缩短,假如齿弓缩短了,那么对于所有的恒牙来说,空隙就会不够了。And what do you do if there is not enough space?假如空隙不够你就会怎么做?A space maintainer is needed if certain baby teeth are lost too soon. A space retainer is neededwhen there isnt enough space. In the way, the dental arch is lengthened and space is made forthe teeth to grow normally.若有些乳牙过早脱落,那么就需要空隙保持器,当空隙不够的时候就需要用空隙撑开器,用这种办法齿弓就可以弄长,那么就可以为牙齿的正常的发展腾出空隙。I never realized that baby teeth are so important.我过去一直没有认识到乳牙是这么重要。Yes. Deciduous teeth are very important. Be sure that all of your children brush their teethwell. Dont give them too many sweet foods. Also, be sure that they have a dental examinationevery six months. Use toothpaste that has a fluoride in it to help strengthen the tooth enameland prevent cavities.是的,乳牙确实非常重要,一定要做到使你的孩子们把牙齿刷好,不要给他们吃太多的甜东西,还有,一定让他们每六个月到牙医那里检查一次,要用含有氟化物的牙膏,以增强牙齿的珐琅和防止蛀牙。I see. We do not use fluoride toothpaste. I didnt know it is so helpful.明白了,我们没有用含氟化物的牙膏,我不知道这种牙膏这么有用。Fluoride thats applied to the teeth by a dentist or dental hygienist is also helpful. Fluoride in achilds drinking water is the third way to strengthen the teeth. Its the most effective way toprevent cavities. Ideally, all three methods of applying fluoride should be used.由牙医或医生助理给牙齿涂上氟化物也有效果,第三种增强牙齿的方法是在孩子们喝的水中放入氟化物,这是防止蛀牙的最好办法,最理想的是三种使用氟化物的办法都探用。As for now, Doctor, what is the best thing to do?就说现在吧,最好的办法是什么?There are many things that I have to do before I make a diagnosis and treatment plan for yourson.在我给你的儿子作出诊断和治疗计划之前,我要做好些事。Today well take the following:今天我们要做以下以下几件事:1) A profile photograph (picture) of the head.一、拍一张头部侧面的照片。2) An intraoral photograph.二、拍一张口腔内的照片。3) Orthodontic study models (plaster models of theteeth and jaws).三、做用于矫正手术研究用的模型(牙齿和上、下颌的石膏模型)4) A cephalogram (an X-ray of the head).四、部的X光片。5) An orthopantmograph (a panorex X-ray of the jaws).五、拍一张上、下颌的全面照片。6) Complete X-ray series including bitewings and periapicals.六、拍包括咬圈和齿根尖部在内的一套X光照片。Please make an appointment to come back next week. At that time Ill decide what has to bedone to treat your son.请先预约好下次再过来,到时我再决定如何给你的儿子治疗。One week later:一个星期之后Ive studied your case and Ive made a diagnosis and treatment plan.我研究过你的病历,并作出了诊断和治疗计划。What have you decided, Doctor?医生,您决定怎样治疗?Even though there are many favorable factors in Taros case, there isnt enough space for allthe permanent teeth. Itll be necessary to extract the upper and lower first premolars. Thespace thats made by the extractions will be needed to move the teeth into normal positions.There wont be any spaces between Taros teeth after treatment.尽管按太郎的情况来看,他的有利因素还不少,但是对于他所有的恒牙来说空隙还是不够的,有必要将上、下排的第一颗前磨牙拔掉,利用拔牙之后空出来的地方使牙齿移动到合适的位置上,太郎的牙齿经过治疗后在牙与牙之间就不会有空隙了,Hes going to be a very handsome young man when Ive completed his case.等到我给他治疗完毕之后,太郎会变成一个美少年。Is it easy to move the teeth?移动牙齿容易不容易?No, its usually quite difficult. It must be done slowly and carefully. The first step is to putbands (braces) on the teeth.不容易,可难着呢,做起来应该又慢又细心,第一步先要在牙齿上放上带环(支架)Pressure is applied to the bands so that the teeth will move to where they should be. Thepressure on the bands will be adjusted once a month.在带环上加上压力,可以把牙齿往需要移动的地方移动,带环上的压力每一个月调整一次。Do the bands cut the gums or the cheeks?带环会不会损伤牙龈或者脸颊?Sometimes they do, but its not a big problem ifyoure careful.有时会,但是若是小心的话就不是个大问题。How long will it take to finish his treatment?做完治疗需要多长时间?In his case, two or three years. After the bands areremoved, Taro will wear a retainer to be sure that the teeth stay where they should.按他的情况需要两、三年,等到带环取下来后,太郎还得需要戴上个固位体以确保其牙齿固定在合适的位置上。How many months will he wear a retainer?固位体要戴多久?About six months. I forgot to mention that Taro would have to wear headgear.大约六个月,我忘了说太郎还要安上联转装置。Whats that?那是什么?A headgear is a very good way to apply pressure to move a tooth. It will be used to move themaxillary first molar in a backward direction. A headgear uses the back of the head and neck asa resistance area. The elastic in the headgear pulls the tooth toward the back of the head andneck.探用联转装置是用来增加压力使得牙齿移动的一种好办法,它有助于将上颌第一颗磨牙后面的方向移动,联转装置利用头的后部和颈部作为抗力区,联转装置的弹力将牙齿往头的后部和颈部后面的方位移。Will he wear the headgear every day?他要不要每天都戴上它?Yes, for at least 14 hours each day, especially when he sleeps. Please pay attention to the leftand right sides of the headgear,是的。每天至少戴上14个小时,特别是当他睡觉时。Taro. If you wear it upside down it will cause trouble, so be careful to wear it correctly.太郎,要注意运输装置的左侧和右侧,假如你装反了,就会出问题,因此,装上时要小心。Will it cause any difficulty sleeping, Doctor?医生,对睡眠会造成什么困难吗?I hope that you dont have too much trouble sleeping with the headgear. It might be difficult tosleep for the first couple of days.我希望你装上运输装置后对睡眠不会有太多的不便,开头几天睡觉可能有些困难。Dont worry, youll get used to it.不用担心,你是会习惯的。When I put bands on the teeth you must be very careful to brush your teeth thoroughly.当我给你的牙齿装上带环之后,你刷牙时必须刷得彻底。If you dont, youll have halitosis (bad breath) and a lot of cavities.否则就会有口臭和龋齿Brush your teeth very thoroughly before every dental appointment. OK?每次来看病时先把牙齿刷得干干净净,好吗?美联英语:www.meten.com

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