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n中考英语第二阶:八年级知识点复习+稳步习题Unit 11. go to the movies = go to the cinema = see a film 看电影2. look after = take care of = babysit(baby-sit) 照顾 3. surf the Internet 上网4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5. go skateboarding 去滑板6. (be) in good health =(be)healthy 身体健康7. keep / stay healthy = keep / stay in good health 保持健康 8. eating habits 饮食习惯 9. take / do exercise = play / do sports 锻炼,做运动 10. be the same as 与相同11. once a month 一月一次 tw-两个 12. be different from 不同13. twice a week 一周两次 14. make a difference to 对什么有影响15. how often 多久一次 16. most of the students = most students 大多数学生17. go shopping = do some shopping 购物 18. do housework 做家务事19. junk food 垃圾食物 20. be good/bad for 对有益(害)21. on / at weekends 在周末 22. want to do sth. = would like to do sth.= feel like doing sth. 想要做某事23. want sb. to do sth.= would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事24. try to do sth 尽力做某事 try doing sth.试着做某 try ones best to do sth. 尽力做某事25. of course = certainly = sure 当然26. get good grades 取得好成绩 27. help sb. ( to )do sth. 帮助某人做某事 help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人 28. two or three times a week 一周两三次29. kind of unhealthy 有点不健康Unit 21. have / catch a cold = have got a cold 感冒2. have a sore throat = have a pain in ones throat 咽喉痛3. have a stomachache = have a sore stomach = have a pain in ones stomach 胃痛 4. at the moment = now 此刻 5. lie down and rest 躺下休息 6. drink lots of water 多喝水7. That sounds like a good idea. 听起来像个好主意。8. stressed out 紧张,有压力感 9. a balanced diet饮食平衡10. enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun = have a wonderful time 玩得高兴,过得愉快11. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 practice, mind, finish, give up, keep, cant stand, have fun 等与 enjoy 用法相似。12. Its + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth. 对某人来说做某事怎么样。13. Whats the matter(with Gina)? (吉娜)怎么啦?14. Maybe you should see a dentist. 也许你该看看牙医。15. Its important to eat a balanced diet. 平衡饮食很重要。16. I really need some conversation practice. 我确实需要些对话练习。17. Im sorry to hear that youre not feeling well. 得知你身体不适,我很难过。18. I hope you feel better soon. 我希望你尽快好起来。Unit 31. spend time with friends 和朋友们一起度过时光2. how about= what about 怎么样3. go camping 去野营, go shopping 去买东西 go swimming 去游泳, go boating 去划船 go skating 去溜冰, go walking 去散步 go climbing 去登山, go dancing 去跳舞 go hiking 去徒步远足, go sightseeing 去观光 go bike riding 骑自行车旅行, go fishing 去钓鱼4. do some shopping 买东西, do some washing 洗衣服 do some cooking 作饭, do some reading 读书 do some speaking 训练口语 5. how long 1) 多长时间 (询问动作在时间上所延续的长度) 2)多长(询问物的长度)6. show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 出示某物给某人看 give me the book = give the book to me 给我书 pass me the cup = pass the cup to me 把杯子递给我 sell me the house = sell the house to me 把房子卖给我 buy me a book = buy a book for me 给我买书 make me a cake = make a cake for me 给我做蛋糕7. get back home = come back home = return home = be back home 返回家8. take walks = go for walks 散步 9. take sth. with sb. 随身携带某物 10. decide on 做出决定/计划11. cant wait to do sth. 等不及做某事 12. leave for 动身去某地 13. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事 forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事 13. a good place to do sth. 一个作某事的好地方Unit 41. ride a bike 骑自行车 2. take the / a bus 乘公共汽车 3. walk to school = go to school on foot 步行上学 4. go in ones car 坐(某人的)车去 5. go by bike / bus / subway / car / train 乘坐车去6. have a quick breakfast 迅速吃早饭 7. depend on 依靠决定, 取决于 8. how far 多远9. take sb. to sp.带某人到某处 10. a number of = many + 可数名词 许多11. Doing sth. takes sb. some time / money. = It takes sb. some time / money to do sth. = sb. spends some time/money (on sth.). = sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth. = sth. costs sb. some time/money. = sb. pay some money for sth. 某人花费多少金钱/时间做某事。12. the number of 的数量 13. worry about (sb. / sth.) = be worried about(sb. / sth.) 为某人(事)着急/担心 14. It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus. 步行大约需要25分钟,乘公交车10分钟。15. Then the early bus takes him to school. 然后早班公共汽车带他去学校。16. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.乘公共汽车的路程通常需要大约25分钟。Unit 51. o n Saturday afternoon 在星期六的下午 2. study for a test为测验而准备3. go to the doctor = see a doctor 去看医生 go to the concert 去听音乐会 go to the baseball match 去看棒球比赛 go to the mall 去商业街4. have / take a piano lesson 上一堂钢琴课 5. much too + adj. 太,过于5. look for 寻找. find out 找到,弄清楚,查明 6. be (go) on vacation 度假7. join sb.加入某人(的行列) 8. a football match 足球比赛9. be (keep) quiet 保持安静(keep + 形容词“保持某状态”) keep +(sb.) + doing 使(某人)不停地做某事” keep sth. 保存某物,饲养某物10. “给某人打电话”的几种说法: call sb.( up), phone sb.(up);phone to sb., telephone sb.(up); telephone to sb., ring sb.(up) give sb. a ring, give sb. a phone; make a telephone (call) to sb.11. have to 不得不,必须 12. Thanks for asking me. = Thanks for inviting me. = Thanks for having. = Thanks for your invitation. 谢谢你的邀请13. on / at weekends 在周末 14. on weekdays 在平日/工作日15. -Can you come to my birthday party? -Sure, / Certainly, / Yes, Id love to. -Sorry, / Im sorry, I cant. I have to -Id love to. But I have to Unit 61. in some ways 在某些方面 2. things in common 共同之处 3. be good at = do well in 擅长于4. (not) as as (不)如一样 5. in school 在校求学;在学校 6. make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事7. look the same 看起来一样 8. talk to/with 和谈话 9. stop doing sth. 停止做某事10. be good with = get on well with 和相处得好 11. do the same thing as sb. 跟某人做一样的事情12. This is what they said. 这就是他们所说的。 13. We both enjoy going to parties. 我们俩都喜欢参加晚会。 Both girls go to lots of parties两个女孩都参加了许多晚会。14. Liu Li has more than one sister. 刘丽不止有一个姐姐。15. Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister. 刘莹不如她姐姐擅长体育。16. Its not necessary to be the same. 没有必要非得一样。17. I dont think differences are important in a friendship. 我认为差异对于友谊来说并不重要。 18. English Study Center needs a weekend teacher for primary school students. 英语学习中心需要招聘一位小学生周末教师。Unit 71. turn on 打开 turn off 关 turn up 调大,调亮 turn down 调小,调暗2. put into / in 把放入内 3. cut up three apples 切碎三个苹果4. add the ingredients to the noodles 把这些原料加入面条中 5. mix up 混合在一起6. How do you make a banana shake ?怎样制作香蕉奶昔 7. turn on the blender 启动搅拌机 switch on8. Lets make fruit salad. 咱们制作水果沙拉吧。9. put in two teaspoons of honey 加入两匙蜂蜜10. mix it / them all up 把它(他们)混合在一起 11. a bag of 一袋 a box of 一盒 a teaspoon of 一匙 a slice of 一片 . a cup of 一茶杯 12. a recipe for a great turkey sandwich 巨型火鸡三明治食谱13. check you have all the ingredients. 检查有所有的原料。 14. roll the pancake 卷起煎饼。15. How much yogurt do we need? 需要多少酸奶?16. First, put the butter on a slice of bread. 首先, 将黄油涂在一片面包上。Unit 81. take photos 照相,拍照 2. hang out with sb. 和某人闲逛 3. win a prize 获奖(金)4. eat some ice cream 吃冰激淋 5. go for a drive 开车兜风 6.thanks for doing sth. 感谢某人做了某事7. have fun doing sth. 很高兴做某事 8. school trip 学校组织的旅行 journey长途旅行 travel9. in the future 将来,未来 10.watch a dolphin show观看海豚表演 11.at the end of the day 在当天结束的时候12. sleep late 睡过头 13. take a class 上课 14. on my next day off 在我的下一个休息日15. stay up 熬夜 16. put out 把 放到外面 17. in my opinion 我认为, from my point of view依我看 18. a movie about living in the future 关于未来生活的影片 19.in yesterdays singing competition 在昨天的歌唱比赛中 20. be with sb. 与某人在一起 21. finally = at last = in the end 最后Section 7-8一用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Look! The bus _ (come). 2. He _(not go) home yesterday afternoon. 3. _ you _ (find) work in Hefei last year? 4. Tom usually _ (walk) to school. 5. The moon _ (move) round the earth. 6. The children _ (watch) TV at home every evening.7.-What_ you _ (do) tomorrow? -Nothing much. 8. -Where is Jim? -He _ (mend) his bike in the garden. 9. Alice _ (write) two letters to her parents last week. 10. We _ (visit) you next Sunday. Unit 91.learn to do sth. 学会做某事 2. start / begin doing (to do) sth. 开始做某事3. . stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 4.for example 例如 such as5. too to 太而不能 6. all his free/spare time 他的全部空闲时间 / 业余时间7. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事 see sb. doing sth. 看见某人在做某事8. become a skating champion 成为滑冰冠军 9. the 70-year history 七十年的历史10. at the age of在(多大年龄)的时候 11. major in sth主修某科目12. take (an active) part in (积极)参加 13. because of 因为 14. a comedy called 一个名叫的喜剧 tragedy 15 . She was born in 1973她出生于1973年。16. You are never too young to start doing things. 你多早开始做事都不为过。17. to spend all the free time with sb. 与 度过全部的空闲时间 18. He is alive. 他还活着。Unit 101. grow up 成长 2. take (acting)lessons 上(表演)课 3.a part-time job一份零工,一份兼职工作4. a /one year or two = one or two years 一两年5.save some money 省钱;攒钱 make money 挣钱、赚钱 6.at the same time 同时7.simultaneously meanwhile 8. communicate with sb. 与交际;与交流9.a teaching job 一份教学的工作 10. practice basketball 练篮球11.move somewhere interesting 搬到某个有趣的地方12.hold art exhibitions 举行艺术展览 13. make the soccer team 组建个足球队14.learn a foreign language 学习一门外语 15.get sth. from sb.从某人那儿获得到某物 16. exercise more to (keep fit = keep healthy = stay healthy )多做运动来保持健康17.leave her job 离职,辞职 18. have a welcome party 举行一个欢迎会19.move to 搬到某地 20.think of a six-point plan 想出一个六点计划21.some American exchanged students 一些美国交换生22.make New Years resolutions 制定新年打算23.in the speech competition 在演讲比赛中Unit 111. take out the trash 把垃圾拿出去 2. make the bed 整理床铺 3. sweep the floor 扫地,清洁地面4. fold ones clothes 叠衣服 5. clean the living room 打扫起居室 6. take care of = look after 照顾来源:学_科_网7.forget to do sth 忘记要去干 forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事8. work on 从事,操作,演算 9. go on vacation 去度假 10. do the dishes 清洗餐具11. go to a meeting 去参加会议 12.do chores = do the housework 做家务13. do the laundry 洗熨衣服 14. borrow from 从借来 15. feed sth. 饲养,喂养16. take for a walk 带去散步 17 need some help 需要帮助 18. get angry (with sb.) 生某人的气Unit 121.close to / near home 离家近 2. do a survey of 做一个调查 3. think about 考虑4.a talent show 才能展示 5. a creative job 富有创造性的工作 6. an elementary school 小学7.in a fun part of town 位于城里的好玩地区 8.clothing store 服装店9.in town 在城镇 in the city 在城市里 in the country 在农村10.in southern China = in the south of China 在中国的南方11.in Hainan Province 在海南省 12. cut the price 降价 13.the prize for 奖 14. 200 yuan a night 每晚200元 15. lay eggs 生蛋,下蛋 16. not at all 根本不,完全不17. tell us on the radio 通过广播告诉我们一动词填空。 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.Lets have a dictation (听写). _ (take) out your exercise books. 2.After eating, I help my mom _ (do)the dishes. 3.My brother often asks me _ (sweep) the floor. 4.The computer programmer is going _(work) on a new programme. 5.The girl is old enough _ (make) her bed. 八年级下Unit 1 Will people have robots? 1.in ten years 10年后(in 的时间短语用于将来时,提问用 How soon)2. live alone 单独居住3. feel lonely 感到孤独(比较:live alone/ go alone 等) The girl walked alone along the street, but she didnt feel lonely. 那女孩独自沿着街道走,但她并不感到孤独。4. hundreds of + 复数 数百/几百(概数,类似还有 thousands of; millions of)5. the same as 和相同6. A be different from B A与B不同 (= There is a difference/ There are differences between A and B)7. wake up 醒来 (wake sb. up 表示“唤醒某人”)8. get bored 变得厌倦(get/ become 是连系动词,后跟形容词如 tired/ angry/ excited 等)9. agree with sb. 同意某人(的意见)10. I dont agree. = I disagree. 我不同意。11 on a piece of paper 在一张纸上(注意 paper/ information/ news/ work/ homework/ housework 等常考到的不可数名词)12. live in an apartment 住在公寓里;live on the twelfth floor 住在12楼13. live at NO.332,Shanghai Street 住在上海路332号14. as a reporter 作为一名记者15. look smart 显得精神/看起来聪明16. Are you kidding? 你在骗我吗?17. in the future 在将来/在未来18. no more = not anymore 不再(强调多次发生的动作不再发生)19. no longer = not any longer 不再(强调状态不再发生)20. be able to 与 can 能;会(be able to 用于各种时态,而 can 只能用于一般现在时态和一般过去时态中;have to 用于各种时态,而 must 只能用于一般现在时态)例如: I have been able to/ will be able to speak two languages. (不可以用 can) had to stay at home/ will have to (不可以用 must)Unit 2 What should I do? 1. busy enough 够忙 (enough 修饰形容词或副词时必须后置)2. a ticket to/ for a ball game 一张球赛的门票注意:the key to the lock/ the key (answer) to the question)/ the solution to the problem.3. spend on +sth. = spend ( in) doing sth. 在花钱4. It takes sb. sometime to do sth. 某人做某事花的时间5. borrow from 从借( 借进来) . lend to 把借给(借出去) 6. You can keep the book for a week 你可以借这本书一周。(不用 borrow 或 lend)7 buy sth. for sb. 为买东西 8. tell sb. to do/ not to do sth. 告诉某人做某事9. fail in (doing) sth. 在上失败,变弱10. succeed in (doing) sth. 在方面成功11. surprise sb. 使某人吃惊(类似有:surprise/ interest/ please/ amaze + 某人)12. to ones surprise 使某人吃惊的是 to ones joy 使某人高兴的是13. ask sb. for 寻求/向某人要某物14. prepare for = get ready for 为做准备15. be/ get used to doing 习惯做某事 used to do 过去经常/常常做某事 be used for doing = be used to do sth. 被用于做某事16. get on/ along well with 与相处很好17. by oneself = on ones own 某人自己/独自地18 I find/ feel/ think it difficult to do 我发现/感到/认为做某事很难。19. not until 直到才(谓语动词一般是非延续动词)Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?1. in front of 在的前面(外部),in the front of 在 的前面(内部)2. in the library 在图书馆3. get out of/ get into 出之外/进入4. sleep late 睡懒觉;sleep well 睡得好;get to sleep = fall asleep 睡着5. walk down/ along 沿走6. take off (飞机)起飞;脱下(衣帽)7. on Sunday evening 在星期日晚上注意:(特指某日如星期、假日、某月某日或某个特定的上、下午、晚上用 on)8. in the tree 在树上;on the tree 在树上9. take photos 照相10. at the train station 在火车站11. run away 跑开,逃跑12. as + adj. 原形 as 和一样例如:She is (not) as beautiful as her sister. I can run as fast as he (him)13 walk home 走回家14 on the playground 在操场上15. ten minutes ago 十分钟前16 take place 发生(强调必然性)17. happen to sth./ sb. 发生(强调偶然性)例如:What has happened to you? = Whats the matter with you? = Whats wrong with you?18. next to 相邻,紧贴 close to 接近于;在附近19. be ill in hospital/ bed 生病住院/卧床20. hear about/ of 听说(间接听到)21. in silence 沉默不语;keep silent 保持沉默Unit 4 He said I was hard-working. 1. every Saturday 每周六2. first of all 首先3. both and 两者都(谓语动词要注意对称原则)4. neither .nor 两者都不(谓语动词要注意就近和对称原则)5. most of 绝大多数6. an exciting week 令人兴奋的一周7. agree on something 同意某人的计划;对取得 一致意见8. agree to do sth. 答应/同意做9. pass on (to) 传递10. be supposed to do sth. 被期望或被要求做11. be mad at 对疯狂/生气12. do better in = be better at 在方面做得更好13. be in good health 身体健康14. report card 成绩单15. sound/ feel/ smell/ taste/ look 是连系动词,一般只能跟 adj. 做表语16. sound like/ feel like/ smell like/ taste like/ look like 听起来像/感觉像/闻起来像/尝起来像/看起来像 + sb./ sth.17. get over 克服;恢复;原谅18. open up 打开/展开/开发/揭露19. care for 照料;照顾;意愿;计较20. do a home project 做作业21. be surprised/ happy/ excited to do sth. 做某事感到惊讶、高兴、激动22. be/ get nervous 感到紧张23. have a very hard time with 在日子不好过24. an disappointing result 令人失望的结果25. take/ leave a message 捎(留)个口信26. it is a good idea for sb. to do sth.27. people who need help 需要帮助的人28. something we can do for them 我们能为他们做的事29. there is no difference between and 在和之间没有区别Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!1. at the party 在晚会上2. ask sb. to do sth. 请某人做某事3. stay at home 呆在家4. half the class/ students 一半学生5. get injured 受伤6. have a great time = have a wonderful/ good time 玩得高兴7. take away 运走,取走;put away 收起来,放好8. all the time = always 一直,始终9. make a living (by doing sth.) 谋生10. in order to do sth. 为了做某事11. have a party 举行聚会12. go to college 上大学13. be famous for 因而著称;be famous as 作为而出名14. make money = earn money 挣钱15. in fact 事实上16. laugh at 嘲笑17. too much 太多(修饰不可数名词) too many 太多(修饰可数名词复数) much too + 形容词/副词 太18. get exercise 锻炼。注意:exercise 当“锻炼”是不可数名词;而当“操”“练习”是可数名词19. travel around the world 周游世界20. work hard 努力工作21. wear jeans 穿牛仔裤22. let in 允许进入,嵌入 keep out 不允许进入23. get an education 获得教育24. take away 拿开,拿走25. study for the test 准备考试26. make some food 准备食物;make dumplings 做水饺;make the bed 整理床铺Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?1. raise money for 筹钱2. collect stamps 集邮3. run out of 用尽4. by the way 顺便说一下5. on the way to 在的路上6. be interested in 对感兴趣7. more than = over 超过8. fly kites 放风筝9. start class 开始上课10. start a snow globe collectors club 开办雪球仪收集者俱乐部11. the most common (unusual, interesting) hobby 最普通的爱好12. listen to music videos 听音乐碟片13. organize a talent show to raise money for charity 为慈善机构捐钱而举办的才艺展示14. extra English lessons 额外的英语课15. have problems with the language 语言方面有问题16. the capital of Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江的省会17. an interesting city with a colorful history 一个有着丰富多彩历史文化的有趣的城市18. three and a half years = three years and a half 三年半19. a pair of skates/ shoes/ glasses/ trousers/ jeans 一双滑冰鞋/一双鞋/一副眼镜/一条裤子/牛仔裤 How much is a pair of skates/ shoes/ glasses/ trousers/ jeans? = How much does a(this) pair of skates/ shoes/ glasses/ trousers/ jeans cost? How much are the skates/ shoes/ glasses/ trousers/ jeans? = How much do the skates/ shoes/ glasses/ trousers/ jeans cost?Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?1. in a minute/ right away/ in no time 立刻;马上2. be late for school/ class = arrive late for school 上学/上课迟到3. wait in line = stand in line 排队等候4 cut in line = jump a queue 插队5. get mad/ annoyed 变得生气6. happen to sb. 发生在身上7. half an hour 半小时8. at first 首先9. at last = in the end = finally 最后10. allow sb. to do / not to do sth. 允许某人做/不做某事 be allowed to do / not to do sth. 某人不被允许某人做/不做某事11 in public 当众地;公开地;公然地 in public places 在公共场所12. pick up 捡起 13. put out 熄灭14. drop litter 扔垃圾 15. keep the voice down 控制声音16. do the dishes 17. put on another pair of jeans18. be at a meeting 19 clothing store20. follow around 21. stand in the subway door22. cut in line 23. stand close to 24. have different ideas about 25 feel uncomfortablUnit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?1. fall asleep 入睡 2. give away 赠送;分发3. would do rather than do 宁愿不愿做4 not interesting/ special/ creative enough 不够有趣5. make a special meal 做一顿特别的饭 6. an 8-year-old child 一个六岁的孩子7 these days 最近 8 not at all 根本不 9. different kinds of 不同种类10. make her happy 使她高兴 11. someone else 别人(else 总是后置)12. improve English 提高英语 13. in different ways 以不同的方式14. encourage sb to do 鼓励某人做 15 make(great) progress 取得进步16. on my twelfth/ twentieth birthday 17. from across China18. enter a test by singing popular English songs19. come from all age groups 20 the winner of the womens competition21. many other fun ways to learn English22 make friends with a native speaker of English23. find a good way to learn to learn EnglishUnit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?1. take a ride 兜风2. take the subway3. have been to, have gone to4. on the one hand, on the other hand5. a good place to practice your English6. outside of China7. end up 结束8. take a holiday/ vacation 度假9. all year round 全年10. such as 例如11. a zoo called/ named 一个叫做的动物园12. during the daytime 在白天13. wake up 醒来14. wake somebody up 唤醒/叫醒某人15. have a great/nice/wonderful/great time 玩得高兴16. a wonderful place to take a holiday/ to visit 一个度假/游览的好地方17. an English-speaking country 一个讲英语的国家18. be asleep = fall asleep 睡着19. go on a DISNEY cruise20. travel to another province of China21. the reasons for learning English22. an exchange student23. improve my listening skills24. one , the other 25. Three quarters of the population are Chinese.四分之三的人口是中国人(谓语动词用复数形式)26. Whats the population of China? 中国的人口是多少?(不用 how much 提问) 27. The population of China is 1.3 billion. 中国的人口是13亿。(谓动词用单形式)Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it?1. feel like doing = want to do sth. 想做某事2. like to do sth./ like doing sth. 喜欢做某事3. would like to do = want

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