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西华大学建设与管理工程学院本科生毕业设计英文翻译 建设与管理工程学院 本科生毕业设计(论文)英文翻译学生姓名: 陈玮易 学 号: 312012080501630 专 业: 物流管理 年 级: 2012级 指导教师: 潘恒 日 期: 2016年4月15日 建设与管理工程学院制基于SLP的物流中心布局研究Yannan Liu & Qilan Zhao陈玮易2012级、物流管理,陈玮易,312012080501630原文摘要:Systematic layout planning (SLP) has been widely applied to the production system, but not to the service system. Combined with the goals, influencing factors, and conditions of logistics center layout, this paper probes into the application of SLP to the layout of the rapidly increasing logistics centers in large- and medium-sized cities in recent years. According to the logistics relationship and nonlogistics relationship between work units in the logistics center, the author decides the position of work units and maps out the initial position relationship chart. Through further amendments and adjustment based on the move line and other factors, the author gets the feasible layout plan. Finally, this paper uses a medicine logistics center in Jiangsu Province as an example to design, analyze, and evaluate for the purpose of providing some theoretical basis and method for reference in the service system layout.基于SLP的物流中心布局研究Yannan Liu 和 Qilan Zhao摘要:系统布局规划(SLP)已被广泛应用于生产系统,而不是服务于系统的。结合目标,影响因素和物流中心布局的条件,探讨了近年来大中小城市应用SLP物流中心的布局的急剧增加。根据物流关系和非运销在物流中心之间的工作单位的关系,作者决定根据工作单位的位置,绘制出初始位置关系图。通过基于移动线及其他因素进一步修正和调整,笔者得到可行的布局规划。最后,本文以江苏省医药物流中心为例,对其进行了设计、分析、评价,为服务体系布局提供一定的理论依据和方法参考。关键词:SLP 物流中心 布局 设计2.1引言自进入二十一世纪,物流产业在中国得到了迅速的成长,物流中心的数量也急剧增加。全国各地许多大型和中型城市正计划设立物流中心。物流中心是综合性的,大量材料区域性集中,它是一个中介于生产和销售之间的的企业,整合了商品流,物流,信息流和现金流。物流中心的合理布局获得了越来越多的关注,这也是许多学者研究的热点。首先,人们用他们的经验和感觉去设计物流中心。在上世纪50年代,从传统的小系统到大的复杂系统的开发,只有经验是很难设计物流中心的。因此,与不同学科的融合发展,系统工程的概念和系统的分析方法已经在布局规划中使用,以及一些更先进的设计方法已经逐渐显露。其中最具代表性的方法是在1961年由美国的R.Muther提出系统布局规划(SLP)。设施布局问题研究是在SLP的基础上从定性的阶段发展到定量阶段。 SLP也被广泛应用于各种生产系统和服务的系统。最后,它提高了SLP的水平。2.2目标,影响因素和物流中心布局的条件2.2.1物流中心布局的目标确定物流中心的位置后,物流中心布局的总体目标是使物流活动过程中的人员、设备和物质空间处于最合适的分配和最有效的组合。具体目标可以是物流总成本最小,工作单位间彼此接近关系密切,简化运输路线,缩短相似工作单位之间的距离,避免迂回运输等等。2.2.2物流中心布局的影响因素布局设计对生产性能或服务系统的性能有显着影响。对于一个物流中心,其布局对物流,信息流,物流运作效率,成本,以及整个系统的安全性有直接影响。所以,对物流中心布局的影响因素如下:1.物流中心的性质和功能。由于物流中心的性质和功能不同,所以选择设备种类和数量是不同的。物流中心的规模和布局也不一样。据其核心功能,物流中心有三种类型:中转物流中心,仓储物流中心,配送物流中心。2.物流中心的基本操作流程。物流中心的主要活动是采购、仓储、配送、流通加工、包装、返回等。其操作过程对人员,设备和物流路线有影响。3.工作单位之间的物流关系和非物流关系。物流的关系是,有工作单位之间的物流联系。与人际交往、行政事务等活动可以表示为工作单位之间的非物流关系。关系紧密程度高的工作单位应相互靠近。2.2.3SLP在布局物流中心的适用条件在适用于SLP物流中心布局需要明确的5个基本要素,即P(物流产品),Q(物流量)、R(物流路线)、S(服务部门),和T(物流作业时间或技术)。前两个基本要素是最重要的。不同的物流产品对仓储、装卸、物流等物流活动有不同的要求。最终,它会导致不同的物流路线。更为不同的是,采用不同的物流设备和技术,决定了物流运作的时间。物流中心的工作数量反映所有单位的物流强度;物流路线、距离、和物流强度的影响,这反映在物流成本与效率。因此,SLP可以在基于物流产品类别,物流量和其它因素物流中心的布局中使用。2.3基于SLP布局的主要步骤在SLP的引导下,第一个步骤是使用量化的方法来分析工作单位之间的物流关系和非物流关系,然后找到工作单位之间重复的关系。工作单位之间的密切程度决定了工作单位之间的距离。根据这个我们可以安排它的位置。通过进一步的修改和调整,根据移动线路等因素,我们可以得到可行的布局方案。具体布局程序如下。2.3.1物流操作流程和工作单位的设置 物流中心的主要活动是采购、仓储、配送、流通加工、包装、返回等。在规划设计之前,必须明确物流的主要运作流程。然后,我们分析了相应的P,Q,R,S和T的元素。根据分析,我们可以划分工作单位。2.3.2工作单位之间的相关分析用物流强度来描述工作单位之间的物流关系是合理的。物流强度分为五个行列:A,E,I,O和U,如表2.1所示。我们可以使用由R.Muther提出的关系紧密程度来形容工作单位之间的非物流关系。如果两个单位有活动频繁,他们的关系亲密程度高,反之亦然。首先,关系密切程度分为六个等级:A,E,I,O,U和X,如表2.2所示。然后,列出密切的关系(见表2.3)的原因。利用这些信息,我们可以确定工作单位之间的相关性。根据相关度越高,距离越近。2.3.3工作单位之间的综合关联分析整合物流关系和非物流关系。根据每个关系的一定的权重,计算工作单元i和工作单位 j (i, j = 1, 2, n和j i)之间的复合相关性。表2.1物流强度等级物流强度标志物流路线的比例(%)物流量()绝对重要A1040极其重要E2030重要I3020一般重要O4010不重要U表2.2关系密切程度的分类标志关系密切程度比例(%)A绝对重要2-5E极其重要3-10I重要5-15O一般重要10-25U不重要45-80X忽略(或负的密切程度)自由决定的序号原因1使用普通的原始记录2共用设备或场地3物料搬运4频繁的接触和文件交换5安全与污染6连续工作流程7可管理的8其他表2.3亲密关系的原因2.3.4确定所有工作单位的相对位置,并最终得到可行的布置方案设计一个物流中心的布局,第一步不是直接考虑占地面积和所有的工作单位的形状,而是考虑单位之间的复合相关性。如果两个工作单位的复合相关性较高,它们之间的距离更短,反之亦然。在布局过程中,根据序列的综合相关度,定位不同的工作单元。如果有些工作单位在同一水平上,我们用分数决定他们的相对位置。根据上面的步骤,我们可以得到初步的理论位置的单位,然后,我们得到最终可行的布局计划通过进一步修改和调整根据实际面积,移动,和其他因素。2.4案例分析本文以医药物流中心为例,根据药品物流、移动路线、实际地面条件,设计并分析其特点。本文合理划分各功能区,解决问题的撤离,节约土地,符合有关规定,旨在验证可行性和SLP合理性。2.4.1商业背景Y医药物流中心位于江苏省,是一个第三方医药物流企业。它主要提供药品交易平台,采购、储存、拣选、包装、配送、信息处理、和许多进入企业的增值服务。物流中心计划覆盖125个区域的单位。其建筑面积为180000平方米,仓储面积约为80000平方米。医药物流中心有其自身的特点。药品可以分为三种类型,即常温药,需要冷藏的药品和精神药品。这三种类型的药物必须分开存放,使用不同的存储设施,并给予不同的关注。因此本文将医药物流中心分为以下几个工作单位。(1)工作区;(2)到达分拣区;(3)自动存储/检索系统(AS / RS);(4)冷藏区;(5)精神药品储存区;(6)拣货区;(7)包装加工区;(8)收集和发布;和(9)服务区。2.4.2 SLP的应用1. 分析物流关系(见图2.1)和非关系的物流(见图2.2)工作单位之间。 2. 测定的物流关系和非物流关系的相对重要性。 Y的医药物流中心,两个关系的权重为1:1。 3. 量化物流强度等级和非物流关系的紧密程度。通常情况下,A = 4,E = 3,I = 2,O = 1,U = 0,X = -1。 4. 当的工作单元的数量是N,可以使用以下等式来计算的总匹配数:P = N(N - 1)/ 2。在这里,N = 9 SOP = 36。5. 计算工作单位之间的复合关系(见表2.4)。 6. 切换复合相关分数(见表2.4)到复合关联密切程度等级(参见表2.5)。然后,绘制复合相关图表(参见图2.3)。 7. 确定所有的工作单位的相对位置。根据图2.3,工作单位的复合物的相关性越高,它们的距离越短(见图2.4)。8. 分析移动线。物流中心的移动线因不同的土地和物流产品而不同。有五种类型,即I, L, U, O,和S。I型是最简单的,它适用于矩形物流中心的入口到出口。S型是最复杂的,很适用于安排一个很长的物流路线。Y医药物流中心是接近长方形。 Y医药物流中心的主要活动是备货,仓储,分拣,包装,配送,信息处理等诸多增值服务。为此,本文拟设计Y医药物流中心L型与U型组合(见图2.5)。9. 最终可行的布局方案。调整后,最终布置图见图2.6。图2.1工作单位之间的物流关系图2.2工作单位之间的非物流关系表2.4复合单位之间的相关性工作单位配对关系密切程度综合物流相关物流关系非物流关系等级分数等级分数分数等级12U0U00U13U0U00U14U0U00U15U0U00U16U0U00U17U0U00U18U0U00U19U0E33O23A4I26E24E3O14I25E3O14I26O1U01U27U0U00U28U0X-1-1X29U0U00U34O1O12U35O1O12U36A4E37E37E3I25I38U0O11U39U0U00U45I2O13O46I2O13O47O1U01U48U0U00U49U0U00U56I2I24I57O1U01U58U0U00U59U0U00U67A4A48A68I2U02U69U0U00U78A4I26E79U0U00U89U0E33O总计36100表2.5复合相关密切程度等级总得分关系紧密程度匹配数比例(%)8A12.867E38.345I411.13O411.102U2363.9-1X12.8总计36100图2.3综合相关图表计划1计划2图2.4工作单位的相对位置图2.5移动线路图2.6最后的布局图2.4.3评估通过对九个主要工作单位的划分,设计了医药物流中心,考虑了物流与非物流的关系。所以最终可行的布局计划是全面的。更重要的是,Y医药物流中心的主要活动是备货,仓储,分拣,包装,配送,信息处理和许多增值服务。它的储存区域是约80000平方米,因此,我们把三个仓库几乎在考虑仓库的布局优先原则的中间。这有利于快速接触其他周边地区,也有助于提高物流中心的运作效率。同时,仓库的分类有助于不同客户不同的存储需求。还有足够的空间调整,大大提高存储系统的灵活性。Y医药物流中心的移动路线设计,结结合单位的布局和的原则,避免迂回运输的原则,能很好地保证物流畅通的活动。不同的存储也可以使用不同的移动线路。2.5结论本文着重于物流中心的布局,提出了利用SLP物流中心的布局设计,并增加了移动线分析。通过本文的分析,主要结论如下。物流中心布局的总体目标是使物流活动过程中的人员、设备、材料和空间处于最合适的配置和最有效的组合。同时,物流中心布局的主要影响因素的性质、功能、基本操作流程的物流中心,物流关系,非物流关系单位之间的关系。通过案例分析,在明确P,Q,R,S和T元素情况下,它是在物流中心的布局时使用的SLP是可行和合理的。它为物流中心布局问题的研究提供了一个很好的参考依据。有必要指出的一些局限性和不足。当绘制的工作单位图的相对位置时,人们必须不断的调整和修改计划以满足相应的条件。更重要的是,不同的设计师的方式解决冲突可能会导致不同的设计方案。如何使用计算机仿真技术来比较方案得到布局计划和其他计划是我们的一个未来的研究方向。参考文献1. 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Modern Economics, 8(3):21 学 生: 签字: 年 月 日 指导教师: 签字: 年 月 日英文原文Research on Logistics Center Layout Based on SLPYannan Liu and Qilan ZhaoAbstract Systematic layout planning (SLP) has been widely applied to the production system, but not to the service system. Combined with the goals, influencing factors, and conditions of logistics center layout, this paper probes into the application of SLP to the layout of the rapidly increasing logistics centers in large- andmedium-sized cities in recent years. According to the logistics relationship and nonlogistics relationship between work units in the logistics center, the author decidesthe position of work units and maps out the initial position relationship chart.Through further amendments and adjustment based on the move line and other factors, the author gets the feasible layout plan. Finally, this paper uses a medicine logistics center in Jiang su Province as an example to design, analyze, and evaluate for the purpose of providing some theoretical basis and method for reference in the service system layout.Keywords; SLP Logistics center Layout Design2.1 IntroductionSince entering the twenty-first century, the logistic industry in China has been rapidly growing up and the number of logistics centers has increased dramatically.Many large- and medium-sized cities across the country are planning to set up logistics centers. Logistics center is a comprehensive, regional concentration of large quantities of materials, and it is an intermediary between production and marketing enterprises, integrating commodity flow, logistics, information flow, and cash flow . The reasonable layout of logistics centers has taken more and more attention, and it is also the research focus of many scholars. At first, people use their experience and feeling to design the logistics centers. In the 1950s, developed from the traditional small systems to big and complex systems,it is difficult to design the logistics centers only with experience. And so, with the integration development of the diverse discipline, the system engineering concept and system analysis method have been used in layout planning , and some more advanced design methods have gradually emerged. One of the most representative methods is systematic layout planning (SLP) proposed by American R. Muther in 1961. Study on facilities layout problem is developed from qualitative stage to quantitative stage on the basis of SLP . SLP is also widely applied to various production systems and service systems . Finally, it improves to move line SLP.2.2 The Goals, Influencing Factors, and Conditions of Logistics Center Layout2.2.1 The Goals of Logistics Center LayoutAfter determining the location of a logistics center, the overall goal of logistics center layout is to make the personnel, equipment, and material space in the logistics activity process be in the most appropriate allocation and the most effective combination . The specific goals can be the minimum total cost of material flow, work units1 of high relationship close degree close to each other, simplifying transport routes, shortening.2.2.2 Influencing Factors of Logistics Center Layout Layout design has a significant effect on a production performance or service system performance.For a logistics center, its layout has direct influence on logistics, information flow, the logistics operation efficiency, cost, and safety of the whole system. So the influencing factors of logistics center layout are as follows:1. The nature and function of a logistics center. Because the nature and function of the logistics centers is different, it is different to choose equipment type and quantity. The size and layout of logistics centers are also not the same.According to its core function, the logistics center has three types: transit logistics center, storage logistics center, and distribution logistics center.2. The basic operation process of a logistics center. The main activities of the logistics center are purchasing, warehousing, distribution, circulation processing, packing, returning, and so on . The operation process has an influence on the move line of personnel, equipment, and material. To realize the efficient logistics, the basic operation process of a logistics center should be in consideration when layout designing.3. Logistics relationship and non-logistics relationship between work units. Logistics relationship is that there is logistics contact between work units. And interpersonal contact, administrative affairs, and other activities can be expressed as non-logistics relationship between work units. Work units of high relationship close degree should be close to each other.2.2.3 Application Conditions of SLP in the Layout of Logistics CenterIt is necessary to specify five basic elements, namely P (logistics products), Q (logistics quantity), R (logistics routes), S (service sectors), and T (logistics operation time or technology) before applying SLP to logistics center layout. The first two basic elements are the most important. Different logistics products have different demands on storage, loading, and other logistics activities. Ultimately, it leads to different logistics routes. What is more, using different logistics equipment and technology determines logistics operation time. The work quantity of the logistics center reflects the logistics intensity of all work units; logistics routes, distance, and logistics intensity have an influence on layout, which is reflected in the logistics cost and efficiency . Therefore, SLP can be used in the layout of a logistics center based on logistics product category, logistics quantity, and other factors.2.3 The Main Steps of Layout Based on SLPUnder the guidance of SLP, the first step is to use quantification method to analyze the logistics relationship and non-logistics relationship between work units and then to get the composite correlation between work units. The close degree relationship between work units determines the distance between work units. According to that, we can arrange its location. Through further amendments and adjustment based on the move line and other factors, we can get the feasible layout plan. The specific layout procedure is as follows.2.3.1 Logistics Operation Process and Work Units SettingsThe main activities of the logistics center are purchasing, warehousing, distribution,circulation processing, packing, returning, and so on. It is necessary to make clear the main logistics operation process before layout designing. And then, we analyze the corresponding P, Q, R, S, and T elements. Based on the analysis, we can divide the work units.2.3.2 Interrelation Analysis Between Work UnitsIt is reasonable to describe the logistics relationship between work units by logistics intensity. Logistics intensity is divided into five ranks: A, E, I, O, and U, as shown in Table 2.1. We can use relationship close degree proposed by R. Muther to describe the nonlogistics relationship between work units. If two work units have frequent activity, their relationship close degree is high and vice versa. First, the relationship close degree is divided into six levels: A, E, I, O, U, and X, as shown in Table 2.2. Then, list the reason for close relationship (see Table 2.3). Using these two kinds of information, we can determine the correlation between work units. According to the correlation, the higher the degree is, the closer their distance is.2.3.3 The Composite Correlation Analysis Between Work UnitsIntegrate the logistics relationship and the non-logistics relationship. According to the certain weight of each relationship, calculate the composite correlation between work unit i and work unit j (i, j = 1, 2, n and j i).Table 2.1 Logistics intensity rankTable 2.2 The classification of relationship close degreeTable 2.3 The reason for close relationship2.3.4 Determine the Relative Position of All the Work Units and Get the Final Feasible Layout PlanTo design a logistics center layout, the first step is not directly considering the floor space and shape of all the work units but the composite correlation between work units. If two work units composite correlation is high, their distance is shorter and vice versa. During the layout, according to the composite correlation degree in sequence, we locate different work units. If some work units are at the same level,we determine their relative position by scores. According to the above steps, we can get the preliminary theory position of all work units, and then, we get the final feasible layout plan through further amendments and adjustment based on the actual area, move line, and other factors.2.4 Case AnalysisThis paper uses a medicine logistics center as an example to design and analyze according to the characteristics of medicine logistics, move line, and the actual ground condition. This paper rationally divides each function areas, solves the evacuating problem, saves land, meets the relevant regulations, and aims to verify the feasibility and rationality SLP.2.4.1 Business BackgroundY medicine logistics center located in Jiang su Province is a third-party medicine logistics enterprise. It mainly provides a medicine trading platform, stocking, storage, picking, packing, distribution, information processing, and many valueadded services for entering enterprises. The logistics center plans to cover 125 units of area. Its construction area is 180,000 m2, and its storage area is about 80,000 m2.Medicine logistics center has its own characteristics. Medicines can be divided into three types, namely the normal drugs at room temperature, some medicines requiring refrigeration, and psychiatric drugs. These three types of drugs must be stored separately using different storage facilities and paid different attention to. So this paper divides Y medicine logistics center into several work units as follows. (1) office area; (2) arrival and sorting area; (3) automatic storage/retrieval system(AS/RS); (4) cold storage; (5) psychiatric drugs storage; (6) picking area; (7)packing and processing area; (8) gathering and distribution; and (9) service sectors.2.4.2 Application of SLP1. Analyzing the logistics relationship (see Fig. 2.1) and non-logistics relationship (see Fig. 2.2) between work units.2. Determining the relative importance of logistics relationship and non-logistics relationship. For Y medicine logistics center, the weight of two relationships is 1:1.3. Quantifying the logistics intensity rank and the non-logistics relationship close degree. Usually, A = 4, E = 3, I = 2, O = 1, U = 0, X = 1.4. When the number of work units is N, the total matching number can be calculated using the following equation: P = N(N 1)/2. Here, N = 9 so P = 36.5. Calculating the composite correlation between work units (see Table 2.4).6. Switching the composite correlation scores (see Table 2.4) to the composite correlation close degree rank (see Table 2.5). Then, drawing the composite correlation chart (see Fig. 2.3).7. Determining the relative position of all the work units. According to Fig. 2.3, the higher the work units composite correlation is, the shorter their distance is (see Fig. 2.4).8. Analyzing the move line. The move lines of the logistics centers are different for their different land areas and logistics products. There are five types, namely I,L, U, O, and S. Type I is the most simple, and it is suitable for the rectangular logistics center whose entrance is to the exit. Type S is the most complex, and it is suitable to arrange a long logistics route. Y medicine logistics center is nearrectangular.The main activities of Y medicine logistics center are stocking,storage, picking, packing, distribution, information processing,and many valueadded services. So th

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