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Lesson 24 : Again , please !一、教学目标:1、 知识方面:使学生能说、读、写、用词汇skirt , blouse , pants , shirt , sweater ,coat , hat , shoes ,dress , socks ; too big , too small ; new ,old ; Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday 2、能力方面:(1)能把所学单词运用到日常口语交流当中,在适当的情境中能灵活运用。(2)能用英文描述人们的衣着、一周7天的名称。3、情感态度、价值观:通过游戏激发学生学习兴趣,通过创设情境角色表演调动学生积极参与性,通过鼓励树立学生学习英语的信心。二、教学重点、教学难点: (1)教学重点:使学生能说、读、写、用词汇skirt , blouse , pants , shirt , sweater ,coat , hat , shoes ,dress , socks ; too big , too small ; new ,old ; Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday(2)教学难点:a.能把所学单词运用到日常口语交流当中,在适当的情境中能灵活运用。b.英文描述人们的衣着、一周7天的名称。三、教具、学具:单词卡片、衣服实物、多媒体课件。四、教学过程:1、师生问候:T:Good morning , my boys and girls. S:Good morning , teacher!(1)Sing a song:“Hes wearing red pants .”2、复习旧知(1)、教师拿出单词卡片共做Whats missing 游戏。(设计思路:通过Whats missing的游戏复习本单元所学单词,使学生在娱乐中巩固所学知识。)(2)、将第一部分单词分类。教师在黑板上画两个大圈,其中一个写上“a pair of”,令外一个写上“a”学生把卡片帖到对应的位置。(设计思路:学生不仅动口说,动脑想,并且还动手做,调动多种感官,有效地调动了学生的积极性,同时,还对“a”和“a pair of”进行了区分。)(3)、用“穿衣服”的游戏复习衣服名称和句型“Whats he /she wearing?”(电脑逐一出示各个服饰图)将全班分成两组进行抢答比赛,答对最多组为胜组。T: What is he wearing?S: He is wearing a green sweater, but it is too big. (设计思路:用多媒体出示图画的形式,既提高了课堂效率,又极大的调动了学生的学习兴趣,像卡通一样的图画,会紧紧的吸引住学生的注意力,积极参与进来,激发了学生的竞争意识。)(4)、Dialogue.T: Yes, He is wearing a green sweater. I like his new sweater. Is it new?S: yes, it is new.S1:I like your Its nice. S2:Thanks. S1:Is it new ? / Are they new? S2:Yes./ No. I like yourIts nice. S3:Thanks. S2:Is it new ? / Are they new? S3:Yes. / No. 以此类推,为保证游戏效果,教师先与一个学生做示范,并在课间上呈现,以降低难度。 (设计意图:有意操练旨在培养锻炼学生口语交际能力。) (5)、设置情境、活用交际。 学生利用身上穿的新旧衣物或其它物品,任意创设情境编对话。 (设计意图:培养学生对知识的迁移能力使学生在活动中提升对知识的感悟和理解,培养学生的发散思维能力。)3、class closing .Now, Lets chant! 一个星期有七天,大家都来数数看, 星期一,是Monday,背着书包去学习, 星期二,是Tuesday, 小伙伴们齐努力, 星期三,是Wednesday, 学好本领为自己, 星期四,是Thursday, 天天取得好成绩, 星期五,是Friday, Saturday 我们做游戏, 星期日,是Sunday, 早把作业做完哩。4、Homework: (1)继续编排情境表演,下节课展示五、板书设计:Lesson 24 Again,Please!a pair of: pants 、socks、 shoes、 glovesa : skirt , blouse , shirt ,sweater ,coat, hat , dress ,六、Exercises1,补全单词Sun Tues day Fri M day Thurs 2,写出下列单词c_ _t sh_ _s dr_ _ _ gl_ _ _s sc_ _f h_t s_ _ks 七、课后反思: Lesson25. Bedroom教学目标:1、使学生能够听、读、说、拼写单词bed,dresser;能够说、写、并口头答单词bedroom,lamp,teddy bear.2、使学生能够用所学内容描述自己的卧室。 3、让学生体会英语学习中的乐趣,敢于表达。发展其综合语言运用能力。教学重难点:bed, dresser, closet, lamp, deddy bear 教学建议:1、 利用师生谈话的方式引出本课主要内容。例如:同学们,你们都有自己的卧室吗?谁能给大家介绍一下你的卧室?这样可以激发学生积极参与的兴趣。2、呈现bedroom,bed,dresser,closet,lamp,teddy bear这些词一个比较简便并且直观的方法就是在黑板上画一张卧室的侧面图,在不同方位逐一画上这些用品,告诉学生这是老师的卧室。这样做的目的是通过图画给学生一个直观的印象,对学生记忆、再现这些单词有益处。 3、 老师组织学生进行巩固练习,可进行对口形的游戏:为卧室中的物品选名字。将物品单词贴在相应的位置上。 4、 还可以对所学内容进行扩展.把学的内容融入进去。教师可以向学生提这样的问题:Do you have a bed? What colour is it? Is it big or small?5、 第二部分Lets chant, 先听录音了解chant 内容。6、教师做动作讲解chant内容。7、学生边听录音,边和老师一起说。8、作业:设计自己的卧室,并标出卧室中的物品名称。板书设计: Lesson 25; Bedroombeddresserclosetlampteddy bear教学反思:课堂教学资源:Teddy Bear,中文翻译为泰迪熊,不过按照美国当地的说法应该称为罗斯福熊。严格来说,我们现在一般常见的毛绒熊玩具,并不能算是真正的泰迪熊。如同车子具有不同外型、规格、厂牌一样,毛绒熊也有各种不同的品牌、风格、外貌,甚至设计师,没有办法以泰迪熊来代表所有的熊熊,然而由于泰迪熊实在被应用得太广泛了,人们往往便将所有的毛绒玩具熊通称为泰迪熊。其实早在泰迪熊出现之前,毛绒玩具熊就已经存在了。虽然目前,还没有直接的证据可以证明玩具熊最早的发明始末和来源,不过,早在十九世纪末,就已经有玩具熊的踪迹出现。1880年,柏林当地最受欢迎的玩具就是一只站在四轮上的木制熊(on all fours是一种可以拉着四处走的玩具车),同一时期,在莫斯科当地的酒吧,也流行一种由自动发条制造的饮酒熊(Drinking Bear,上了发条的熊玩具,除了可以拿着酒瓶把酒倒在酒杯里喝掉外,还会抽烟和跳舞),这种会自动饮酒的玩具熊,在当时非常新奇和受欢迎。现在最著名的玩具熊制造公司史泰福(Steiff)在1893年时,也曾经制作过一些直立式、鼻子上嵌有铁链的非布偶熊玩具,不过这些还未经过这一百多年时间洗礼的玩具熊,是以写实的形象出现的,不但在视觉上比较逼真,在触觉上也较为沉重和坚硬,要发展成为现在所认知的四肢可转动的毛绒熊模样,还要经过长久的许多材质、填充物和外型的演变。其实泰迪熊原本是一个独立的专有名词,最正确的说法,应该只有在第一次世界大战之前,也就是老罗斯福总统任内时,于1903年至1912年间制造的熊,才能称为泰迪熊。1903年出生的泰迪熊,源自于罗斯福总统对熊熊的爱好和当时的流行,可以说是现在毛绒熊的老祖先。它有着浑圆丰满的身材和四肢,蓬松温厚的安哥拉羊毛,简素的材料和绣线,憨厚的表情,以及百分之百的手工缝制和填塞作业。不论是出自于美国或是欧洲,那些历经古老岁月留下的精神,直至今日仍然存在。不过这种真正的泰迪熊,甚至所谓古董熊,现在已不多见了,只有在书籍、博物馆,或收藏者的家中,我们才有缘一窥它们的真面目。然而,这些不再回返的泰迪熊,在目前的复古风潮和历史忆怀,以及拍卖和收藏家保值观念的催生下,已经再度复生,出现了厂商重新开模制造,仿制当时风采的复制熊,或是特意模仿老旧年华的复古熊玩具。课后练习:看图连线:dresser lamp teddy bear closet bedLesson 26 Homework教学目标:1、 知识方面:能在听说读写方面掌握和运用四个词组:do ones homework read a bookwrite a story draw a picture。2、 能力方面:能够在日常生活中灵活运用所学的词汇和句型。3、 情感态度,价值观:运用大量游戏激发学生学习英语的兴趣,小组、同桌合作学习培养学生合作精神。教学重难点:do ones homework read a bookwrite a story draw a picture。教学过程:Step one Class opening 1、GreetingHello , boys and girls ! How are you today ? Hows the weather ? 2、Sing a song (This is the way we walk to school write with pencilsdraw with markers)3、play a game(Guess,guess guess)(游戏规则:教师准备一小纸盒,里面放一些纸条,内容为:write with pencil draw with marker walk to school cut with scissors open the door)4、教师作读书状,要学生猜词组,引出read a book.强调“read”的读法与“red”的不同,与“meat tea”读音的相同点。5、教师作写作状,学生猜,引出词组do ones homework, write a story, draw a picture.6、Work in pairs: 两人一组作guess,guess,guess 游戏。7、Play a game : 做“击鼓传花”的游戏,问学生:“What do you do in the evening?”花传到谁手里,就答:“In the evening ,I - .” Drill:Say it and do the action. Say it in pairs .8、listen to the tape and repeat . (第一遍,先让学生听;第二遍,跟读 。并在此解释“for”的意思 。) 9、第二部分 Lets sing a song 首先,边做动作边讲解歌曲内容。其次,跟音乐学唱歌曲(因为学生对这首歌的旋律已经熟悉,所以歌曲应该很容易接受)最后,邀请个别同学到前面边做动作边唱歌。10、作业: 根据歌曲旋律创编歌曲板书设计:Lesson 26: Homeworkdo my homeworkread a bookwrite a storydraw a picture课后练习:选词填空 1、I _ my homework.2、I _my book.read, draw, do, write3、I _a story.4、I_ a picture. Lesson27:TV and TelephoneKnowledge Aims:1. Master these new words: TV, telephone, computer, radio.2. Let the students practice and know these phrases: watch TV, talk on the telephone, play on the computer, listen to the radio.Ability Aims:1. Students can use these words and expressions for daily life exchange. They can use them quickly in proper circumstances. eg : watch TV at home; talk on the telephone, etc.2. Develop good living habits and customs, they can not go to bed too late. Thus they can form good habits: go to bed earlier and get up earlier.Feeling Aims:According to create secne to excavate the students studying habits, according to role play to arouse students initiative and participation.Teaching Importance: Master these new words: TV, telephone, computer, radio. Teaching difficulties:Use TV, telephone, computer, radio.Teaching Procedure:Class opening and reviewGreetings and sing the song of L25Play a game “whisper” to review the phrases: read a book ,write a story , draw a picture etc. New concepts:一、TV, watch TV ,computer , play on the computer ,radio , listen to the radio , telephone ,talk on the telephone,1. Ask the students to act: watch TV, play on the computer, listen to the radio , talk on the telephone. Study these new words :TV ,computer ,radio ,telephone .First teacher reads these four words. Students practice these four words.2. Teacher leads the students to say the four phrases with actions. Practice the phrases in pairs with actions.3. DrillAsk some volunteers to come the front to act these actions. Ask and answer.T: Whats heshe doing? What are they doing?C: Talking on the telephoneWatching TVPlaying on the computerListening to the radio.二、Learn the text1. Look at the pictures and talk about them in groups. 2. Look at CAI one by one and give some questions.When does Jenny leave school?What Jenny will do the first when she gets home?What Jenny will do after supper?What Jenny will do when she goes to bed?3. Try to answer these questions.4. Follow the CAI.5. Read this passage.四、HomeworkAccording to the content to write 23 sentences.Blackboard:Lesson27:TV and TelephoneTV watch TVtelephone talk on the telephonecomputer play on the computerradio listen to the radio.课后反思课后练习:看图连线 Computer TV radio telephone Lesson28: In the BedroomTeaching Aims:1.Master these numbers:20302.Master these new words:above,below,beside,across form.Ability Aims:1.Students can use these words and expressions for daily life exchange.They can use them quickly in proper circumstances.2.Develop good living habits and customs,they will put everything in order.Feeling Aims:Develop students to take a keen interest in labor.Teaching Importance and difficulties:1. Master the new numbers and new words.2.Use the new words: above,below,beside,across form.Teaching Procedure:Warming-up and revision1.Greeting.2. Write the title: bedbedroomIn the bedroom3. RevisionT: Look,I have a ball. Who want to come here and bounce ball.(一学生拍球)T: Lets count.T&C: One, twonineteen, twenty.T: Good. Look, skipping rope. Who want to skip with the skipping rope.(一学生跳绳)T&C: One, two nineteen, twenty. T: ery good.设计意图:通过 拍球,跳绳等活动来练习已学的数字,为新内容作铺垫。New concepts:一、twentythirty1. Can you bounce ball 29 times? Class counts. One, two,twenty, twenty-one, twenty- two.thirty.2. Show the number cards. Ask the students to read .3. Practice :Ill say some numbers,eg:23,27,29let the volunteers come the front and place the correct numbers on the blackboard.4. According to 29 lead to 30 directly, study it. Then spread (3139).5. Practice in pairs: One student say one number that we studied ,the other point to the correct number card.6. Show “Polly”, let the students guess“How old is Polly?”设计意图:利用玩偶Polly来练习今天所学的数字,为的就是让学生能够牢固掌握所学的这些数字,并为下一步用Polly来复习in, on, under做准备。二、above, below, beside, across from 1. Put“Polly”on the desk , put“Polly”in the desk, put“Polly”under the desk .Ask the students: Where is Polly? to review“in, on, under”.设计意图:通过复习已学的“in, on, under”,引出将要学习的新词汇“above, below, beside, across from”。过渡自然,学生容易接受。2. Put“Polly”on the desk , then put“Polly”above the desk , study above; Put“Polly”under the desk ,then put“Polly”below the desk ,study below. Distinguish on and above, under and below.3. Practice“in, on, under, above, below”by gesture.设计意图:利用手势来练习“in, on, under, above, below”,既简单明了,又容易操作。4. According to the location between one student and one student, or between one student and me, study beside, across from.设计意图:通过学生与学生或学生与我之间的位置关系学习新词汇beside, across from,便于学生理解,易于掌握。5. Practice“beside, across from”on their seats.6. Ask four students to come the front, then let them stand in a square. Lead the class to say the sentences, eg: is beside/across from.设计意图:有了此练习作为铺垫,教科书中与之相类似的内容,学生就容易掌握。7. Ask the students to show the pictures (slippers, dresser, TV, bed, etc)that we prepared. Listen to me, place the location.设计意图:此练习不仅可以练习今天的所学内容,又可以锻炼学生的听力。Homework :Design your bedroom.Blackboard:Lesson28: In the Bedroomabove beside below across from 课堂教学资源:under是指正下方,距离比较近,below是指正下方、斜下方都可以。under 的距离较近些。 below 和 above 是互为反意词,表示两者之间位置的高低;eg: The picture is above the blackboard. The blackboard is below the picture. under 和 over 是互为反意词;under 表示在某物的正下方, 常常有一定的距离。over 表示在某物的正上方,一般是有一定距离。eg; There is a ball under the desk . There is a light over the desk. 课后练习:看图填空The picture is _the bed.The slippers are _the bed.The dresser is _the bed.The lamp is _the dresser.The clothes are _the closet.Lesson 29 Brush and Comb教学目标:1. 训练学生听说读写长的能力 2. 让学生熟练掌握brush, comb, soap and toothbrush. .3. 能过会唱本课歌曲4. 能够运用brush, comb, soap and toothbrush.教学重难点:实际运用brush, comb, soap and toothbrush.教学过程:1、复习练唱27课歌曲(辞格与本课歌曲曲调相似,这样能够可以让学生回顾一下上次学的歌曲,引起学生的兴趣)2、带领学生进行问答训练,谈一谈让学生感性却的话题。拿卧室中的物品卡片,T: what is this in the bedroom? Ss: Its a_.3、出示浴室大图片,让学生讨论, T: What can you see?Ss: I see_.引出本课重点单词:brush, comb, soap and toothbrush, 并运用实物交给学生单词的读音及用法。4、游戏:听听,说说,做做(教师手拿实物演示动词词组,eg:brush my hair,brush my teeth, comb my hair, wash my hands, wash ,my face, take a shower,然后学生小组进行练习)5、学唱第二部分歌曲:首先,边做动作边讲解歌曲内容。其次,跟音乐学唱歌曲(因为学生对这首歌的旋律已经熟悉,所以歌曲应该很容易接受)最后,邀请个别同学到前面边做动作边唱歌。6、作业: 根据歌曲旋律创编歌曲板书设计:lesson 29:Brush and Combbrushcombsoaptoothbrush课后练习:Comb brush soap toothbrush课堂教学资源:1、中西文化差异渗透。通常中国人习惯在饭前刷牙,而西方国家往往是在饭后。2、有些英文单词既可以表示物体名称,又可以表示相应的动作eg: brush 刷子还可用作brush ones hair,comb木梳还可用作comb ones hair.教学反思:Lesson 30: Toys知识目标:通过本课的学习,使学生能正确地说、读、写、用下列单词及短语:ball / doll / kite /skipping rope ; 能正确朗读全篇并领会其意义。教学重点:使学生能正确地说、读、写、用下列单词及短语:ball / doll / kite / skipping rope。教学难点:能正确朗读本课的第二部分。教学过程:Class Opening and Review 1、 Sing “THIS IS THE WAY WE BRUSH OUR HAIR” (Lesson 29的歌曲) 设计意图:在欢快的乐曲中,学生既感受到了英语课堂的轻松与快乐,又对歌词中唱到的一周7天的名称及部分动词短语做了回顾。为即将开始的教学活动做了精神和知识上的准备。2、 Review 1) 可用“Whats this?”句型和单词卡片复习一下Lesson 29的单词brush/ comb/ soup/ toothbrush 2) 可以采用“SIMON SAYS”游戏,复习下列短语:read a book/ watch TV/ talk on the telephone/ draw a picture/ jump/ play on the computer/ wash our hands/ brush our hair / brush our teeth 游戏的设计意图:1、复习部分短语,为新课学习做铺垫。2、增强课堂的趣味性、增加学生的运动量,为下一个环节复习“fun/ tired/ rest”等单词做准备。3) 通过与学生谈游戏结束后的感受,复习“fun/ tired/ rest”等单词,为新课学习铺垫。T:The game is over. Hello! class. Do you feel happy ? Ss:Yes, I feel happy.T:Yes ,we all feel happy. Because the game is fun .(板书并领读:fun) ;The game is over . Do you feel tired ? Ss : Yes, we feel tired.T:If you feel tired , please have a rest .(教师边说边做have a rest的动作,并板书 tired / rest)”New Concepts 1. ball doll kite skipping rope 创设情景导入新概念的学习:教师可先拿出一个里面装有球、娃娃、风筝、跳绳等东西的精美盒子,告诉学生里面有好东西,让学生猜一猜里面是什么,然后引入新概念toy ball doll kite skipping rope的教学之中。教师面带表情可以这样说:“Hello ,class! Look! This is a beautiful box. I have something nice in it. Guess! Whats in it ? (学生纷纷开始竟猜 ,猜的可能是五花八门) What are they ,then? Look! (教师倒出盒子里的东西,帮助学生理解toy)Theyre toys. toy toy ( 板书:toy 并领读学习这个单词) (然后,教师再拿起球问学生) What is it ? Its a ball . ball ball ( 板书:ball 并带领学生学习此单词) 同上,再学习doll kite skipping rope等的几个单词。 设计意图:在学生感兴趣的猜的游戏中,自然地过度到新概念的学习,学生情绪高涨,有利于教师的教学。 听课文第一部分录音,跟读。 操练: (1)、利用卡片或实物师生间进行快速抢答练习。例如;可以利用句型“Whats this ? or Is this a _? ” (2)、做游戏 “WHAT”S MISSING”。方法是:把ball / doll / kite / skipping rope这四张卡片放在教室前,让学生看一会后闭上眼睛,然后教师拿走一张卡片,提问:“Whats the missing?”,被提问的每个学生要说出移走的卡片名称。重复游戏,力争每一个卡片都被猜过。 (3)、同桌练习(利用学生的小卡片)如:可以一人举卡片,一人大声快速地说英语。) 2、play with toys / play catch / play with dolls / fly kites / skip with the skipping rope 谈话导入新概念学习:教师可以这样说:“Hello ! Class. Do you like to play ?(Class: Yes, I like to play .) Yourself? (你自己吗?学生答:“No!”) With your friends ?( 和你的朋友吗?学生答:“Yes!”) Me too! I like to play with my friends.(重复两遍后领读此句。此句可提前写在黑板上,用时,揭去遮盖物;或通过电脑展示在电视上。)Do you like to play with your friends ? (S1:I like to play with my friends. S2: I like to play with my friends. Ss: I like to play with my friends.) OK! Now lets play with toys.”(并板书play with toys并解释其意思) 设计意图:在轻松的谈话中,既帮学生回顾了“friend”这个词,又巧妙地处理了课文中第二部分中的一句较有难度的句子I like to play with my friends.,又自然过度到下面的学习 (1) skip / jump rope 教师拿出带到课堂上的长跳绳,边做跳绳动作边对学生说:“Lets skip with the skipping rope.”重复几次跳绳动作,边跳边说: skip、skip,停止后板书:skip 然后请3名自告奋勇的学生到前面慢慢地跳绳,这时教师面向全体学生说:Look ! They are skipping with the skipping rope . They are skipping with the skipping rope . Say it ,please,class.全班学生跟读:“They are skipping with the skipping rope .”教师:“Very good !What are they doing ?” 全班: They are skipping with the skipping rope .教师: Very good ! Next ,Lets jump rope with the skiping rope .OK?接下来请自愿者到前面和老来师一起做jump rope并学习它。 (2) play catch / play with dolls 教法同上。教师手拿ball 、 doll边做动作边引出play catch / play with dolls,然后请几名学生自愿者到前面做这个游戏,教师和全班做对话练习。 (3) fly kites 由于放风筝的情景不容易创设,因此可用图片引出。 教师提问:“Look !What are they doing ? Theyre flying kites.”提炼出fly kites并板书学习。与学生谈话:“Do you like to fly kites ? S1 : I like to fly kites. S2: I like to fly kites. Ss: We like to fly kites.” 听课本第二部分录音,学生跟读。板书设计:Lesson30:Toys ball play with the ball doll play with the dollkite fly a kateskipping rope skip with the skipping rope课堂教学资源:hop,skip和jump分别是单脚跳、跨步向上跳和双脚轻轻地跳。课后练习:看图填单词: We fly a _. We skip with the _. I play with the _. Jenny plays with her _.课后反思:Lesson 31 Games一、 教学目标:1、 本课主要让学生掌握并会运用运动项目词汇:cards checkers badminton ping-pong hard soft 2、 将下列句子运用自如:What do you want to do? I want to play _.二、教学重点:让学生掌握并会运用运动项目词汇:cards checkers badminton ping-pong hard soft 三、教学难点:What do you want to do? I want to play _.四、教学资源:hard本课意思为硬的,但它也有努力以及困难的意思。五、教学过程:1、组织教学:Greetings:T: Hello, Boys and Girls!S: Hello, teacher!T: How are you?S: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too.Lets sing a song “This is the we wash the clothes”设计意图:简单的问候以及歌曲的演唱,在课的一开始就给孩子们营造一种轻松愉快的课堂氛围,增进师生之间的情感交流,使学生进入一种自然的语言状态。2、引入新课T: You go to school from Monday to Friday. What do you do on Saturdays and Sundays?Ss: 3、新授T: Look, what is this?Ss: 扑克牌。T: Yes. They are cards. We can play cards. (板书并跟读)They are checkers. We can play checkers. (板书并跟读)They are badminton. We can play badminton.(板书并跟读)They are ping-pong. We can play ping-pong. (板书并跟读)T: I want to play badminton. Would you like to play badminton?Ss: Yes. No.T: What do you want to do? I want to _.(学生跟读)Ss: I want to _.T: Can you ask?Sa: I want to _. Would you like to_?What do you want to do?Sb:_.4、操练T: Now please practice in pairs.Ss:5、教学hard, soft, go for a walk.T: Touch your desk. It is hard. Guess! Ss: 硬。T: Yes, you are clever. Now look at my doll. It is very soft.Ss:软。T: Good! Now read after me. h-a-r-d ,hard. s-o-f-t ,soft. After supper, I dont play badminton. I go for a walk. (教师一边说一边表演散步的动作。) Now open your books and look what they do?6、熟悉文本,熟读课文。7、作业:与同学进行对话交流,并能熟练朗读课文。六、板书:Lesson 31: Gamesplay cards 打牌 反义词:hardplay checkers 下棋 softplay badminton 打羽毛球play ping-pong 打乒乓球 go for a walk 出去散步七、教学反思:课后练习:1、补全单词并写出汉语:c_ _d ( ) ch _ ck_ _s ( ) b_dm_nt_n ( )p_ng-p_ng ( ) h_ _d ( ) s_ ft ( )g_ f_r a w_ _k ( )2、选词填空:The pen is _. The eraser is _. (hard, soft)3、问答连线:Would you like to play cards? I want to play ping-pong.What do you want to do? No, I dont want to play cards. Lesson 32 : Again, please!一、 教学目标:1、复习本单元的重点词语,如:日用品bed,dresser,TV,telephone. 玩具ball, doll, kite. 方位介词 above, below, beside 以及数词。2、重点句型:What do you want to do? I want to _.二、 重点:词语的拼写及朗读。三、 难点:句型的操练。四、 教学资源:向学生介绍teddy bear 的由来,使他们了解一些西方的习俗及文化。五、 教学过程:1、词语的复习:T: Look, there is a big house on the blackboard. Who can draw some things in it?Ss: 在房子里画他们想画的物品,如:电视机,床,衣橱等。T: Good. Now who can write the words beside them? Ss: 写出这些物品的单词,会的背写,不会的可以抄写。T: Now lets read together. This time please listen and draw.

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