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八年级英语人教版(新目标)(2012教材)下学期期末试卷(答题时间:60分钟 满分:100分). 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1. Young people today _ posting wonderful articles and beautiful photos onto the micromessage(微信)to share with friends.A. are afraid of B. are used to C. are worried about D. used to2. This box is too heavy for me to _. Can you help me?Of course.A. fix B. carry C. give D. bring3. To our _, the little girl is the first to go to bed.A. surprises B. surprise C. surprised D. surprising4. You could visit _children in the hospital and _ them _.A. ill; set; up B. sick; clean; up C. sick; cheer; up D. sick; send; up5. The boy _ to bed _ his mother came in.A. didnt go; until B. didnt go; after C. went; until D. went not; until6. Read it aloud_ the class can hear you.A. when B. if C. so that D. although7. Xiao Mings classroom is _.A. ten meter long B. ten meters long C. ten-meter-long D. ten-meter long8. There are some people _ apples on the farm.A. pick B. to pick C. picking D. picked9. Lucy is _ of the twins.A. taller B. tallest C. the taller D. the tallest10. Do you have _ to say to us?A. anything else B. else nothing C. else anything D. nothing else11. An elephant weighs _ more than a panda.A. many B. many times C. many much D. much many12. He regarded this new air conditioner _ great interest.A. as B. with C. on D. for13. Could you please provide us_ some information about the students health?Of course, its my pleasure.A. to B. of C. from D. with14. I _ the copy with the original, but there was not much difference.A. predicted B. compared C. made D. improved15. When did the terrible earthquake happen in Yaan Sichuan?It happened_8:02 _ the morning of April 20th, 2013.A. on; in B. at; on C. at; in D. on; on. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Mary was ill, so she went to see 1 .“Doctor, Im not feeling 2 ,” said Mary. “Every time I do my homework, I feel 3 . If I go to school on foot, I have to sit down and 4 for a few times.”The doctor looked over her 5 . At last he said, “ 6 serious, but Im afraid you are eating too much.”“I dont understand. What do you mean?” asked Mary.“I mean you eat 7 food,” said the doctor.“Oh! You mean Im too 8 . Thats a problem,” said Mary. “What should I do?”“The answer is easy,” said the doctor. “If you want to be thinner and healthier, you 9 eat a lot of food and you should also do much 10 .”1. A. her mother B. the teacher C. the doctor D. her friend 2. A. terrible B. ill C. good D. well 3. A. hungry B. thirsty C. tired D. happy 4. A. stand up B. lie down C. eat food D. have a rest 5. A. carelessly B. careless C. carefully D. careful 6. A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing7. A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too8. A. thin B. healthy C. stressed out D. heavy 9. A. must B. should C. shouldnt D. didnt 10. A. housework B. homework C. shopping D. exercise . 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AIn America, there are chores for children of different ages. American people think its important to tell children their duty in the family. Use this list of age chores for your children. Ages 2-3 Help make the bed; Pick up toys and books; Take laundry to the laundry room; Help feed pets. Ages 4-5 Clear and set the table; Help cook dinnerPut away groceries(杂志)Ages 6-8 Take care of pets; Take out the trash. Ages 9-12 Help wash the car; Learn to wash the dishes;Clean the bathroom 1. This passage tells us something about chores for _. A. American children B. Chinese children C. children all over the world D. people all over the world 2. American people think children should do chores in the family because _. A. children have nothing to do except playing B. they think children should develop(养成)good habits C. they think its important to let children know their duty in the family D. parents want their children to be good 3. If Bob is 3 years old, he can _.A. set the table B. help make the bed C. wash the dishes D. take out the trash 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Children should help parents do housework. B. A 5-year-old child can help make dinner. C. A 10-year-old child should be able to clean the bathroom. D. 12-year-old Mary may not be able to wash the dishes. 5. Whats the passage mainly about? A. Why children should do chores. B. What chores American children of different ages should do. C. Children have duty in the family. D. Different opinions(观点)on whether children should do chores in the family.BMen have travelled ever since thousands of years ago. In old times, they did not travel for pleasure(快乐)but to find better places to live in. They traveled on foot. Their journeys were long and tiring. They lived in the open air. Before long(不久以后), they found easier ways for travelling. They rode on the backs of their horses. They cut big holes in trees to live in. When they learned to use bits of wood as paddles(踏板), they were able to go across water. As travelling was getting easier, men began to travel for pleasure and excitement. Now there are cars, wide roads, fast trains, big ships and planes. They are all very convenient(便利地). Isnt it wonderful? However, travelling is not always easy. If you want to travel, you need both money and time. My friend Jimmy has his way of travellinghe does his travelling from an armchair. He thinks of travelling down into the sea like a shell(贝壳), it is a wonderful world under the water. He would like to travel faster than the time and have a look at the year 3000. He would also like to go back into the past and talk to those great people in history. Do you know how he travels? 6. At first, people travel for _. A. finding a place to live in B. pleasure C. excitement D. finding some food to eat7. We need _ when we are planning to travel.A. time B. moneyC. time and money D. some friends to go with us8. When could men travel across the river?A. When they were able to swim in the water.B. When they were able to ride a horse.C. When they could find the right place.D. When they learned to use bits of wood as paddles.9. Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. At first, people travelled on foot. B. A shell lives in the sea. C. People may feel happy and excited by travelling. D. Travelling is always very easy because there are different convenient ways of travelling now.10. Jimmy travels by _. A. riding a bike B. searching the Internet C. talking to friends on the phone D. sleeping and dreaming C阅读短文,完成下列任务Most American students(11)have to say goodbye to expensive things these days. “People are afraid to spend money now.” said Linda. Linda has a shoe and handbag store. “They dont know what the future will bring”. During the financial crisis(金融危机), the country has to sell or close some biggest banks.(12)This has made lots of Americans afraid to buy expensive things. The crisis began several years ago. Experts think(13)it was because US banks lent money too easily. A lot of people and companies borrowed a lot of money. They suddenly found themselves unable to pay it back. This left the banks, as well as the depositors(储户)without money. Since the banks borrowed money between themselves and even across foreign countries, the whole world was(14)_ _(陷入麻烦). The US government agreed on a $700 billion plan to try to save the financial market. But no one is sure whether it will help or not. Presidents from 20 countries promised to work together to find a way out of the money trouble.11. 用适当的词或短语替换画线部分,保持基本意义不变。_12. 用英语写出This指代什么。_13. 把画线句子翻译成中文_14. 用英语完成此处,每空一词_15. 根据短文用适当的词补全句子The passage is mainly about _. 根据句意和汉语提示完成单词(每小题1分,共10分)1. The new couple were so happy that they couldnt stop smiling when they got _(结婚).2. When the moon is _(发光;照耀), well be able to see the stones.3. He _(实现)his dreams because he worked hard.4. I missed a lot of school because of _(疾病)last year.5. He walked _(朝;向)the end of the road.6. Most of them came from _(南方的)China.7. My mother often _(鼓励)me not to fear the difficulties8. He came from Japan. He must be able to speak _(日语).9. Lets take some photos. Where is my new _(照相机)?10. We had a _(安宁的)afternoon without work. 用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)1. We cant put off_(have)the class meeting.2. He can stay here for ten hours without_(move).3. I _(not finish)my homework yet. I have to do it right away.4. I_(ask)my teacher and my parents for help if I have any problems in life.5. I think Yu Gong could build a road instead of _(move)the mountains.6. On his way to school, he saw an old man _(lie)on the side of the road.7. My sister is learning how _(repair)bikes from his uncle.8. His brother doesnt allow him _(copy)his homework.9. I am considering _(visit)Qingdao next summer vacation. 10. I have _(borrow)the comic book from the library for two weeks. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子(每小题2分,共10分)1. 我们必须把这些话变成行动。We must _these words _ action.2. 请你一回来就给我打电话。Please call me _ _ _you come back.3. 我不再是一个小孩了。我能够照顾自己。Im_ _a child. I can look after myself.4. 很多鸟儿比人醒得早。Many birds _ _earlier than people.5. 根据他提供的情况,警察找到了失踪的男孩。_ _ what he said, the police found the lost boy. 交际运用(5分)从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余A. I went there last week.B. Where have you been?C. How long have you been there?D. I have over 200.E. When did you get them?F. Ill take them to your house tomorrow.G. Ive been there twice.A: Hi, Mike! I havent seen you for a long time. 1 B: Hi, Ann! Ive just come back from Hainan. 2 A: How many times have you been there?B: 3 And I have taken many photos there.A: Great! How many photos do you have now?B: 4 A: Really? Can you show them to me?B: OK. 5 A: Thats great! Thank you!B: Youre welcome. 书面表达(共10分)动物是人类的朋友,关爱动物就是保护人类。可是每天都有很多动物被人类杀死,因此我们每个人都要保护动物。保护动物从我做起!请你根据以下要求写一篇英语短文。1. 谈论你最喜欢的动物以及原因。2. 你对保护动物的看法。3. 80词左右。八年级英语人教版(新目标)(2012教材)下学期期末试卷参考答案. 1. B 解析:A项意为“害怕”;B项意为“习惯于”;C项意为“担心”;D项意为“过去常常”;根据句意“现在年轻人习惯于发精美文章和漂亮图片到微信上和朋友分享”可知B项正确。2. B 解析:carry意为“扛;提;拿”;句意为“这个盒子太重,我提不动。你能帮我吗?”。3. B 解析:our是形容词性物主代词,故后接名词。surprise意为“惊讶”,是抽象名词,故无复数形式,A项不正确。4. C 解析:ill意为“生病的”,常作表语,故排除A项;clean up意为“打扫干净”;cheer up意为“变得高兴起来”;send up意为“发射”;根据句意“你可以看望医院里的病孩并且让他们高兴起来”可知C项符合。5. A 解析:not until意为“直到才”;句意为“这男孩直到妈妈回来才上床睡觉”。6. C 解析:A项意为“当的时候”;B项意为“如果”;C项意为“以便于”;D项意为“虽然;尽管”;句意为“大声读,以便于同学们都能听到你。”,故选C项。7. B 解析:浏览各选项可知A项、D项不正确;而C项作定语修饰名词,排除;B项作表语,故选B项。8. C 解析:There be + n./ pron. + v-ing是固定句型,故选C项。句意为“有一些人在农场里摘苹果”。9. C 解析:根据of the twins可知是“两者”作比较,故用the+比较级,表示“两者中较的”。10. A 解析:else修饰不定代词,位置后置,故排除B, C两项;句意为“你还有什么其他事情对我们说吗?”,故选A项。11. B 解析:more是比较级,故其前不可用A, C, D修饰;句意为“大象比熊猫重许多倍”,故选B项。12. A 解析:regard as 意为“把认为/看作”。13. D 解析:provide sth. for sb. =provide sb. with sth.是正确短语,浏览各选项可知D项正确。14. B 解析:A项意为“预言”;B项意为“比较”;C项意为“制作;使”;D项意为“改进;提高”;根据后半句句意“但是没有很大差别”可知“我把稿件和原来的作了比较”,故选B项。15. B 解析:具体时刻前用介词at;特指某天的早上用介词on,故选B项。. 1. C 解析:根据“玛丽生病了”可知“她去看医生”,故选C项。2. D 解析:Im not feeling well意为“我感觉不舒服”,因为上段介绍过“她病了”。3. C 解析:介绍不舒服的情况,“每当做作业时,我感觉劳累”。4. D 解析:根据“sit down 坐下”可知“休息好几次”。5. C 解析:look over意为“检查”,应用副词修饰;carefully意为“仔细”,符合句意。carelessly意为“粗心”。6. D 解析:句意为“没什么严重的,但是我恐怕你吃得太多了”。7. C 解析:food是不可数名词,故用too much “太多”修饰。too many修饰可数名词复数;much too意为“太”。8. D 解析:根据上句“吃得太多”,故而“太重”,选项D项正确。9. C 解析:根据eat a lot of food “吃太多食物”可知“不应当”,用shouldnt。10. D 解析:do much exercise意为“做大量锻炼”。. 1. A 解析:根据句子In America, there are chores for children of different ages.(在美国,有一些给不同年龄段的孩子们准备的家务。)可知A项正确。2. C 解析:根据句子American people think its important to tell children their duty in the family.(美国人认为告诉孩子其在家中的责任是很重要的。)可知。3. B 解析:根据列表2-3岁中可做的事情可知B项符合。4. D 解析:阅读列表可知D项是不正确的。5. B 解析:通读本文可知主要介绍了美国的孩子不同年龄段(2-3,4-5,6-8, 9-12)应该做的家务。6. A 解析:根据句子 In old times, they did not travel for pleasure but to find better places to live in.(在过去,他们不是为了快乐而旅行,而是为了找到更好的居住的地方。)可知A项正确。7. C 解析:由句子If you want to travel, you need both money and time.(如果你想去旅行,你需要金钱和时间。)可知答案。8. D 解析:根据句子When they learned to use bits of wood as paddles, they were able to go across water. 可知选项D正确。9. D 解析:根据句子 However, travelling is not always easy. 可知D项是错误的。10. B 解析:根据he does his travelling from an armchair “他在椅子上进行他的旅行”可知选项B正确。 11. cant buy/ dont buy/ have to stop the idea to buy12. The financial crisis13. 金融危机是因为美国银行借款太容易。14. in trouble15. the financial crisis. 1. married 2. shining 3. achieved 4. illness 5. towards6. southern 7. encourages 8. Japanese 9. camera 10. peaceful. 1. having 2. moving 3. havent finished 4. will ask 5. moving6. lying 7. to repair 8. to copy 9. visiting 10. had . 1. turn; into 2. as soon as 3. no longer 4. wake up 5. According to. B A G D F. My favorite animals are pandas. I like them because they are gentle and shy. They are also friendly to people. And they look funny, too. Their favorite food is bamboo leaves. But now pandas are endangered. For one thing, people have destroyed many of their habitats. For another thing, they dont have enough food to eat. I think we should build more panda zoos and plant more bamboo for them. I hope everyone can do something for animals, so that we can keep our world rich and colorful.

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