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初三英语复习现在进行时 一般将来时人教版 朗文 同步教育信息 一 本周教学内容 复习现在进行时 一般将来时 现在进行时 一 什么是现在进行时 现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正进行的动作或正在发生的事 e g What is he doing now He s singing an English song Are you reading a novel at the moment No I m not I m writing a novel 此外 现在进行时还可以用来表示按计划或安排将要发生的事 与这个时态相关联的 动词有 arrive come go leave start fly drive等 e g Kevin is coming this Friday The train is arriving soon We are leaving for Hawaii in a week 二 现在进行时的构成 助动词 am is are 现在分词 v ing 以动词 work为例 肯定句 否定句 疑问句及答语 I m working I m not working Are you working Yes I am No I m not YouWeThyar wking YoueThyarn t wkig Are you they working Yes we they are No we they aren t HSis i HSis t i Is he she working Yes he she is No he she isn t 在现在进行时的应用中切记 进行时必须是由两个部分构成 缺一不可 千万不要忘 记助动词 am are is 加上现在分词 They are playing football on the playground now 写出下列动词的现在分词形式 1 put putting 2 stop stopping 3 sing singing 4 stay staying 5 see seeing 6 lose losing 7 die dying 8 join joining 9 fly flying 10 use using 用现在进行时填空 1 Are the students having have an English class now Yes they are 2 Look Betty is standing stand over there She is wearing wear a red coat 3 The children aren t drawing not draw pictures on the blackboard They are drawing draw on pieces of paper 4 Listen Who is singing sing in the next room 5 It s six o clock in the morning Mother is cooking cook breakfast in the kitchen Father is washing wash his face in the toilet little Tom is putting put on his clothes How busy they are 连词成句 1 What for the girls fight What are the girls fighting for 2 Mr Li try plant trees Mr Li is trying to plant trees 3 a boy a dog tie to a pole The boy is tying a dog to a tree 4 the workers put the box on the floor The workers are putting the box on the floor 5 Who we go with Who are we going with 一般将来时 一 什么叫一般将来时 一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或情况 与一般将来时连用的时 间状语有 tomorrow next Monday next week from now on in the future in a few days in two weeks time等 二 一般将来时的构成 shall will 动词原形 shall用于第一人称 will 用于第二 三人称 美国英语都用 will 以 study为例 肯定句 否定句 疑问句及简略回答 I shall will study I shall not shan t will not Will you study We shall will study We won t study Yes I we will No I we won t YouTheyHSwil std YouTheyHSwil nto tsudy Wiltheysud Yes they he she will No they he she won t 三 一般将来时的几种表达方法 1 用 Shall I we 我 我们做某事好吗 来征求对方意见 e g Shall I close the door I feel cold 我关上门好吗 我觉得冷 Shall we have a cup of tea 我们喝杯茶好吗 2 用 Will you please 来表示请求对方做某事 e g Will you please tell me how to get to the airport 请你告诉我怎么去飞机场好吗 Will you please not open the window 请你不要开窗好吗 3 而用 Would you please 比用 Will you please 的语气更委婉 是 请您做 事好吗 之意 Would 是 Will的过去式 e g Would you please help me carry the box 请您帮我抬一下这个箱子好吗 Would you please stop making noise The students are having classes now 请您停止发出噪声好吗 学生们正在上课呢 4 在时间状语中用 in 来表示将来是 时间之后 之意 不能用 after e g Mr Black will come back in half an hour 布莱克先生半小时后回来 5 其他几种表示将要发生的动作或情况 用一般现在时 现在进行时 be to do be going to do be about to do 等等 1 一般将来时 will do 单纯表示将来 表示一连串要发生的事以及在时间或条 件状语从句的句子中使用 e g We ll go and visit Beijing University next week we ll listen to Pro Wang s report on science and have a conversation with some students 下周我们要去拜访北京大学 我们要听王教授关于科学方面的报告 并且与一些学生 座谈 Judy will come to see me when she has time 朱娣有时间要来看我 2 一般现在时表示将来时 是表示按计划或者时刻表将要发生的事 动词都是表示 位置转移的动词 start leave e g Flight CA 385 to Sydney takes off at 3 00 p m CA385 航班在下午 3点钟起飞 When does the summer holiday begin 暑假什么时间开始呢 3 现在进行时可以表示安排好 计划好要发生的事 主要动词是 go come start leave fly等等 e g The train are leaving for London tomorrow My brother is coming back Beijing 4 用 to do sth 表示未来的计划 安排等或用来征求对方意见 表示必要或者命 令等 e g They are to come to Beijing the day after tomorrow What is he to do next 下一步他要干什么 5 用 be going to do sth 表示打算 准备去做某事或可能要发生的事 主要用在 口语中 e g We are going to take part in a physics test It s going to rain 6 用 be about to do 表示即将 正要做某事 一般不与时间状语连用 e g Ben is about to leave 本就要走了 用一般将来时连词组句 1 Jack give them a talk next morning Jack will give them a talk next morning 2 Mr Pope talk about how to learn English Mr Pope will talk about how to learn English 3 They hold a sports meet on the playground tomorrow They will hold a sports meet on the playground tomorrow 4 we have dinner at seven We will have dinner at seven Shall we have dinner at seven 5 my father not come back until eight o clock My father won t come back until eight o clock 就划线部分提问 1 It will cost me one thousand yuan to buy the bike How much will it cost you to buy the bike 2 The girl will help Uncle Wang Whom will the girl help 3 A new teacher will teach them science Who will teach them science 4 We will be ready in twenty minutes How soon will you be ready 5 The students will work on the farm Where will the students work 6 It will take the workers three years to build the library How long will it take the workers to build the library 选择填空 1 What time he often home A is leave B do leave C does leave D does leaves 2 Tom is a lot of books today he A bying is B buying doesn t C buying isn t D buying is 3 Ted but he now A seldom worries is worrying B worries worrying C worry worrying D worries worried 4 Why you so fast today You usually slowly A are walking walking B are walking walk C do walk walking D are walking walked 5 Milk he soon A says comes B saves comes C is saying comes D says is coming 6 Tim well today he a headache A not feels have B isn t feel is having C is not feeling has D isn t feeling is having 7 The little girl because she her mother A cries miss B is crying is missing C is crying miss D cries is missing 8 How often Aunt her clothes A does wash B is washing C is wash D does washes 9 Mrs King a new skirt now She making skirts for herself A is makeing likes B is making is like C making likes D is making likes 10 Some foreign guests the Great Wall at the moment A visit B are visiting C visiting D are visitting 11 The radio the rain later in the day A says will stop B is say will stop C saves will stop D says will stop 12 You the result in one or two days A knew B will know C have knowD are knowing 13 If you now you your bus A don t hurry will miss B aren t hurrying will miss C will not hurry miss D won t hurry will miss 14 We hope that we a good time at the weekend A had B are going to have C have D will have 15 more unless you to A Not are told B Will not are told C Don t are told D Don t tell Key 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 C 7 B 8 A 9 D 10 B 11 D 12 B 13 A 14 D 15 C 我们从各种不同的练习中看到了这几种时态的不同用法和含义 请同学们再认真复习 一遍每种时态的结构 找出区别来 抓住特点 能够做到熟练应用 模拟试题 I 根据句意用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空 be teach answer mend on one s face snow 1 Mr Black us Russian since he came here 2 There a sports meeting in our school the day after tomorrow 3 This clock can in two days 4 If it tomorrow we ll go out to play with snow 5 I don t know how this question 6 Mary is very happy Look There is a big smile II 补全对话 A Excuse me Is there a bookshop near here B 1 The nearest is about 5 kilometres away A 2 B Go along this road and take the second turning on the left Go on until you reach the end 3 It ll take you 30 minutes on foot A 30 minutes 4 Is there a bus B Sorry 5 You d better call a taxi A OK Thank you very much B 6 III 根据中文提示用所给英文词语造句 1 我们不必乘火车去农场因为它离我们不远 We the farm by train because it s not very far from here 2 他们正在为举办运动会做准备 They a sports meeting 3 刚才他父亲阻止那个男孩玩火 His father the boy just now 4 请努力学习 否则你将落在别人后边 Please study harder or you 5 非常感谢请我们参加你们的班会 Thanks your class meeting 6 我不能单独把女儿留下 I can t IV 书面表达 Mike是你班的一位来自澳大利亚的同学 他患了感冒 从药店买来一盒药 向你询问 服药方法 请你根据药品说明 向 Mike解释 并告诉他如何预防感冒 80 字左右 服用说明 适应症 适用于感冒引起的咳嗽 头疼等症状 用法与用量 饭前口服 一次 1 2片 一天 3次 疗程 3 5天 不良反应 偶有瞌睡感 禁忌 服药期间忌鱼 酒 辛辣食品 This medicine is used for curing cough headache and something like that caused by cold V 阅读理解 When you buy a T shirt or a fur coat in a store it often carries a label telling who made it or from what store it was bought Indeed some labels show the dress is famous and it is very expensive so buyers secretly wish they might be carried for ever On the other hand buyers who deal with the cheapest products would be pleased to do away with labels entirely However there is another label more important than the one showing from which store the dress was bought When a person buys a fur coat or a jacket from a store a label telling what the product is made of should be carried to it This label is required by law Besides telling what the product on show is made of the label should be in clear English and be where one can find it easily The information on the label must be the truth The reason for this label is that most buyers today aren t expert enough to know exactly what kind of fur or material they are buying The buy must believe in the store that sells the products or in what the labels say 1 The law requires that furs carry a A clean label B clear label C while label D secret label 2 In the article the writer says a little about A black market furs B managers office C chemical laboratories D clothing stores 3 This article mainly refers to A making furs and clothers B protecting buyers with law C keeping the buyer informed D businessmen and sellers 4 The writer doesn t agree that A buyers buy the clothes without labels B clothing stores sell cheap dresses C all the products have labels D labels are not true 5 Which of the following is true A A T shirt seldom carries a label B A fur coat with a high price often carries a false label C A label only says what material the product is made of D Not all buyers know the materials they are buying VI 完形填空 The hall of the club was crowded The lecture was about to begin I don t think I want to 1 professor Evens The chairman of the meeting said There was a great 2 at this He isn t 3 to you Another shout of cheers followed and then he 4 The 5 smiled at his audience He wore thick 6 He seemed 7 because he cleared his voice twice His glasses became even 8 and the hall was completely silent as he stood 9 his audience It was an uncomfortable 10 I was sitting near the platform and could 11 hear the loud ticks of the wall clock The professor quickly turned his 12 to us and 13 the chairman in surprise The chairman thought there might be 14 wrong with the loudspeakers But everyone in the first now could hear the words I have lost my 15 1 A introduce B invite C bring D lead 2 A cry B laughter C cheer D smile 3 A popular B known C friendly D unknown 4 A went away B came near C sat down D stood up 5 A chairman B professor C leader D head 6 A overcoat B glasses C glass D watch 7 A nervous B shy C worrying D angry 8 A larger B smaller C lighter D heavier 9 A looking for B looking at C seeing D laughing at 10 A silence B noisy C silent D noise 11 A hard B hardly C clearly D noisily 12 A eyes B ears C head D hard 13 A calling B said to C asked to D called to 14 A something B anything C nothing D everything 15 A glasses B pencil C notes D books 试题答案 I 1 has taught 2 will be 3 be mended 4 snows 5 to answer6 on her face II 1 No there isn t 2 How can I get there 3 you ll find it 4 That s too long 5 There is no bus to go there 6 You re welcome III 1 don t have to go 2 are getting ready to hold for holding 3 stopped from playing with fire 4 will fall behind others 5 a lot for asking us to 6 leave my daughter by herself IV This medicine is used for curing cough headache and something like that caused by cold Take one or two pills each other and three times a day before meals Sometimes you might feel like sleeping after you take it But it doesn t matter Don t have fish wine or hot food these days while you re taking this medicine And you ll be fire in three or five days By the way I think you d better take good care of yourself and keep healthy For example put on more clothes when you go outside on a cold day keep the air in your room clear have more water fruit and vegetables And the most important of all do more sports every day to be stronger I wish you ll be all right soon V 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 D 5 D VI 1 A 2 C 3 D 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 A 8 D 9 B 10 A 11 C 12 C 13 B 14 A 15 C

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