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闽教第八册课文互译 1. Hi, Wang Tao. How did you spend your winter vacation?1. 你好,王涛。你的寒假是怎么过的。2. Great! I went to Harbin to see the ice carvings.2. 太棒了!我去哈尔滨看了冰雕。3. How was the weather there?3. 那里的天气怎么样?4. it was very cold. And it snowed sometimes. How did you spend your vacation?4. 那里的天气很冷,有时还下雪。你的假期是怎么过的?5. I went to Guangzhou to see a flower show.5. 我去广州看了花展。6. How was the weather there?6. 那里的天气怎么样?7. It was sunny and warm.7. 那里的天气既晴朗又温暖8. How did you spend your winter vacation?8. 你的寒假是怎么过的?9. I went to Harbin to see the ice carvings.9. 我去哈尔滨看了冰雕。10. I went to Guangzhou to see a flower show.10. 我去广州看了花展。11. I went to the fair at Spring Festival.11. 我去逛了春节庙会。12. I watched New Year programs on CCTV.12. 我在中央电视台看了新年晚会。13. I read some interesting books.13. 我读了一些有趣的书。14. I made snowmen with my friends.14. 我和我的朋友们堆了雪人。15. Warm hot cool cold sunny cloudy rainy snowy15. 温暖的 热的 凉爽的 冷的 晴朗的 多云的 下雪的16. I went to Harbin to see the ice carvings.16. 我去哈尔滨看了冰雕。17. How was the weather there?17. 那里的天气怎么样?18. It was cold and snowy.18. 那里的天气即冷又下雪。19. I went to Guangzhou to see a flower show.19. 我去广州看了花展。20. How was the weather there?20. 那里的天气怎样?21. It was warm and sunny.21. 那里的天气即温暖又晴朗。22. Dear Hu Ping,22. 亲爱的胡平23. How are you? My father, mother and I are in Harbin now. 23. 你好吗?我和爸爸妈妈现在在哈尔滨。24. We came here by plane. 24. 我们坐飞机到这里。25. We went to see the ice carvings yesterday evening. 25. 我们昨天晚上去看了冰雕。26. They were very beautiful. 26. 它们非常的漂亮。27. I got up early this morning. 27. 今天早上我起得很早。28. I looked out of the window.28. 我往窗外看。29. Wow! There was snow on the trees and houses. 29. 哇,树上,屋上都是雪。30. I went out to play with some children.30. 我出去和孩子们一起玩。31. We made a big snowman.31. 我们堆了一个大雪人。32. I had a very good time.32. 我过得非常愉快。33. Hi, Sally. Where were you in the winter vacation?33. 你好,萨莉。寒假你去了哪里?34. I went Hainan with my family.34. 我和我的家人去了哈尔滨。35. what did you do there?35. 你在那里做什么?36. We played at the seaside.36. 我在海边玩。37. How was the weather there?37. 那里的天气怎样?38. It was sunny and warm . where were you in the vacation?38. 那里的天气晴朗面温暖。你的假期在哪里?39. I went to my aunts wedding in Shanghai. 39. 我去上海参加了我姑姑的婚礼。40. I met many friends there.40. 我在那里遇到了许多朋友。41. Where were you in the winter vacation?41. 你的寒假在哪里?42. What did you do there?42. 你在那里做什么?43. I went to Shandong. I climbed a mountain.43. 我去了山东,我爬了一座山。44. I stayed at home. I learned English and did my homework.44. 我呆在家里,我学英语和做家庭作业。45. Im worried about my lessons.45. 我担忧我的功课。46. dont worry. I can help you with you7r math.46. 别担心,我会帮助你数学。47. Im worried about my lessons.47. 我担心我的功课。48. Dont worry. I can help you with your English.48. 别担心,我会帮助你学英语。49. Im worried about my lessons.49. 我担心我的功课。50. Dont worry. I can help you with your chinese.50. 别担心。我会帮助你学语文。51. whats your favorite subject, Li Hong?51. 你最喜欢的科目的什么,李红?52. Math. Whats yours?52. 数学。你的呢?53. PE. I like swimming and running.53. 体育,我喜欢游泳和跑步。54. its Wednesday today. We have a PE class in the morning.54. 今天是星期三。我们在上午有一节体育课。55. Youre right55. 你说得对。56. Whats your favorite subject, Chen Ling?56. 你最喜欢的科目是什么,陈玲?57. Music. Whats yours?57. 音乐课,你的呢?58. Art. I like drawing.58. 美术,我喜欢画画。59. we have an art class this morning.59. 我们今天上午有一节美术课。60. Youre right.60. 你说得对。61. English Chinese math computer music art PE science.61. 英语 语文 数学 电脑 音乐 美术 体育 科学62. Look, Grandma. This is a photo of my class.62. 看,奶奶。这是我们班级的照片。63. its a nice photo. Do you like your class, Peter?63. 这是一张漂亮的照片。你喜欢你的班级吗,彼特?64. Yes. My classmates are very nice. We often help each other.64. 是的,我们的同学非常好。我们经常互相帮助。65. whos this girl?65. 那个女孩是谁?66. shes Chen Ling. She often helps me with my Chinese. 66. 她是陈玲。她经常帮助我学语文。67. And I teach her English.67. 而我教她英语。68. Thats great!68. 那太好了。69. My classmates are very nice. We often help each other.69. 我的同学非常友好。你们经常互相帮助。70. Chen Ling often helps me with my Chinese.70. 陈玲经常帮助我学语文。71. And I often teach her English.71. 我经常教她英语。72. Li Hong often helps Wang Tao with his math.72. 李红经常帮助王涛学数学。73. We often learn Chinese, English, math, and computer science together.73. 我们经常一起学习语文,英语,数学和电脑科学。74. Do you like your class?74. 你喜欢你的班级吗?75. Do you often help each other?75. 你们经常互相帮助吗?76. Who often helps you with your lessons?76. 谁经常帮助你学功课?77. Do you often help your classmates?77. 你经常帮助你的同学吗?78. Do you learn together?78. 你们一起学学吗?79. Bob is from England. 79. 玻比来自英国。80. He is a student at a Chinese school in Beijing. 80. 他是在北京一所汉语学校的学生。81. He likes his school. His classmates are very nice to him. 81. 他喜欢他的学校。他的同学对他很好。82. He is not good at Chinese. Li Ting often teaches him Chinese.82. 他不擅长中文。李婷经常帮助他中文。83. Li Ting often teaches him Chinese.83. 李婷经常教他中文。84. And he teaches her English. They often help each other.84. 而她教他英语。他们经常互相帮助。85. Bob likes playing basketball. But Li Ting is not good at it. So he often teaches her how to play basketball85. 玻比喜欢打篮球。但是李婷不擅长。所以他经常帮教她怎样打篮球。86. They are very good friends.86. 他们是很朋友。87. whats wrong with you, Ben? Do you have a toothache?87. 怎么啦,本?你牙疼吗?88. no. I have a headache.88. 不,我头疼。89. You cant go to school today. Ill go and tell Mom.89. 你不能去上学了。我去告诉妈妈。90. Whats wrong with you, Ben?90. 你怎么啦,本?91. I have a headache.91. 我头疼。92. I think you have a fever. Ill take you to hospital.92. 我想你是发烧了。我带你去医院。93. Whats wrong with you?93. 你怎么啦?94. I have a cold.,94. 我感冒了。95. In spring, it is sometimes cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon. 95. 在春天有时上午冷而下午暖和。96. Some people do not wear enough clothes. 96. 一些人没有穿足够的衣服。97. They often have a cold. 97. 他们经常感冒。98. Yesterday morning my friend Jim went to the park early.98. 昨天上午我的朋友很早去公园。99. He didnt wear a jacket. He played in the park all day.99. 他没有穿一件夹克衫,他在公园玩了一整天。100. He got home in the evening. Then he had a headache. 100. 他晚上才回到家。然后他头疼了。101. Today he is in bed. He cant go to school101. 今天他躺在床上。他不能去上学了。102. Hi, Ben. Whats wrong with you?102. 你好,本。你怎么啦?103. I have a headache. And I have a fever.103. 我头疼。我发烧了。104. open your mouth and say, “Ah”.104. 张开你的嘴说“啊”105. You cant go to school. You must stay in bed. 105. 你不能去上学了,你必须躺在床上。106. And you must drink a lot of water. Ill give you some medicine.106. 你必须多喝水。我要给你一些药。107. Thank you, Doctor.107. 谢谢你,医生。108. Oh, Ben. You have a fever.108. 噢,本,你发烧了。109. Can I go to school?109. 我能去上学吗?110. No, you cant. you must stay in bed.110. 不,你不能。你必须呆在床上。111. Ill give you some medicine. Ben must drink a lot of water.111. 我要给你一些药。本必须多喝一些水。112. Thank you, Doctor.112. 谢谢你,医生。113. Good morning, boys and girls. 113. 早上好,孩子们。114. Im going to talk about mammals. 114. 我们来讨论一下关于哺乳动物。115. Mammals give birth to their young. 115. 哺乳动物是产仔的。116. They feed their babies with milk.116. 它们用母乳喂养它们的宝宝。117. Dogs, monkeys and tigers are mammals. 117. 狗,猴子和老虎都是哺乳动物。118. People are mammals, too.118. 人也是哺乳动物。119. Are whales mammals?119. 鲸鱼是哺乳动物吗?120. Yes, they are. They look like fish, but they are mammals. 120. 是的,它们是。它们看起来像鱼,但是它们是哺乳动物。121. They feed their babies with milk.121. 它们用奶喂养它们的宝宝。122. Are bats mammals, too?122. 蝙蝠也是哺乳动物吗?123. yes. They look like birds, but they are mammals. 123. 是的。它们看起来像鸟,但是它们是哺乳动物。124. They can fly, but they dont lay eggs. They feed their babies with milk.124. 它们能飞,但是它们不能下蛋。它们用母乳喂养它们的宝宝。125. Good afternoon, class. Im going to talk about birds. 125. 下午好,同学们。我们来讨论一下有关禽类。126. Birds live on land, in trees or near water. They lay eggs. 126. 禽类生活在陆地上,树上或者在水边。它们是下蛋的。127. Ducks and chickens are birds.127. 鸭和鸡是禽类。128. penguins cant fly. Are they birds?128. 企鹅不能飞,它们是禽类吗?129. .Yes, they are. Where do they live?129. 是的,它们是。它们生活在哪里?130. they live at the South Pole.130. 它们生活在南极。131. Youre tight.131. 你说得对。132. in water on land in trees in water in trees on land or in water132. 在水里 在陆地上 在树上 在水里 在树上 在陆地上或在水里133. Dad:Hi, children. Mothers Day is coming.133. 你好,孩子们。母亲节要到了。134. I want to buy your mom a dress.134. 我想给你们的妈妈买一件连衣裙。135. Im going to the shopping center. 135. 我将去购物中心。136. Do you want to come with me? Sure.136. 你们要跟我一起来吗? 当然。137. S: Ill buy her a handbag. How about you, Ben?137. 我要给她买一个手提包。你呢,本?138. B: Ill give her a watch.138. 我要给她一块手表。139. D: How about you, Kate?139. 你呢,凯特?140. K: Ill give her some flowers.140. 我要给她一些花。141. Ill make a card for her.141. 我想制作一个贺卡给她。142. .Ill do some shopping for her.142. 我要为她买些东西。143. .Ill take a photo of her.143. 我将为她照一张相片144. .Ill give her some flowers.144. 我要送给她一些花。145. .Make a card for your mother.145. 制作一张贺卡送给你的母亲。146. S:Wow, so many beautiful dresses!146. 哇,这么多漂亮的连衣裙。147. A: Can I help you, Sir?147. 需要帮忙吗,先生?148. D:I want to buy a dress for my wife.148. 我要给我的妻子买一件连衣裙。149. A: what about this one? 149. 这一件怎么样?150. We have blue,yellow and green colors.150. 我们有黄,蓝和绿的颜色151. D: Well, the yellow one is nicer than the blue one.151. 嗯,黄色的这件比蓝色的好看。152. K: And Mom likes yellow color.152. 妈妈喜欢黄色的153. D:Then Ill buy the yellow one.153. 那我就买黄色的这件吧。154. The yellow dress is nicer than the blue one.154. 黄色的连衣裙比蓝色的好看。155. the green handbag is smaller than the red one.155. 绿色的手提包比红色的小。156. The blue coat is shorter than the orange one.156. 蓝色的大衣比橙色的那条短。157. The pink bag is bigger than the black one.157. 这粉红色的包比黑色的那个大。158. are you ready to order, Sir?158. 你准备好点餐了吗,先生?159. Yes. Roast beef and potatoes159. 是的,烤牛肉和土豆。160. Thats my favorite food.160. 那是我最喜欢的食物。161. Any soup or vegetables?161. 要一些汤和蔬菜吗?162. Chicken soup and vegetable salad.162. 鸡肉汤和蔬菜色拉。163. Any drinks?163. 要一些饮料吗?164. Orange juice, please.164. 橙汁吧165. How about you, Sally?165. 你呢,萨莉?166. Ice cream snd apple pie.166. 冰淇淋和苹果派。167. OK. Thank you.167. 好的,谢谢。168. Roast beef and potatoes 168. 烤牛肉和土豆169. vegetable salad169. 蔬菜色拉170. Any drinks?170. 要些饮料吗?171. Orange juice, please.171. 请来份橙汁吧172. Orange juice carrot juice Apple pie pumpkin pie172. 橙汁 萝卜汁 苹果馅饼 南瓜馅饼173. Are you ready to order?173. 你准备好点餐了吗?174. Yes. Noodles and roast duck.174. 是的,面条和烤鸭。175. Any soup?175. 要些汤吗?176. Chicken soup, please.176. 鸡汤吧。177. Noodles duplings Rice vegetables Fish chicken soup177. 面条 饺子 米饭 蔬菜 鱼 鸡汤178. Orange juice fruit Hamburgers hot dogs Roast beef turkey178. 橙汁 水果 汉堡包 热狗 烤牛肉 火鸡179. Cake pumpkin pie Corn salad 179. 蛋糕 南瓜派 玉米 色拉180. Are you ready to order, Madam?180. 你准备好点餐了吗,夫人?181. Yes. Roast duck, please.181. 是的,请给份烤鸭。182. What about some dumplings?182. 来份饺子怎么样?183. Good idea!183. 好主意184. What about some soup?184. 来份汤怎么样?185. Fish ball soup, please.185. 请来份鱼丸吧186. Any drinks?186. 要饮料吗?187. Orange juice, please.187. 来份橙汁吗。188. OK. Thank you.188. 好的,谢谢。189. Here is the menu, Sir.189. 这是菜单,先生。190. Thank you.190. 谢谢你。191. what about Beijing roast duck?191. 北京烤鸭怎么样?192. Good idea!192. 好主意。193. What about some dumplings?193. 来份饺子怎么样194. Good idea!194. 好主意。195. What about some vegetable salad? OK. I like it.195. 来份蔬菜色拉怎么样? 好的,我喜欢。 196. C:How are you, Mom? Oh, Im tired.196. 你好吗,妈妈? 噢,我很累197. C:Have some tea, please. M: Thank you.197. 请喝茶。 谢谢你198. C:Mom, we dont have any vegetables or meat.198. 妈妈,我们没有蔬菜也没有肉了。199. M: Oh, I must go to the supermarket today.but Im really tired. Can you go for me?199. 哦,我今天必须去趟超市,但是我实在太累了。你能替我去吗?200. C:Sure, Mom.200. 当然,妈妈。201. Amy is an American girl. She wants to be an airhostess. 201. 艾米是一个美国的女孩。她想成为一名空姐。202. She likes the job because she likes flying in the the sky. 202. 她喜欢这份工作,因为她喜欢在空中飞行。203. An airhostess can help people and make the trip nice and happy.203. 空姐可以帮助乘客,使他们的旅途开心与快乐。204. An airhostess has to work long hours, but there are holidays.204. 空姐必须长时间工作,但是她们有假期。205. She can visit different places when she is on holiday.205. 在假期的时候可以到不同的地方旅行。206. 1.she wants to be an airhostess.206. 她想成为一个空姐。207. She can make the trip nice and happy.207. 她能让旅途变得愉快而舒适。208. She wants to be a teacher.208. 她想成为一名教师。209. She can help her students learn.209. 她可以帮助她的学生学习。210. He wants to be a cook.210. 他想成为一名厨师。211. She can cook delicious food for people.211. 他能为大家做出美味的食物。212. He wants to be a doctor.212. 他想成为一名医生。213. He can make people strong and healthy.213. 他想让人们变得健康而强壮。214. He wants to be a pilot.214. 他想成为一名飞行员。215. He can take people to different places.215. 他可以带人们去不同的地方。216. Tim is ten years old. His father, Mr. Green, is a policeman.216. 提姆十岁了。他的爸爸格林先生是一名警察。217. He likes his job very much, but he doesnt have much free time.217. 他非常喜欢自己的工作,但他没有多少空闲的时间。218. Sometimes he works day and night. Sometimes he works on holidays.218. 有时候昼夜工作。 有时候在假期也工作。219. Tim is very proud of his father. He wants to be a policeman, too.219. 提姆为他爸爸而感到非常自豪。他也想成为一名警察。220. Whos she, Chen Ling?220. 陈玲,她是谁?221. Shes my sister.221. 她是我的姐姐。222. Wow, she is very beautiful.what does she do?222. 哇,刀真漂亮。 她是做什么的?223. shes a singer.223. 她是一们歌手。224. Do you want to be a singer? Yes, I do.224. 你想当一名歌手吗? 是的。225. But singers often work on holidays.225. 但是歌手经常在假期工作。226. Thats true, but they can make people happy.226. 确实是这样,但他们可以使人们快乐。227. What does he/she do?227. 她是做什么的?228. She is a Singer 228. 她是一名歌手。229. dancer cook teacher nurse doctor 229. 舞蹈演员 厨师 老师 护士 医生230. airhostess pilot policeman230. 空姐 飞行员 警察231. Sally will go to a middle school in New York. 231. 萨利将去纽约上中学。232. So wer going to have a farewell party.232. 所以我们打算举办一个告别晚会。233. We can invite her parents to the party.233. 我们可以邀请她的父母来参加晚会。234. I can make a CD for our class.234. 我可以为我们班做一张光盘。235. Lets take a photo of our csass.235. 让我们全班照张相吧。236. Lets make a year book for our class. 236. 让我们为班上做本年册吧。237. We can put our names, addresses, and telephone numbers in the book.237. 我们可以把大家的名字,地址和电话号码写在册子里。238. Good idea!238. 好主意。239. Lets invite her parents to the party.239. 让我们邀请她的父母参加晚会吧。240. lets make a CD for ourclass.240. 为我们班级制作一张光盘吧。241. Lits take a photo of our class.241. 让我们全班照张相片吧。242. Lets make a year book for our class.242. 为我们班级做本年册吧。243. Whats your name? How old are you?243. 你叫什么名字? 你多大了? 244. When is your birthday? Whats your telephone number?j244. 你的生日是什么时候? 你的电话号码是多少?245. Whats your home address? Whats your e-mail address?245. 你的家庭地址是什么? 你的电子邮箱地址是多少?246. Whats your favorite sport? Whats your favorite color?246. 你最喜欢什么运动? 你最喜欢什么颜色?247. Whats your hobby? What do you want to be?247. 你的兴趣是什么? 你长大想成为什么?248. Hu Ping is showing some photos at the farewell party.248. 胡平在告别会上给大家看一些照片。249. Do you remember this photo? It was Sallys birthday. 249. 你记得这张照片吗? 那是萨莉的生日。250. We had a good time at her home.250. 我们在她家玩得非常开心。251. Three years ago we spent Childrens Day in the park.251. 三年前我们在公园里度过了六一节。252. Last year we went for a spring outing. 252. 去年我们去春游。253. We sang songs on our way to the mountain.253. 我们一路上唱着歌去山眩。254. we got to the top of the mountain. 254. 我们到达了山顶。255. Miss Gao took this photo for us.255. 高老师为我们拍了这张照片。256. Before Sports Day, Sally, Wang Tao and Miss Gao went to the supermarket. 256. 运动会前,萨莉,王涛和高老师一起去了超市。257. They did some shopping for our class.257. 他们为班上买了一些东西。258. It was Sports Day. Peter and Wang Tao were in the race. 258. 这是运动会那天。彼得和王涛在赛跑比赛中。259. Peter was faster than Wang Tao.259. 彼得比王涛跑得快。260. It was Thanksgiving Dinner. 260. 这是感恩节晚餐的时候。261. We had turkey, corn, and yams at Sallys home.261. 我们在萨莉家里吃了火鸡,玉米和洋芋。262. The old man and the Goldfish262. 老人与金鱼263. a poor fisherman and his wife lived in a small old house.263. 一位贫穷的渔夫和他的妻子住在一个破旧的小房子里。264. One day he went fishing in the sea.264. 一在,他去海上捕鱼。265. soon he pulled up a goldfish. 265. 很快他就捕上一条金鱼。266. “please let me go,” the fish begged. “Ill come to help you when you want anything.”266. “请放了我吧,”金鱼恳求道,“当你需要任何东西的时候,我会来帮助你的。”267. the old man was very kind. He put the fish back into the sea.267. 老人非常善良。他把金鱼放回了大海。268. he told his wife about the fish.268. 他跟妻子讲了有关金鱼的故事。269. “why not ask for a washtub?”his wife cried. 269. “你为什么不要一个洗衣盆?”他的妻子大叫。270. “what can I do for you?” the fish asked.270. “我能为你做点什么?”金鱼问。271. “My wife wants a new washtub,” said the old man.271. “我妻子想要一个新的洗衣盆。”老人说。272. His wife got a nes washtub, 272. 他的妻子得到一个新的洗衣盆,273. but she was unhappy. She wanted a new house.273. 但是她并不满足。她想要一栋新房子。274. Then his wife got a new house, but she was unhappy. 274. 然后他妻子得到一栋新房子,但她还是不满足。275. She wanted a palace and new clothes.275. 她想要新衣服和一座宫殿。276. “What do you want this time?” the fish asked.276. “这次你想要什么呢?”金鱼问。277. “my wife wants a palace and new clothes,” the old man answered.277. “我妻子想要新衣服和一座宫殿。”老人回答。278. The old man got home. Now his home was a palace.278. 老人回家后,他的房子变成了一座宫殿。279. But his wife was unhappy.279. 但是他的妻子依然不满足。280. “I want to be the Queen of the Sea. I want the goldfish to be my servant,” his wife shouted.280. “我想成为大海的皇后,让金鱼成为我的仆人。”他的妻子大喊。281. but the goldfish didnt give them anything.281. 但是金鱼什么也没给他们。282. They were poor again.282. 他们又变穷了。283. why not make a year book for our class?283. 为什么不为班上做一本年册呢?284. why not ask for a washtub?284. 为什么不要一个洗衣盆呢?285. why not ask for a new house?285. 为什么不要一栋新房呢?286. why not ask for a palace and new clothes?286. 为什么不要一座宫殿和新衣服呢?287. Hi. Are you reading a story?287. 你们好,你们在阅读故事吗?288. Yes. We are reading the Old Man and the Goldfish.288. 是的。我们在读老人与金鱼的故事。289. I know the story. The fisherman was very kind, but his wife was too greedy.289. 我知道这个故事。那个渔夫非常善良,但他的妻子却很贪婪。290. I agree. First she wanted a new washtub. 290. 我也这么认为。首先她想要一个新的洗衣盆。291. Then she wanted a new house, next she wanted a palace.291. 然后要一栋新房子。接着又要一座宫殿。292. the goldish gave her all these things, but she was still unhappy.292. 这些东西金鱼全都给了她,但她还是不满足。293. At last she wanted to be the Queen of the Sea.293. 最后她成为大海的皇后。294. The goldfish was very angry. He didnt want to give her anything.294. 金鱼非常生气。它不想给给予她任何东西了。295. So they were poor again.295. 所以他们又变穷了。296. Hello. My name is Li Ping. Im in Class Three, Grade Six.296. 你好,我叫李平。我在六年三班。297. I like my class very much. My favorite subject is PE. 297. 我非常喜欢我的班级。我最喜欢的科目是体育。298. I like playing basketball. Im good at it. But Im not very good at English. 298. 我喜欢打篮球。我很擅长它。但我不擅长英语。299. I often need help. My classmate Alice is from England. 299. 我经常需要帮助。我的同学艾丽丝来自英格兰。300. She is very good at English. She often helps me with my Egnland. 300. 她的英语很好。她经常帮助我学习英语。301. She is very good at English. 301. 她非常擅长英语302. She often helps me with my English. And I teach her Chinese. 302. 她经常帮助我学习英语。而我教她中文。303. We are very good friends.303. 我们是好朋友。304. its time to get up. Liu Mei.304. 刘梅,该起床了。305. Mom, Im very tired. I dont want to get up.305. 妈妈,我很累。我不想起床。306. Whats wrong with you?306. 你怎么了?307. I have a headache.5.Do you have a fever?6.I dont know.307. 我头疼。 你发烧吗? 我不知道。308. you have a fever. You cant go to school today. Ill take you to hospital.308. 你发烧了。你今天不能去上学了。我要带去医院。309. But Im worried about my math lessons.309. 但是我担心我的数学课。310. Dont worry. I can help you with your math.310. 不用担心,我能帮你补习数学。311. Sea turtles live in warm sea waters. 311. 海龟生活在温暖的海水里。312. They are strong swimmers. But they do not lay eggs in water.312. 它们是非常厉害的游泳者。但是

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