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四、完形填空I解题技巧完型填空 考查综合运用语言的能力:1) 词语辨析能力2) 语法结构分析能力3) 语篇理解能力4) 逻辑推理能力5) 文化背景透析能力6) 作者意图剖析能力7) 生活常识综合运用能力近几年高考的完形填空题在命题设计上出现了重大突破,一改过去对语法,句式关系及固定句型的考查,而侧重于考查学生的逻辑思维能力和对具体语境的把握,尤其是对整体语义的理解能力。它要求考生不但要有比较扎实的语言知识,较大的词汇量,而且要具有一定的语篇分析能力及逻辑思维能力。要做好这种题型,考生除了必备的语言基础知识和基本技能之外,还应了解其命题特点,掌握一定的解题技巧。 做完形填空时要注意文章开头提示句的点题作用和短文中完整句的启示作用。首先要快速浏览全文,弄清各段落之间,各层次之间的内在联系,把握文章的完整性。只有这样才符合这种题型的解题思路。具体的讲,还应注意以下几个方面:一、完形填空要考查的几个方面:1. 根据上下文语境来确定最佳选项近年来的完形填空试题在选项的设置上越来越淡化语法结构,重在文意的干扰,即把具体的语言知识溶进具体的语言情景中去,考查考生通过上下文的前后提示或暗示,对整体文意进行把握的能力。这种考查方式所占的比例较大,且难度也大,若单纯从句子或个别段落来分析,或许所给的四个答案在语法和结构上都是正确的,若放在全局,则不一定正确。因此,快速浏览全文,领悟文章主旨,通过上下文的语境来选择答案是解决这类题的关键。例1: I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was 1 and the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad 2 a step and fell, sending my new suitcase 3 down the stairs.1. A. helpless B. lazy C. anxious D. tired2. A. took B. minded C. missed D. picked3. A. rolling B. passingC. dropping D. turning分析:在把握上文“我提着衣箱缓慢地上楼梯”的情况下,可知1题答案为D. tired,即当我到达三楼时,已经很累了;再从爸爸“提着两只衣箱跟在我后面”以及下文的信息词“fell”可知此句的意思是:爸爸少跨了一步摔倒了,衣箱滚下了楼梯。因此2、3题的答案分别为C、A,尽管其它选项在语法上均无错误。例2: But Ella Fant, who was filed with 1 , shouted at the top of her voice, Look at 2 Theyre all out of 3 except my John Isnt he the best1. A. sadness B. happiness C. surprise D. regret2. A. them B. those C. that D. him3. A. sight B. order C. mind D. step 分析:考虑上下文的语境,第一个空的后边既然“是声嘶力竭的喊叫”就不能是A、D项,特别是通过最后一句Isnt he the best推知母亲此时的感觉是“幸福”的。所以1题的答案选B。2题的答案选A. them是因为其后用了theyre。3题通过全篇语境知道此时描述的游行队伍里一个人的步伐与其他人的不同,答案应与“步伐”有关,所以答案选D. step。2. 根据生活常识及文化背景知识进行逻辑推理NMET完形填空往往以自身的内容提供完整的语篇信息,其间交织渗透着各类相关的文化背景知识和生活常识,考查考生灵活运用该方面知识的能力。解决这类题目,考生不仅要有广博的知识、丰富的生活经历,还要能够驾驭全文,不仅理解文章的表层意义,而且要弄清文章的深层意义。当对语言的把握不很准确时,可充分利用社会文化知识和生活常识来帮助判断。例1: It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their1 . This was the beginning of another 2 day in New York City.1. A. jobs B. homes C. buses D. offices2. A. working B. hot C. same D. ordinary分析:从信息词“early morning”和“sleepy-eyed”来判断,B. homes不符合逻辑,按生活经验,他们是去上班。这时有些考生也许会认为,既然上班,就要去“挤公交车”或“去办公室”。但上班的方式也有步行的、骑车的或坐地铁的,也有自己开车去的。人们上班有去农场的、煤矿的,还有去工厂车间的,不一定去办公室。因此,C. buses和D. offices不符合生活实际。1题只有A. jobs才是最合乎逻辑的选项,人们起床后,各自奔向自己的工作岗位。而这种情况是天天发生,是平平常常的,因此2题答案是D. ordinary。例2:(NMET1998)Every morning she would give him breakfast 29 bed and bring him the papers to 30 .29. A. to B. at C. in D. by30. A. check B. read C. keep D. sign分析:29题的答案是C,bed的前面应当用介词in。至于30题,就要用到相应的文化背景知识:外国人有早上读报的习惯,句中papers即报纸(newspapers)。这是理解文章细节的关键。有了这些文化背景知识,便可迅速推断出最佳选项B. read。因为生活中过分溺爱孩子的母亲,让儿子“在床上”吃早饭,“读”早报是很自然的事情,这也正与文章的主旨相吻合。3. 根据词语的习惯用法和固定搭配来选择答案词的固定搭配,特别是动词的搭配在完形填空题中出现的比例也是比较大的,多数题目涉及到动词的用法和各种搭配关系,这是由动词在句子中的重要性决定的。动词在搭配关系上与名词、介词、副词的用法紧密相关。解决这类题目要求考生多读、多记,对所学习语或固定搭配牢固掌握,并能灵活运用。例1:(NMET1992)Mrs. Clark was 38 tea at the time.38. A. cookingB. makingC. burning D. serving分析:从动词与名词的搭配关系角度考虑,“沏茶”用make tea, “上茶”用serve the tea,这是语言使用过程当中约定俗成的习惯用法,所以该题正确答案是B. making,考生也不应受汉语思维习惯的影响而误选A。例2: The other day I was sitting in a small restaurant 1 a quiet drink and a talk with a few friends when it suddenly 2 me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking. It wasnt long 3 the whole room was filled with smoke.1. A. have B. had C. having D. have had2. A. seemed B. struck C. sank D. showed3. A. ago B. after C. before D. now分析:解题1选C,是因为它这里是表伴随。解题2选B是因为struck的意思有”使想到”,其它几个意思不符,搭配也不合理。解题3选C,it isnt long before是一个固定搭配的句型。4. 根据词汇的意义及用法辨析词义从而确定答案完形填空题的考查虽然越来越淡化语法,但对语言点的考查依然存在,不过主要体现在词汇搭配和语义辨析两个方面。要做好这种题目,必须尽量将词语辨析与情节推理和逻辑推理结合起来,从词汇意义入手,抓住情节线索解决问题。 例1:Dad taught me a lot about life, especially its hard times.I remembered one of his 1 , one night when I was ready to quit (退出) a political campaign(运动)I was losing, and wrote about it in my diary.Tired, feeling the months of 2 , I went up to my study to make some notes.1. A. classesB. advice C. lessons D. talks2. A. struggle B. working C. battle D. defence分析:class(课,班级,阶级)advice(忠告,建议,不可数名词)lesson(课程,教训)talk(谈话,讲演),根据短文中提供的信息,应该是作者准备退出一场失败了的政治活动时,父亲“教训”了他一顿,所以1题的答案是C. lessons。2题的选项B. working(工作,劳动), D. defence(防卫,辩护)明显不合乎逻辑,A. struggle意为“斗争,战争”,C. battle是指大型战役中的小规模“战斗”。作者在这次政治活动中经历了数月的艰辛,为争取某种权利而进行了艰苦的“斗争”,根据文章的情节线索我们可以确定最佳选项是A。这两个题的解决都借助了词义的辨析,同时也离不开对短文情节发展的把握。例2:She noticed how nervous he was and suggested he should stand near the stage where he could watch and follow the play.It was a good 1 of getting rid of his nervousness, she said. She was right, it seemed to 2 .1. A. idea B. way C. path D. plan2. A. do B. win C. work D. act分析:句中“她”注意到“他”很紧张,建议“他”观看表演以消除紧张。显然,“她”所建议的是一种消除紧张的“方法”。1题的四个选项A. idea(想法,意见) B. way(路线,方法) C. path(小路,路线) D. plan(计划,规划)中只有B选项有此含义,无疑是最佳答案。紧接下来的一句话是“她说得对,这个方法似乎有效。”2 题的四个选项A.do(做,尽力) B. win(获胜,夺得)C. work(工作,起作用) D.act(行动,表演)中只有C选项有“奏效”这个含义,自然应该是最佳答案。这两个题的解答也是在考虑上下文的前提下,从词汇意义入手的。 二、做完形填空题应从以下方面入手(一)、首先要以很快的速度浏览全文,掌握文章的主旨,不要急于看选项。浏览全文时要重点了解文中所叙述的人物、时间、地点、事件,即who,when, where,what。完形填空命题的原则一般是第一句话不挖空,目的是使读者进入语境,因此一定要认真阅读这句话。(二)、根据故事情节的发展选词,确定所填的词与文中哪个词有关系以及动作是在什么场合发生的。(三)、试填之后将所选定的词放到文章中复读检查。(“字面译、通逻辑、搞代入、全文译”)具体操作中应注意的问题1. 看清上下文,找准定位词充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到对选择有提示作用的词或句。这些词有时可能是同义词或反义词。例如:1)Some parts of the water are very shallow. But in some places it is very very.A. deep B. high C. cold D. dangerous2)Mrs ONeill askedquestions and she didnt scold us either.A. no B. certain C. many D. more分析:1.根据转折连词but的提示,所填入的词应与shallow相反,因此答案为A。 2. and是一个并列连词;either为副词,用在否定句或否定词后加强语势,由此可以确定所填的词也应是一个否定意义的词,因此答案是A。2. 通顺逻辑,寻求搭配 注意固定的搭配,包括动词与介词的搭配、动词与名词的搭配以及形容词与名词的搭配等,同时要根据内容选择正确的短语。例如:Heres a fellow who just walked into a bank and helped himselfso much money. A. for B. by C. to D. of分析: 表示“自取,随便拿”这个意义的短语是help oneself to故答案为C。 3. 扎实基础,搞清辨异Soon I heard alike that of a door burst in and then a climb of feet.A. sound B. cry C. voice D. shout分析: 选项中的四个词都表示不同的声音,但B,C,D项的三个词都是指从嗓子里发出的声音,而sound则表示各种各样的声音。因此答案是A。4. 看清执行者,确定所选词And video cameras can be used topeoples actions at home. A. keep B. make C. record D. watch分析: 句中动作的发出者是video cameras因此答案是 C,意思是“记录”。 5. 寻求上下逻辑,从容确定关系It has been many years since I was last in LondonI still remember something that happened during that visit.A. and B. for C. but D. as分析: 根据句前的many years和句后的still remember答案应选表示转折的连词but. 6. 了解生活常识,确定相关知识(Immediately) the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to thehospital.A. animal B. biggest C. plant D. nearest分析: 在这样的紧急情况下,人们的第一个反应是到最近的医院就医,因此答案为D。 三、解此类题主要从以下四步做起: 第一步 重视首句,把握开篇。完形填空一般无标题,首句一般不留空白,是完整的一句,全文信息从此开始。细读首句,可判断文章体裁,预测全文大意和主旨。 第二步 速读全文,掌握大意。速读全文要一气呵成,尽管有空格、生词或不明白的地方,仍要快速读下去。读时要注意找出关键词、中心词,划出某些代表人物和情节的词,以便于形成思路。要注意不要在未掌握大意的基础上,边阅读,边做题,这样速度慢、准确率低。 第三步 瞻前顾后,灵活答题。“瞻前顾后”,即先读所填词的句子,回顾上一句,兼顾下一句。如果一句中有两个空白待填,在初定答案时要“双管齐下”,在两处同时试填,然后通读全句,确定答案。答题方法:1)择优法:根据文章及结构边读边填,如果能够立刻判定最佳答案的,不必再去逐个考证其余答案。2)排除法:如答案一时难以确定,可按空格位置,从语法结构、词语搭配、上下文语境、习惯用法、词义辨析等方面,对选项逐项分析试填。排除干扰项,从而确定正确答案。 第四步 复核全文,调整答案。把填好的短文通读一遍,进行核查同时注意以下三点: 1上下文的一致性:即时态语态的一致;代词、名词、单复数的一致。 2从语法和惯用法及习惯搭配、甚至语感入手,看是否符合上下文的逻辑。 3段与段、句与句之间的衔接是否连贯。 这次复核至关重要,常能纠正一两处甚至多处错误。同时对极难确定的答案,也要凭语感任猜一个,决不可不选。根据以上方法做下列完形填空:1Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate(使发生联系) red with a strong feeling like 1 . Red is used for signs of 2 , such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of 3 in autumn. People say orange is a 4 color. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the color of _5_. People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in _6_. People say it is a refreshing color. In general, people _7_ two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and _8_. Where there are warm color and a lot of light, people usually want to be _9_. Those who like to be with _10 _ like red. The cool colors are _11_ and blue. Where are these colors, people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to _12 _ more slowly in a room with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is a good _13_ for a living room or a _14_ . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. _15 colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.1. A. sadnessB. angerC. administrationD. smile2. A. roads B. ways C. danger D. places 3. A. landB. leaves C. grass D. mountains4. A. lively B. dark C. noisy D. frightening 5. A. moonlight B. light C. sunlight D. stars 6. A. summer B. spring C. autumnD. winter 7. A. speak B. say C. talk about D. tell 8. A. greenB. yellow C. white D. gray 9. A. calm B. sleepy C. active D. helpful 10. A. the other B. another C. other one D. others 11. A. blackB. green C. golden D. yellow 12. A. go round B. go by C. go off D. go along 13. A. one B. way C. fact D. matter 14. A. factory B. classroom C. restaurant D. hospital 15. A. Different B. Cool C. Warm D. All2Charlie came from a poor village. His parents had _1_ money to send him to school when he was young. The boy was very sad. Mr. King lived next to him. He found the boy _2_ and had pity on him and lent some money to him. So the boy could go to school. He studied hard and _3_ all his lessons. When he finished middle school, the man introduced him to his friend in the town. And he began to work.Once Mr. King was seriously hurt in an accident. Dying, he asked Charlie to take care of his daughter, Sharon. The young man _4_ and several years later he married the girl. He loved her very much and tried his best to make her happy. He often bought beautiful clothes and delicious food for her. He was good at cooking and he cooked _5_ for her. So she became very fat and she felt it difficult to walk. And one day she found there was something wrong with her heart. Her husband wasnt at home and she had to go to _6_ at once. The doctors looked her over and told her _7_ eat meat, sugar, chocolate and things like these. She was afraid _8_ the doctors words and wrote all the names of the food on the paper. When she got home, she put the list on the table and _9_. When she returned home that afternoon, she found many kinds of food: meat, sugar and chocolate in the kitchen. Charlie was busy _10_ there. As soon as he saw her, he said happily, “Ive bought all the food you like, dear!”1. A. noB. someC. muchD. enough 2. A. lazyB. cleverC. carefulD. hard3. A. did well inB. was poor atC. was workingD. was good for4. A. was angryB. thought hardC. agreedD. said “No.”5. A. a littleB. a fewC. manyD. a lot6. A. rest B. sleepC. hospitalD. work7. A. should B. wouldC. to D. not to8. A. to rememberB. to forgetC. to catchD. to teach9. A. sleptB. went outC. cookedD. ate10. A. readingB. seeingC. cookingD. writing3Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me _1 _ a question. But many times I have asked myself. I have _2_ a whole variety of reasons. _3_ important reason is that I want to be a better man. Many things make human beings different _4_ or better than or even superior to animals. One of the most important things is _5_ . If I fail to receive higher education, my education _6_. As I want to be a fully _7_ man, I must get a well-rounded education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to _8_. I know one can get educated in many ways, but colleges and universities are _9_ the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am well-educated, will I be a better human being and _10_ fit into society.1. A. quiteB. soC. suchD. another2. A. come up withB. agreed withC. been fed up withD. got on well with3. A. Most B. The mostC. MoreD. Much4. A. toB. aroundC. betweenD. from5. A. educationB. weatherC. temperatureD. science6. A. finishedB. dont finishC. will not finishD. has finished7. A. developB. developedC. developingD. experience8. A. improveB. graduateC. hearD. provide9. A. betweenB. amongC. insideD. outside10. A. can goodB. may betterC. be able to betterD. be able to best4It is interesting how NASA(美国航空航天管理局)chose their astronauts for landing them on the moon. They chose men 1 the age of twenty and thirty-five. There were about fifty of them , Many were 2 air pilots. 3 were scientists with two or three degrees. NASA telephoned each man they were going to choose ;told him the plans and the 4 they might get in. They then asked him if he was willing to be trained as an astronaut. “How could any man 5 such an exciting job?”One of them said, “Dangerous? Of course. Its dangerous 6 most exciting”The health and physical condition of 7 was, of course, very necessary. 8 those in very good health and physical condition were chosen.While being trained to be astronauts. they went through many 9 . They studied the star and the moon , and they also studied geology, the science of rocks. This was necessary 10 astronauts would have to look for rocks on the moon. They would try to find rocks which might help to tell the 11 of the moon. They were all 12 to fly in helicopters (直升飞机)。These helicopters landed 13 down to give them some experience of the way the spaceship would 14 land on the moon , They were also taught the 15 facts about the conditions in space. They learnt all the technical details of the spaceships and rockets. They visited the scientists and engineers who 16 them. They visited the factories where they were 17 . They learnt how every 18 of a space-ship and its instruments work. They also learnt every detail of ground-control 19 .In a word , to be chosen as an astronaut. one must be in good health, 20 in science and good at piloting1AatBbetweenCofDon2AexperiencedBOldCTrainedDyoung3ANoneBFewCOthersDThey4AdangersBsadnessCHardshipDtroubles5AacceptBReceiveCOfferDrefuse6AbutBifCThoughDhowever7Athe scientistsBmenCpilotsDYoung people8AAsBOnlyCIfDOr9AjobsBPlacesCcoursesDways10AforBBecauseCsinceDSo that11AstoryBBackgroundCAgeDname12AshownBTrainedCToldDlet13AstraightBStraightlyCIndirectlyDdirectly14ApossiblyBLikelyCactuallyDreally15Anot knownBwell-knownCunknownDknown16AdrewBproducedCdesignedDmade17A repairedBBuiltCDevelopedDfixed18ApartBMovementCMachineDbody19AhouseBstopCsystemDstation20Awell-doneBwell-fedCwell keptDwell-informed参考答案1.名师点评不同颜色往往可以代表不同的心情。根据不同颜色的特点以及给人留下的感觉,颜色的选择在日常生活中往往也起着一定的作用。本文以其中的一些颜色为例作了相关的解释说明,是一篇知识性很强的文章。答案简析1B。根据上文的strong feeling可知anger最合乎文意。2C。下文所列举的例子STOP signs和 fire engines都属于危险信号,故选择danger。3B。根据常识,黄色应是秋天树叶的颜色,故应选leaves。4A。下文提到人们把黄色和幸福联系起来,说明黄色是一个充满生机的颜色,故选lively。5C。下文提到黄色是令人愉快的颜色,根据常识太阳光的颜色是黄色,故选sunlight。6B。绿色是春季里草的颜色,故选spring。7C。speak后面往往接某种语言作宾语;say后面常接说话的内容;tell的宾语一般是人;talk about sth.意为谈论某事物。故C为正确选项。8B。根据上文对yellow的解释。说明yellow也属于warm color。9C。与下文喜欢冷色调的人相对应,再根据上文对各种暖色调的选择,active合乎文意为正确选项。10D。others相当于other people意为“别的人”。another指“另一个”。other one不可单独使用,the other one指“另外的一个”。11A。四个选项中只有black可归纳到冷色调当中去。12B。go around意为“到处走动”;go off 意为“离开,爆炸”;go along意为“前进,进行”;go by意为“走过,流逝”。根据文意,应选go by。13B。way根据上文,暖色调的环境下时间似乎过得更慢,说明暖色调是用来装饰居室和饭馆的好方法,故选择way。14C。比较四个场所只有饭馆适合使用暖色调。15B。与暖色调相对立,冷色调适用于办公室,以使人感觉时间过得比较快。2.名师点评本文讲述了查理为报答金先生生前对自己的大恩大德,在娶了金先生女儿为妻之后精心照料她,却导致妻子营养过剩而患病去医院检查。医生列出她不能吃的食物,深爱妻子的查理不明情况,反而照单为妻子买了上面的各种食物。答案简析1. A。查理家境贫困,父母没有钱资助他上学,故选no。2. B。根据下文,查理不负众望,说明他聪明好学,故选clever。3. A。查理学习刻苦,并顺利完成了学业,说明他各门功课成绩较好,故选did well in。D选项介词用错,正确词组为was good at。4. C。根据下文查理娶了金先生女儿为妻并精心呵护她,说明查理同意了金先生的请求,故选agreed。5. D。根据下文妻子胖得不能走路,说明她食物吃得多。此外食物为不可数名词,因此只能用a lot of来修饰。6. C。心脏不好,应去医院检查,下文指出为她检查的正是医生,故选hospital。7. D。由于她的病是因营养过剩引起的,医生应让她不要吃肉,糖果之类的食物,故选not to。8. B。她害怕忘了医生的指示,因此将其写在纸上,故选to forget。9. B。与下文相对应,这里应填went out。10. C。擅长烹饪的查理将菜买回之后,肯定要忙着为爱妻做饭,故cooking为正确答案。3.名师点评本文主要围绕“我为什么要上大学?”这一话题展开讨论,首先介绍了教育对人发展的重要性,然后说明大学在教育中的地位,从而层次分明地解释了上大学的原因。答案简析1. C。such常用在不定冠词或名词前修饰可数名词或不可数名词,表示“此类的”、“这种的”,故such为正确选项。2. A。come up with意为“提出、找出”;agree with意为“同意”;be fed up with意为“对厌倦”;get on well with意为“和相处得好”。根据文意A为正确选项。3. B。上文讲到我曾找到过各种各样的原因,其中最重要的原因应当是,因此这里应用important的最高级,故选the most。4. D。固定结构be different from 表示“不同于”。5. A。本段着重说明了教育在人的发展中的作用,以及大学在教育中的地位。作为总括句,本空应填education。6. C。这是一个含有条件状语从句的复合句,意为“如果我不能受到更高等的教育,我就无法完成我的学业”,故选will not finish为正确选择。7. B。这里只能选可作定语的选项。过去分词developed表示“成熟的”,为正确选项。8. D。大学应是提供高等教育的地方, provide符合文意为正确选项。9. B。介词among可表示”包括在内”为正确选项。10. C。与前半句相对应,这里仍应用比较级,而may better意思不对,因此be able to better为正确选项。4.1. B.美国航空航天管理局招收宇航员,年龄在20-35岁之间。betweenand在之间。2. A.招收人员做宇航员,所选人当然以技术熟练,擅长航空的人为主。3. C.上文many表示“许多”,和其相配的当然是others “其余的”。4. A.美国航空航天管理局打电话给所要选择的人,他们的计划以及在将来可能会遇见的“危险”。5. D.对于这样的一个计划,无论何人,只要被选上,心中当然是十分激动,冬雨这样一个机会,谁会“拒绝”呢?6. A.根据上下文这里是一个句意的转折,虽然这是危险的,“但”这是令人激动的。7. C.根据上下文推知此处指的是,宇航员(飞行员)的身体素质是十分重要的。8. B.对于众多的选手,“仅仅”只有那些身体条件符合的佼佼者才能你中选。9. C.从下文They studied the star and the moon , and they also studied geology, the science of rocks.知道要成为称职的宇航员是要经过学习许多的知识的。10. B.根据上下文这里说的是由于宇航员要研究和在月球上搜索,所以学习许多知识是必要的。11. C. 宇航员要在月球上找到可以告诉人们月球年龄的岩石。12. B. 从下文中这些选手被用直升机训练。13. A.为了模仿太空中的情景,训练时就要刻意去模仿,所以用直升飞机直上直下的方式训练。14. D. 用直升飞机直上直下的方式训练给了学员们身临其境的感受-就像在月球上登陆一样。15. C. 对于必须学的要学习,对于以外的也要学习,所以此处为“未知”之意。16. C.此处指他们不仅要学习各种知识,还要去拜访那些设计宇航飞机的科学家和工程师。17. B.预备宇航员不仅拜访那些设计宇航飞机的科学家和工程师,还要去制造宇航机的工厂。18. A. 预备宇航员还要学习宇航飞机的零件及其设施的工作原理。19. C. 这里指的是控制系统。20. D. 成为一名合格的宇航员不仅要有健康的体魄还要有博学的知识。well-done做好well-fed吃好well kept保管好well-informed见识广博的

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