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装订线内不得答题 姓名 班级 考号 2013年七年级英语试卷.听句子,选出与其意思相符的内容。( )1. A.打扫卫生 B.看书 C.用电脑( )2. A.饭店 B.医院 C.银行( )3. A.矮个 B.中等身高 C.高个( )4. A.打电话 B. 写信 C.画画( )5. A.多风 B. 下雨 C.多云.听长对话,选择最佳答案。听下面的对话,回答6-7小题。( )6. Hows the weather today?A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Cloudy.( )7. Where is the bookstore?A. Behind the post office.B. In front of the post office.C. Across from the post office.听下面的对话,回答8-10小题。( )8. Who works in Canada?A. Susan. B. Susans uncle.C. Susans brother.( )9. Whats Susan doing now?A. Walking. B. Reading. C. Swimming.( )10. Whats the weather like in Canada?A. Cool and windy. B. Hot and cloudy.C. Cool and cloudy.根据你所听到的内容和实际情况,写出简要答语。11. 12. 13. 14. 15. .听短文,完成表格。Craces familyFamily memberLookFather(16) and has short hairMotherThin and has(17) hairBrother(18) and has blonde hairSister(19) and has (20) Grace.单选21. People can get the money from the .A. bank B. hotel C. restaurant22. Walk this street. Youll find the school is the left of the park.A. down; on B. along; in C. along; at23. Does your mother have long or short hair?A. Yes, she does. B. No, she has short hair. C. she has long curly hair.24. Hows it going? A. Its sunny. B. Its on Center Street. C. Its really good.25. I often some time reading on Sunday.A. use B. take C. spend26. Do you want to photos?Yeah. But we have no camera(照相机).A. bring B. take C. spend27. Could we see each other(互相) at 9 oclock tomorrow morning?Sorry, Lets make it time.A. other B. the other C. another28. How are the shoes?They may be big for me.A. a little B. a lot C. a lot of.29. I my mother and I her.A. am like; like B. like; likeC. look like;look30. Do you know Peter? He is a short boy short hair.A. has. B. is. C. with.完型填空。Mrs Brown is my new neighbor. She 31 in a post office and meets lots of people 32 .She is friendly to everyone and likes 33 others.Mrs Brown is fifty years old, 34 she looks very young. She is of medium height and thin 35 long curly brown hair. She likes to 36 a red T-shirt and jeans(牛仔裤).She 37 like a movie star. Mrs Brown really likes going 38 on weekends and she always buys many pretty clothes. She often 30 ,“Old people still want to be 40 !”People all like her very much.( )31. A. works B. studies C. cooks ( )32. A. never B. sometimes C. every day( )33. A. buying B. helping C. asking ( )34. A. or B. so C. but ( )35. A. with B. has C. is ( )36. A. find B. in C. wear ( )37. A. sounds B. looks C. takes ( )38. A. shopping B. washing C. reading ( )39. A says B. speaks C. tells ( )40. A relaxed B. beautiful C. clever . 阅读理解。AAlan RestaurantTel:999-8080Address:No.24 long street, next to Beihai ParkOpening time:9:00 a.m.-9:30 p.m.You can eat here or take food away(带走).Staples(主食)Beef hamburgers:$2.15(small)$3.25(medium)$4(large)Chicken noodles:$2(small)$2.5(medium)$3(large)Desserts(甜品)Ice-cream:$1.2Apple pie(馅饼):$0.75Banana pie:$0.90DrinksApple juice:$0.65(large)Green tea:$1.05(large)( )41. Alan Restaurant is .A. next to Beihai Park B. across from Beihai ParkC. at No. 25 Long Street D. on Beihai Street.( )42. You can not buy food at Alan Restaurant.A. 9:00 p.m. B. 10:00 p.m. C. 9:30 a.m. D. 10:30 a.m ( )43. You need to pay if you buy a large beef hamburger and a large glass of apple juice.A. $4.75 B. $4.65 C. $2.80( )44. There are no at Alan Restaurant.A. medium beef hamburgers.B. small bowls of chicken noodles.C. strawberry pies.D. large cups of green tea.( )45. Which of the following is TRUE?A. There isnt a telephone at Alan Restaurant.B. Three ice-creams are $2.7.C. You can take your food out of Alan Restaurant.D Alice needs to pay$1.5 for two banana pies.BTodaySunnyHigh:27Low:18TomorrowFew showers(阵雨)High:26Low:22Sat.Storms(暴风雨)High:33Low:24Sun.CloudyHigh:32Low:21Mon.StormsHigh:31Low:22根据表格内容,选择最佳答案。( )46. Today is .A. Sunday B. Thursday C. Wednesday D. Friday( )47. has the highest temperature(最高温).装订线内不得答题 姓名 班级 考号 A. Today B. Tomorrow C. Saturday D. Sunday( )48. The difference(区别)of temperature is the greatest(最大的)on .A. today B. tomorrow C. Sunday D. Monday( )49. This is the weather in .A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter ( )50. People should try to(尽量)stay(停留)in rooms .A. on Saturday and Monday B. today and tomorrowC. today and on Sunday D. today and on SaturdayCToday is Sunday. Lucy wants to see her friend, Lisa. Lisas house is on Bridge Street. It is far from Lucys house, so Lucy takes a bus in front of the supermarket. The supermarket is just next to her house.The bus goes down New Street and then turns left. Now it is on Center Street. It goes straight and goes across Bridge Street. It takes Lucy to KFC. Then Lucy has to walk to Lisas house. She passes(经过) the post office and the bank on her right. She arrives at Lisas house now.51. Lucy所乘坐的公共汽车走的是图中a、b、c哪条路线?52. 写出场所A和B的英文名。A B 判断句子正(T)误(F)。53. KFC is between the shoe store and Lisas house. ( )54. There is a pay phone in front of the hotel. ( )55. 将文中画线的句子译成汉语。.补全对话W:Hi, Mike!M:Hi, Linda!W:(56) ?M:Im reading a book in the library.(57) ?W:Im going to No. 11 Middle school, but I get lost now.Can you tell me where it is?M:Well, its on Center street, across from a big supermarket(58) ?W:Because I have to meet my aunt there.M:Is she a teacher?W:(59) .M:(60) ?W:She is tall and has long brown hair. She often wears black clothes.M:Oh, I know. She is a P.E. teacher.W:Yes, youre right.用所给词的适当形式填空。61. His father always takes (he) to the zoo on weekends.62. There (be) lots of money in my moms drawer.63. I usually read books in the (snow) weather.64. The woman sings well and she is a (sing).65. Keep quiet, kids. Dad (sleep)in the next room.66. Could you tell Lisa (bring) the pears here?67. David never (drink) coffee at night.68. He is happy (skate) on the river.69. Chinese eat food (different) from Americans.70. Kathy enjoys (make) snowmen in winter.根据汉语意思或要求完成句子。71. 努力学习,否则你就不会找到一份好工作。 ,or you won,t find a good job.72. 我乐意为你带口信。I have a good time a you.73. 咱们过桥吧。 Let,s the bridge.74. 打扰了,请问超市里有苹果吗? Excuse me, there apples in the supermarket?75. 谁为这台电脑付款。Who the computer?76. 我可以给奶奶画像。I can draw my grandmother.77. I can get there easily.(同义句转换)It,s for me (get) there.78. Its sunny and hot today. (针对划线部分提问). the weather today?79. His brother is an actor (用cousin 改为选择疑问句).Is his brother an actor?.80.作文。(请将答案直接写在横线上)假如你是王娜,晚饭后正在给刚认识的美国笔友Susan写信。请根在表格内容,向Susan介绍你的家人和家乡的气候情况。60词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。家庭成员爸爸高,戴眼镜妈妈中等身材,长发姐姐瘦,短发家乡气候夏天很热,冬天多风且很冷Dear Susan,How is it going? Can you tell me something about your family and the weather in your town?Yours,Wang Na永州市剑桥实验学校第三次月考七年级英语试卷答 题 卡单选题:15、 610、 2125、 2630、 3135、 3640、 4145、 4650、 非选择题: 11、 12、 13、 14、 15、 16、 17、 18、 19、 20、 51、 52、A B 53、 54、 55、 补全对话56、 57、 58、 59、 60、 61、 62、 63、 64、 65、 66、 67、 68、 69、 70、 71、 72、 73、 74、 75、 76、 77、 78、 79、

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