2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《We are going to travel》课件2 人教精通版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《We are going to travel》课件2 人教精通版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《We are going to travel》课件2 人教精通版.ppt_第2页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《We are going to travel》课件2 人教精通版.ppt_第3页
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Unit3Wearegoingtotravel Lesson14 Let schant HowdoyougotoShanghai Byplane byplane byplane HowdoyougotoDalian Byship byship byship HowdoyougotoBeijing Bytrain bytrain bytrain We regoingtohangzhoubyplane We regoingtovisittheWestLakethere HowareyougoingtoBeijing We regoingtoBeijingbytrain Whereareyougoingtovisit We regoingtovisittheGreatWall Jiuzhai WhereareyougoingtoBeijing We regoingtoBeijingbytrain Whereareyougoingtovisit We regoingtovisittheTiananmen Let splanatrip A holidayiscoming Whereareyougoingtotravel Wheredoyouwanttovisit B I mgoingtovisit Iwanttovisit It sin province A Whydoyouwanttogothere B It sfamousfor Themostfamousplacethereis A Whatdoyouthinkabout B It s I mgoingtothewestern I mgoingtherebyhorse I mgoingtothemoon IwanttoseeChang e I mgoingtherebycloud I mgoingtoHuaguoshan Iwanttolookaftermychildren I mgoingtherebyflying DreamTheater A Whereareyougoing B I mgoingto A Howareyougoingthere B I mgoingthereby I mgoingtothemoon I mgoingtherebyabigbird Dreamwhatyouwanttodream Gowhereyouwanttogo Mynameis Ihaveadream I mgoingto I mgoingthereby Ihopemydreamwillcometrue Workhard Itisnotonlythedream Youcanmakeitcometrue Let schant Let splanatrip 继续制定一个旅行计划 Homework Thankyou Whereareyougoing We regoingto Howareyougoingthere We regoingthereby We regoingtohangzhoubyplane We regoingtovisittheWestLakethere WhoknowsmorefamousplacesinChina Budalagong Tiananmen Jiuzhai Tianchi

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