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英语试题二、单项填空 (本题有10小题,每小题l分;满分l0分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. Whose is _ pen on my desk? Its Marys. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填17. Please pick me up at the _. My plane arrives at 8:00 am. A. hotel B. airport C. museum D. theatre18. Tom is very _. He never cleans his room. A. lazy B. active C. smart D. healthy19. It isnt warm today, _ the sun is shining. A. or B. and C. because D. although20. May I use your calculator? Sorry, I left _ at home. A. it B. one C. this D. that21. Most students like the teachers _can understand them well. A. who B. when C, what D. which22. Let me _ your phone number and Ill call you when Im free. A. cut down B. turn down C. look down D. write down23. Mike, why are you watching TV again? I _ my homework. A. finish B. finished C. have finished D. had finished24. The fire last night destroyed many buildings. _, no one was killed. A. Actually B. Simply C. Luckily D. Immediately25. Oh, weve missed the 6clock film. _. Itll be on again in two hours. A. Have fun B. Dont worry C. Sounds great D. Youre welcome三、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题l分;满分l5分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Eric was standing in front of a large, gray house in the countryside. He had just been dropped off by his mum, who left after telling him that he was going to 26 the next twelve days there with no TV, no mobile phone and worst of all no 27 . Just then, a man appeared 28 the gate of the house. When he saw Eric, he went up to him immediately. “Im 29 you are Eric. Welcome to Camp Reboot, said the man proudly. Im Tony, the camp leader, but you will 30 me Sir. Now you tell me 31 youre here. Eric quickly replied, “My mum made me 32 !” When Tony looked angrily at him and did not say 33 , Erie realised his mistake and added, Sir! And do you know why your mother sent 34 here? asked Tony. “She thinks I spend too much time online that I cant live without the Internet Sir,” answered Eric. Its not just her opinion its the 35 ! Look at youtired, unfit and certainly not getting 36 sleep. Youre here because you think your world on the Internet is much 37 than the real world. But youre wrong! The real world has much more to offer. At Camp Reboot, youre going to go hiking, boating, rock-climbing and stay outdoors most of the 38 . said Tony. Erics heart broke.“But its not going to be all fun and games, Tony continued. We have rules here. 39 you break them, youll never be sent home 40 ! Instead, youll have to sweep the floor, wash the dishes or do an extra hour of exercise!” “Oh, my God! cried Eric. “What have you got me into, Mum?26. A. save B. keep C. show D. spend27. A. radio B. camera C. recorder D. computer28. A. at B. on C. in D. to29. A. sad B. sure C. worried D. surprised30. A. call B. make C. wish D. describe31. A. what B. how C. why D. when32. A. cook B. play C. come D. work33. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing34. A. it B. you C. him D. her35. A. answer B. story C. truth D. excuse36. A. short B. quick C. enough D. terrible37. A. older B. darker C. poorer D. better38. A. time B. life C. year D. journey39. A. If B. Until C. Before D. While40. A. loudly B. early C. slowly D. carefully四、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分;满分30分) 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选顷。AMr and Mrs Cheng often felt unwell. They went to see Dr Fang at least once a week. Dr Fang was always cheerful. He listened to Mr and Mrs Cheng carefully. Then he told them a joke: Yesterday a lady came nervously. She touched her arm, her leg and her stomach. Doctor, she said, when I touch these places, I feel a pain (疼痛). Whats the matter with me? I told her, Your finger is broken! Mr and Mrs Cheng laughed. They felt better and went home. The next week they visited Dr Fang again. He told them another joke: Two days ago a man came to see me. He said he could see two of everything. When I asked him to sit on the chair, he asked me, “Which one? Mr and Mrs Cheng both laughed and went home felling better. A week later, the Chengs went to see Dr Fang again. He told them a new Joke: Last week a lady told me that when she drank coffee, she got a pain in the head. I told her to take the spoon out before she drank it. The Chengs laughed and left happily.4l. In the first joke _ parts of the body are mentioned. A. two B. three C. four D. five42. In the second joke something may be wrong with the mans _. A. arms B. eyes C. legs D. ears43. In the last joke the lady got a pain in the head when she _. A. saw a doctor B. heard jokes C. sat on a chair D. drank coffeeBZoos are places where different kinds of animals are kept and shown for the public. At most modern zoos people can see, smell and hear animals in their natural way. Some zoos even have “friendship farms where people can touch some of the animals. Here are four reasons why people need zoos. Firstly. zoos educate people about animals and their natural environment. They give interesting information about each animal, such as where it comes from and how it lives. Special teachers at the zoo help children understand more about the animals. Trained guides show visitors around the zoo. Secondly. zoos are working hard to find out more about animals. New knowledge leads to improved ways of looking after animals in the zoo, and better understanding of the same animals in the wild. Thirdly. zoos play a part in protecting animals and stopping them from disappearing. Zoos work together with each other to help the animals in danger. For example, gorillas (大猩猩) from Taronga Zoo were sent to live with gorillas at the Melbourne Zoo in the hope that they would give birth to babies. Finally. zoos are important for peoples enjoyment. People enjoy getting close to animals without having to cross the plains (平原) of Africa or climb the mountains of China. In the past, animal shows were common in zoos. Visitors were excited by monkeys in human clothes, and they even took rides on elephants or horses. However, today people prefer to see animals behaving naturally. So a modern zoo is a place where animals are well eared for.44. Special teachers at the zoo _. A. show visitors around the zoo B. ride elephants or horses C. look after animals in danger D. help children know about animals45. From the passage we know _ were sent from Taronga Zoo to the Melbourne Zoo. A. horses B. gorillas C. monkeys D. elephants46. According to Paragraph 5, visitors to the zoos enjoy themselves because they _. A. can get close to animals B. prefer to cross plains C. like climbing mountains D. can organize animal shows48. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. Modern zoos have improved ways of looking after animals. B. At modern zoos people like to see animals behaving naturally. C. At modern zoos baby animals are usually born on the friendship farms. D. Modern zoos educate people about animals and their natural environment.CDo you know how important it is to have breakfast? A study of 2,000 teenagers in the US showed that eating breakfast daily is helpful to young people. According to the study, teenagers who eat breakfast weigh around 5 pounds less than teenagers who do not. Although they take in more calories (卡路里) in the morning, they are more active during the day because they have more energy. This means they burn more calories than non-breakfast eaters. The breakfast does not even have to be very healthy, as eating anything is better than nothing. The study also showed that eating breakfast keeps teenagers feeling full for longer, so they will not eat too many snacks (零食) later in the day. This is good news as most popular snacks, like sweets and potato chips, are usually unhealthy and full of calories. Another big advantage of eating breakfast is that it helps teenagers do better at school. This is because it gives them more energy to keep their attention in class. Whats more, a study in the UK showed that adults (成年人) who eat breakfast daily put on less weight and also perform better at work. Whatever your age is, take time to have breakfast every day.48. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means that _. A. teenagers should eat something for breakfast B. breakfast helps teenagers do better at school C. breakfast must be healthy with lots of calories D. the energy makes teenagers active the whole day49. Having breakfast daily makes the teenagers _. A. eat fewer snacks B. pat on more weight C. relax themselves D. burn less calories50. The passage is mainly about _. A. the importance of snacks B. how the adults perform at work C. the advantages of having breakfast D. losing weight without breakfast51. We can probably read this passage in a (an) _. A. story book B. health magazine C. movie poster D. instruction bookDFor thousands of years, people have used plants to make medicines. They used different parts of the plantsthe roots, the leaves, the flowers, and the bark (树皮). Today, doctors have rediscovered more medicinal values (药用价值) of some plants. Lets look at some examples. Foxglove is a common plant. People have used it to make the heart slow down. Recently scientists have developed another drug from it. This new drug helps prevent other heart problems. In some areas, malaria has been a problem. Scientists have learned that the bark of a South American tree, the cinchona, can be made into a drug to prevent malaria. For a long time, the Chinese have known that a special plant, wormwood, can also fight malaria. Scientists have been working with it to develop new drugs against malaria. In Germany, some scientists studied garlic (大蒜) for four years. They found that it helps prevent the build-up of plaque (血小板) because too much plaque is bad for health. This very common plant continues to be studied.As we know, there are about 250,000 kinds of flowering plants in the world. Scientists have only studied little more than one percent of plants for their medicinal value. Maybe medicines for AIDS and cancer will be made from the other 99 percent.52. What can foxglove be used for? A. Studying plants. B. Building up the plaque. C. Treating AIDS and cancer. D. Preventing heart problems.53. What does the underlined word malaria” in Paragraph 3 refer to (指的是)? A. A drug. B. A scientist C. An illness. D. An animal.54. How many plants are mentioned in the passage? A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 655. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Past and future B. Plants and medicine C. Health and illness D. Scientists and doctors卷五、词汇运用(本题有l5小题,每小题l分;满分15分)A.根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,写出短文空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Dear Father Christmas, My name is Samuel. I am 56 (六) years old. I live in New York. Christmas is coming and I know you are going to visit New York 57 (不久). I am a very good boy this year, so I hope you will 58 (拿来) me lots of presents。 I have four wishes. First, I want a new bicycle because my old one is too 59 (小的) for me now. The second thing I want is a 60 (篮球). You can believe me that I wont play with it in my bedroom. I also want ten 61 (盒子) of chocolates for Christmas. Dont worry, Father Christmas, I will brush my 62 (牙齿) every day! Finally, I hope you will give me many colour pencils because I like 63 (绘画). Will you put them in my Christmas stocking on Christmas Eve? Do you like 64 (牛奶) and cookies? Will I put them 65 (在下面) the Christmas tree for you?LoveSamuelB.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺、正确。每个单词限用一次。her below allow obey peaceful66. In most schools students are not _ to eat in class.67. On the top of the mountain we could see the whole city _ us68. She returned home after work and made a cup of coffee for _.69. Their children were sent to school, and they had a _ afternoon.70. Peters parents are strict with him and he has to _ them without question.六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题l分;满分5分) 阅读下面五位学生对校服的看法,选出他们喜欢的校服。_ 71. TonyIt is important to wear the most comfortable clothes at school. My friends and I all prefer T-shirts in summer._ 72. JimmyWe do a lot of sports at school, so it is a good idea to wear clothes that are good for sports._ 73. SusanIris getting warmer and warmer. A dress is a perfect choice. Girls look nice in dresses._ 74. JohnsonOur school has a respect for the traditional Chinese culture. So why not get all the students in Tang Zhuang?_ 75. EmmaWell have many activities in the coming months. So a suit (a set of clothes) will be the one as we need to dress up for these activities.七、书面表达(本题有1小题,满分20分)76.“中学生是否可以在校使用手机?”你班就此话题进行了讨论。请你根据以下记录表写一篇短文,陈述讨论结果,并发表你的观点。OpinionsReasonsMobile phones should be used surf the Internet for informationplay games for enjoymentMobile phones shouldnt be used send messages in class use public phone school.要求短文应包括表中所给信息;补全表中的理由,同时发表你的观点;文中不得出现与你身份相关的信息;词数:80一100个,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Recently we held a discussion about whether the students should use mobile phones at school or not. Some of us think _英语参考答案一、听力第一节 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. 8 5. A第二节 6. C 7B 8. 8 9. A 10. B第三节 ll. A l2. A 13B l4C l5. B二、单项填空16. C 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. A 21A 22. D 23C 24C 25. B三、完形填空26.D 27. D 28. A 29B 30A 31. C 32 .C 33B 34B 35C 36 C37. D 38. A 39. A 40. B四、阅读理解41. C 42. B. 43. D 44. D 45. B 46. A 47C 48. A 49. A 50. C 51. B52. D 53. C 54. B 55. B五、词茫运用56. six 57. soon 56. bring 59. small 60. basketball 61. boxes 62. teeth63. painting/ drawing 64. milk 65. under 66. allowed 67. below 66. herself69. peaceful 70. obey六、任务型阅读七、书面表达76. Possible versions:(一) Recently we held a discussion about whether the students should use mobile phones at school or not. Some of us think mobile phones should be used at school. First, we can surf the Internet for information we need. Second, with mobile phones we can play games for enjoyment in our free time. Finally, we can call our parents easily.However, some other students dont think so. On one hand, some students send messages on mobile phones in class. On the other hand, we can use the school public phones. Besides, keeping a mobile phone costs money. For me, bringing a mobile phone to school is good because I can play games to relax myself when Im free. (96 words)(二) Recently we held a discussion about whether the students should use mobile phones at school or not. Some of us think mobile phone should be used at school. First, we can surf the Internet for information we need. Second, with mobile phones we can play games for enjoyment in our free time. Finally, we can call our parents easily.However, some other students dont think so. On one hand, some students send messages on mobile phones in class. On the other hand, we can use the school public phones. Besides, keeping a mobile phone costs money. In my opinion, its not a good idea to use mobile phones at school because it makes no difference to improving our study.(98 words)

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