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备战2013中考英语:书面表达全攻略 Miss Tang一、书面表达常犯错误分析 一篇优秀的英语作文在内容和语言两方面应是一个统一体,任何一方面的欠缺都会直接影响到作文的质量。然而,很多考生在写作中或者由于粗心大意,或者由于基本功不扎实而经常出现1.名词不变复数、第三人称单数不加s、前后不一致,以及时态语态、句子完整性等方面的错误。2.审题不清。2004年中考作文要求写一项最喜欢的课外活动,有些考生将作文的主题定位为“我最喜欢的活动”,偏离了“一项课外活动”这一主题。依据作文的评分原则,若文章内容不切题,则不管语言如何规范、用词如何准确,都会被判为零分。3.拼写错误。有拼写错误的作文肯定会被酌情扣分,而且有大量拼写错误存在的作文不仅体现出语言基本功差,同时也直接影响内容的表达,通常会降低作文的档次 名词单复数问题。误:My father and my mother is all teacher.正:My father and my mother are both teachers.4. 缺少动词。在汉语中没有动词的句子是允许的,但英语中每个完整的句子都必须有动词来构成,如:“我累了。”这个句子没有动词作谓语,而用形容词,但英语形容词不能作谓语,一定要写成:Im tired. 误:I happy I can come to Beijing Zoo. 正:I am happy I can come to Beijing Zoo. 误:The apples cheap. Ill take some. 正:The apples are cheap. Ill take some.5. 缺少介词、冠词等还有一些考生因为没有熟练掌握介词或者冠词的用法,不了解中英文语言习惯的不同,也会出现明显的错误,造成丢分现象。误:Because heavy rain we cant hold the sports meeting. 正:Because of the heavy rain we cant hold the sports meeting. 6. 代词的误用。英语中代词的形式很多,包括主格、宾格、物主代词、反身代词等。而汉语中没有主格和宾格、形容词性物主代词和名次性物主代词之分;此外汉语中很多时候不用物主代词,而英语中物主代词是不可省略的,代词的误用是考生最容易发生的错误。误:I mother and I went to the shop to buy a present for I father.正:My mother and I went to the shop to buy a present for my father.7. 句子不完整有的考生因为对句子结构认识模糊,所以出现只写半句的现象,这也是造成失分的原因之一。 误:Many students have a hard time passing all the tests to get into college. For example, my friend in high school.(这段文章的第二句话没有动词,他不能独立构成一个句子。这是一个非常常见的错误,修改的方法是将两个句子连接起来。) 正 Many students have a hard time passing all the tests to get into college, for example, my friend in high school.8. 前后不一致。所谓不一致,包括数的不一致、时态不一致及代词不一致、主谓不一致等。 例1. When one have knowledge, he can do what he want to do.(人一旦有了知识,他就能想干什么就干什么。)剖析:one是单数第三人称,因而本句的have应改为has ;同理,want应改为wants,本句是典型的主谓不一致。 改为 When one has knowledge, he can do what he wants(to do).9. 时态、人称和数的搭配错误。汉语动词无时态、人称和数的变化,而对英语来说,这些都至关重要误:When I get to the station the train leave.正:When I got to the station the train had left.10. 综合性错误。综合性错误是指单词的大小写和标点符号的错误等,以及形容词和副词的混淆、连词的误用等等。这些都是靠考生平时知识的积累,所以考生应该从平时练习出发,每天坚持写英语日记,多读适合自己英语水平的原版着作,提高自己的英语素养。 二、书面表达开头结尾 人们常说写作文要有“凤头豹尾”,就是说作文的开头要写得像凤凰的头一样引人注目,而结尾要像豹尾那样刚劲有力、戛然而止。那么,怎样让自己的作文具有“凤头豹尾”呢?下面笔者针对不同的文体和题材对英语作文的开头和结尾的写作方法进行了归纳总结。. 怎样写好文章的开头 开头是作文在阅卷老师面前的第一次亮相,它将决定你所写的文章在阅卷老师心中所留下的第一印象。如果第一印象好,就意味着有了良好的开端,也就成功了一半。Good beginning is half done,我们该怎样一提起笔就让自己成功一半呢? 1. “开门见山”式开头 一般来说,文章的开头应尽量做到“开门见山”,即要用简单明了的语言引出文章的话题,使人一开始就能了解文章要说明的内容。 . 对于叙事类的文章,可以在开头把人物、时间、事件和环境交代清楚。如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头可以是:Last month, my family went to Huangshan by train. It took us ten hours to get there. What a long and tiring journey! We were tired but the beautiful scenery excited us. . 对于论述性的文章,可以在开头处先阐明自己的观点,接着展开进一步的论述。如“The Time and the Money(时间和金钱)” 的开头可以是:Most people say that money is more important than time. But I dont think so. First, when money is used up, you can earn it back, but 2. 回忆性开头 在描述事件或游记类的文章中,采用回忆性的开头往往更能吸引人的眼球。这种类型的开头中通常含有描述自己心情或情绪的词汇,如never forget (永远无法忘记)、 remember (记得)、unforgettable (难以忘怀的)、 exciting(令人激动的)、surprising(令人惊讶的)、sad (难过的)如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头还以这样写:I will never forget my first trip tHuangshan. 3.疑问性开头 在叙事类或论述性的文章中,都可采用疑问型开头,这样既可以吸引阅卷者的注意又容易抓住中心。如“Planting Trees(种树)”的开头可以是:Have you ever planted trees? Dont you think planting trees is 再如“Traveling Abroad(出国之旅)”的开头可以是:If you have an opportunity to travel abroad, why not consider Singapore?4. 倒叙式开头 :在有的文章,特别是叙事类的文章中,可以采用倒叙的写作手法,先写出事件的结果,再陈述过程。如“Catching Thieves (捉贼)”的开头可以这样写:I lay in bed in the hospital. I smiled at my friends even though my legs hurt. Do you want to know what happened to me? Let me tell you. Its a story.2013年 中考英语书面表达写作技巧汇总(一)掌握技巧: 1)注意篇章结构,合理布局 开始部分说出文中的要点、核心问题。 正文部分围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。 结尾部分对全文的总结和概括。 要做到全文中心突出、段落之间必须是有机地联系,内容完整、连贯。前后呼应,祛除与主题无关的内容。 2)确定主题句 主题句是对全文的概括,是文章的主旨。它能在文章中起到“画龙点睛”的作用。通常主题句出现在一篇文章的开头,而后,全文对主题句所提出的内容进行解释,扩展。 写主题句应注意以下几点: 归纳出你要写的文章的几个要点 提炼出一句具有概括性的话 主题句应具有可读性,抓住、吸引读者。 (二)巧用连接词 要想使文章有整体性、连贯性,就要学会正确使用连接词 表示罗列增加 First, second, third, First, then / next, after that / next, finally For one thing for another, On (the) one handon the other hand.Besides / whats more / /furthermore / moreover / another / also, Especially / In particular, 表示时间顺序 now, at present, recently, after, after that, after a while, in a few days, at first, in the beginning, to begin with, later, next, finally, immediately, soon, suddenly, at that moment, as soon as, the moment form now on, from then on, at the same time, till, notuntil, before, after, when, while, 表示解释说明 now, for example, for instance, moreover,in fact, actually 表示转折关系 but, however, while, though, or, , on the other hand, in spite of, even though, except (for), instead, of course, after all, 表示并列关系 or, and, also, too, not only but also, as well as, both and, either or, neither nor 表示因果关系 because, because of, since, now that, as, thanks to, therefore, as a result (of), sothat, suchthat 表示条件关系 as (so) long as, on condition that, if, unless 表示让步关系 though, although, as, even if, even though, whether or, however, whoever, whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, no matter how (who, what, which, where, when, whom) 表示举例 for example, for instance, such as, take for example 表示比较 be similar to, the same as, compared with (to)just like, just as, 表示目的 for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to, 表示强调 in deed, in fact, surely, certainly, truly, 表示概括归纳 in a word, in short, in my opinion, as far as I know, As we all know, as I have shown, finally, at last, in summary。三)掌握常用句型: 下面只列举比较常用的。1. in order to 为了实现他的梦想,他学习非常努力。 He worked very hard in order to realize his dream. 2. in order that 她拼命干活以便到六点时把一切都准备就绪。 She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 oclock. 3. sothat 他们太累了,除了伸懒腰什么都做不了了。 They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn. 4. suchthat 天气非常冷,以致于街上一个人都没有。 It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street. 5. would rather dothan do 他宁愿听他人讲而不愿自己说。 He would rather listen to others than talk himself. 6. prefer doing to doing 他宁愿在精心准备后去做报告。 He prefers making speeches after careful preparation. 7. prefer to dorather than do 比起女人男人总是宁可在家睡觉也不愿花那么多时间来购物。 Compared with women, men always prefer to sleep at home rather than spend so much time shopping. 8. not onlybut also 在短短的三年的时间里她不但完成了所有课程,而且还获得了博士学位。In just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received her doctors degree. 9. eitheror 如果考试过关,你可以买一个MP3或去云南玩一趟。 You could either buy an MP3 or go to Yunnan for a visit if you pass the exam. 10. Neithernor 他是一个无聊的人,既不爱娱乐,也不爱读书。 He is a boring man. He likes neither entertainment nor reading. 11. as well as 他善良又乐于助人。 He was kind as well as helpful. 12. as well 这个小孩活泼又可爱。The child is active and funny as well. 13. Onethe other 你看见桌子上有两只笔吗?一支是红色的,另一支是黑色的。 Have you seen two pens on the desk? One is red, the other is black. 14. Someothers 每个人都很忙,有些在读书,有些在写作。 Everyone is busy in classroom. Some are reading, others are writing. 15. make+adj /n 我们所做的可以让世界更美丽。 What we do will make the world more beautiful. 16. notuntil 直到他告诉我发生的事,我才了解真相。 I didnt know the truth until she told me what happened. 17. as if 他夸夸其谈好像什么事都知道。He talks a lot as if he knows everything. 18. It is no use (good) doing 假装不懂规则是行不通的。 Its no use pretending that you didnt know the rules. 19. find it + adj to do 我觉得作听力时有必要作笔记。 I find it necessary to take down notes while listening. 20. It is + time since 我已经有两年没见他了。It is two years since I last met him. 21. It is + time when 我到电影院时已经八点钟了。 It was 8 oclock when I got to the cinema. 22.It is + time before不久我们就会再见面I wont be long before we can meet again. 23. It isthat 我最珍视的是友谊。 It is friendship that I value most. 24. It is + n / adj + that / to do 每个人都必须懂得如何使用计算机 It is a must that everybody should know how to use computers.


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