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初三英语 Unit 5 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 37 Lesson 40 冀 教版 本讲教育信息 一 教学内容 Unit 5 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 37 Lesson 40 1 重点单词 n fox stork ancestor immigrant difference dancer memory host v respect tolerate compare accept adj Flat central adv Hardly rudely politely 2 重点短语与句子 It s very kind of you 你真好 Thank you I ve had enough 谢谢 我吃饱了 compare to with 与 相比 比较 3 语法 定语从句 二 重点 难点解析及词语辨析 1 Would you like to have dinner with me 你愿意和我一起吃饭吗 L37 with prep 和 一起 同 一起 I will have dinner with my friend Bob 我要和我的朋友鲍勃共进晚餐 具有 带有 My uncle bought a house with a small garden 我叔叔买了一所带小花园的房子 在 的身边 Please take a pen with you 请随身带着笔 2 It is very kind of you 你太好了 太客气了 L37 1 此处结构为 be 形容词 of sb 该结构中形容词表示人的特点 特征或性格 常用于此结构的形容词有 good nice clever foolish 等 It is very kind of you to help me 你能帮我真是太好啦 It is very clever of you to work out the problem 你能做出来这道题来真是太聪明了 2 kind adj 亲切的 和蔼的 He is a kind old man 他是一个和蔼的老人 He is kind to us 他对我们很好 3 Are you ready for dinner 你准备好吃饭了吗 L37 be ready for 准备做某事 相当于 be ready to do sth We are ready for holiday We are ready to spend a holiday 我们准备度假 ready adj 准备好的 有准备的 Are you ready 你准备好了吗 They get ready to run 他们准备跑了 4 leave vt 离开 Miss Zhao leaves the classroom in a hurry 赵小姐匆匆忙忙地离开教室 忘记 He left his book on his desk 他把书忘在桌子上了 把留给 His grandpa left much money for him 他爷爷给他留下一大笔钱 使 处于 状态 常见结构为 leave 宾语 宾补 其宾补可以是形容词 名词或介词 He left his baby by itself 他把自己的孩子单独留下无人照管 5 More than half of the Canadians have British or French ancestors L38 half of 代词 名词中 half 为名词 意为 一半 半个 当该结构在句中作主语时 谓语动词必须和该短语中的代词或名词保持数的一致 Half of the watermelon goes bad 半个西瓜坏了 Half of the students are in the classroom 一半学生在教室里 6 believe vt 认为 与 think 同义 其后可接宾语 宾补 或后接 that 从句 如 I believe him clever 我认为他很聪明 I believe that she is honest 我认为她很诚实 believe that 从句 若从句为否定形式且主句主语为第一人称 应将否定词前移至 主语 I don t believe that she can sing the song in English 我认为她不会用英文唱这首歌 拓展 believe 还有 相信 之意 believe sb 相信某人 所说的话是真的 believe in sb 信任某人 如 I believe my sister but I can not believe in her 我相信我姐姐的话是真的 但是我不能信任她 7 Canadians believe that people must respect and tolerate each other and help each other keep different languages religions and customs alive L38 alive adj 活着的 在世的 存在的 The sheep is alive 那只羊还活着 辨析 alive live 与 living alive 是 活的 有活力的 之意 指人 一般作后置定语 也可作宾语补足语 I am afraid his grandfather is no longer alive 恐怕他爷爷已不在人世了 live 意为 活的 实况转播的 用来指物 作定词 也作表语 My mother bought several live fish 我妈妈买了几条活鱼 living 意为 活的 既可指人又可指物 在句中作表语或定语 That is living painting 那是一幅栩栩如生的画 8 It was so nice when we walked into the grocery store L39 so adv 如此 The box is so heavy that I can not carry it 这个箱子太重了我搬不动 辨析 so 与 such 如此 so 是副词 用于修饰形容词 副词 such 是形容词 用于修饰名词 如果名词前有 many much little few 等词时用 so 而不用 such little 为 小的 时 用 such little 为 少的 时 用 so 如 Miss Gao is such a good teacher that we all love her 高小姐是一位好老师我们都喜欢她 There is so much delicious food 有这么多可口的食品 9 And do you remember the man who served us lunch at the restaurant that day L39 该句是一个定语从句 在复合句中 用来修饰一个名词或一个代词的从句称为定语从 句 定语从句要放在修饰语的后面 作后置定语 被修饰的名词或代词称为先行词 引导 定语从句的关系代词有 that 指人或物 which 指物 who 指人 如 I like the necklace which you gave me for my birthday 我喜欢你送给我做生日礼物的那条项链 I ll shoot anyone who moves 谁动我就开枪打死他 10 The Chinese people in Canada are very proud L39 proud adj 自豪的 常用于下列结构 be proud of 为 而自豪 光荣 We are proud of our motherland 我们为我们的祖国而感到骄傲 be proud to be 作为 而自豪 光荣 I am proud to be a student in the key high school 我以作为这所重点中学的学生而感到光荣 be proud about 感到自豪 常用于贬义 即自以为了不起 We are nothing to be proud about 我们没什么值得骄傲的 11 It s good that Canadians accept other people L39 accept vt 接受 领受 My suggestion was accepted 我的建议被采纳了 I cannot accept my cousin s gift 我不能接受我表弟的礼物 注意 accept 是主观上接受 而 receive 是客观上收到 I received his invitation but did not accept it 我收到了他的请帖 但是没有接受他的邀请 12 be friend to 对 友好 friendly 是 friend ly 构成的形容词 He is friendly to his desk mate 他对同桌很友好 His sister is friendly to me 他妹妹对我很好 13 语法 定语从句 在复合句中 用来修饰某一名词或某一代词的从句叫定语从句 定语从句 的修饰词叫先行词 引导定语从句的关系代词有 that which who 包括它的宾格 whom 所有格 whose 关系副词有 where when why 如 The man who lived on the second floor was a famous singer 住在二楼的男人是位著名的歌唱家 I have done all that he told us to do 我已完成了他让我们做的一切 拓展 The young lady we met yesterday is our maths teacher 2005 天 津 A what B whose C whom D which 参考答案 C 模拟试题 答题时间 60 分钟 一 根据句意及首字母填空 1 My biggest a is to be a scientist 2 Do more sports to i your health 3 China is f for the Great Wall in the world 4 Can you s your name in English 5 Could you give me some a on my English 二 单选 1 There s little in the bag I want to buy some A rice B apples C wine D beer 2 Help to some soup she said to the twins A you B your C yourself D yourselves 3 Zhou Jielun is so cool I m his fan A so am I B so I am C so do I D so I do 4 This kind of food is A something English B English something C some English D English some 5 Jay is one of in China A a popular singer B more popular singers C the most popular singer D the most popular singers 6 Please give me water A a bit of B lot C a few D a bit 7 How are the twin brothers They are fine A all B both C either D neither 8 Don t open the door until the car A stop B stops C stopped D will stop 9 he will come here tomorrow A May be B May is C Maybe D Can he 10 You d better for school again A not be late B not to be late C be not late D to not be late 三 完形填空 Mr Black works in a hospital 医院 As a good 1 the people in the town like him He s often 2 to the patients 病人 and looks them over carefully 3 he s always busy and has little time to rest One morning Mr Black got to the hospital and saw there was a fat woman in the 4 He called her into his office and asked 5 madam It was my birthday yesterday sir said the woman My husband gave me a 6 But I couldn t push my way in 挤进 it 7 madam said Mr Black You must lose some weight 减肥 You ll be able to 8 your coat if you do all that I say You re 9 sir said the rich woman He bought me not a coat but an expensive 10 1 A doctor B farmer C teacher D cleaner 2 A bad B fine C cold D kind 3 A Or B But C So D Then 4 A classroom B waiting room C park D zoo 5 A How do you do B How are you C What s the matter D How old are you 6 A house B coat C shop D present 7 A It doesn t matter B It s a pleasure C I have no idea D It s my favourite 8 A put B wear C buy D wash 9 A right B wrong C easy D safe 10 A bike B bus C car D truck 四 阅读理解 Here is a story told an American general 将军 who was a very important figure in the American army during the First World War Everybody in the Untied States knew him and many people wished to have a picture or something of his in their homes Soon after the war the general returned to Washington One day he went to a dentist 牙医 and had six teeth pulled out A week later the general heard that his teeth were being sold in curiosity shops 古玩店 at 5 each On each of the teeth there was a label 标签 with the name of the general and words Buy these teeth and show them to your friends at home The general got angry He rushed to his office and ordered six officers to go around the city and buy all his teeth The officers went out and visited every curiosity shop in the capital They were away from the office all day In the evening they returned and put on the table in front of the general the teeth they had bought They had collected 175 teeth 1 The general s teeth were sold in A the museum B the special shops selling some rare and interesting things C the department store D the hospital 2 In the evening the officers went back with all the teeth which cost A 785 B 1 050 C 157 D 875 3 The general felt when he heard his teeth were sold A happy B excited C sad D angry 4 There was the general s name on the label of each tooth This shows that A the general s name was known by most of the people in Washington B the shop keeper wanted to have more customers buy the teeth C the shop keeper tried to make the general more popular D Both A and C 5 The general ordered his men to A look for his teeth and buy all of them B arrest the dentist at once C make all the shops stop selling teeth D buy all the teeth in all the shops 试题答案 一 1 ambition 2 improve 3 famous 4 spell 5 advice 二 1 5 A D A A D 6 10 A B B C A 三 1 5 A D C B C 6 10 D A B B C 四 1 5 B D D B A

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