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登陆21世纪教育 助您教考全无忧2013中考英语(阅读理解第17集共38页)(答案或答案解析) 主要选自2012年的模拟题、中考真题,很少选自2011年的模拟题、中考真题.。都有参考答案,有的有详细的答案解析。题材广泛,题型多样,有阅读短文,做单项选择题;有任务型阅读理解题;有阅读短文判断正误题。是专题练习的好材料,也是出题、选题的好材料。*1、【2012苏州市二模】 Hello, boys and girls, have you been to London? If no, let me tell you something about it. London like Beijing is a major capital city with many interesting places and old buildings. Tourists like to see the changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace when soldiers wear brightly colored uniforms. The National Gallery has a very large collection of great paintings. In the Tower of London, you can see a collection of jewels, plates and medals as well as other items. The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben are other well-known landmarks. Across the river, there is a giant wheel, called the London Eye, which you can ride on and take a bird-s eye view of the city. If you are interested in history, the British Museum is full of interesting items from all over the world. Westminster Abbey has the graves(坟墓) of many famous British people. London is also famous for its Great Theatre and there are plays to suit everyones taste. There are also special programmes for children, and they can perform with professional actors.( )26. How many interesting places and old buildings in London does this passage talk bout? A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. D. Nine.( )27. At which place can you have a birds eye view of London? A. Buckingham Palace. B. The Tower of London. C. The London Eye. D. Westminster Abbey.( )28. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Westminster Abbey is an office building for famous British people. B. In Great Theatre children can take part in some special programmes, C. The Tower of London is the National Gallery full of great paintings. D. The British Museum has items from all over the world because it belongs to the UN.参考答案 26.D 27.C 28.B *结束2、【2012苏州市二模】Its not easy to find a person with the qualities it takes to be a hero. I didnt really understand the meaning of the word hero until my third year in the college. If you saw her, you wouldnt think she really looks the part, but she is stronger than Superman could ever be. Her name is Sandra Keierleber. I first met her at volleyball tryouts(选拔赛) ,but didnt notice anything special at first. As the week passed, however, she showed she had more heart than anyone. She stood out because she never gave up. no matter what. Sandra isnt the tallest or the fastest-in fact, this was her first time playing volleyball and it showed-but that didnt stop her. She was always the first to arrive and the last to leave. By the end of tryouts she had found a place in everyones heart. When the name list for new members was put up, we all waited nervously as she checked. When she stood at the door and smiled happily, all we could do was cheer. After Sandra made the team, she worked even harder to improve her game. When she asked for help, we gladly taught her. She also became our fan, attending almost every school game and even joining us in the city games. We all like her, because she never thinks about doing things the easy way, or loses that smile. Because of her great efforts, she makes herself a true hero-and my hero, too. ( )29. What did the writer think of Sandra Keierleber at the beginning? A. Strong. B. Honest. C. Pretty. D. Common ( )30. Sandra began to play volleyball when _. A. she was at college B. she was tall enough C. she became a hero D. she met the Superman ( )31. Which of the following is TRUE about Sandra? A. She was born a volleyball player. B. She isnt the tallest but the fastest. C. She does things in an easy way. D. She is popular with her teammates. ( )32. The writer is most probably _. A. a news reporterB. a college student C. a story tellerD. a college teacher参考答案29.D 30.A 31.D 32.B *结束3、【2011模拟】 Obama Has a Good Time at the Great Wall REUTERS Obama had a four-day visit to China last weekHe had a very busy schedule(日程) (1) _When a leader visits another country,he or she sometimes goes to the countrys most famous placesIt is to show respect to the local cultureFor the leaders,its also a good time to relaxHe who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man (2) _Obama spent 50 minutes in the Forbidden City on Tuesday (3) _He said,I will come back with my girls and my wife (4) _There,he enjoyed a moment of peace Its magical(不可思议的)It reminds(使想到) you of the sweep(进程) of history, Obama said about the Great Wall 根据文章内容填入合适的句子。 aPresident Barack Obama is a true man bHe thinks the Forbidden City is a magnificent(华丽的) place to visit cBut he still spent some time visiting the Forbidden City and the Great Wall dOn Wednesday afternoon,he took a quick tour of the Great Wall at Badaling(1) _ (2) _ (3) _ (4) _答案: 1c 由文章的“He had a very busy schedule”可知。 2a 由文章的“He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man”可知。 3b 由上下文可知。4d 由文章的第二段可知。*结束4、【2012苏州市二模】 Whats the red star in the sky through a telescope(望远镜)? It is Mars. Do you want to know more about it? Take the Mars Orbit Express! Mars Orbit Express is a space probe(探测器).It was sent towards Mars by American scientists on August 12th, 2005. Its tasks are to study Mars atmosphere and return photos to Earth. But before that, Mars Orbit Express must travel about 100 hundred million kilometers and seven months. It reached Mars orbit(轨道)in March, 2006. Mars and Earth have similar weight and size. However, Mars is closer to the sun than Earth. Mars is very cold. The average temperature is below 50. The temperature at noon only reaches 20 during a Mars day. Its atmosphere is mostly CO2.It has much sand and two moons-Phobos and Deimos. Scientists think Earth and Mars had similar beginnings 4. 6 billion years ago. But while Earth supports millions of lives, Mars becomes bad. Earth easily could have turned out like that, said an American scientist. It is important for us to find out why, and Mars Orbit Express should do that. Mars Orbit Express also would help scientists to learn what might happen to Earth in the future. Mars Orbit Express would work for about four years. ( )33. What can you see through a telescope when watching Mars? A. Much sand, B. A red star. C. Its atmosphere. D. Its size.( )34. One of the tasks of Mars Orbit Express is _. A. taking pictures of Mars B. studying the weight of Mars C. finding out the distance between Earth and Mars D. telling the time it takes to go from Earth to Mars( )35.Compared with Earth, _. A. Mars has a long history B. Mars is big and heavy C. Mars is close to the sun D. Mars atmosphere is mainly O2( )36. Which might be the proper title for the passage? A. Mars: differences from Earth B. A probe: to learn more about Mars C. Mars: change of temperature D. A probe: to tell the future of Earth参考答案 33.B 34.A 35.C 36.B *结束5、【2012苏州市二模】 Every time you turn on the television or take a ride in a car, you could be adding to problem called acid rain(酸雨). In this article, youll learn how acid rain is created, and how it affects us, and more importantly, what we all can do to prevent it. How is acid rain created? When people use fuels(燃料),such as coal and gasoline, poisonous gases are given off. When these gases mix with rain, acid rain forms. Many power stations burn fuels in order to create the electricity(电)that we use in our homes and offices every day. Cars and trucks also send these gases into the air when they burn gasoline. When ram mixes with these gases, harmful things called acids form. This is acid rain. How does acid rain affect us? Acide rain damages(毁坏)everything that it touches. It poisons our rivers, ponds, lakes, and oceans along with all the life in them. It pollutes our soil and crops, harms trees, and can even kill fish and plants. Acid rain also eats away at buildings. How can we prevent acid rain? We need to cut down on the pollution that gets into our air. Turn off lights, televisions, and other electrical appliances if you are not using them. Walk or take a bike whenever possible. If you are traveling a long distance, take a bus or train to save fuel. As research shows, acid rain harms our environment. But people everywhere can take small steps now to protect our environment for future generations.( )37. When power stations burn fuels, _. A. acid rain forms B. air pollution is caused C. noise pollution is caused D. acid rain gets heavier( )38. According to the article, acid rain affects us _. A. suddenly B. slightly C. seriously D. immediately( )39. What article does the article give us? A. Go to school on foot or by bike if we can. B. Go to bed earlier in order to use less electricity. C. Travel by bus to prevent acid rain. D. Turn off the television on rainy days.( )40. What is the best title of the article? A. Preventing Acid Rain B. Forming of Acid Rain C. Acid Rain, Heavy Rain D. Acid Rain, Killer Rain参考答案 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.D*结束6、【2011重庆市模拟】 At just 16 years of age,Liu Shasha has taken the pool world by stormThe newcomer has become the youngest world 9-ball champion(冠军) by defeating 40-year-old Karen Corr of Britain On November 22,the Womens World 9-Ball Championship took place in ShenyangIn one semifinal,Corr beat Chinese Fu Xiaofang 9-8 to win her place in the finalIn the other match,Liu managed to defeat Chinas biggest cue-wielding(挥球杆的) star Pan Xiaoting by the same 9-8 score for an appointment with Corr in the finals Liu was born in the countryside of LankaoHenan ProvinceFour years ago she chose to leave school after finding her Junior 1 studies difficultMaybe I can work on the ball game, she told her parents With her parents permission(许可),Liu followed in the footsteps of her neighbor Fu Xiaofang and began to play poolHer talent was soon _Its my only hope,so I have to focusThis is the only way Ill achieve success, Liu said As the new world champion,Liu set her career in motion(开动) in grand styleYet as her coach Zhang Shuchun warned,She has a long way to go in the pool worldHer journey has just started 根据短文内容选出正确的答案。 ( ) 1Liu won the Womens World 9-Ball Championship by defeating the _ British player Aforty-five-year-old Bforty-year-old Cthirty-nine-year-old Dthirty-six-year-old ( ) 2The score between Liu and Pan Xiaoting is _ A8-9 B10-12 C9-8 D13-12 ( ) 3Why did Liu leave school when she was 12 years old? ABecause she found her study difficult BBecause she found school life boring CBecause she wanted to get some training DBecause her family was poor ( ) 4The missing word in Paragraph 4 maybe _ Afound Binvented Craised Ddiscovered ( ) 5According to Lius coach,Liu _ Anever goes on taking part in other ball matches Bstops training and has a rest Chas to work hard in her gameDwants to get another kind of training答案: 1B 由文章的“The newcomer has become the youngest world 9-ball champion by defeating 40-year-old Karen Corr of Britain”可知。 2C 由文章的“Liu managed to defeat Chinas biggest cue-wielding(挥球杆的) star Pan Xiaoting by the same 9-8 score for an appointment with Corr in the finals”可知。 3A 由文章的“Four years ago she chose to leave school after finding her Junior 1 studies difficult”可知。 4D 由文章的“Her talent”可知。5C 由文章的“She has a long way to go in the pool worldHer journey has just started”可知。*结束7、【2012盐城市响水县一摸】AI wonder whether there is any girl or boy who does not like to see a rainbow in the sky. It is so beautiful. There is a story, saying that whenever you see a rainbow you should run at once to the place where it touches the ground, and there you would find a pot of gold. Of course it is not true. You could not find the pot of gold or its end. No matter how far you run, it always seems far away. A rainbow is not a thing which we can feel with our hands as we can feel a flower. It is only the effect of light shining on raindrops. The raindrops catch the sunlight and break it up into all the wonderful colours which we see. It is called a rainbow perhaps because it is made up of raindrops and looks like a bow(弓). That is why we can never see a rainbow in a clear sky. We see a rainbow only when there is rain in the air and the sun is shining brightly through the clouds.Every rainbow has many colours in the same order. The first or the top colour is always red, and the next comes orange, then yellow, and last of all, blue. A rainbow is indeed one of the wonders of nature.( )51. Children like rainbows because .A. they are beautiful B. they are like bows C. they can find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow D. they are good to crops ( )52. We cannot feel with our hands.A. a pot of gold B. a flower C. a rainbow D. a raindrop( )53. We can see a rainbow .A. when it is raining heavily B. when it is snowing C. when it is cloudy D. when it is becomes fine shortly after raining( )54. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.A rainbow is like bow. B.A rainbow is the effect of light shining on raindrops.C. Every rainbow has different colours in different orders. D.A rainbow is one of the wonders of nature.( )55. The first colour of a rainbow is always .A. yellow B. red C. green D .blue参考答案 5155. ACDCB *结束8、【2012盐城市响水县一摸】Watching movies for your summerPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest 加勒比海盗:聚魂棺 Captain Jack Sparrow again appears on the screen. This time, he finds himself in a heavy debt(债) to Davy Jones. The only way to get out of it is to find the Dead Mans Chest. He asks his old fiends for help and they start out to the sea.Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties 加菲猫: 双猫记 Hello, Garfield will meet you again on the screen. This time, Americas favourite cat Garfield travels to London. Garfield gets lost on the way. However, he enjoys his new life in his new home. But danger is near himSuperman Returns 超人归来 How exciting it is to see Superman on the screen again! Like before, he is again saving the world. But his enemy, Lax Luther, is still planning to kill him so that he can control the world.( )56. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?A. His debt. B. His old friend. C. His new life. D. The Dead Mans Chest.( )57. Which of the following doesnt happen to Garfield? A. He gets lost. B. He has his new home and enjoys his new life. C. Danger is waiting for him. D. He is in a heavy debt.( )58. Why does Lax Luther plan to kill Superman?A. Because he wants to save the world. B. Because he wants to enjoy his new life.C. Because he wants to control the world. D. Because he wants to control Superman.参考答案 5658. ADC *结束9、【2011深圳市模拟】 Millions of people went out in the streets of Manhattan,New York,Thursday morning for the 83rd Annual Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade(游行) Weve been wanting to see this parade for years,and we finally made it, said Jacquesa de Villepin,a tourist from France,with his twin daughters and wife standing around himMy kids shouted so happily when they saw the familiar cartoon faces passing by, he saidMy wife and I enjoyed the parade as well The Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade is an annual parade presented by MacysIt is one of the worlds largest department stores and it produces the annual eventSince 1924,this famous parade has been held on the streets of New York City The parade,which began at 9 a.mand ended at around 12 p.mEastern Time,bypassed Broadway for the first time this year to avoid pedestrian plazas at Times and Herald Squares This year,Spider-man returned to the Parade for the first time in 10 yearsMickey Mouse appeared as a sailorIn addition to the big balloons,there were 1500 cheerleaders(仪仗队指挥),800 clowns(小丑),10 marching bands(游行队伍) 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1The 2009 Parade is the Eighty-third Annual Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade in America ( ) 2According to Jacquesa,his kids were very excited when they saw the cartoons faces ( ) 3The Parade lasted for 3 hours ( ) 4Spider-man hasnt been in the Parade for 20 years( ) 5This Parade was held on the streets of New York city答案: 1T 由文章的“.Thursday morning for the 83rd Annual Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade”可知。 2T 由文章的“My kids shouted so happily when they saw the familiar cartoon faces passing by”可知。 3F 由文章的“The parade,which began at 9 a.mand ended at around 12 p.m”可知。 4F 由文章的“This year,Spider-man returned to the Parade for the first time in 10 years”可知。 5T 由文章的“this famous parade has been held on the streets of New York City”可知。*结束10、【2012盐城市响水县一摸】 Western films play an important role in the history of American films. They are set in the American West. Most of the heroes are from famous novels. They speak highly of peoples spirit, courage and building everything all by themselves.Early western films were mostly filmed in the studio, just like other early Hollywood films. With the development of technology, it began to be filmed at movie ranches(大牧场) from the 1930s. Often, the vast(开阔的) landscape becomes a character in the film. After the early 1950s, various(彩色的) wide screen technologies began to be used. During this time, the most typical western films focused on huge plains, soldiers or tourists, they were always the most handsome men.Until recent times, western films seem to be a little out of date. For example, the guns are always some old ones. They were frequently(经常性地) used in films set in the 1870s. In the late 1960s, things began to change. Some new guns began to show in the films.( )59. Western films spoke highly of peoples . Which of the following is NOT included?A. spirit B. courage C. sadness D. building everything all by themselves( )60. What does the underlined word “landscape”mean in Chinese?A.风景画 B.城墙 C.景观 D.屏幕 ( )61. When did western films begin to be filmed at movie ranches?A. From the 1930s. B. From the 1960s. C. From the 1970s. D. From the 1870s.( )62. According to the passage, which of the following sentence

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