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2011年春季学期八年级第一次单元测试英语试卷. 单项选择 (15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。( )1. Sam, do you know _ Alice won the English competition? Really? Thats great!A. that B. when C. why D. where( )2. Peter is afraid _ in front of others because his English is not good.A. to tell B. to talkingC. to speak D. of telling( )3. How is Tom at school? He is _ and _ wants to play with him.A. alone; someone B. lonely; any oneC. happy; no one D. lazy; no one( )4. Mary, ask your grandmother to have dinner with us. But she is ill and she doesnt feel like _ anything.A. to eat B. to drinkC. eating D. drinking( )5. Tom, do you know David Smith? Sure. He is my best friend and our _ has lasted for years.A. activities B. friendshipC. recording D. hobbies( ) 6. It will you about thirteen hours to fly to England from Hong Kong.A. spend B. take C. use D. pay ( ) 7. My father has me the ending of the football game. A. told; with B. tell; about C. tell; with D. told; about( ) 8. I dont like the bag. Please give me a better . A. one B. ones C. it D. them( ) 9. Mr Wang bought a small cat my sister. A. to B. for C. of D. in( )10. Ive done my homework. But I havent cleaned the car .A. already B. just C. never D. yet( )11. Did the singing star agree to come? Yes, but Im not sure _ or not he will come on time.A. whether B. if C. when D. where( )12. I remembered _ my homework last night, but I cant find it now.A. to finish B. finishing C. check D. to check( )13. Linda, I will have an English test on Wednesday. _A. Good luck! B. Excuse me.C. Hold the line. D. Look out!( )14. I heard you won first prize in the match. Did your parents know that? No, I will tell them _.A. at that moment B. just nowC. right now D. just then( )15. Im very tired these days because of studying chemistry. Why not listen to music? It can make you _.A. beautiful B. boring C. funny D. relaxed. 完形填空 (10分)Now most students are under a lot of pressure (压力). Every year they look different and feel different. They are 16 year by year. They have to 17 things for themselves. They 18 to be unhappy. If they know the secret to be happy, it is easier 19 them to be happy. Kate is a middle school student. She is much 20 than before. “I couldnt find any happiness for a 21 time. In the past, I cared too much 22 what other people thought of me,” said Kate. “At school I was very 23 . When I spoke in class, my face turned red, 24 I felt that my classmates were all looking at me. Now I feel a lot more 25 when Im talking with people around me. Im sure that if you worry too much about what other people think of you, you will be unhappy.”( )16. A. showing up B. turning upC. growing up D. standing up( )17. A. plan B. think C. care D. look( )18. A. find B. seem C. sound D. think( )19. A. of B. with C. to D. for( )20. A. smarter B. happier C. louder D. friendlier( )21. A. much B. few C. little D. long( )22. A. about B. after C. to D. of( )23. A. kind B. outgoing C. shy D. wild( )24. A. before B. until C. so D. because( )25. A. interested B. nervous C. relaxed D. upset . 阅读理解(30分) AZhang Yu is ten years old. He and his parents live in a city. Its far from his grandfathers home. Usually Zhang Yu cant see his grandfather. During the Spring Festival, Zhang Yu can live with his grandfather for 20 days. He loves the life in the country(乡村) very much, and he likes to live with his grandfather. Of all the festivals, his favourite is the Spring Festival.The Spring Festival is coming again. Zhang Yu and his parents are taking a bus to his grandfathers home. Three hours later, they get there.Zhang Yus grandfather gets many presents. They are from Zhang Yus parents, his uncle and aunt. His grandfather looks very happy. Zhang Yu feels a little sorry. He says to his grandfather, “Im sorry, grandpa. I cant buy anything for you now, but when Im older, I will buy you the best present.” His grandfather says, “Im happy you can come to see me. You are my bestpresent.”( )26. Zhang Yus grandfather lives .A. in the city B. in the country C. in a hotel D. with Zhang Yu( )27. is Zhang Yus favourite festival.A. The Spring Festival B. Childrens Day C. New Years DayD. National Day( )28. Zhang Yu and his parents go to his grandfathers home .A. by bike B. by car C. by bus D. on foot( )29. To Zhang Yus grandfather, is his best present.A. his sons present B. his daughters present C. Zhang Yu D. the expensive present( )30. Which one is TRUE?A. Zhang Yu lives near his grandfathers home.B. Zhang Yus grandfather loves Zhang Yu very much.C. Zhang Yus grandfather buys Zhang Yu a nice present.D. Zhang Yu likes the Spring Festival because he can get many presents.BTrue friends are not easy to find, so we should do our best to find real friendship and keep it.When we are with friends, we should try to bring them closer to us. Smile is one of the easiest ways. People like to see happy faces greeting them.When we talk to someone, ask questions to help him or her keep talking. Dont ask personal questions, or they may want to walk away.Listening is important part when you are with friends. You should listen carefully to what people are saying, and respond in the right way. Body language can show that youre listening.Some people have the same interests and hobbies as you. Its easier to make friends with them. You may spend hours talking about the same interests you have.Friendship may last for all our life. We should try to keep it long.( )31. Why should we try to keep our friendship?A. Because we cant find new friends later.B. Because its hard to find true friends.C. Because friendship always lasts quite short.D. Because friendship will not last long.( )32. If we are with friends, we should often _ when we talk with them.A. cry B. laugh C. smile D. repeat( )33. What does the underlined word “respond” mean?A. 大笑 B. 应答 C. 书写 D. 拼读( )34. What kind of person is easier to make friends with?A. People who never stop talking.B. People who are good at body language.C. People who like asking personal questions.D. People who have the same interests as you do.( )35. What does the writer think of friendship?A. We should try to keep it long.B. We should make friends with all people.C. Friends must have the same hobbies.D. Friends should always be together.AMr. Green had a farm in England. He and his wife grew a lot of things on the farm. They worked very hard. One day Mr. Green said to his wife, “Dear, lets go to London next Sunday. We can have a good lunch there, and then we can go to the cinema.” His wife was very happy when she heard this, because she and her husband always ate a lot, and she didnt like cooking three times every day.They went to London by train and walked for an hour. When it was twelve oclock, they wanted to have a meal. They looked at a few restaurants. In one of them there was a blackboard outside. On the blackboard was “Lunch 12:30 1.50”.“Well, thats good,” Mr. Green said, “We eat for two hours for 1.50 here! This is the palce for us.”( )36. Mr. Green took his wife to a very_ restaurant. A. expensive B. cheap C. new D. old( )37. Mrs Green was happy because_. A. She didnt have to cook B. Mr. Green ate too muchC. she couldnt eat much D. they worked hard( ) 38. Mr. and Mrs Green wanted to see a film ( 电影)_. A. before lunch B. in the morning C. in the afternoon D. in the restaurant( ) 39. The words on the blackboard told people that _. A. they must eat a very slow lunch B. they must eat for two hours C. they could have lunch any time between 12:30 and 2:30 D. They must be in the restaurant at 12:30 and leave at 2:30( ) 40. Mrs Green wanted to go into the restaurant because_. A. they could eat for a long time B. they could eat quickly C. she was in London D. she was not hungryAMr. Green had a farm in England. He and his wife grew a lot of things on the farm. They worked very hard. One day Mr. Green said to his wife, “Dear, lets go to London next Sunday. We can have a good lunch there, and then we can go to the cinema.” His wife was very happy when she heard this, because she and her husband always ate a lot, and she didnt like cooking three times every day.They went to London by train and walked for an hour. When it was twelve oclock, they wanted to have a meal. They looked at a few restaurants. In one of them there was a blackboard outside. On the blackboard was “Lunch 12:30 1.50”.“Well, thats good,” Mr. Green said, “We eat for two hours for 1.50 here! This is the palce for us.”( )41. Mr. Green took his wife to a very_ restaurant. A. expensive B. cheap C. new D. old( )42. Mrs Green was happy because_. A. She didnt have to cook B. Mr. Green ate too muchC. she couldnt eat much D. they worked hard( ) 43. Mr. and Mrs Green wanted to see a film ( 电影)_. A. before lunch B. in the morning C. in the afternoon D. in the restaurant( ) 44. The words on the blackboard told people that _. A. they must eat a very slow lunch B. they must eat for two hours C. they could have lunch any time between 12:30 and 2:30 D. They must be in the restaurant at 12:30 and leave at 2:30( )45. Mrs Green wanted to go into the restaurant because_. A. they could eat for a long time B. they could eat quickly C. she was in London D. she was not hungry. 词汇运用 (10分)A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。46. There is a big p_ library and you can borrow all kinds of books there.47. Sally has got some c_ friends in Beijing.48. Our new classroom is b_ than the old one.49. I b_ you can do better in the test next time if you work harder.50. Peter is from India and he hasnt got any friends or r_ in Dalian, China.B) 用所给词的适当形式填空。foreign gift person usually classmate51. Welcome to my _ website. You can find some interesting things here.52. More than three million _ come to visit China every year.53. Some of my _ are good singers and we often win singing competitions at school.54. Linda, thank you for your special _. I like it very much.55. It was snowing hard, but Tom got to school on time as _.V. 情景对话 (10分)从方框中选择合适的选项完成对话,有两项多余。A. We dont see each other very often.B. Where did he live now?C. What are you doing, Sam?D. And I hope were friends for ever.E. I hope hell be back soon.F. Have you made any friends at this school?G. Then is he still your best friend?A: (56)_B: Im writing an email to Peter, my best friend in primary school.A: (57)_B: Yes, but hes moved to another city because his father found a new job there. (58)_But we often send emails, call each other and chat on the Internet.A: Thats great! (59)_B: Of course. I have lots of friends here, such as Robert, Michael and Kate.A: And me!B: Youre right, Sally! (60)_ . 书面表达 (15分)阳光中学校报决定举行一次以My good friend为题的英语征文大赛,假设李泉是你的好朋友,请根据下列提示写一篇70词左右的短文。注意:包含所有信息;可适当拓展。Name: Li QuanAge: 15Appearance: Short and black hairSchool: No. 2 Middle SchoolCharacter: Friendly, helpfulHobbies: Playing basketball and computer gamesDream: Travel into spaceKey:1-5 ACDCB 6-10 BDABD 11-15 ABACD16-20 CABDB 21-25 DACDC26-30 BACCB 31-35 BCBDA36. public 37. close 38. brighter39. believe 40. relations41. personal 42. foreigners43. classmates 44. gift 45. usual46. Aso 47. Bwith 48. Cangry49. Bthat 50. Cshouting51-55 CGAFD56. C B E A D 57. No, I cant. 58. B 59. Four days. 60. 你可以享受美丽的海滩和阳光。只需600美元!One possible version:I have a good friend. His name is Li Quan. He is 15 years old now. He has short and black hair. He studies at No. 2 Middle School. He is friendly to everyone and always helps others. He likes playing basketball very much. He also likes watching TV and playing computer games. He likes travelling very much. He wants to travel far into space when he grows up.

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