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初三英语期末复习及考前模拟人教版 新目标 本讲教育信息 一 教学内容 期末复习及考前模拟 Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to 一 课标呈现 Functions 表达自己的喜爱 Key words prefer lyric gentle entertainment feature photography gallery photographer interest energy honest suit expect remind of Yellow Rive on display Key structures 初步学习定语从句 Target language What do you think of this CD I enjoy it a lot Why The singer writes their own songs I prefer singers who write their own lyrics 二 语言要点 1 I prefer music that has great lyrics 我更喜欢有好歌词的音乐 用法 1 prefer 动词 更喜欢 宁愿 不能用于进行时 其过去式和过去分词 均为 preferred 2 that 是关系代词 引导定语从句 修饰先行词 music that 在从句中作主语 搭配 事宁 愿 做 某 事 而 不 愿 做 某事宁 愿 做 某 事 而 不 愿 做 某相 比 更 喜 欢同 宁 愿 某 人 做 某 事宁 愿 做 某 事更 喜 欢 某 某 sth don ratesh dopref tigin t sbrf th do i pe t 2 What does it remind you of 它使你想到了什么 用法 1 remind 动词 提醒 某人 注意某事或做某事 2 remind sb of sb sth 使某人想起 意识 到某人或某事 举例 1 Do I have to remind you yet again 还需要我再次提醒你吗 2 Remind me to answer that letter 提醒我回复那封信 3 He reminds me of his brother 他使我想起了他的哥哥 4 This song reminds me of France 我一听到这首歌就想起了法国 3 Amy Kim is one of the best known Chinese photographers in the world today and some of her best loved photos are on display in this exhibition 埃米 金是当今世界上最有名气的中国 摄影师 这次展览会上有一部分她最受人喜爱的照片展出 用法 1 the best known 最有名的 known 形容词 闻名的 众所周知的 well known 相当于 famous 2 on display 展览 陈列 相当于 on show on duty 值日 on watch 放哨 on business 出差 on fire 着火 on sale 出售 4 I see the same things every day and they don t interest me as much 我每天都看到这些同样 的东西 他们都没有让我如此地感兴趣 用法 interest 此处作动词 意思是 使某人感兴趣 引起某人的关注 其宾语为 表示人的名词或代词 拓展 1 interest 可用作名词 兴趣 关心 的意思 2 interesting 形容词 指事物具有趣味 使人感兴趣 3 interested 形容词 指人对事物感兴趣 举例 1 Foreign stamps interest him He is interested in foreign stamps 他对外国 邮票感兴趣 2 The novel didn t interest me 我对那本小说不感兴趣 3 Are you interested in modern music 你对现代音乐感兴趣吗 4 I have something interesting to tell you 我有一件有趣的事要告诉你 5 As the name suggests the band has lots of energy 就像这个乐队的名字暗示的那样 这 个乐队有着无穷的活力 用法 1 as 此处引导方式状语从句 含义是 像 一样 如 的 2 suggest 动词 此处意思是 使人想起 使人联想 后面可接 to sb 3 energy 名词 此处指 活力 力量 energy 常用来指物理学中的 能 能量 举例 1 As the Americans like baseball the British like soccer 就如美国人喜欢棒球一样 英国人喜欢足球 2 I ll do as you advise 我会照你的建议去做 3 He is full of energy 他精力充沛 6 I prefer quiet traditional music so the concert suited me just fine 我更喜欢平和 传统的 音乐 因此这场音乐会对我很合适 用法 1 suit 此处为动词 适合 适宜于 的意思 suit sth to sth sb 使某物适 合于某物或某人 2 fine 此处为副词 相当于 very well 很 颇 之意 fine 作形容词 可指身体 好 天气晴朗 事物质量高 举例 1 Does this skirt suit me 这条裙子我穿着好看吗 2 The seven o clock train will suit us very well 七点钟那一班火车对我们很合适 3 If you want to go by bus that suits me fine 如果你坐公共汽车去 对我很方便 4 They try to suit the play to the audience 他们尽量想使话剧迎合观众的口味 5 He is doing fine in school 他在学校成绩优良 6 We are getting along just fine 我们相处得很好 7 I m not sure what to expect because I ve never seen an Indian film 我不知道自己希望看到 怎样的电影 因为我从未看过印度电影 用法 1 what to expect 为不定式短语 相当于 what I shall expect 2 expect 动词 预计 预料 也可表示 期待 期盼 搭配 没 有 进 行 时此 时 认 为 想预 料 事 想 要 做 某 事 打 算 做 某 望 某 人 做 某 事 预 料 某 人 会 做 某 事 期预 料 某 事 期 望 某 事 expct clausethexp do tsbt 举例 1 We expect a hot summer this year 我预想今年夏天会很热 2 I m expecting a letter from my sister 我正盼望我姐姐的来信 3 What do you expect me to say 你要我说些什么呢 4 I expect to be back on Sunday 我想在星期天回来 5 I expect that we ll succeed this time 我想这次我们一定会成功 6 Will she come 她会不会来呢 I expect so not 我想会 不会 三 语法讲解 如何学习定语从句 1 在复合句中 修饰某一名词或代词的句子叫做定语从句 如 1 The man who lives next to us is a policeman 2 You must do everything that I do 上面两句中的 man 和 everything 是定语从句修饰的词 叫先行词 定语从句放在其后 引导定语从句的词有关系代词 that which who 宾格 whom 所有格 whose 和关系副 词 where when why 关系代词或关系副词放在先行词和定语从句之间 起连结作用 同 时又在定语从句中作一定的成分 2 由关系代词引导的定语从句的用法见下表 关系代词 例句 指物 1 A plane is a machine that can fly 作主语 2 The noodles that I cooked were delicious 作宾语 that 在从句中 作主语或宾语 指人 1 Who is the man that is reading the book over there 作主 语 2 The girl that we saw yesterday was Jim s sister 作宾 语 which 在从句 中作主语或宾 语 指物 1 The silk which is produced in Hangzhou sells well 作主语 2 The songs which the Beatles sang were very popular 作宾 语 who whom 在 从句分别作主 语和宾语 指人 1 The foreigner who visited our class yesterday is from Canada 作主语 2 The boy who broke the window is called Roy 作主语 3 The person to whom you just talked is Mr Li 作宾语 4 Mrs Evans is the person to whom you should write 作宾 语 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit 一 课标呈现 Functions 1 谈论旅游胜地 2 谈论如何度假 Key words 1 educational fascinating thrilling touristy lively convenient w onderful provide attitude 2 take it easy in general provide with come true Key structures 1 如何询问和表达意愿 2 关系副词引导的定语从句 Target language 1 Where would you like to visit I hope to go to France some day 2 I d love to visit Mexico 二 语言要点 1 Where would you like to go on vacation Sam 你想去哪儿度假 萨姆 I d like to trek through the jungle because I like exciting vacations 我想穿越密林 因为我喜欢令人兴奋的假期 用法 1 would like 想要 愿意 would you like 常用来征求对方的意愿 语 气十分委婉 2 on vacation 表示 度假 类似的短语有 on business 出差 on duty 值日 on show display 展览 3 trek 动词 多用来指艰难地行走 其现在分词为 trekking 过去式和过去分词为 trekked 4 through 介词 可以与许多动词连用 表示 从一端到另一端 穿过 贯穿 经 过 的意思 举例 1 Would you like to go to the movies with me 你愿意和我一起去看电影吗 Yes I d like to 是的 我愿意 2 What would you like to do on weekends 你周末想做什么 I d like to go hiking into the mountain 我想去大山徒步旅行 2 I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer 我希望你将你们公司所能提供的度假方式的有关信息提供给我 用法 1 I hope 后面为 that 引导的宾语从句 that 被省略 that your firm can offer 是定语从句 修饰先行词 vacations 2 provide 动词 指向某人提供某物 其结构为 provide sb with sth provide sth for sb 3 offer 动词 指提供某物 offer sb sth offer sth to for sb 表示主动提出做某事 offer to do sth 举例 1 The firm provided me with a car 公司给我提供一辆汽车 2 The company offered the job to someone else 公司把这项工作给别人了 3 He offered to help me 他表示愿意帮助我 3 Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots 请你就休假场所给我提些 建议好吗 用法 1 Could Will Would you please do 表示委婉地请求别人做某事 2 give sb a suggestion 给某人提出建议 举例 1 Could you please drive me home 可否拜托你开车送我回家 2 Will you please carry this into the house 麻烦你把这个东西搬进屋里好吗 3 I want to get some suggestions about what to do today 今天做什么 我想听听有何 建议 4 Could you please give us some suggestions for the program 请你就这个计划给我们提出一些建议好吗 三 语法讲解 如何学会询问和表达意愿 英语中常用下列句式来询问和表达意愿 1 would like to do sth 2 would love to do sth 3 hope to do sth 4 want to do sth 例如 1 Where would you like to visit 你想去哪里参观 I d like to visit Mexico 我想去参观墨西哥 2 Would you like to go to the movies tonight 你愿意今晚去看电影吗 Yes I d like to 是的 我愿意 3 What would you love to drink 你想喝点什么 I d love to drink some tea 我想喝些茶 4 I hope to see you soon 我希望不久就会见到你 5 I want to get around the city by car 我想坐小汽车观光这个城市 如何掌握关系副词引导的定语从句 除了关系代词 that which who 引导定语从句外 关系副词 where when why 也可 以引导定语从句 1 where 引导的定语从句修饰表示地点的 the place the city 等先行词 同时 where 在从 句中作地点状语 例如 This is a place where children can play without danger 这个地方孩子们可以玩而没有危险 I like place where the weather is always warm 我喜欢天气总是暖和的地方 It has to be a place where we can do lots of exercise 那个地方必须能让我们进行大量的运动 This is the city where I was born 我就是出生在这座城市 2 when 引导的定语从句修饰表示时间的 day year 等先行词 同时 when 在从句中作时间 状语 例如 I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing 我仍然记得我第一次来北京的那一天 I ll never forget the time when we worked on the farm 我永远忘不了我们在农场劳动的日子 3 why 引导的定语从句修饰先行词 reason why 同时在从句作原因状语 Can you tell me the reason why you have run away from home 你能告诉我你离家出走的理由吗 He didn t give the teacher any reason why he was late 他没有向老师说明任何迟到的理由 Unit 8 I ll help clean up the city parks 一 课标呈现 Functions 主动向别人提供帮助 Key words 1 hunger sign establish major coach repair 2 clean up give out put off set up think up take after fix up give away put up hand out work out Key structures 常用的动词短语 Target language 1 I d like to work outside 2 You could help clean up the city parks 3 You could give out food at the food bank 二 语言要点 1 I d like to work outside 我想到外面去做点事情 You could help clean up the city parks 你可以帮助打扫城市的公园 用法 1 在 某 事 上 帮 助 某 人帮 助 某 人 做 某 事帮 助 做 某 事 sth wib helpdo t l 2 clean up 动词短语 打扫干净 清除 举例 1 We should clean up the dirty parts of our city 我们要把城市脏的地方清理干净 2 You d better clean up the room 你最好去把房间打扫干净 2 I d like to cheer up sick kids 我想使生病的孩子快乐起来 用法 cheer up 动词短语 使振奋 使高兴起来 的意思 如果宾语是名词 可以 放在副词 up 前面 也可以放在 up 后面 如果是代词作宾语 代词应放在 cheer 与 up 之间 比较 常 作 表 语 形 容 词 有 病 的 又 可 作 定 语 病 的 既 可 作 表 语 形 容 词 有 病 的 患 ilsck 举例 1 He looks sad Let s cheer him up 他看起来很忧伤 咱们让他高兴起来吧 3 You could give out food at the food bank 你可以在食物储存库分发食物 用法 give out 动词短语 此处意思是 分发或散发物品 另外 give out 还可以 表示 用完 消耗尽 精疲力竭 的意思 搭配 把 某 物 给 某 人让 步 妥 协 投 降放 弃 停 止发 出 冒 出 sbtho given upif 举例 1 The cooker is giving off a funny smell 锅里冒出一股怪味 2 You should give up smoking 你应该戒烟 3 So he had to give in and say sorry to John 因此 他不得不让步并且向约翰表示歉 意 4 What are you going to give your brother for his birthday 你准备给你弟弟的生日送什么礼物 I m going to give some CDs to him 我准备送给他一些光碟 4 We need to come up with a plan 我们需要制订出一项计划 用法 1 need 此处是实义动词 need to do sth 表示 某人 需要做某事 Need doing 则表示 某物 需要做 2 come up with 找到或提出 答案 办法 计划等 举例 1 He came up with the way of solving the puzzle 他想出了一个解谜的办法 5 We can t put off making a plan 我们不能推迟制订计划 We could put up signs 我们可以张贴标牌 用法 常用含 put 的动词短语 放 下 记 下 写 下收 藏 保 留 把 某 物 放 到 一 边 保 留 展 览 会 举 办戏 剧 演 出帽 衣 鞋 穿 上 戴 上 某 物 建 造 搭 起 张 贴 升 起 或 举 起 推 迟 延 缓 或 拖 延 某 事down put ay siet uptof 6 I ll hand out advertisements after school 我将在放学之后散发广告 用法 1 动词短语 hand out 表示 分发 散发 其反义词 hand in 上交 2 hand 作动词 表示 递 交 的意思 hand sb sth 或 hand sth to sb 把某物递交 给某人 举例 1 They handed out the food to the homeless people 他们给那些无家可归的人分发了食物 7 We re going to set up a food bank to help hungry people 我们将创建一个食物储存库 以 便帮助饥饿的人 用法 1 set up 动词短语 建立 创立 开办 的意思 相当于 establish start 2 hungry 形容词 饥饿的 挨饿的 其名词为 hunger 举例 1 A new government was set up after the war 战后 一个新的政府建立起来 2 They set up the monument to remember the hero 为了纪念这位英雄人物 他们建起了一座纪念碑 8 I ve run out of it 我已经把它用完了 用法 run out of 动词短语 意思是 将 用光 缺乏 举例 1 We are running out of fuel 我们的燃料快用光了 9 I take after my mother 我长得像我的妈妈 用法 take after 动词短语 相当于 be similar to 表示在长相或性格方面像其母亲或 父亲 此动词短语不用于被动语态 比较 1 take care of 和 look after 意思相同 表示 照顾 照料 照看 的意思 2 look like 看上去像 多指外貌 3 be like 像 可指外貌 也可指性格 举例 Your daughter doesn t take after you at all 你女儿一点儿都不像你 2 You look like my brother 你与我的弟弟长得相像 3 What is your sister like 你妹妹的性格怎么样 She is shy and quiet 她很害羞 很文静 4 你应该照看好你的弟弟 l brothe w liyuafter lok shudY trlifcg 三 语法讲解 常见的动词短语及含义 短语动词 含义 短语动词 含义 come down to 到达 从一处来到另一处 think of 想到 考虑到 come from 来自 begin with 以 开始 find out 查明 了解 获知 cut up 切碎 get to 到达 开始 着手 decide on 决定 get up 起床 look after 照看 have a look at 看一看 mix up 混合 listen to 听 play with 与 玩耍 put on 穿上 take care of 照看 照顾 take part in 参加 take out 取出 talk about of 谈论 turn on 打开 电器 wake up 醒来 弄醒 turn off 关掉 电器 wait for 等候 等待 ask for 索要 要求 arrive in at 到达 抵达 call up 打电话给某人 go out 出去 外出 come along 出现 陪伴 过来 look like 看起来像 fall in love with 喜爱 爱上 give away 分配 分送 赠送 get along 融洽相处 let in 允许进入 允许参加 get on 与某人 相处 look through 浏览 仔细检查 cheer up 使振奋 使高兴起来 look up to 尊重 clean out 消除 打扫干净 pay for 为 付款 付钱 clean up 打扫干净 梳理整齐 run away 跑开 逃走 come up with 提出 想出 run out of 用尽 缺乏 dress up 打扮 盛装 sell out 售完 卖光 end up 结束 告终 take off 脱下 起飞 fall into 落入 陷入 fix up 修理 修补 get around 观光 到处走动 give out 分发 发放 learn from 向 学习 hand out 分发 发放 laugh at 嘲笑 hang out 闲荡 make up 组成 构成 pick up 捡起 拾起 remind of 提醒 使记起 put in 放进 揉入 进入 set off 激起 引起 put off 推迟 拖延 set up 建立 创立 开办 put up 张贴 公布 举起 show up 出席 露面 take after 与 父母 相像 work out 结局 至最后 结果 为 Unit 9 When was it invented 一 课标呈现 Functions 谈论历史上的发明创造 Key words 1 scoop slipper bulb crispy salty sour beverage pleasant th row abacus 2 be used for by mistake by accident fall into in this way Key structures 被动语态 Target language When was the telephone invented I think it was invented in 1876 二 语言要点 1 I think the telephone was invented before the car 我认为电话的发明在汽车的发明之前 Well I think the telephone was invented after the car 嗯 我认为电话的发明在汽车之后 用法 1 名 词 发 明 家 创 造 者名 词 发 明 创 造动 词 发 明 创 造invetor it 2 was invented 是一般过去时的被动语态 其中 was 是助动词 invented 是动词的 过去分词 was invented 表示 被发明 被创造出来 拓展 1 被动语态表示句子的主语是谓语动词所表示的动作的承受者 2 被动语态的基本结构 be 及物动词的过去分词 如果是不及物动词 其过去分 词应带有相应的介词 3 被动词态中的 be 是助动词 有人称 数和时态的变化 一般现在时的被动语态为 am is are 过去分词 一般过去时的被动语态为 was were 过去分词 举例 1 Rice is grown in South China 华南种植水稻 2 Trains are made in Zhuzhou 株洲制造火车 3 These picture were taken on the Great Wall 这些照片是在长城拍摄的 4 The museum was built ten years ago 这个博物馆是十年前建成的 2 It s used for scooping really cold ice cream 它被用来舀冰冷的冰淇淋 用法 1 is used 是一般现在时的被动语态 2 be used for doing sth 表示 被用来做某事 被使用做某事 相当于 be used to do sth 比较 再 如 此 常 做 某 事 暗 示 现 在 不习 惯 用 法 表 示 过 去 常 某 事 做固 定 结 构 习 惯 于来 做 某 事被 动 语 态 结 构 被 用 sth do ue st ing gb fr 举例 A pan is used for cooking 锅是用来做饭的 2 I am used to getting up early 我习惯早起 3 She used to to be a history teacher 她以前是一位历史教师 3 Did you know that tea the most popular drink in the world after water was invented by accident 茶叶是世界上最流行的饮料 你知道它是偶然被发明出来的吗 用法 1 Did you know 后面是宾语从句 2 by accident 表 偶然 意外 无意中 accident 除表示 灾难 事故 外 还可表示 偶然 意外事件 举例 1 I met her by accident in a crowded bus 我意外地在拥挤的公共汽车上遇见了她 2 I only found it by accident 我只是碰巧找到它的 3 There was a traffic accident yesterday 昨天发生了一起交通事故 4 And in this way one of the world s favorite drinks was invented 就这样 一种世人喜爱的 饮料产生了 用法 way 此处表示 方法 方式 way 还可以表示 路 道路 或 方位 比较 在 某 人 去 某 地 的 路 上顺 便 说 一 下 方 法的 方 式用 这 种 方 式通 过用 waytosne obth i ts 举例 1 The best way of learning English is to go to a country where the language is spoken 学习英语的最好方法是到讲英语的国家去 2 You can work out the problem in this way 你用这种方法可以解出这道题 3 Mr Brown gave us a lesson in a strange way 布朗先生用一种奇特的方式给我们上了一课 4 By the way why did you call me yesterday 顺便问一下 你昨天为什么打电话给我 5 I met Uncle Wang on my way to school 我在上学的路上遇到了王叔叔 三 语法讲解 如何理解被动语态 为了能更清晰 更深刻地理解被动语态的含义 可以将主动语态和被动语态的句子结 构进行比较 归纳 1 主动语态中的宾语变为被动语态的主语 2 主动语态中的主语变为被动语态中介词 by 的宾语 3 主动变被动时 谓语动词的基本结构为 be 过去分词 随着时态的不同 be 的形式也 不同 总结 1 mary people 是 speak 的执行者 执行者作主语时为主动语态 2 English 是 speak 的承受者 承受者作主语时为被动语态 3 speak 为一般现在时 其被动语态中 be 为一般现在时 并且与其主语 English 相一致 即为 is 因此 speak 被动式为 is spoken 一般现在时 一般过去时的主动语态和被动语态的句式 1 一般现在时 主 动 语 态 被 动 语 态 We grow rice Rice is grown by us 肯 定 式 They plant res Tres are planted by them We don t grow rice Rice isn t grown by us 否 定 式 They don t plant res Tres aren t planted by them 主 动 语 态 被 动 语 态 Do yu grow rice Yes we do No we don t Is rice grown by ou Yes it is No it isn t 疑 问 式 及 回 答 Do they plant res Yes they do No they don t Are tres planted by them Yes they are No they aren t 2 一般过去时 主 动 语 态 被 动 语 态 He hard astrange noise A strange noise was heard by him 肯 定 式 They planted many tres Many tres er planted by the He din t hear strange noise A strange noise wasn t heard by him 否 定 式 They din t plant many tres Many tres ern t planted by the Did he ar strange noise Yes he di No he din t Was strange noise hard by him Yes it was No it wasn t 疑 问 式及 回 答 Did they plant many tres Yes they di No they din t Wer many tres planted by them Yes they wer No they wern t Unit 10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left 一 课程呈现 Functions 讲 述 过 去 的 事 情 Key words 1 overslep rush lock fol empty embarsed exhausted mary thril 2 go f run of on time show up set of get maried Key structres 过 去 完 成 时 Target language What hapend I overslept And by the time I get up my brother had already goten i the shower 二 语言要点 1 By the time I got outside the bus had already left 等我到外面时 公共汽车已经走了 用法 1 by the time 直到 时候 在 时候以前 其后可接表示动作时间 的从句 by the time 近似于 before 2 had left 是过去完成时 它所表示的动作发生在过去另一动作 got outside 之前 拓展 1 过去完成时的基本结构为 had 过去分词 其中 had 是助动词 2 过去完成时表示在过去某一确切时间或动作之前就已经发生或完成的动作 简单 地称为 过去的过去 举例 1 By the time we got to their house they had finished supper 在我们到达他们家之前 他们就已经吃完晚饭了 2 By the time he was ten he had learned advanced math 他在十岁时就已经学完了高等数学 3 By the time we got to the cinema the film had begun 在我们到达电影院时 电影已经开始了 2 He asked her to marry him She was thrilled because she really wanted to get married 他请求她嫁给他 她非常激动 因为她的确想结婚 用 法 动 词 使 人 非 常 激 动 使 人 非 常 紧 张 形 容 词 指 某 事 使 人 心 情 激 动 或 指 某 事 很 惊 险 形 容 词 指 某 人 感 到 激 动 或 紧 张 1thrilngtiled 与 某 人 结 婚 结 婚 将 某 人 嫁 给 某 人 是 终 止 性 动 词 娶 某 人 嫁 给 某 人 sbtomariedgt b tsymaryr2 举例 1 The movie thrilled all the audience 那部电影使所有观众都很激动 2 We were thrilled to hear your wonderful news 我们听到你的好消息非常兴奋 3 This is a thrilling experience 这是一次令人激动的经历 4 He married John s sister 他与约翰的妹妹结婚了 5 The parents married their daughter to a doctor 父母将女儿嫁给了一位医生 6 Are you married 你结婚了吗 7 The couple have been married for five years 这对夫妻结婚已经五年了 8 When did you get married 你什么时候结婚的 9 She got married to a man from her hometown 她与一个同乡结婚了 3 Do you know where John is He was going to meet me earlier but he didn t show up 你知道约翰在哪儿吗 他原打算早点儿跟我见面的 但他没出现 用法 show up 动词短语 出席 露面 的意思 拓展 show in 引导 客人等 入内 领 进入里面 show off 卖弄 炫耀 举例 1 It was ten o clock when he finally showed up 十点钟时他终于到了 2 We were hoping for a full team today but only five players showed up 今天我们希望全体队员都到齐 但结果只到了五个人 如何学习过去完成时 1 过去完成时的结构和用法 结 构 had 过 去 分 词 I had lready had my breakfast before they came 用 法 之 一 表 示 动 作 在 过 去 某 一 确切 时 间 或 动 作 前 已 完 成 I had finished y copositon by 10 this ornig He sold me that he ad sen the film 用 法 之 二 表 示 在 过 去 某 时 开 始 到过 去 另 一 时 间 仍 未 结 束 e had taught er for ten years when Ifelt he schol He said he ad made great progres ince h came hre 否 定式 had not 过 去 分 词 They said that hey hadn t sen such an excitng atch It semed that hey hadn t come hre bfore 疑 问式 及回 答 Had 主 语 过 去 分 词 其 他 Had you evr ben to Xinjiang before you came hre Yes Ihad No Ihadn t 2 过去完成时的表现形式 1 可以用 by before 等构成的短语来表示 例如 By the end of the match they had kicked two goals 到比赛结束之前 他们踢进了两个球 We had reached the station before ten o clock 在十点钟以前 我们已经到达了车站 2 也可以用 when before after 等引导的时间状语从句来表示 例如 When I got there you had already started playing the match 当我到那里时 你们已经开始比赛了 Wang Lin had mended the radio before his brother returned 王林在他弟弟回来以前就已经把收音机修好了 3 通过宾语从句或通过上下文暗示 例如 He remembered that he had seen the book 他记得他曾读过这本书 He said he had handed in his composition 他说他已经把作文上交了 We did as he had told us 我们按他说的做 模拟试题 一 用所给词的正确形式补全句子 1 Amy Kim is one of the best known Chinese photograph in the world today 2 Qufu is the place where Confucius was born It s very education 3 She got marry two years ago 4 Tea wasn t bring to the Western world until 1610 5 When I got to school the finally bell was ringing 二 单项选择 1 What s Mum cooking in the kitchen Chicken I guess How nice it A looks B smells C tastes D sounds 2 Do you think our football team will win the match Yes we have better players So I them to win A hope B ask C help D expect 3 Will you come to the dinner party I won t come unless Jenny A will be invited B can be invited C invited D is invited 4 I m looking at the photograph you sent me with your letter A who B whom C it D that 5 Those eggs of different colors are very beautiful Yes they in Hangzhou A painted B were painting C were painted D had painted 6 I m reading now Please tell him the TV a bit A turn up B turn off C to turn down D to turn on 7 Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow It has rained for half a month It s too wet A I hope that B I m sure it will C I m afraid it will D I hope so 8 Our country is going to another man made satellite next year A send up B put up C make up D open up 9 By the time I got to school I realized that I my exercise book at home A had forgotten B had left C has forgotten D has left 10 By the time the police came the aliens for a few minutes A had left B has left C had been away D has been away 三 动词填空 A Tom is a lovely boy but he 1 have a bad memory Last Sunday morning Tom 2 play in his bedroom when his mother asked him 3 go shopping She told him not to forget to buy six oranges ten eggs and some meat Mum I 4 remember Tom answered with a smile When he 5 return home and saw his mother his face turned red He said I am sorry mum I have forgotten to buy oranges and meat I remembered to buy the eggs but I dropped four of them B Dear Li Ping I haven t heard from you for long How are you 6 get on with your work I 7 finish the exams already I think I 8 be able to pass them Now I have much time 9 write this letter to you At school we are often 10 tell that China is beautiful country Though it is far away from New York I d like to go there one day Please write back soon Yours Jack 四 完形填空 Motor cars were 1 made in England just before 1990 The parts for the bodies and engines 发动机 were hand made and the cars built from these one 2 T

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