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八年级英语Unit7月考试题(120分)一、 词汇(20分) (A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。1. Can you i_ what our food festival will be like?2. In China, we like to use c_ to eat. 3. People around the world have different eating h_.4. Where is the m_? I want to order something to eat. Here it is. 5. Id like to have a glass of water instead of a bottle of w_. (B)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. After a short rest, he seemed to be _ (tired) than before. 7. _ (cook) is fun and I love it very much!8. In the _ (south) part of China, people usually like eating rice. 9. Help _ (you) to some chicken soup, kids. 10.The _ (regular)we eat, the healthier we are.(C)句型转换。11.asked Tom, “Is rice the most popular food in your country?” (改成含有宾语从句的句子) I asked Tom _.12. Luo cooked the most finely in his class. (改为同义句)Luo cooked _ finely _ any other student in his class. 13. Emily thinks she can cut that cake very neatly. (改为否定句)Emily _ _ she can cut that cake very neatly. 14. They used a knife and fork to have dinner. (对画线部分提问)_ _ they use to have dinner?15. The Indian curries are very delicious. (改为感叹句)_ _ Indian curries!二、选择填空(25分).( )16. I dont know _ he is right or not. A. thatB. whatC. ifD. whether( )17. Which kind of food smells _ or tastes _?Sorry, I dont know. A. good; wellB. well; badC. good; goodD. well; well( )18. A lot of young people want to _ and have a better life. A. make more moneyB. make enough moneyC. make moneyD. make less money( )19. When you go to a dinner party, you should _. A. speak quietB. speak quietlyC. speak fewD. spoke quietly( )20. _that the 31st Olympic Games will be held in New York. _exciting news!A. It said; WhatB. It is said; WhatC. It said; HowD. It is said; How( )21. Hows the weather tomorrow?I dont know if it _ tomorrow. Well, if it _, I wont go out with you.A. will rain; will rainB. rains; rainsC. rains; will rainD. will rain; rains( )22.Li Ming did his homework_.So he left school last.A.more slowly B.most slowly C . more quickly D. most quickly( )23.Milly does _than any other_in her class. A.better;student B.well; student C . better;students D. best;student( )24.-Who did it_among these children? -Tom.He did it_than all the others.A. well;much better B.better;best C. best; much better D.the best;the better( )25.We should try our best_the work on time. A.finish. B.finished. C. finishing. D.to finish ( )26.Its very kind _ you to help me with my English. A. forB. withC. ofD. to( )27. Could I have _ bottle of apple juice, please?Of course. Here you are. A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. others( )28.Dont worry. My father will _ us up in the car if it rains tomorrow. A. bringB. takeC. carryD. pick( )29.I remembered _ off the light last night, but it was still on. A. turningB. to turnC. turnedD. turn( )30.In old days, people often used animals _ in the fields. A. to working B. for workingC. to workD. work( )31. Somebody _ begging for(讨要) money near the bridge last week. A. isB. wasC. areD. were( )32.They had a food festival to raise money for_. A.poor B.the poor C. these poor D.the poors( )33.Would you mind_the window for me? A.open B. opened C. opening D.to open( )34.He often eat_,so he is _fat.A.too much ,much too B. too much ,too much.C. much too ,much too D. much too, too much( )35. She didnt sing the song _ at the party last night. A. enough goodB. well enoughC. enough wellD. good enough( )36. When you have some difficult math problems, you can _ your math teacher. A. turn toB. to askC. turnD. ask for( )37. Jennys teeth are not good, because she _. A. has a sweet toothB. has sweet toothC. have a sweet toothD. have sweet teeth( )38. Lucy, where is Jim?_! Near the tree. A. There is heB. He is thereC. There is himD. There he is( )39. This book is very interesting, so it is worth _. A. readB. readingC. to readD. be read( )40. I lost my MP3 on my way to school this morning. _ You must be careful next time. A. Take care!B. Excuse me!C. Its a great pity!D. Youre welcome!三、完形填空(10分)。People in different countries have different ways of doing things. Something is 16 in one country, but it may be quite impolite in another. In Britain, you mustnt lift your bowl to your 17 when you are having some liquid(液体) food. But its 18 in China. And in Japan you even neednt worry about making 19 while you are having it. It shows that youre enjoying it. But people in Britain think it is bad manners. If you are a visitor in Mongolia, what manners do they wish 20 to have? They wish you to have a loud “burp”(打嗝) 21 you finish eating. Burping shows that you like the food.In Britain, you should try not to 22 your hands on the table when youre having a meal. In Mexico, however, guests may keep their hands on the table during a meal. But in Arab(阿拉伯) countries you must be very careful with your hands. You 23 eat with your left hand. Arabs consider(认为) it very 24 manners eating with left hands. So when you are in other countries, 25 carefully and follow them. As a saying goes, “Do as the Romans do. ”( )41. A. badB. usefulC. terribleD. polite( )42. A. mouthB. noseC. earsD. eyes( )43. A. sameB. differentC. importantD. difficult( )44. A. facesB. noisesC. mistakesD. friends( )45. A. themB. herC. youD. him( )46. A. afterB. beforeC. ifD. until( )47. A. giveB. takeC. bringD. put( )48. A. needntB. must notC. shouldntD. may not( )49. A. differentB. importantC. goodD. bad( )50. A. seeB. lookC. readD. watch四、阅读理解(40分)(A)Most American children eat potatoes. But many children dont know which part of the potato is the best for food. Take a knife and cut a slice of potato from the middle as thin as paper. Hold the slice of potato against the light and look at it. You will see that the potato has a skin, an outside rim(边缘) and inside part. The outside rim, which is right under the skin of the potato, is more valuable(有价值) than other parts. But people usually throw it away with the skin. Even the skin itself is better for food than the inside part. When eating a cooked potato, if you choose the inside and leave the outside, you are throwing away the best part of it. If you cant eat the whole potato, you can eat the outside rim first and leave the inside. ( )51. How many parts does the potato have?A. It has only one part, outside rim. B. It has two parts, skin and outside rim. C. It has three parts, a skin, an outside rim and inside part. D. It has four parts, middle, skin, outside rim and an inside part. ( )52. Whats the best part of the potato?A. Outside rim. B. Inside part. C. Middle. D. Skin. ( )53. What should you eat first if you cant eat the whole potato?A. Skin only. B. Inside part. C. Outside rim. D. Part of it. ( )54. In fact the skin is _. A. not good at allB. better than the inside partC. better than the outside rimD. as good as the outside rim( )55. What does this passage tell about potatoes?A. How to cook them. B. How to plant them. C. What is in the potatoes. D. How to eat them. (B)One day in April, a special activity called“Food Street”was held on the playground at Railway No. 1 Middle School in Xian.This activity was part of the English Art Festival in the school. The students in each class were divided(被划分) into some groups. Each group sold different kinds of foods. The students did the shopping and the cooking all by themselves. The students cooked delicious food such as fried chicken, potato chips and vegetables. They all worked hard and sold the food at low prices. The customers(顾客) were all the students, teachers and parents. They were all pleased with the nice food.“Its really hard work,” said one of the students who took part in the activity. “We must make a plan before the cooking. We must know how much we should spend on the things we need. Also, we must learn how to serve customers well.”“This activity is to give a chance to students to develop(培养) their practical abilities(实践能力),” said one teacher, “Whats more, the students will not only learn how to make money by their own hands, but also know the meaning of life. ”( )56. “Food Street” was _. A. a street for students to sell food alongB. a kind of food sold by the studentsC. part of the activity about the English Art FestivalD. an activity for food prices among the students( )57. It seemed that _. A. the food made by the students was not well receivedB. the prices of the food were too highC. the teachers and parents were satisfied with the students and foodD. the students didnt enjoy the activity( )58. Which of the following can the students NOT learn in the activity?A. How to grow vegetables. B. How to work well. C. How to make money. D. What life means. ( )59. Before the activity, the students _. A. had to be customersB. made a plan about the cookingC. asked their parents to do the shoppingD. had to serve the customers well( )60. From what one student said, it showed that _. A. the activity was not easyB. the students like the activity better than their class lessonsC. the whole cooking has too much workD. they dont like to make Chinese food(C)Welcome to Xindadi RestaurantMENUMAIN COURSESSTAPLE FOODSBeijing Roast Duck¥38. 00Fried Noodles¥8. 00Pork and Cabbage¥16. 00Fried Rice¥5. 00Roast Chicken¥20. 00Dumplings¥7. 00Beef¥15. 00Sandwich¥9. 00Indian Curries¥18. 00Hamburger¥12. 00SOUPSDRINKSBone Soup¥6. 00Tea¥1. 50Chicken Soup¥5. 00Apple Juice¥3. 00Egg Soup¥4. 00Coke¥2. 50Vegetable Soup¥3. 50Lemonade¥3. 00DESSERTSApple Pie¥6. 00Ice Cream¥2. 50Fruit Salad¥4. 00Tel: 0372-6819349根据菜单信息,选择正确答案。( )61. If you want to have dinner in Xindadi Restaurant, you can _. A. call 0372-6819349B. fax 0372-68193349C. call 0372-68193349D. fax 0372-6819349( )62. How many different main courses can you choose?A. 8. B. 6. C. 7. D. 5. ( )63. Which kind of staple foods is the most expensive?A. Beijing Roast Duck. B. Hamburger. C. Pork and cabbage. D. Bone soup. ( )64. Which dessert cant you get after your meal?A. Apple pie. B. Pear pancake. C. Fruit salad. D. Ice cream. ( )65. If you want to have a kind of staple food and a kind of soup, how much money will you pay at least?A.¥8. 50. B.¥9. 00. C.¥7. 50. D.¥9. 50. (D)Mrs. Brown was very fat. Her husband thought she should have a balanced diet, and he made her not eat meat or cakes.One morning, Mrs. Brown made a nice cake for her husband, and he ate half of it. After he went out, Mrs. Brown cut a very small piece of cake and ate it. It was very delicious. Then she cut another piece and ate it, too. In a few minutes she ate up the cake. “My husband is going to be very angry.” She thought, “What should I do?” She made another cake very quickly, ate half of it, and put the other half on the table. Mr. Brown came back later and when he saw the half of the cake on the table, he was very happy. ( )66. How many cakes did Mr. Brown eat that morning?A. One cake. B. One and a half cakes. C. Half of the cake. D. Two cakes. ( )67. Which of the following is true?A. Mrs. Brown ate half of the first cake and left the other half for her husband. B. Mrs. Brown ate half of the first cake and half of the second one that morning. C. Mr. Brown ate two cakes that morning. D. Mrs. Brown didnt eat any cakes that morning. ( )68. Mrs. Brown made another cake because _. A. her husband liked eating cakesB. her husband didnt like the first cakeC. she wanted to eat more cakesD. she didnt want her husband to be angry( )69. Why was Mr. Browns husband very happy in the end?A. Because he was very hungry. B. Because Mrs. Brown made it for him. C. Because he thought Mrs. Brown ate no cakes. D. Because the cake was more delicious than the first one. ( )70. Why couldnt Mrs. Brown eat meat or cakes?A. Because meat and cakes are not delicious. B. Because Mr. Brown liked eating them. C. Because meat and cakes could make her fatter. D. Because meat and cakes will make her sick. 五、补全对话(10分)。A.Good evening.A table for two?B.Yes,wed like to sit by window.A.OK.71_.B.Thanks.A.72_?B.Yes.What would you recommend(推荐)?A.Why not try the roast beef?B.OKA.73_?B.A cup of tea.(After the meal)A.74_?B.sure. 40yuan.A.75_.B.Thank you.bye.六、写作(15分)你的美国笔友想学做一道中国菜,这有一个食谱,试着向你的朋友介绍一下做法,词数在6070之间。原料:豆芽(bean sprouts),盐。步骤:首先把锅放在火上。然后在锅里倒一些油。油热了之后,放入豆芽、盐。翻炒(stir fry)一两分钟。最后将豆芽盛入盘子里。_

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