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六年级上U1-5核心词汇:pleased, pleasure problem, answer first, once these, that, those品词自测:pleasure, pleased, first高频短语:in, first, last/family, telephone/ phone, excuse 电子游戏,失物招领,一套,一副功能语句:How, Im fine, thanks, Whats, in English, Its, Whats; Nice to meet you; Nice to meet you, too; Is this; Call at核心要点BCD look, look, see; seeAACD a, anDDC excuse me; sorryBCD that , it, Its经典真题I. CCDCBD II. are not, knives, are六年级上U610核心词汇:these, bring, interesting, interested, boring, bored, relaxing, relaxed, collection; collector, runner, running, healthy, healthily, sale, too/either; as well品词自测:interesting, interested, healthy, runner, sale高频短语:play, lots, much, look, on, 在沙发上, 在梳妆台上, 两美元功能语句:This is, Thanks for, Lets play, sounds, Can I, are, welcome核心要点B, take, to B, neednt, washing, A to doBA interesting, interestedBC also, eitherCB 比较级take, A, Lets go, will youACB sound, noise, voiceHow much B Whats price经典真题I. CCDAB II. play soccer, helping me/ your help, How much are the/ these socks?六年级下U15核心词汇:musical; musician, action, actor, funny, exciting, excited, really, successful, successfully, succeed, teeth, tired tiring品词自测:successful, exciting, teeth, really高频短语:look, on, old, on, little, 起床, 洗澡;淋浴 到达 上床睡觉 做作业功能语句:When, How old, thinks exciting, What a funny time Why; Because核心要点AC take part in, join, take part inABD not to watchCD are thereB How happy What a 经典真题I. BADBA II second, heavily, fortieth六年级下U610核心词汇:central, cross, enjoyable, beginning, tourist, touristy, visitor, southern, friendly, friendship, sleepy, sleeping/ asleep, at times, dangerous, children品词自测:beginning, friendly, children, dangerous, visitors, southern高频短语:across, to, front, turn, on, walk, and 玩得开心,去的路,有几分, 在晚上;在夜里功能语句:Where is; from, Is there, hop, What does; do, Id like核心要点DDADC crossing, across, throughgoing, enjoyed, themselves, doing have funCB 一般现在时CA sometime, sometimesB, in front, in front of, at/in the front ofAC will beA What isB, to go, eating would like, thanks, Id love / like to经典真题I. BCDBDB II. boring, shy, post, leaves, betweenIII. doing, themselves七年级上U13核心词汇:sunny, whether, surprised, surprising, everybody; nobody, height, forget, singer品词自测:surprised, singers高频短语:for, on, take, at, have time, for, 谈论;讨论;底座, 为了, 看起来像,一点儿;少许, 不再功能语句:What are doing, Hows the weather, Hows it going, What does; look like核心要点C, give up, doing , to doA surprising, surprised, surprised toB find out, look for, find, , in order to, to getA sunny, windy, strong, heavyB, take after, look like经典真题I. CCAD II. What does she look like? No longer, What kind of noodles would you like七年级上U46核心词汇:twice, healthy, unhealthy, difference, same, feet, teeth, illness, sick, western, importance, quickly, fast, slow, worried, worrying品词自测:health, healthy, differences, feet, importance, quickly高频短语:often, for, twice, for, as, by, far, on, 大量的;许多, 受凉;感冒, 有压力的, 紧张的,此时;现在功能语句:How often, Whats the matter, Its easy to have; its important to eat, Im sorry to hear that, How get to, How far, How long does it take, must be, more fun than核心要点could hardly A, 否定, 肯定 , CD buthealthy, C A, doingB didnt; until , DAtakes, to ride Aworry about, are worried aboutAA often long soonA does well, playing, at , forDADD afterD isthe matter with, A, wrongto play AC How do, take, ride, walk , driveCB cant have to经典真题I. ACDBB DCBII. active, teeth, exercising, onceIII. We dont know how to look after ourselves. keep/ stay healthy Didnt , until Andy complained that he did the same job as others but was paid differently.七年级上U7-10核心词汇:visitor, suggestion, advice, central, dear, cheap, decision, discussion, disagree, agreement, colorful品词自测:visitors, decision, agreement高频短语:at, reading, shopping, for, walk 思考;考虑;实际上;其实;确切地说;赞同某人, 持相同意见;不得不,必须功能语句:What/ How about, to go home, found; crying, What do you think of; Can you please put Dont eat核心要点A, takes, to walk, spend, pay cost, takes , To stop, decision, decision, to do C A do some swimming, swimhad to, C neednt, neednt, cantDont play D经典真题I. spending, crowded, visit, agree, palace, visited, spent, loudlyII. feel, waiting, didnt beginIII. DDBBBIV. be / arrive, for have to In fact, have to (stay at home and/ to) look after (take care of/ care of ) my grandmother at home知能综合检测一IADACA CCAAD BDCBC II. ADCCC DABCC III. BADCA IX. watch, spell, Look, question, numberV. first, in, born, studying, her, ask, though flying, space, andVI. that in, Excuse; Is this, telephone/ phone number, are, family, Please call Lucy at 529-6789.知能综合检测二I. BBDDB BDABC BCBDCII. ADABD CBACD III. ACBCDIV. cousin, family, runner, healthy, difficultV. name, friends, want, like, dont, every, doesnt, but, know, forVI. 1. She lives in Guangzhou. 2. She likes eating junk food.3. She has a healthy habit. 4. 他每晚睡6个小时。5 Health.VII. 1. dont think, is difficult 2. How much is; socks 3. have a look at 4. like, for breakfast5. Do you play sports every day?知能综合检测三IDACDA CCDCB BAADCII. BCDAC DDADAIII. DCBCAIV. busy, listen, after, join, SeptemberV. born, fourteenth, scientist, creating, were, richest, his, lives/ is living, eats, oldVI. 1. At the Basketball Court. 2. Talent Show3. 375-7465 4. 阳光中学星期五将举行校庆。 5. 要了解更多信息, 请拨打学校办公室电话。知能综合检测四I. DBDDA BCBCC AACADII. ABCDA BDDCAIII. CBACAIV. world, open, south, drink, WelcomeV. usual, month, into, returned, which, deep, more, sixth, if, takeVI. 1. A group of children (at the Devon primary school).2. Between 8 and 10.3. bees could be trained to find their way.4. 他们是第一批做这种研究的,而且他们是首批发表科学论文的儿童。5. A study of bumblebees/ A research of bumblebeesVII. have a good/ nice trip, at night, the way to, Excuse me Bob wants to be a policeman.知能综合检测五I. DABCD CDBAC ACDCCII. BADAC ACDBA BBCDAIII. air, rain, particles, environment, scientistsIV. Winter weather, singer, popular, relaxedV. best, rainy, feel, enjoy, make, listening, have, relax, can, rainsVI. 1. Yes, we do. 2. Until the old one doesnt work anymore.3. 你可以用完东西,而不是浪费掉。4. Think about all those things that you would like to have.5. How to be a frugal consumer/ How to keep the environmentVII. Hows the weather, waiting for, has long curly, wears, are/ feel surprised, Some others知能综合检测六I. BACAC ABBBB AABCD II. BCADA DABBDIII. BCDCIV. differences, worry, Internet, although healthyV. finished, until, asleep, earlier, classmates, brought, future, yours, left, downstairsVI. 1. Because they walk on tiptoes. / Walking on tiptoes is good for their eyes.2. Cloth shoes. / We should try wearing cloth shoes.3. 据报道中国三亿人有眼睛的问题。4. 除了脚部锻炼,拉耳朵对眼睛也是有益的。5. How to save eyes. / The ways to save eyes.VII. 1 Whats wrong with 2. How far 3. walk to school 4. the same as 5. Its important to知能综合检测七I. ADDAB BDCABB CAABCII. ADBCA DBCDAIII. DCBABIV. culture, practice, geography, outside, deliciousV. showed, dont tell, will do, should work, telling, are working, have achieved, to save, is/ will be used, wantVI.1. People from 12 years old to the 80s.2. She is an old woman of 62, and she is a volunteer of the non-profit organization.3. He can call 1-800-555-5756 or visit the website: activol. Com.4. Now I help older people learn how to use computers.5. 如果人人献出一份力,我们就会拥有一个更好的生存世界。七1. What did do 2. practiced, studied for 3. Dont eat 4. go out on5. practices swimming , good at swimming


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