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沈阳大学科技工程学院教 案2011 2012 学年 第 2学期课程名称:商务英语写作 教师所在院、系:工商管理学生所在专业、班级: 10人资 教师姓名:刘淑伟 教师职称: 讲师 “商务英语写作”课程综述本课程的主要内容:本课程以商务英语写作技巧和能力训练为主要内容,把商务工作中可能遇到的各种写作任务融为一体,突出商务写作的特点,强调通俗易懂、简明完整、清楚正确的写作风格和原则,并尽量反映英美国家商务写作方面的最新内容。本门课分为5大模块:商务英语写作基础、招聘与就业、企业办公管理、企业宣传和企业对外交流等,涵盖了商务基本写作类型,涉及到常用的备忘录写作、电子邮件、企业宣传、商务演讲和商务报告写作等,并有针对性的讲解简历,求职信及商业演讲等内容,将写作知识、写作技能与实际的业务活动有机结合,为学生提供了大量的写作范本,写作技巧和实战训练机会。为了激发学生自主学习的积极性和加强学生实际应用能力的训练,本课程的每个单元设有4个板块:Having a Clear Picture(摸清门道)、Showing Your Talent Slightly (初露锋芒)、Opening the Treasure Box (打开百宝箱)、Displaying Your Prowess Fully (大显身手)。课程以课堂讲授法和课堂训练法为主,辅以案例分析法,讲练结合,各个教学环节注重介绍写作的各种语境处理技巧,并结合课堂实践重点进行分析,加强学生的语言解析力。能有效地提高学生商务英语写作能力。本课程与其他课程的关系:商务英语写作课程的先修课程为英语专业基础课程和国际贸易实务、人力资源管理等相关专业课程,后续课程为经贸英语翻译等课程。本课程总学时(学分)数:总学时48学时,学分3分。本课程的考核方式:无期末考试总成绩构成(1)上交项目作业(每堂课根据情况选择抽交),包括电子版和纸质版,5次,每个占总分比例10%,合计占50%。只有纸质版或只有电子版只能得到一半成绩。(2)简历展示(电子版和汇报表现部分各占10%),合计占总分的20%。(3)商业演讲(电子版和台前演讲表现部分各占10%),合计占总分的20%。(4)课堂纪律、回答问题等,占总分的10%。本课程的教材:无,商务英语内容的变化比较快,很多教材重点讲述地是经贸英语,而针对本专业学生将来从事工作的特点,针对外企日常工作所需商务英语的教材很少。所以本课程没有选择教材。由老师根据多年外企工作经验用到的商务英语知识和相关资料收集,形成本课程的教学内容。本课程的主要参考书:(1)房玉清、马国志、鞠媛媛、黄薇等,商务英语写作 (2)张春柏主编,商务英语写作第一册,高等教育出版社(3)丁往道等主编,英语写作手册,外语教学与研究出版社(4)胡文仲,吴祯福编,实用英语写作,外语教学与研究出版社授课章节名称课程介绍和商务英语写作的技巧第1次课(2学时)教学目的与要求让学生了解课程性质、教学目标、课程授课计划、考核方式等内容教学重点商务英语写作的原则和方法教学难点商务英语写作的技巧思考题与作业教学内容、设计与时间安排: 第一节 课程介绍 1、介绍本门课程的课程性质、教学目标、课程授课计划、考核方式等内容。 约20分钟Introduction and Requirements to the Course and sts PreparationIntroduction of the course A. Your roles? B. Mastering the principles of writing and using these principles into practice. C. Mastering necessary knowledge for international business and being able to use it into practice. D. Mastering words, phrases, and drills most frequently used in foreign business. 2、写作技巧和原则: 约25分钟Business Writing Principles: (1)重语言档次打造。(2)受众对象选择A/ Please read the following examples and tell me which is better and give your reason. 1) Dear Mr. Piper: Recently I had the pleasure of visiting the Ideal Home Exhibition where I saw a sample of your plastic title flooring. This type of floor would, I think, be suitable on the the ground floor of the houses here. In reply we are venturing to write you for additional information concerning said commodity. We would be pleased to know the colours and designs which you are in a position to supply from stock, the discount you allow, and the special preparations needed for the underflooring. If the information you supply is favorable to our needs, we should consider placing an order with you. Hoping to hear from you by return mail. Sincerely, 2) Dear Mr. Piper: We are interesting in your plastic title flooring displayed at the Ideal Home Exhibition. Pleasetell us whether you can supply them from stock. Also, please give us the following information: (1)What special preparation would be necessary for the underflooring? (2)Are the titles likely to be affected by rising dampness? (3)In what colors and designs can the titles be supplied? A catalogue would be appreciated. (4)Are discounts given for orders amounting to US $100,000 or more? We would appreciate your prompt reply. Sincerely, 3) Dear Sirs, We beg to acknowledge receipt of your esteemed inquiry of the 3rd inst., for which we thank you. We enclose herewith our illustrated price list. As you will note on pursuing it our plastic kitchenware is superior to any other on the market and our prices and terms are competitive. If you wish to ensure delivery by spring it will be necessary to place your order as soon as possible as the demand is heavy. Hoping to be favored with your early instructions. Yours faithfully, 4) Dear Sirs, Thank you for your inquiry of May 3. We are sending you the requested price list. We also enclose details of our terms and conditions of sale. As you evidently realize, plastic kitchenware is here to stay-it has already replaced the heavy metal, glass, and china-ware in the modern kitchen. Dealers who have made special window-displays of our brightly colored ware have reported good sales even during this season whenhard ware sales are usually at their lowest. After studying our prices and our liberal terms, you will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand. We would suggest you, therefore, let us receive your order by the end of the month, especially if you are interesting in having a stock of these attractive lines by early spring. We look forward to the opportunity of serving you. Yours faithfully, 第二节 写作技巧和原则B/ Characteristics of Writing: 约20分钟There is more control in the writing process. Writing encourages deliberation and precision in phrasing, fixes responsibility for authorship, permits editing and review, helps to prevent distortion and consequent misunderstandings, and it produces a legally valid record. It is mechanically efficient. Messages can be set down by hand or dictated, and can be conveniently transcribed, translated, transmitted, filed and retrieved. Copies in any number are also easy to make and distributed at relatively low cost. This is especially true in email. It is convenient. The writer can do his writing or dictating at a convenient time. Conversely, the receiver of the correspondence can put it aside until ready to give it full attention. The reader can also reread the message and make portions for future reference. C/ The absence of immediate response is the primary reason for studying written communication.It is of vital importance for us to write effectively in the course of foreign trade because: 约25分钟Effective written communication is the life line of modern business and it is more so for international trade. A great deal of import and export business is conducted through written communication. Any piece of writing you do represents you. Since you are not there in person, the reader forms an initial impression of you or your corporation through the style of your writing and through your language. In order to present a correct image of you or your corporation, you must be a good, effective communicator. Writing leaves a permanent record. Great care must be taken, as anything in writing can be used to seal a contract or can, in case of a dispute, be used as a reason for breaking a contract. Effective written communication saves money, time and energy. “Dont just write. Communicate!” Communication is not a product (such as a letter), but a process, and process implies change.In communication it is not what we present that is important, but what our reader(s) perceive(s) -what they understand, believe, and accept.Our objective in communication is not only to write a letter or send a report.Our objective is to help our readers understand or see for themselves what we hope their response should be. Our message is not an end, but only a means to an end.

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