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2010-2011学年第二学期期中考试09级英语试题(试题卷)班级 姓名 学号 分数一、 选择题1. We had to queue _for an hour for the ticket.A. in B. at C. on D. up2. Everything_ to your blog. A. can post B. can been posted C. can be posted D. can be posting3. Studying online allows you _ anywhere, anytime. A. study B. studying C. to study D. studied4. Nowadays, the population of this town_ by 5 percent. A. have increased B. has increased C. had increased D. has been increased5. Women are now more attracted to the convenience of online shopping than they_. A. are used to be B. used to being C. are used to being D. used to be 6. _text, blogs often contain sound, pictures and video. A. Also B. As well C. As well as D. Except for 7. _ the help of my net friends, my English improved a lot. A. With B. On C. At D. In 8. Through blogging, _can you meet many friends of your ages, _the young and the old. A. neither nor. B.neithernor. C. both.and. D. not onlybut also.9. I dont like Japanese food. Neither _ my mother. A. like B. doesnt C. dont D. does10. Visit the blogging websites and set_ a web log according_ the instructions.A. up, to B. at, on C. to, up D. in with 11. The road was not designed_ heavy trucks. A. to B. for C. in D. of12. Police searched the house_ the missing boy. A. in order to B.of C. for D. with 13. I want to have him_ the kitchen. A. paints B. to paint C. painting D. paint14._from the plan, the villas(别墅)look like some toy boxes. A. Seeing B. Seen C. To be seen D. To see15. She shut the door quietly, _wake the baby. A. in order to B. so as not to C. so as to D. so that16.Most of the young teachers_ in this university are Ph. D. A. are working B. working C. worked D. work17. The first textbook_ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. to be written B. having written C. being written D. written18. The missing boys were last seen_ near the river. A. play B. plays C. to be playing D. playing19. -I dont think I can walk any further. -_.Lets stop here for a rest. A. Neither can B. Neither am I C. I think so D. I dont think so20. Her mother is a warm-hearted old lady._. A. Is my mother so B. So is my mother C. So my mother is D. My mother so is 21. Dont you know that I always_ whatever I try?A. success in B. success C. successful D. succeed in 22. We can communicate_ people in most parts of the world by telephone. A. with B. of C. from D. to23. He is no longer the man_ he used to be. A. what B. where C. which D. who24. The town_ my father grew up in is not far from here. A. what B. wherever C. where D. which25. Such a business may_ the trust and respect of its customers. A. appear B. take C. win D. send26. People all over the world_ firm against the war. A. take B. center C. stand D. sit27. The boy_ father is an engineer studies very hard. A. whose B. his C. the D. who28. I shall never forget the day _ we moved into our new house. A. when B. where C. in which D. what29. Is it necessary_ you to be so strict with his children? A. of B. for C. with D. about30. _is silver, silence is gold. A. Speak B. Spoken C. Speech D. Speaking31.I didnt know the reason_ she was absent. A. which B. what C. that D. why32. This is the place _ Jack parks his car. A. which B. that C. where D. when33.The man with_ she was traveling is her boyfriend. A. who B. whom C. whose D. that34. -what about some fruit? _ an apple, please. -Its very juicy. A. Help you to B. Help with C. Help to D. Help yourself to35. -_.Cheers! - And to yours. Cheers! A. Heres to your healthy B. Heres to your health C. Here to your healthy D. Here to your health36. -Wheres Mike? -I saw him_ basketball on the playground. A. played B. to play C. playing D. is playing37. The church is_ the school. A. closed to B. closing to C. close to D. closely to 38. This question was hardly touched _ in the report. A. in B. to C. at D. on39. The dishes look so_, and Im sure they taste_, too. A. well, good B. good, good C. good, well D. well, well40. Is this the museum _you visited the other day? A. that B. the one C. where D. in which二、 阅读情景会话,并选出正确答案 (12分)Alex: Say,_(41)_Rod :Hmmmits hard to say . I like basketball a lot _(42)_ .Alex : Why do you like it ?Rod: _(43)_ Alex : _(44)_ Rod : Once a week .Alex: _(45)_Rod: Ioften play tennis with my friends. How about a game sometime ?Alex: Sorry ,_(46)_ A. I like it because its exciting B.Who do you often play tennis with ?C. I usually watch it on TV. D.Whats your favorite sport ?E. but I guess I like tennis better. F.How often do you play tennis .三、阅读理解(8分)Jimmy was five years old and his brother,Billy,was only a baby. One morning his mother waited for an important telephone call for hours,but nobody called. There was no bread in the house and she had to go out to buy some. Jimmy stayed at home to look after the baby. When the mother was out,the telephone rang and Jimmy answered.Mr. Baker:Hello!May I speak to Mrs. White?Jimmy:Sorry,Mother is out.Mr. Baker:Well,when she comes back,say to her,“Mr. Baker called.”Jimmy:What?Mr. Baker:Mr. Baker. Write it down. B-A-K-E-R.Jimmy:How do you write B?Mr. Baker:How do I write?Listen,little boy,is there anybody else with you?Any brothers or sisters?Jimmy:Yes,my brother Billy is here.Mr. Baker:Good. I want to talk to him,please.Jimmy:All right. Jimmy took the telephone to the babys bed and put it beside its head. Not long after that his mother came back.Mother:Did anybody call?Jimmy:Yes,a man called. But he only wanted to talk to Billy.( )47. Jimmys mother waited for _.A. an important man B. a good friendC. a telephone call D. a piece of good news( )48. Jimmys mother went out because _.A. she waited for hours B. nobody calledC. she had to buy some bread D. she had to buy some milk( )49. Jimmy couldnt write down Mr. Bakers name because _.A. he had no pen or paper B. he couldnt read or writeC. he had to look after the baby D. he had to play with his brother( )50. Mr. Baker wanted to talk to _.A. a child older than Jimmy B. a child younger than JimmyC. Jimmys brother Billy D. Jimmys sister Betty2010-2011学年第二学期期中考试09级英语试题(答题卷)班级 姓名 学号 分数1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950一、翻译下列单词 (10分)1允许 2、坚定地,稳固的 3、姿势,手势 4、距离 5、增加,增长 6、赢得,战胜 7、客人 8、主要的 9、同意10、私有的,内向的 二、 翻译下列短语(20分)1. 舒服的 2、排队 3、大街 4.特价优惠 5. 帐户余额 6. 简称为 7、羡慕 8、拍手 9、点头 10. 与交流 三、用所给词的适当形式填空 (10分)1. Now woman ( expect ) to do more shopping on the Internet than men.2. In the past not many people (shop )online.3. There are lots of special (offer ) in the shops.4. I like your plan, now tell me all the ( detail).5.I warmly _him on the marvellous discovery.(congratulation)6._speaking,women live longer than men.(general)选择适当的关系词,完成句子。7. The island _ (which/on which) he visited last year is far from the town.8. Ill fly to Washington _ (where/ which) is the capital of the US. 9. Ill never forget the days _ (when/不填)we made friends with the boys.10. Who is the person _ (whom/that) asked for me just now?


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