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Xxx学 院毕 业 论 文题 目:交际法在中学英语课堂的应用学生姓名:xxx学 号:xxxx院 系:外语学院专 业:英语教育班 级:07级本科(1)班 指导教师:xxx 讲师 起止时间:2010年12月2011年05月(教务处制表)The Application of Communicative Approach to English Class of Middle SchoolbyxxxA Thesis Sumbmitted to the School of Foreign Languages in Partial Fullfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelar of ArtsShaoguan UniversityApril 26, 2011诚 信 声 明我,刘云霞,郑重宣布:除了参考文献所标明引用的资料和内容之外,本论文中不包含有任何已经被其他高等教育机构所接受的学位或学历论文资料,也不包含有其他任何人已经正式出版的资料内容。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 签字:日期: 年 月 日Declaration of Academic IntegrityI, Liu Yunxia, the undersigned, hereby declare that this dissertation does not contain any material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any institutions of higher learning and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this dissertation does not contain any material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of the dissertation. I am fully aware of the legal consequences of this statement.Signed: Date: 交际法在中学英语课堂的应用摘 要摘 要:在中国,中学课堂教学仍旧采用传统教育模式应试教育,这就导致了学生出现高分低能的现象。中学阶段在整个学习英语过程中占着重要的位置, 是一个学生学习英语的关键时段。中学生学英语具有很多优势比如说在年龄、思维、心理上。(Mei, 2004)。所以老师们很有必要更好的学习这一时期的英语教学法。本文介绍了交际教学法的相关理论知识,谈到了在中学英语教学中运用交际教学法的优势,并提出了运用交际教学法的许多建议。关键词:优势; 交流;能力The Application of Communicative Approach to English Class of Middle SchoolAbstractAbstract: Nowdays,Chinese traditional English teaching approach in middle schools is leaded by examinations,which is caused Chinese students high mark,but low ability. And students study in middle schools is the real time. Middle school students have many advantages in learning English, such as age, ideation and psychology (Mei, 2004). So it is useful and necessary for Chinese teacher to learn effective teaching approach for English teaching. This paper analyzes the theory of Communicative Approach, the necessity of learning Communicative Approach, and draws some suggestion on the application of Communicative Approach properly.Key words: advantages; communicative; ability目 录摘 要iiAbstractiii1 Introduction12 Communicative Approach12.1 The definition22.2 Four Skills22.3 Two Versions22.4 Two principles32.5 The Necessity of Learning Communicative Approach43 Advantages of English Teaching in Middle Schools53.1 At Age53.2 In Ideation53.3 In Psychology64 Ways to Apply Communicative Approach to Practice64.1 Getting Rid of the Misunderstanding74.2 Designing Activities in the Class84.3 Stimulating Students Interests94.4 Reforming English Test104.5 Building a harmonious teacher-student relationship114.6 Training Students Ability114.7 Focusing on Communicating and Teaching Approach125 Conclusions15References16Acknowledgements17The Application of Communicative Approach in English Class of Middle School in ChinaAuthor:Liu Yunxia Major:English EducationGrade:07 Advisor:Zhu Minjie Lecturer1 IntroductionWith the globalization in 21st century, the application of English becomes a universal language. It is necessary for us to use English now and then. English is a required course in middle schools. So it is necessary for a English teacher to take effective teaching approach in English teaching. But the traditional English teaching approach in China is guided by the examination,emphasizes on students vocabulary and grammar learning and hence ignores training students communicative ability. But it is important and useful for students to communicate in English. The conflict between teaching approach and teaching results requires middle school teachers to find an effective teaching approach to train students communicative ability, and solve the problem between teaching and application.Communicative approach emphasizes on communication,so it can improve students communicative ability obviously.Communicative approach has appeared since 1950,and it has been widely accepted and achieved a lot,such as improving the listening ability, communicating ability and reading ability. This article analyzes the advantages of communicative approach and the application in English teaching of middle schools. Communicative Approach requires that teacher should take real language and real scene to teach, and advocates that students should use language every now and then. Based on this, we can know that the application of communicative approach can improve students communicative ability, can meet the demand of nowadays society, and can create excellent communicative ability.2 Communicative Approach2.1 The definitionCommunicative approach recommends the theory of teaching in accordance with the principle that the students and teachers should frankly communicate with others using the target language. It is a good way to teach foreign or second language which focuses that the goal of language learning is communicative ability. Teaching materials in Communicative approach often teach the language by expressing and understanding different kinds of functions. The approach goes after a National syllabus and focuses the processes of communication to collect information, and apply language for social interaction with others. So as to answer what is communicative approach, we may identify it at the following three aspects. 2.2 Four Skills Four broad fields of skill can sum up a persons communicative competence. (Littlewood ,1981)(1)The learner must achieve a high degree as a linguistic competence. (2)The learner must make a distinction between the forms that he has known well a section of his linguistic competence and the communicative functions that they act. (3)The learner must improve skills and strategies for using language to communicate representing effectively in specific situations. (4)The learner must get on to the social meaning of language styles. If we could reach those four skills, we could make better use of communicative competence.2.3 Two VersionsThere are two versions of communicative approach, one is the weak version of communicative approach, and the other is the strong version. (1)The weak version: It stresses the importance of providing learners with opportunities in using English for communicative goals and typically attempting to integrate such activities into a broad program of language teaching. One learns to use English in the weak version. In terms of what has been described, we get the fact that one learns English for using. In other words, only one can learn English well firstly, can he have the ability to communicate with other people. Anyway, this description divides the English learning from approach. Most Chinese junior English teachers acclimatize themselves to weak version of communicative approach. A great number of teachers in teaching procedure still use the traditional teaching method in class, and they only focus on language structure language. The specialist believes that one should use English to learn it, which should be received in middle school English teaching. (Stern,1999)(2) The strong version: It comes up with the claims that language is acquired through communication. Students dont need to pay too much attention to English learning; and they could learn the grammatical principals in communicating. Students use English to learn it within this version. 2.4 Two principles Among a great deal principles of communicative approach, there are two kinds of principles, which are more significant in Chinas English teaching.(1)Create more realistic situation The current teaching methods dont focus on the real world situations and fail to train students spontaneity. More actual situation is required in using communicative approach. The students can have the opportunity to use and to practice the sort of language, particularly the vocabulary related to that situation by putting them in actual situation. Therefore, learners are rehearsed for real life. Moreover, whatever the situation it is, they can express what they want to say. By creating the actual situation the teacher affords the best conditions for learning. Autonomous kind of communicative interaction required for acting a duty with the context of situation relevant to the real world. Artificial conventions and handmade question-and-answer sequences are short of the flexible. This kind of classroom teaching isnt based on their realistic needs and urges learners to talk about things that are not of their own choice. On the contrary, they are supplied a strict set of guided structures in isolation. When they are confronted with the read to produce the language in connection with a specific situation,the learners regular fail for taught in this way.(2)The class should be students-centered Communicative approach requires the focus of classroom be shifted from the teacher to students,which is students-centered. Communicative approach requires the classroom instructor to act as an assistant role, trying to keep stress on the students not on him and encouraging students to communicate among themselves. In general,the rule is makes learners to be themselves. The teacher is asked for “lead from behind”. For example, if possible, teachers should act more as adviser and participate in the interactions. The students-centered principle fixes the role and relationship between the teacher and students. In other words, the students are the lead role in communication, and the teacher helps the students with communicating. The teacher can act as several roles in the class: he manages the class activities, devises the situation of communication, and also he act as an adviserguiding and solving the matters in communication. Meanwhile,the teacher should be a cooperator of communication-he participates in the students communication. Certainly, the students should put themselves into communication energetically. By communication they can learn the target language,and improve their listening and speaking ability. 2.5 The Necessity of Learning Communicative ApproachMei said, language was a tool of communication, was also the carrier of culture, and the goal of English teaching was to train the students and made them have abilities to use language in real context (Mei, 2004). That is the collective consciousness in the kingdom of English teaching all over the world. The new version English teaching Materials request English teachers to use communicative approach in class, and give their attention to the communicative function of English teaching. Communicative approach stresses that English teaching should use a lot of communicative activities, make students practice listening and speaking firstly, then drill reading and writing. A great number of English teachers go along with this teaching approach.Communicative approach is beneficial for students to communicate with each other in real conditions ,and focuses on communicative ability. Therefore,we should change the Chinese traditional English teaching approach and use communicative approach in middle schools. Many places in China have English course from primary schools, and the students take six years English study in middle schools. In the condition of economic globalization, someone even says that English teaching should be started from childhood. The duty of English teaching in primary schools is chiefly about cultivating the interesting of study. It focuses on use daily language, and doesnt care for the foreign language structure and language system. The study period in middle schools is students fundamental and developing period of English learning, and their study period in high schools is the boost period of English learning. They have two goals of English teaching in middle schools. Firstly, English teaching in this period acquires the students have knowledge and some ability in using English. Secondly, it makes the students be ready for the further English study in high schools and colleges. 3 Advantages of English Teaching in Middle SchoolsThere are a lot of advantages of English teaching in middle schools. If we want to study the communicative approach well, we had better know the middle school students very well.3.1 At AgeDifferent students in different age stages have different advantages for in English teaching. Middle school students are most from 11-17 years old, and have obvious advantages in English learning. Firstly, their cognitive abilities have been arrived at a higher level. Then, their abilities of imitation and their abilities of remembrance are strong. Thirdly, they can use more language communicative strategies than children can use. Middle school student will benefit from these advantages in learning English.3.2 In IdeationThe adolescents feeling and consciousness are sensitive, theirlearning becomes stronger and stronger, their logical and abstract ideation abilities take up the master position, and their ideation of common logical ideation has been changed to dialectic ideation, they can use more theoretical ideation to handle things, and their consciousness becomes more independent, critical, and created. The adolescents start to use critical attitude to consider their surroundings. Middle school students have formed their own views and fond of suspecting and discussing. Their consciousness becomes more and more perfect and has been changed from the single operation and simple operation to the abstract operation. That is to say, they can be independent to think and learn. They begin to know how to dispose complex information and real study materials. Language reflects the consciousness concretely, and the way to learn English reflects the western conscious model. The western conscious model do good to analysis, it concern more on analyzing the details, and it also puts emphases on the relationship between independent function of each component and its interaction. In English teaching, teachers should use various effective ways to guide students to study.3.3 In PsychologyMiddle school students have changed a lot both in psychology and physiology. Their psychology is changed from half-mature to mature, and has formed their own special characters, which benefit to English learning. For example: they become more active in daily life, they become like to show themselves, and they have the courage to answer teachers questions actively. They have strong curiosity and consciousness, and many cognitive interests; they also appear much passion to every new things. They like taking challenges in study, and have strong ambitions to win. They would like to show their talent to attract teachers and classmates attention and recognition. There are rich in emotion, and full of passion. Middle school students can also do good to communication. They have their own opinions and ways to communicate. They can recognize, evaluate, and control themselves well, which are good conditions for the acquirement of English teaching.4 Ways to Apply Communicative Approach to PracticeThe National Syllabus shows that the English teaching in middle schools should emphasize “communicative principle, culture principle, and functional principle” ,and requires cultivating English talents who can use English to communicate freely at every turn. The National Syllabus also shows that training communicative ability is a significant target of English teaching. With the globalization in 21st century, the application of English seems more and more important. It is useful and necessary for us to use English now and then. We provide some ways to solve the existing problems in order to apply the communicative approach more effectively. 4.1 Getting Rid of the MisunderstandingSince the communicative approach appeared for the first time,it had revealed its advantages. We met many problems when it first began to use in China. But we all known, before a new idea is accepted by people ,it must be put into practice for many times. As communicative approach is a new teaching approach, it is reasonable for it to take some tests. So it needs a very long time to make use of its advantage and enlarge its adaptation. We should believe that it will take effects despite we will meet a lot of problems when using it. The following four aspects will be better account for this:Firstly, it is unavoidable to introduce the approach on the whole. People who introduce communicative approach did not interpret clearly leads to the misunderstanding of it. So many problems occurred when it is put into practice. People wont use this abstract approach as a concrete teaching method on condition that they comprehensive such teaching approach completely.Then, we should have to introduce much more instructive approach, for communicative approach is only a teaching approach or a teaching opinion or a theory, and it does not suit to the real teaching situation at times. So an English teacher must form his own teaching approach to suit our reality to improve the students communicative ability, which must be seemed as a main point.Thirdly, we should change the roles of the teachers and the students. Student must change himself from a passive learner to an active participant. Teacher must change himself from a knowledge initiator to a constitutor of the class. It is the instancy for the teachers. We should improve the ability of using language, organizing the existing learning material and teaching accurately. The teaching model should be a students-centered model, but not a teachers-centered model.Last but not the least; we should improve the testing system. Though examination is suitable for testing language course, it is only an artifice to test the students communicative ability. So it is necessary for us to set a testing system for communicative ability to instead of the traditional testing system. According to the current situation in China, it is very difficult for us to change the testing system in a short time. But as time passes, the testing system which suit to improve communicative ability will be accepted at last. This testing system should attach importance to solve practical problem in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and solve many problems which are connected with the reality.4.2 Designing Activities in the ClassThere are mainly two kinds of activities applicable in communicative lessons. The first one is functional communicative activities ,and the second one is social interaction activities. (1)Functional communicative activitiesA. Sharing information with restricted cooperation: pair-work, group-work, discovering photographs, discovering identical pairs, discovering order s or locations, discovering missing words, discovering missing features, discovering mysteries. The activities focus on meanings to be communicated,and its not on linguistic forms to be learnt.B. Sharing information with unrestricted cooperation: communicating modes and pictures, communicating models, discovering differences, nest directionsC. Sharing and processing information: jigsaw, rearranging story sequences, collecting information to solve a problem,such as completing a chart, a map, or a picture to decide on a channel of travel or to judge a criminalD. Processing information: deciding on vehicle for travel,food for a picnic, trees in a forest, remark on different characters in a story, response to disagreeable treat.(2)Social interaction activitiesFour measures:A. Making use of the foreign language for classroom workB. Making use of the foreign language as a teaching instrumentalityC. Conversation and discussion periodsD. Basing conversations and role-plays on school experienceA communicative less


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