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1、什么是学习策略?请分别罗列2-3个英语学习方法和策略,并简要说明学习策略和学习方法的区别。答:(一)什么是学习策略?1. Rubin (1987): 学习策略是学习者自己构造并直接作用于学习过程、旨在促进学习者语言系统发展的策略。 2. Oxford (1989): 语言学习策略是学习者为了使语言学习更成功、更有目的、更愉快而采取的行为或行动。 3. Cohen (1998): 语言学习和语言使用策略可以被定义为那些学习者有意识地选择了的过程。该过程可能导致学习者通过存储,保留,回忆,以及运用有关语言的信息,采取措施,提高学习或使用第二语言或外语的行动。 4. Chamot (1987): 学习策略是学习者为了优化学习过程、加强语言知识和信息知识的记忆而采用的技巧、路子或其它有意识的行为。 5. 文秋芳(2002): 英语学习策略是学习观念、管理方法和学习方法的总称。 6. 吴本虎(2002): 英语学习策略是作用于英语学习的思路和行为,既包括可观察的外部言语行为,又包括不可观察的内部心理过程。它或是直接参与英语活动,或是间接支持英语学习。它的使用可以是有意识的,也可以是下意识的。 综合各种观点可以看出,策略的使用是为了改善学习行为、提高学习效率,从而更好地完成学习任务,获取知识、发展技能、培养能力。学生为了促进自身的发展所采用的具体 行为、措施、方法和技巧都属于学习策略的范畴。学习策略的使用同样包含学习者的 观念意识,学习者对语言的认识 ,对语言学习的认识以及对学习任务本身的意识 。 普通高中英语课程标准指出:“学习策略指学生为了有效地学习语言和使用语言而采取的各种行动和步骤 。”(二)英语学习方法和策略如下: 1 、根据策略与认知过程的关系分类 认知策略、 调控策略 、( 元认知策略)、情感策略、交际策略 、资源策略 2 、根据策略与语言学习领域分类 语法学习策略、词汇学习策略阅读策略、写作策略、 听的策略、说的策略 3 、根据使用者来分类 成功学习者的学习策略、不太成功学习者的学习策略、初级学习者的学习策略、高级学习者的学习策略 4 、根据对学习的影响程度分类 直接影响学习的学习策略、间接影响学习的学习策略、5 、根据策略的效果分类 积极策略、消极策略 (三) 学习策略与学习方法的区别 有的人把学习策略与学习方法等同起来,其实,从上面有关学习策略的观念的判断可以看出,学习方法是学习策略的组成部分。 1. 策略与方法的区别类似于足球战术与技术的区别。程晓堂等( 2002 )提出,学习方法和学习策略的区别类似于足球中“技术”和“战术”的区别。在比赛中,传球、停球、带球、射门等属于技术问题;而什么时候传球,什么时候射门则是战术问题。技术固然重要,但战术决不是可有可无。2. 学习方法是学习者在学习过程中处理具体问题的技术或技巧。 学习策略是对何时使用何种技术和技巧的决策过程以及对技术、技巧本身的认识。 3. 学习策略是对学习方法的选择和使用。 4. 学习策略也可以是对学习方法的认识和理解。 5. 策略的概念比方法的概念更全面,涵盖的内容更丰富。2、结合自己使用的高中英语教材,设计一个策略的教学目标、教学过程和1-2个策略训练活动,并实施。 具体要求:1、参考相关课程理论进行阐述; 2、关于策略教学目标、教学过程、训练过程等阐述简明扼要; 3、坚决杜绝任何形式的抄袭。【案例信息】 名称: 北师大出版社全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修) 模块四Unit 11 Lesson 4 Whats in the Papers?讲课教师: 李方(河南 三门峡 陕州中学)【教学设计】 案例题目 Whats in the Papers? 教材依据 北师大出版社全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修)模块四 Unit 11 Lesson 4 Whats in the Papers? 授课年级 高中一年级 教学内容 话题:Whats in the Papers?任务活动: 教学设计及步骤 Unit 11 Lesson 4 Whats in the Papers?Teaching aims To practise dealing with cultural references in texts. To practise identifying the type of newspaper an article is from. To practise using compound adjectives. To create an article for a local newspaper. Pre-ReadingWhat is often reported in the newspapers? Give some examples.e.g. social affairs, political issues, business, sports events, entertainment, etc.Some examples.ReadingRead the newspaper articles and match them with the headlines.1) Bad language on TV not OK for kids.2) Mum finds her four girls.3) Astronomers amazing escape.Answers: 1) text A 2) text C 3) text B Read the three groups of Key Words below and match them with the three articles.KEY WORDSEscape, crash, bravery, incident, attitude, consideration, innocent, cry with happiness, contactAnswers Text B: escape, crash, bravery Text A: consideration, attitude, innocentText C: contact, cry with happiness Post-ReadingRead the articles again and answer these questions.1) How old were Lillians children when she last saw them? They were 7, 6, 5 and 3. 2) Why did some people find bad language “OK” in films? Because the dialogue and situation made it funny.3) Why was the truck driver lucky to escape?Because the driver jumped out of the truck before the trolleybus crashed into it and he would have been killed if hed staged in his truck.Find examples of names of these things in the texts.Example West Gorton = a district of a citya) TV channels: BBC ITV Channel 4 b) a TV series: Brookside c) towns and villages: Kingston d) cities: Leeds Manchester e) districts of cities: West Gorton f) a main road: Park Avenue Use the Reading Strategies above to answer these questions about the texts.1) How far is 20 yards? (text B) a) 18 metres b) 7 metres c) 12 metres2) What does BBC stand for? (text A)a) British Boxing Clubb) British Broadcasting Corporationc) Black Bulls Company3) How far is 3,000 miles? (test c)a) 3,000 km b) 4,800 km c) 6,000 kmAnswers: a b bLanguage points1) according to依照According to the study, which of the following state is true?根据这项研究,下面的陈述哪一个是正确的2)as long as 只要As long as you work hard your dream will come true.只要你努力你的梦想就会实现As long as you accept our conditions, well start working immediately.只要你答应我们的条件,我们立即开始工作。3)comment on发表意见,提出看法I often wish I could comment on your articles but there is never time.我总想评论一下你的文章,但总没有时间。I wont comment on this matter.我对此事不予置评。5)help out帮忙做事,帮助克服困难Tom usually helps out on the farm after school, so you can find him there.汤姆放学后总是在农场里帮忙,你可以在那儿找到他。5)60-year-old driver 60-year-old,复合形容词An 220-meter-long bridgea three -hour meetingGrammar-as long as it is not used in programmes watched by children.watched, 过去分词作后置定语.过去分词只有一种形式:规则动词由动词原形加词尾-ed构成;不规则动词的过去分词没有统一的规则要求,要一一记住。 过去分词作定语: Our class went on an organized trip last Monday. 上周一我们班开展了一次有组织的旅行。 Those elected as committee members will attend the meeting. 当选为委员的人将出席这次会。 注意当过去分词是单词时,一般用于名词前,如果是过去分词短语,就放在名词的后面,做后置定语,相当于一个被动语态的定语从句。Find phrases with compound adjectives in the texts which mean the following:1) a famous film (text A)2) a driver of 60 years old (test B)3) a very long holiday (text c)4) a journey of 3,000 miles (text c)Notice how words after numbers are singular.Example a 31-year holiday Answers 1) the well-known film 2) 60-year-old driver 3) a 31-year holiday 4) 3,000- mile journey 1 I gave the man a ten-pound note when I bought The Times and got 9.65 back.2 A won one of the big womens tennis championships in the USA last year.3 Mrs. Pierce gave us a just before the exam. It helped us to revise everything.4 At the age of forty, fireman Dennis Thomas climbed a .5 The shouted for more after Shania Twain finished singing.6 A called Barbara Windsor is appearing in the soap EastEnders on TV.Answers:2 fifteen-year-old girl 3 two-hour lesson 4 three-thousand-metre mountain 5 400-strong audience 6 well-known actressComplete the text with the words below.ambulance, district, ex-husband, fog, ankle, scene, tyre, sightseeing, muddyYesterday, Mary heard that her(1) had broken his(2) . He had been doing(3) in the country and got lost in the(4) ! He kept on walking, and finally landed up in a (5) field. In this field, he fell over a sleeping sheep and hurt himself. He phoned the(6) doctor on his mobile phone, and then waited in the mud for the(7) to come. But when it arrived, its(8) got stuck in the mud! He only got to the hospital four hours later. Mary described this whole(9) to me with a big smile on her face. “ He always hated sheep!” she said. I dont think the sheep liked him very much!Answers:(1)ex-husband (2)ankle (3)sightseeing (4)fog (5)muddy (6)district (7)ambulance (8)tyre (9)sceneWriting and SpeakingImagine you work for a local newspaper. Write notes about real or imaginary news stones. Choose one of these areas:entertainment (e.g. a concert),sports (e.g. a local match),personal (e.g. a local girl won a national chess competition),good news (e.g. a new hospital opened), bad news (e.g. an accident)ExampleWhat? 24-hour concertWho? Local group-the plastic RosesWhen? next TuesdayWhere? the district centreWhy? to raise money for charity Comment: brilliant idea 策略训练 1. 本案例采取了循序渐进的训练方式,从文中到关键信息。 2. 本案例采取的是回答问题和填充题的练习方式。 3. 本案例侧重于平时阅读训练中的记笔记。 4. 本案例中阅读是学生的个人活动,但通过交流这一集体活动,可以减轻阅读压力。通过讨论,不仅激发学生的兴趣,也可以帮助他们进行预测,运用他们已有的知识。【案例评析】通过课堂教学,教师完成了对学生阅读内容的输入过程,该设计旨在巩固所学知识,促进学生形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习能力,让学生学会思考问题、面对陌生的问题和领域寻找解决问题的答案和方法,把学生的目光引向广阔的知识海洋,最后能够对知识进行高效输出。


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