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小学生必背英语单词及例句CD1:1a一个,一件,一只This is a toy.这是一个玩具。2an一个,一件,一只Its an apple.这是一个苹果。3am是I am Kate.我是凯特。4and和I like bananas and pears.我喜欢吃香蕉和梨。5ant蚂蚁Look at these ants.看这些蚂蚁。6apple苹果Do you like apples?你喜欢吃苹果吗?7arm胳膊Wave your arm.挥挥你的胳膊。8afternoon下午Good afternoon!下午好!9bag包What colour is your bag?你的包是什么颜色的?10ball球I have a ball.我有一个球。11balloon气球A balloon is on the bed.床上有一个气球。12box盒子,箱子Whats in the box?盒子里是什么?13book书Open your book.打开你的书。14banana香蕉May I have a banana?可以给我一根香蕉吗?15bed床This is my bed.这是我的床。16bike自行车I have a new bike.我有一辆新自行车。17boat船My dad has a boat.我爸爸有一只船。18bus公共汽车Is that a bus?那是一辆公共汽车吗?19 bear熊Look, I have a teddy bear.看,我有一只泰迪熊。20 boy男孩Im a boy. 我是个男孩。21birthday生日Happy birthday!生日快乐!22bye再见Bye, Sam.再见,萨姆。23cap帽子This is my cap.这是我的帽子。24car小汽车Mr. White has a car.怀特先生有一辆小汽车。25chair椅子Whats on the chair?椅子上是什么?26ceiling天花板Its the ceiling.这是天花板。 27cat猫The cat is black.那只猫是黑色的。28chick小鸡Its a chick.这是一只小鸡。29colour颜色What colour is it?它是什么颜色的?30can能,会Can you dance?你会跳舞吗?31come来Come here!到这里来!32count数数He cant count.他不会数数。33draw画I can draw.我会画画。34desk课桌The book is on the desk.书在课桌上。35dog狗How many dogs?有多少条狗?36duck鸭子Look at these ducks.看那些鸭子。37doll洋娃娃I have a new doll.我有一个新的洋娃娃。38down向下的,向下地Put your hand down.把你的手放下。39door门Open the door, please.请开门。40ear耳朵Touch your ear.摸摸你的耳朵。41eye眼睛Close your eyes.闭上你的眼睛。42eraser橡皮Where is my eraser?我的橡皮在哪里?43egg蛋,鸡蛋Have an egg.吃一个鸡蛋吧。44eight八I have eight balls.我有八个球。 45face脸Touch your face.摸摸你的脸。46foot脚This is my foot.这是我的脚。47four四A pig has four legs.猪有四条腿。48five五I have five pencils.我有五支铅笔。49fish鱼,鱼肉I like fish.我喜欢吃鱼。50fox狐狸This fox is small.这只狐狸很小。51frog青蛙Is it a frog?那是一只青蛙吗?52floor地板Its the floor.这是地板。53fat胖的Amy is very fat.艾米很胖。54fine健康的,身体很好的Im fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢。55for为了,给This book is for you.这本书是给你的。56front前面Come to the front!到前面来!57gift礼物Here is a gift for you.这是给你的礼物。58glue胶水This is my glue.这是我的胶水。59girl女孩She is a tall girl.她是个高个子女孩。60grandfather爷爷,外公This is my grandfather.这是我爷爷。61grandmother奶奶,外婆Shes my grandmother.她是我奶奶。62good好的,令人满意的We are good friends.我们是好朋友。63hat帽子My hat is yellow.我的帽子是黄色的。64hammer锤子Is it a hammer?那是一把锤子吗?65house房子,住宅This is our house.这是我们的房子。66hand手Clap your hands.拍拍你的手。67head头Nod your head.点点头。68he他He is my Chinese teacher.他是我的语文老师。69hi嗨,你好Hi, Im Amy.你好,我是艾米。70hello喂,你好Hello, Jim.你好,吉姆。71help帮助Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。72here这里,在这里Im here.我在这里。73how怎样How are you?你好吗?74happy幸福的,快乐的 I am happy.我很快乐。75I我I am Anna.我是安娜。76is是Alice is a girl.爱丽丝是个女孩。77it它Is it yellow?它是黄色的吗?78in在里Whats in the room?房间里有什么?79ice cream冰激凌I like ice cream.我喜欢吃冰激凌。80insect昆虫An insect jumps into the cup.一只昆虫跳进茶杯里。81jeep吉普车My grandfather has a jeep.我爷爷有一辆吉普车。82jacket短上衣,夹克衫Put on your jacket.穿上你的夹克衫。83key钥匙How many keys?有多少把钥匙?84kite风筝A kite is on the desk.桌子上有一个风筝。85knee膝盖Touch your knee.摸摸你的膝盖。86leg腿Look at my leg!看看我的腿!87lock锁This is a lock.这是一把锁。88lollipop棒棒糖Can I have a lollipop?可以给我一个棒棒糖吗?89look看Look at the blackboard, please.请看黑板。90me我Come with me, please.请跟我来。91my我的This is my pencil-box.这是我的铅笔盒。92Ms女士This is Ms Smart.这是斯玛特女士。93monkey猴子I like monkeys.我喜欢猴子。94meet见面Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴!95morning早晨,上午Good morning!早上好!96name名字My name is Ben.我的名字叫本。97neck脖子Touch your neck.摸摸你的脖子。98nose鼻子Point to your nose!指指你的鼻子!99no不,没有No, Im not.不,我不是。100nine九Im nine.我九岁了。101now现在Lets go now.咱们现在走吧。102old岁的How old are you?你几岁了?103 on在上面The doll is on the bed.洋娃娃在床上。104one一I have one apple.我有一个苹果。105open打开Open the door, please.请把门打开。106orange橙子,橘子;橙色的How many oranges?有多少个橘子?107our我们的 This is our classroom.这是我们的教室。108laugh笑 Dont laugh!别笑!CD21panda熊猫 There is a panda in the zoo.动物园里有一只熊猫。2pig猪Its a pig.那是一头猪。3peach桃子How many peaches?有多少个桃子?4pear梨Can I have a pear?我能吃个梨吗?5pie馅饼,派May I have a pie, please?请给我一个派,好吗?6pen钢笔Take out your pen.拿出你的钢笔。7pencil铅笔Sharpen your pencil.削尖你的铅笔。8pencil-box铅笔盒Open your pencil-box.打开你的铅笔盒。9please请Give me a book, please.请给我一本书。10pleased高兴的Pleased to see you.很高兴见到你。11point指出Point to the window!指一指窗户!12rubber橡皮This is my rubber.这是我的橡皮。13ruler尺子Give me a ruler, please.请给我一把尺子。14rainbow彩虹Look at the rainbow!看那道彩虹!15red红色,红色的The car is red.这辆小汽车是红色的。16read读Please read after me.请跟我读。17school学校Where is your school?你的学校在哪里?18schoolbag书包Open your schoolbag.打开你的书包。19sharpener卷笔刀Take out your sharpener.拿出你的卷笔刀。20seat座位Please take a seat.请坐。21six六Im six.我六岁了。22seven七I can see seven birds.我能看见七只鸟。23say说Say hello to her.向她问好。24sing唱,唱歌Can you sing?你会唱歌吗?25sit坐Sit down, please.请坐下。26stand站,站立Stand up, please.请起立。27she她She is tall.她很高。28tall高的Danny is tall.丹尼很高。29taxi出租车This is a taxi.这是一辆出租车。30train火车What color is the train?那列火车是什么颜色的?31teddy bear泰迪熊How many teddy bears?有多少只泰迪熊?32tiger老虎Lets draw a tiger!我们画一只老虎吧!33teacher教师This is my English teacher.这是我的英语老师。34two二May I have two hamburgers?可以给我两个汉堡包吗?35three三Can I have three apples?可以给我三个苹果吗?36ten十There are ten pandas.那里有十只大熊猫。37that那,那个That coat is brown.那件外套是棕色的。38the这个,那个;这些,那些Look at the panda!看那只大熊猫!39this这,这个This is my kite.这是我的风筝。40to去,到,向Lets go to the zoo!我们去动物园吧!41too也I like the bear, too.我也喜欢这只熊。42thank谢谢Thank you very much.非常感谢你。43under在下面The cat is under the bed.那只猫在床下面。44up向上的,向上地Please put your hand up.请举手。45welcome欢迎Welcome to our school!欢迎来到我们学校!46what什么What is this?这是什么?47where在哪里Where is my pen?我的钢笔在哪里?48who谁Who are they?他们是谁?49window窗户Open the window, please.请打开窗户。50yes是,是的Yes, this is my sharpener.是的,这是我的卷笔刀。51you你,你们Are you Tom?你是汤姆吗?52your你的,你们的Whats your name?你叫什么名字?53fun有趣的,令人愉快的 It was fun.真有趣。54about关于What about you?你呢?55are是What are these?这些是什么?56 actor演员He is an actor.他是一名演员。57baby幼崽,婴儿Look at the baby pigs!看那些小猪仔!58brother兄弟This is my brother.这是我哥哥。59basketball篮球Is that a basketball?那是一个篮球吗?60bridge桥This is a bridge.这是一座桥。61bone骨头Dogs like bones.狗喜欢吃骨头。62big大的It has two big ears.它有两只大耳朵。63bird鸟This is a bird.这是一只鸟。64black黑色,黑色的The bag is black.这个包是黑色的。65blue蓝色,蓝色的Its a blue crayon.这是一只蓝色的蜡笔。66brown棕色,棕色的Her hair is brown.她的头发是棕色的。67buy买Lets buy two books.我们买两本书吧。68cake蛋糕May I have a cake, please?请给我一块蛋糕,好吗?69chicken鸡肉Have some chicken.吃点鸡肉吧。70children孩子们You are good children.你们都是好孩子。71clown小丑Look at the clown!看那个小丑!72cute可爱的They are cute.他们很可爱。73Chinese book语文书Take out your Chinese book.拿出你们的语文书。74crayon蜡笔Give me a crayon, please.请给我一支蜡笔。75coat外套This is his coat.这是他的外套。76Coke 可乐Here is a Coke for you.这杯可乐是给你的。77cookie曲奇甜饼Have some cookies, please.吃些曲奇甜饼吧。78classroom教室This is our classroom.这是我们的教室。79cow奶牛I have a cow.我有一头奶牛。80circle圆,圆形物Draw a circle, please.请画一个圆。81dance跳舞I can dance.我会跳舞。82doctor医生Are you a doctor?你是一名医生吗?83driver司机He is a driver.他是一名司机。84dress女服,连衣裙What a beautiful dress!好漂亮的一件连衣裙啊!85eleven十一I am eleven.我十一岁了。86English book英语书This is her English book.这是她的英语书。87elephant大象Look at the elephant!看那头大象!88farm农场This is our farm.这是我们的农场。89farmer农民He is a farmer.他是一个农民。90friend朋友This is my friend, Lisa.这是我的朋友,丽莎。91father父亲Hes my father.他是我父亲。92football足球Where is my football?我的足球在哪里?93French Fries炸薯条I like French Fries very much.我非常喜欢吃炸薯条。94go去,走Lets go to school.我们去上学吧。95goldfish金鱼I like goldfish.我喜欢金鱼。96goodbye再见Goodbye, Bill.再见,比尔。97goose鹅I can see a goose.我能看到一只鹅。98grandma奶奶,外婆This is my grandma.这是我奶奶。99grandpa爷爷,外公My grandpa is a doctor.我爷爷是一名医生。100green绿色,绿色的My schoolbag is green.我的书包是绿色的。101grey灰色,灰色的Its a grey marker.这是一支灰色的马克笔。102heart心脏,心形物Its a heart.这是一个心形物。103hamburger汉堡包Have a hamburger.吃一个汉堡包吧。104hen母鸡Is it a hen?那是一只母鸡吗?105her她的Her hair is long.她的头发很长。106his他的This is his hat.这是他的帽子。107hot热的Im hot.我很热。108hot dog热狗 I like hot dogs.我喜欢吃热狗。109fresh新鲜的 These vegetables are fresh.这些蔬菜是新鲜的。CD31jelly果冻I like jelly.我喜欢吃果冻。2juice果汁Can I have some juice, please?可以给我来点果汁吗?3jump跳,跳跃I can jump high.我能跳得很高。4knife刀子This is my knife.这是我的小刀。5know知道I dont know.我不知道。6like喜欢What do you like?你喜欢什么?7lion狮子The baby lions are cute.这些小狮子很可爱。8little小的Look at the little pigs.看那些小猪。9long长的This snake is long.这条蛇很长。10many很多,许多There are many birds on the tree.树上有很多鸟。11marker马克笔,荧光笔I have a marker.我有一支马克笔。12meat肉I dont like meat.我不喜欢吃肉。13milk牛奶Can I have some milk?可以给我一些牛奶吗?14mother母亲This is my mother.这是我母亲。15mouse老鼠Its a little mouse.这是一只小老鼠。16mouth嘴Open your mouth, please.请张开嘴。17nest鸟巢,鸟窝The little bird is in its nest.小鸟在巢里。18net网The net is white.那个网是白色的。 19noodles面条I like noodles.我喜欢吃面条。20nurse护士My mother is a nurse.我妈妈是一名护士。21new新的Ive got a new bag.我有一个新书包。22nice美味的Noodles and rice are very nice.面条和米饭都很好吃。23not不Its not a cat.那不是一只猫。24old旧的My shoes are old.我的鞋旧了。25other其他的Where are the other books?其他的书在哪里?26pants裤子Put on your pants.穿上你的裤子。27present礼物Lets buy presents for Amy.咱们给艾米买些礼物吧。28pupil学生He is a pupil.他是一名学生。29parrot鹦鹉I like parrots.我喜欢鹦鹉。30peacock孔雀A peacock has two legs.孔雀有两条腿。31pigeon鸽子Its not a pigeon.这不是鸽子。32ping-pong乒乓球I like ping-pong.我喜欢打乒乓球。33pizza披萨饼May I have a piece of pizza?可以给我一块披萨饼吗?34pink粉色,粉色的I have a pink bag.我有一个粉色的包。35purple紫色,紫色的Who is wearing purple today?今天谁穿的是紫色的衣服?36plane飞机I have a toy plane.我有一架玩具飞机。37play玩Little Polly wants to play.小波利想要去玩。38play basketball打篮球Lets play basketball.我们打篮球吧。39play football踢足球Lets play football.我们踢足球吧。40play games做游戏Lets play games.我们做游戏吧。41rain 雨 I like the rain.我喜欢下雨。42rabbit 兔子I like rabbits.我喜欢兔子。43robot机器人Its a little robot.这是一个小机器人。44rice米饭I dont like rice.我不喜欢吃米饭。45rectangle长方形Color the rectangles blue.把这些长方形涂成蓝颜色。46run跑The zebra is running.斑马正在奔跑。47salad色拉Have some salad.吃点色拉吧。48sandwich三明治,夹心面包I dont like sandwiches.我不喜欢吃三明治。49sweets糖果I like sweets.我喜欢吃糖果。50shirt衬衫The shirt is green.这件衬衫是绿色的。51shoes鞋The shoes are red.这双鞋是红色的。52socks袜子Put on your socks.穿上你的袜子。53storybook故事书I have a storybook.我有一本故事书。54square正方形Color the squares green.把这些正方形涂成绿色。55star星,星状物Its a red star.这是一颗红星。56sweater毛衣Put on your sweater.穿上你的毛衣。57snake蛇That snake is short.那条蛇很短。58spider蜘蛛Is it a spider?这是一只蜘蛛吗?59see看见I can see you.我能看见你。60smell闻I can smell the fish.我能闻到鱼的味道。61swim游泳Can you swim?你会游泳吗?62shoulder肩Touch your shoulder.摸摸你的肩膀。63ship轮船This is a ship.这是一艘轮船。64short矮,矮的He is short.他很矮。65sister姐妹,姐姐,妹妹This is my sister.这是我姐姐。66small小的Mr. Blacks got a small plane.布莱克先生有一架小飞机。67so如此There are so many monkeys.那里有好多只猴子。68some一些Have some tea.喝点茶吧。69sorry对不起的,抱歉的I am sorry.对不起。70tea茶I like tea.我喜欢喝茶。71tomato西红柿I want to eat a tomato.我想吃一个西红柿。72tree树Look at the tree.看那棵树。73toy玩具Its a toy dog.这是一只玩具狗。74toe脚趾This is my big toe.这是我的大脚趾。75touch触摸Touch your head.摸摸你的头。76triangle三角形Its a triangle.这是一个三角形。77their他们的Miss Smith is their teacher.史密斯小姐是他们的老师。78these这些What are these?这些是什么?79they他们They are my friends他们是我的朋友。80thin瘦,瘦的She is very thin.她很瘦。81tired疲劳的,累的Im tired.我累了。82together一起Lets play together!我们一起玩吧!83twelve十二Its twelve o clock.十二点了。84umbrella雨伞I like the yellow umbrella.我喜欢这把黄色的雨伞。85violin小提琴Its a violin.这是一把小提琴。86very很,非常The elephant is very big!那头大象好大!87waiter服务员He is a waiter.他是一名服务员。88walk走路He cant walk.他不能走路。89watch手表Look at my new watch!看我的新手表!90water水Can I have some water?可以给我来点水吗?91water bottle水瓶,水壶Where is my water bottle?我的水壶在哪里?92watermelon西瓜Lets buy a watermelon!我们买一个西瓜吧!93white白色,白色的Is it a white cat?那是一只白猫吗?94we我们We are happy.我们很快乐。95with用Lets play with your football!让我们用你的足球踢球吧!96X-rayX光片Its an X-ray.这是一张X光片。97yellow黄色,黄色的My bike is yellow.我的自行车是黄色的。98young年轻She is so young.她很年轻。99yo-yo悠悠球Its a yo-yo.这是一个悠悠球。100zebra斑马The little zebra is running.那匹小斑马正在奔跑。101zoo动物园 Lets go to the zoo!我们去动物园吧!CD4:1sun太阳 We can see the sun in the sky.我们能看到天上的太阳。2again再次 Lets say it again.让我们再说一遍。3Britain英国 Hes from Britain.他来自英国。4at在She is at school.她在学校。5America 美国Hes from America.他来自美国。6aunt伯母,婶母,姑妈,姨妈,舅妈,阿姨Thats my aunt.那是我姑姑。7art美术I like Art.我喜欢美术课。8bamboo竹子Its a bamboo chair.这是一把竹椅。9bread面包I dont like bread.我不喜欢吃面包。10bat球棒Where is my bat?我的球棒在哪里?11city城市 Is it a big city?那是一座大城市吗?12bookcase书橱What color is the bookcase?书橱是什么颜色的?13blackboard黑板Look at the blackboard, please.请看黑板。14clock钟 Is that a clock?那是一个钟吗?15by乘,坐I go to school by bus.我乘公共汽车去上学。16be careful小心Be careful! That dog bites.小心!那条狗咬人。17CD激光唱片Does he listen to CDs?他听唱片吗? 18computer电脑,计算机Thats her computer.那是她的电脑。19computer room电脑房Im in the computer room.我在电脑房。20Canada加拿大Shes from Canada.她来自加拿大。21China中国We go to China on holiday.我们去中国度假。22Christmas圣诞节 We wish you a merry Christmas.我们祝你圣诞快乐。23candy糖果Do you like candy?你喜欢吃糖果吗?24coffee咖啡I like coffee.我喜欢喝咖啡。25corn玉米I dont like corn.我不喜欢吃玉米。26crane鹤Its a paper crane.这是一只纸鹤。27come in进来Come in, please.请进。28clean干净的The classroom is clean.教室很干净。29cold寒冷的Is it cold?天气冷吗?30cool凉爽的Its cool today.今天天气很凉爽。31dad爸爸Where is your Dad?你爸爸在哪里?32daughter女儿Is this your daughter?这是你女儿吗?33dining room餐厅Where is the dining room?餐厅在哪里?34drum鼓I can play the drums.我会打鼓。35dinner正餐,主餐Dinner time is six oclock.正餐时间是六点钟。36doughnut甜面圈儿Have a doughnut.吃个甜面圈儿吧。37dumpling饺子Do you like dumplings?你喜欢吃饺子吗?38eat吃We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year.中国新年的时候,我们吃饺子。39England英格兰In England, we have Christmas.在英格兰,我们过圣诞节。40family家庭This is my family.这是我的家庭。41footballer足球队员He is a good footballer.他是一名很好的足球队员。42fruit水果Do you like fruit?你喜欢吃水果吗?43favourite特别喜爱的Whats your favourite sport?你最喜欢什么运动?44film电影The film is at eight oclock.电影八点钟开始。45firecracker鞭炮We have firecrackers at New Year!新年的时候,我们放鞭炮。46flute长笛Does he play the flute?他吹笛子吗?47from从,来自Shes from China.她来自中国。48get up起床I get up at seven oclock in the morning.我早上七点起床。49go to bed上床睡觉I go to bed at nine oclock.我九点上床睡觉。50go home回家I go home at five oclock.我五点回家。51go to school上学How do you go to school?你怎么去上学?52go to work上班He goes to work by bike.他骑自行车去上班。53glove手套We dont wear gloves.我们不戴手套。54grapes葡萄 Do you like grapes?你喜欢吃葡萄吗?55e-card电子贺卡He can make e-cards.他会制作电子贺卡。56hair头发Touch your hair.摸摸你的头发。57honey蜜,蜂蜜I dont like honey.我不喜欢吃蜂蜜。58have有I have Art and PE in the afternoon.我下午有美术课和体育课。59have breakfast吃早餐I have breakfast at half past seven.我七点半吃早餐。60have lunch吃午餐I have lunch at twelve oclock.我十二点吃午餐。61his他的 Whats his name?他叫什么名字?62ice冰Theyre playing on the ice.他们正在冰上玩耍。63taste品尝May I have a taste?我可以尝一尝吗?64jug水壶 Is this a jug?这是一个水壶吗?65jigsaw拼图I dont like jigsaws.我不喜欢拼图。66jam果酱I like bread and jam.我喜欢吃面包和果酱。67join 加入Join us.加入我们吧。68kangaroo 袋鼠 Its a kangaroo.这是一只袋鼠。69late迟的Its late.时候不早了。70live居住Where do you live?你住在哪里?71lovely可爱的What a lovely cat!多么可爱的一只小猫啊!72love爱I love my father and mother.我爱我的爸爸妈妈。73mosquito蚊子Its a mosquito.这是一只蚊子。74maths数学Maths is my favorite subject.数学是我最喜欢的学科。75make制作I can make a paper boat.我会折纸船。76mango芒果 Smell the mango.闻一闻这个芒果。77may可以May I have a hamburger?可以给我一个汉堡吗?78music音乐Do you have Music at school?你们在学校有音乐课吗?79new year新年Happy New Year!新年快乐!80clothes衣服 He doesnt like these clothes.他不喜欢这些衣服。81oclock点钟Is it six oclock?六点了吗?82come on来啊 Come on! Lets go!快点!我们走吧!83on holiday度假I go to Hainan on holiday.我去海南度假。84owl猫头鹰Look at the owl!看那只猫头鹰!85paper纸This is my paper plane.这是我的纸飞机。86pencil sharpener铅笔刀Take out your pencil sharpener.拿出你的铅笔刀。87party聚会Sams at a party.萨姆在一个聚会上。88park公园We play at the park.我们在公园玩。89prince王子The prince is tall.王子很高。90past晚于,在之后Its half past five.五点半了。91PE体育课He is our PE teacher.他是我们的体育老师。92play演奏I can play the flute.我会吹笛子。93great太好了 Thats great!那太好了!94poor可怜的 What a poor little dog!好可怜的小狗啊!95quail鹌鹑Its a quail.这是一只鹌鹑。96ride骑 Lucy can ride a bike.露西会骑自行车。97fruit farm果园 This weekend, were going to go to a fruit farm.这周末我们要去果园。98rope绳子 Lets skip rope.我们跳绳吧。99film star电影明星 Maybe Ill be a film star.也许我会成为一个电影明星。100room房间 Thats my sisters room.那是我妹妹的房间。101reading room阅览室 She is in the reading room.她在阅览室。102riddle谜语 Ive got a riddle for you.我出个谜语给你猜。103super太棒了You are super!你太棒了!104rooster公鸡How many roosters?有多少只公鸡?105ready准备好的Are you ready?你准备好了吗?106sad忧伤的Shes sad.她很伤心。107sleepy瞌睡的Im sleepy.我困了。108subject科目Art is my favorite subject.美术是我最喜欢的科目。109science科学,自然We have Science in the afternoon.我们下午有自然课。


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