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八年级下册 Module10 My perfect holiday课型主备审核授课老师授课时间导学案序号词汇语法课罗 蓉八年级备课组M10-1班别姓名家长签字组长签字成绩一、 学习目标1. 能正确拼读模块的新单词,了解相关词形变化及词汇辨析2. 了解 would, sothat, though/ although 的用法二 词汇导学1. 拼读Module 10的新单词,记录你不会读的单词_2. 根据首字母及英文解释写单词1) p_ without fault, excellent 2) f_ journey made by air 3) b_ get on or into(a plane, a ship, a bus etc) 4) s_ foolish 5) b_ buying or selling 6) b_ destroy by fire 7) s _ easily done 8) p_ in a proper manner9) e_ having nothing inside 10) m_ succeed in doing三 语法导学: 预习p157 would 与状语从句1. would + 动词原形 可以用来表达人们对未来的想象.(1)我想有一对翅膀飞到月亮上去.I _have two wings and then fly to the moon.(2) 我想在生日时举行一个宴会。I_ hold a party on my birthday.Would 的其他用法 a. would like sth. 想要某物 Would like to do sth.想要做某事I _ _ some cakes. 我想要一些蛋糕。 I would like _ _( say) a few words. -Would you like _ _( come) to Beijing? 你想来北京不? b. Would you please do sth? 请你好吗? Would you please_(show) me the way?c. Would you mind + doing sth? 你介意干吗?Would you mind _ (fill) in the form?d. would 用作助动词,构成过去将来时,即“would+动词原形” He said that he _ (come) the next morning.3. so that :如此以至于1)so + 形容词/ 副词+ that He runs _fast _nobody can catch up with him. 他跑得如此快以至于没人跟得上他。可与 “too+形容词/ 副词+to do太而不能”句型或者“形容词/ 副词+enough to do足以” 句型转换 The child is so young that he cant go to school. The child is _young _go to school. The child isnt_ _ _ go to school.2) so + 形容词+a / an + 名词单数 + that 如此以至于= such + a / an + 形容词+ 名词单数+ that He is_ clever a boy _everybody likes him. = He is _ a clever boy _ everybody likes him他是如此聪明的一个男孩以至大家都喜欢他。such + 形容词 + 可数名词(复数)/ 不可数名词+ thatThey are _ interesting films _I want to see them.总结:sothat / such that 区别如下:形容词和名词之间,没有a/an 隔开,就用such , 除了表示数量多少的形容词(many/much/few/little)外so many / few + 可数名词(复数)+ that There were _many people in the street _ firefighters(消防员) could not help .so much/little + 不可数名词 + that He had _ little education _ he was unfit for his job.3 although, though +句子 “尽管、虽然” 两者一般情况下可互换。 in spite of + 名词/代词 “尽管、虽然” _ /Though he is very old, he is quite strong. _ the heavy rain, he still went to school.提示:汉语中我们经常同时使用“虽然-但是-”。但在英语中Although /Though与but 不能同时使用。(英语中还有哪一组连词也是这一用法?)四、课堂学习过程1 预习情况交流 2单词拼读及检查 3 词汇点拨 4 语法学习 5 巩固练习五、巩固练习 (一). 根据句意及首字母或中文提示补全单词。1.I saw many people waiting at the g of the museum yesterday. 2. There is nothing in the bottle. Its e.3. Something goes wrong with my s_ and I dont feel like eating anything. 4. My father owns a big company and he is always busy with his b_.5. Such a toy is s to make. You can learn it easily.6. Its a _ (完美的) plan. Dont you think so?7. Passengers may _ (登机) the plane at about 10 am.8. They said that boy was kind of _ (傻里傻气的).9. Mary doesnt like o_ activities. She likes stay at home.(二) 选词填空nothing什么都没有 anything任何东西 something有些东西 everything所有的东西Spring is coming. We need some new clothes to wear. So mum took me to go shopping last Sunday. It was a fine day. The whole morning we didnt get (1) _. Then we went to a restaurant to get (2) _ to eat. After lunch, we went into a special shop. There was one sentence on the wall, “(3) _ is impossible.” Yes, (4) _ is possible. At last, we were so happy that we got (5) _ we needed.(三) 单项选择 1. Im _ frightened (害怕的)_I cant say anything.A. so; that B. such; that C. so; D. such;2._ he is very young,_ he knows much.A. Although; but B. Although ;C.; because D. As;3. you have a map of Shanghai, you will still get lost easily.A. Although B. Because C. If D. Unless4. Its _ great fun. There are _ many wonderful things too.A. such; such B. so; so C. so; such D. such; so5. I _ go to the Great Wall in 5 years.A. would B. could C. should D. might3. 词汇辨析三 语法导学: 六. 情景交际 (10分)从方框内选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: The summer holiday is coming. (51)B: Im going to visit Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center. A: Thats fantastic! (52)B: Of course. I think swimming in the sea is wonderful. (53)A: Im going to Australia to see kangaroos and visit Sydney Opera House. B: Wow! That sounds like fun! (54)A: For about three weeks. B: (55)A: My parents and my cousins. B: Have a great time! A: Thank you. A. Are you going to swim in the sea?B. I have ever been there before. C. Who are you going with? D. How about you? E. What are you going to do?F. Who are they?G. How long are you going to stay there?

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