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2011-2012学年第二学期小学英语六年级期末试卷 (总分:100分,时间:80分钟)听力部分(30分)笔试部分(70分)五、单词分类,请把相同类的单词字母编号写在横线上:(6分)A.showB. saveC.sadD.happyE.scientistF.writerG. dieH.tiredI.painterJ.doctorK.hungryL.keepdo:_happy:_teacher:_六、选择填空:(15分)( ) 1.Your bed room is _ than mine. A. bright B. brighter C. brightest D. more bright( ) 2.This tree is _ than that one. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. more tall ( ) 3. Beijing is _ than Guangzhou. A. cold B. more cold C. much colder D. many cold( ) 4. Let me _ you my photos. A. listen B. look C. see D. show( ) 5. Welcome _ my garden. A. to B. for C. at D. on( ) 6. In 1979, Deng Xiaoping _ an important speech in Guangdong. A. make B. is making C. made D. will make( ) 7. I am _ a story about Lu Xun. A. seeing B. see C. read D. reading( ) 8. _ the lady happy when the shoots appeared? A. Is B. Are C. Was D. Did( ) 9. Its time _ pick up the fruit! A. to B. for C. at D. in( ) 10. Four years ago, Tom _ a hole in his garden. A. dig B. is digging C. dug D. will dig( ) 11. I _ the museum last week. A. visited B. is visiting C. visit D. will visit( ) 12. The 2012 Olympic Games _ in London. A. is held B. was held C. be held D. will be held( ) 13. Mao Zedong _ born in 1893. A. is B. was C. are D. will be ( ) 14. Im going to _ the house next Sunday. A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning D. cleans( ) 15. _ you _ your work on time? A. Doesfinish B. Arefinish C. Isfinish D. Didfinish七、按情景选择答案:(5分) ( )1.如果你们班来了新同学,向他/她表示欢迎,你可以说: A. Welcome to my room. B. Please come in C.Welcome to our class. ( )2.如果你想邀请朋友来你的生日晚会,你可以说: A. Come to my house. B. Would you like to come to my birthday party? C. You could come to my birthday party. ( )3. 当你有一个建议,想征求朋友们的意见如何,你最好说: A. Shall you go to the park and play badminton? B. We go to the park and play badminton, do you know? C. Shall we go to the park and play badminton? ( )4. 你不知道学校怎么走,你向别人询问路线,你如何问: A.Shall you tell me the way to the school? B. Could you tell me the way to the school? C. How do you know the way to the school? ( )5. 你进入一个商店,店员向你询问: A. What do you want? B. Have a look. C. What can I do for you?八、完成对话:(8分)(一)A: Good afternoon.B: Good afternoon. _ I help you?A: Yes, do you have Andy Laus music CD?B: Let me _. Ah, here it is.A: Thank you. But I already had this one. Do you have _one?B: Ok, the new one, I _ you could like, here you are.A: Oh! Yes, I _ it. Thanks, how _ is it?B: 10 pounds.A: Ok, Ill _ it. Bye.B: Bye.(二)(Mike and Jane are on the phone)A: Hello, may I _ to mike?B: _. This is Mike. _ that?A: Its Jane.B: Hello, Jane.A: Hello, Mike, _ you like to go to the cinema _ me this Sunday?B: Oh, this Sunday I _ clean my bike.A: What _ Saturday?B: Ok, I am free. Where shall we _?A: Lets meet at the gate of the cinema _ four oclock in the afternoon, ok?B: Ok, see you.A: See you.九、根据实际情况回答问题:(12分)1. Where were you born?_ 2. Are you heavier than before? _ 3. Did you clean your classroom yesterday? _4. Do you know some famous leaders in the world? Who are they?_5. Were you a naughty child when you were very young? _6. How many students are there in your class?_7. What date is it today?_8.What do you like, coffee or tea?_十、按要求完成句子:(10分)1. There is _ (a, an) old photo of Sun Yatsen on the wall.2. Miss White is one of _ (a, the) best teachers in our school.3. My mother often _ (go, goes) shopping on weekend. 4. I wish I could _ (fly, flying) in the blue sky. 5. Look! There is a book on the desk. It must _ (be, is) yours. 6. Last night, the policemen caught a thief. And the thief_ (crashed, is crashing) into a tree. 7. This room is _ (a little, very) larger than that one. 8. My father was fit before, but now he is _ (fatter, younger). 9._ (May, Shall) we go and visit it this Sunday? 10. I dreamed I _ (run, ran) in the 2012 Olympic games.十一、阅读理解。(9分,每小题1分)(一) 读短文,根据短文选择问题的正确答案。Jiamins grandfather was born in 1930 in a poor farmers family. His home was near Guangzhou. His parents were not rich. Life was hard at that time. His grandfather had two sisters and a brother. Their house was very small. There was only one bedroom and one toilet. The bedroom was also the living room and the kitchen and the toilet was also the bathroom. Jiamins grandfather didnt study much. When he was fifteen he came to Guangzhou and worked in a factory. He married Jiamins grandmother when he was thirty-five.( ) 1. His grandfather had_ A. one sister B.three brothers C. only one brother( ) 3.His grandfathers house had _ A. two toilets B. only one bedroom C. only one living room( ) 3.What did Jiamins grandfather do at the factory?A. He made machines. B. He cooked at the factory.C.We dont know. ( ) 4. Jiamins grandfather came to Guanghzou when he _A. married B. was 15 C. was a student( ) 5. Jiamins grandfather married in _ A. 1930 B. 1965 C. 1935 (二)读短文,判断句子内容与短文是否一致,一致的写“T”,否则写“F”。 Dr Sun Yatsen was born in 1866 in Guangdong. He was VERY IMPORTANT! He was a great leader. He was against the emperor. He tried to change China and free the people. In 1911, Dr Sun Yatsen, the father of China, became its first president. He died in 1925 in Beijing.1. ( ) Dr Sun Yatsen was born in 1866 in Beijing. 2. ( ) Dr Sun Yatsen tried to change China and free the people. 3. ( ) Dr Sun Yatsen wasnt the father of China. 4. ( ) Dr Sun Yatsen died in 1925 in Guangdong. 5


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