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武汉市第一初级中学分班考试英语模拟题(一).单词分类,方框内有 多余的词。(0.520=10)Mouth, father, duck, lion,chocolate, vegetable, tiger, shirt, egg, hat, shoes, ear ,nose,skirt face uncle skating,fish, sister, swimming, rabbit, worker, grandmotheranimalfamilyfoodbodyclothes.连词成句。(41=4)1. in, looks, the, he, strong, white, so, jacket 2. they, lose, what, did, ago, weeks, two3. will, clean, we, windows, all, the4. see, will, her, Emily, tonight, neighbors .句子配对。(61=6)( ) 1.Whats your name? A. Orange.( ) 2.Thank you for your help. B. Im from China. ( ) 3.May I use your pen? C. 7:30. ( ) 4.Whats the time now? D. Yes, please. Here you are. ( ) 5.What color is your hat? E. Youre welcome. ( ) 6.Where are you from? F. My name is Lily.短文填词。(52=10) Hello! My names David. Im 15. Im a 1 s of No.6 Middle School. I have three2 f at school. They are Tom, Bill and Jim. They are all 15 years old. We are friendly to each other(互相). There are four people in my 3 f . They are my father, my mother, my 4 s Joy and I. My sister is only five. She is lovely(可爱的). We live in Room 407. Our telephone 5 n is six seven five four nine eight three two.阅读理解。(52=10)One day an old man is selling a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, “Dont say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.” “All right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, “Now, can you tell me how you found the elephants bad ears?” “I didnt find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?” asked the old man. The young man answers, “Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”( )1. _the elephant.A. The young man sells B. The old man sellsC. The two men sell D. The old man buys( )2.The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out_ .A. which foot of the elephant is bad B. how heavy it isC. which ear of the elephant is bad D. what it looks like( )3.The young man _.A. knows the elephant has bad ears B. wants to buy the elephantC. looks after the elephant D. gets some money from the old man( )4.The young man_ .A. is not interested in elephants B. knows what an elephant looks likeC. has seen some elephants before D. has never seen an elephant before( )5.Hearing what the young man said, the old man will probably be_ . A. angry B. happy C. dangerous D. hungry武汉市第一初级中学分班考试英语模拟题(二)一、单词归类。(1*16=16分)(每条横线上仅填一词)mango, teacher, basketball, panda, farmer, worker, orange, monkey, table tennis, banana, swimming, bear, skating, peach, policeman, horse Jobs _ _ _ sports _ _ _ fruits_ _ _ animals _ _ _二、根据要求变换句型。(1*7=7分)1. Tom is the best student in his class.(变否定句)Tom _ _ the best student in his class.2. They run very fast.(变第三人称单数) He _very fast.3. They have already had lunch.(变一般疑问句) _ they_ lunch yet?4. I come from Wuhan. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you come from?三、完形填空。(1*10=10分)Hello,everyone!Thanks for watching our program(节目). I am the 1 Joey Arthur. Today we are showing you 2 the beautiful Egypt(埃及). Its a really good 3 warm day today. I am walking 4 the desert (沙漠) now. The sand is soft and warm. I just want to lie down and 5 a nap(小睡).There are 6 people here. Some are taking 7 of the pyramid(金字塔).Others are riding camels(骆驼).The Egyptians are very friendly and kindly. Everyone 8 a good time here. Do you want to come here? Then take part in 9 program. You will have a chance to visit this beautiful 10 free(免费)!( ) 1 A teacher B reporter C actor( ) 2 A above B about C around( ) 3 A but B and C or( ) 4 A from B at C in( ) 5 A have B having C has ( ) 6 A much B many C a lot( ) 7 A photos B photo C photoes( ) 8 A has B have C do( ) 9 A us B ours C our( ) 10 .A school B country C park四、阅读理解。(2*5=10分)The kiwi lives only in New Zealand. It is a very strange bird because it cant fly. The kiwi is the same size as a chicken. It has no wings or tails. It doesnt have any feathers like other birds. It has hair on its body. Its mouth is very long. It has two feet, each foot has four toes. A kiwi likes a lot of trees around it .It sleeps during the day because the sunlight hurts its eyes. It can smell things with its nose. It is the only bird in the world that can smell things. The kiwis eggs are very big. There are only a few kiwi in New Zealand now. People never see them. The government says that people cant kill kiwis. New Zealanders want their kiwis to live. There is a picture of a kiwi on New Zealand money. People from New Zealand are sometimes called kiwis.( )1.The kiwi only live_.A. in America B. in Australia C. in New Zealand D. in Canada( )2.How big is a bird ? It is the same size as a _.A. dolphin B. chickenC. penguin D. monkey( )3.How many toes does a kiwi have ?A. four B. eight C. twelve D. sixteen( )4.What does a kiwi like?A. trees B. sunlight C. feathers D. people( )5.The kiwi is the only bird in the word_A. that has wings or tail B. that has hair on its bodyC. that sleeps during the day D .that can smell things五、短文填词。(1*7=7分)(请将答案写在题后横线上)My family lives in London. In the m, my father goes to work and we go to s. My father takes us to school every day. My mother stays at h. She does the h . She always has lunch at home, and visits her friends in the afternoon. In the afternoon, we go home from s by bus. My father gets home from work late. At night my two brothers and I always do our homework. We go to b at about ten. My father and my mother usually read newspapers. We can w TV at the weekend. 1. m _ 2. s_ 3.h_ 4.h_ 5.s_6. b _ 7.w_武汉市第一初级中学分班考试英语模拟题(一)答案.单词分类,方框内有 多余的词。(0.520=10)animal: duck lion tiger rabbitfamily: father uncle sister grandmotherfood: Chocolate vegetable egg fishbody: mouth ear nose faceclothes: shirt hat shoes Skirt.连词成句。(41=4)1. He looks so strong in the white jacket.2. What did they lose two weeks ago?3. We will clean all the windows./ We will all clean the windows.4. Emily will see her neighbors tonight,.句子配对。(61=6)F E D C A B.短文填词。(52=10)1 student 2 friends 3 family 4 sister 5 number.阅读理解。(52=10)B D D D A武汉市第一初级中学分班考试英语模拟题(二)答案一、单词归类。(1*16=16分)(每条横线上仅填一词)1 sports;basketball, table tennis, swimming, skating,2 Jobs: farmer, worker, teacher, policeman,3 animals: bear, horse, monkey, panda4 fruits: Mango, orange, banana, peach,二、根据要求变换句型。(1*7=7分)1. is, not 2.runs 3. Have, had 4. Where, do三、完形填空。(1*10=10分)1-5 BCBCA 6-10 BAACB四、阅读理解。(2*5=10分)C B B A D五、短文填词。(1*7=7分)(请将答案写在题后横线上)1 morning 2school 3 home 4.housework 5 school 6 bed 7 watch武汉巨人龙一对一个性化辅导中心http:/www.jurenking.com/电话:4008889277

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