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人教版小学四年级上期英语单词与句子练习一、Words of each unit1、Write down the words in English包 铅笔 钢笔 铅笔盒书 尺子 教师 学生家 男孩 女孩 朋友床 房间 学校 教室门 课桌 椅子 窗户鱼 米饭 牛肉 面包牛奶 鸡肉 姐妹 兄弟父亲 母亲 司机 医生农民 护士2、Write down the words in Chineseboard light picture floor Chinese English math music notebook computer thin strong study phone story-book wallfan science sports quiet bedroom sofa shelf fridge table vegetable soup familyfork chhopsticks knife spoonplate parents uncle aunt long hair short hair member bathroom teachers desk living roombaby brother baby sister people goose ice water hat jeepjacket kite key lionlock Coke queue squirrelsnake umbrella under cupvest violin van watermelonbox walkman yacht zebrazipper potato pencil open二、Remember these sentences.句子分为陈述句(句末是.)、问句和祈使句等。问句包括一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。1、一般疑问句一般用yes 或no来回答;开头单词是Is, Am Are Do, Does Can, Would等注意问句开头单词,人称和答句的结尾单词1、Is this your bedroom? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.(No, it is not.)Is she in the living room? Yes, she is.Is your father a doctor? No, he isnt.Are they farmers? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.Are they on the table? No, they arent.Do you like music? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Do they like sports? Yes, they do.Does he like painting? No, he doesnt.( No, he does not.)Can you see a dog? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. Can she play computer games? Yes, she can.2、特殊疑问句不能用yes或no 来回答,用疑问代词来开头疑问代词有: what, where, who, how(1)What(什么)What colour is it? Its green.Whats your name? My names Chen Jie.Whats her name? Her name is Amy.Whats his name? His name is Zhang Peng.Whats for dinner? Rice and soup. / Wait and see.Whats in the classroom? Three lights, many desks and chairs.What would you like ? Id like some noodles and chicken.Whats your father? Hes a doctor.Whats your aunt? Shes a farmer.What can you see in the classroom? I can see many students(2)Where(哪里,问地方)Wheres my seat? Its near the door.(in, on, under, near, on the tree长在树上)Where is your sister? Shes in the bedroom.Where are they? They are on the table.Where are you from? Im from China.(3)who (谁,问人物)Who is this man? Hes my uncle.Whos this girl? Shes Amy, my sister.Whs your best friend? Hes Zhang Peng. Hes strong.Who are they? They are my grandpa and grandma.(4)how(怎样,问状况)How are you? Fine, thank you. / Very well, thanks.How old are you? Im 9. (问年龄)How much is your book? Five yuan. (问价钱)How many people are there in your family? There are 4. (问数量)How many apples can you see? I can see 10.How many rulers do you have? I have 3.祈使句:用Let 开头,回答一般用OK, All Right, Great, Good等Lets clean our classroom OK.Lets go to school. Great!Let me clean the board. All right.Let me sweep the floor. Great!


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