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听力材料及答案1、 听对话回答问题(10分)1. M: I like collecting stamps. W: Me too. I especially like collecting stamps from China.2. M: May, what a nice bag you have! W: Thanks. My mother gave it to for my birthday last week.3. W: This pencil is broken. Could I have another one, please? M: Certainly. I have lots of pencils. Here you are.4. W: Sam, look at those two butterflies. Are there beautiful? M: Yes, they are. I can see them flying among flowers.5. W: What does you father do, John? M: He works in a film studio, he is a designer6. W: Mr Johnson, do you know how far it is to the hospital? M: Its about three kilometers. Can I give you a ride?7. W: When can Max meet us tomorrow to work on our project? M: He said hed be busy in the morning but after lunch hed have lots of time.8. W: Could you turn the music down please? Im trying to study. M: Sorry, Ill do that right away.9. W: Where does Millie come from? M: She was born in Japan but grew up in the UK.10. W: Whats wrong with you food? You arent eat too much tonight. M: I dont like Japanese food. Next time could we try Chinese food instead?二、听对话和短文答题(10分)W: What will you do this evening, Peter? Do you have homework?M: No, I have finished it, so I can enjoy myself tonight.W: Would you like to walk with me by the river?M: The weather is comfortable, so that would be great.W: The new park nearby has places we can sit down to talk.M: Good! I wanted to ask you advice on a few things.W: I dont know if I can help you, but Ill try.M: Im having some problems with friends. Ill tell you later.Halloween is a popular holiday around the world. The masks, lanterns, costumes and pumpkin faces make it fun for everyone. Last week Peter visited the Halloween House in the city park. He was surprised at how scary it was! Even a little noise frightened him as he followed friends through the dark walkways. He heard screams and strange voices. He felt a hand touching him and thought it was a ghost. Slowly he touched something round and wet. Was it someones eyes? No, it was only a large grape! Peter love the Halloween House.Dear NancyShall we plan a trip to a Western country in July? It would be a great fun and we could learn so much. I would like to see Paris, France. We could climb up into the Eiffel Tower or take a boat trip along the River Seine. Maybe we could visit a museum to see works of arts and famous paintings. I suggest that we take the underground. It is faster and also cheaper than using a taxi. We could also ride bikes around the city if the weather is fine. I think I will buy a lot of souvenirs, especially postcards. They are my favourite. I feel it would be very exciting! What do you think?一、听力 1-5AABBA6-10ABAAC 11-15AAACA 16-20BBCAA二、选择题 21-25CAACC 26-30BADAB 31-35BCABB 36-40DADDC三、完形填空41-45 CBABC 46-50 BACAC 51-55 DCBAC四、阅读理解55-60 ABCDB 61-65CBDAC 66-70 DABAC 71-75 BCCDA五、任务型阅读1. three, easier2. 例如,在睡觉前复习一下那天学过的东西是个好主意。3. Six4. You can always do something to help improve your memory.5. In my opinion, everyone can improve their memory if they want to, and here are some suggestions:六、词汇A. 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. patient 2. disappearing 3. enemies 4. beyond 5. successfullyB. 用随给词的适当形式填空。1. unhealthy 2. havent watched 3. to choose 4. getting 5. fortieth 6. Asians 7. were arguing 8. themselves 9. were broken 10. worst七、首字母填空1.lost 2.accident 3.choice 4.like 5.other6.and 7.feet 8.teaching 9.encouraging 10.believe八、书面表达 One possible version:Last Monday we had a class meeting to discuss what kinds of TV programmes we teenagers should watch. Some students think that we should watch programmes about science. Because we can get more knowledge from these programmes. And they can also open our eyes and help us study well.Others believe that news reports are good because we can know what is happening in the world by watching news. Also, we can know about many amazing and interesting things in other places.In our teachers opinion, wed better not watch drama series too much because they are usually too long and something in then may have a bad effect on us students.

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