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2011届高考英语知识点总结(3)by prep. 乘。用来表示方式,其后的名词为单数,且不加冠词。例如 by bike/bus/ car /taxi/train/road/railway/land/boat/ship/ water/ sea/plane/air但:步行用on foot.注意:若表示交通工具的名词前有限定词,则将by 改作in 或on.in ones/the car/ bus/plane etc. on the bikeby name该介宾词组的意思是名叫;凭名字。如:He met a man, John by name.I knew him only by name.by ones first marriage 通过或由于某人的第一次婚姻 介词by有许多含义,在此处意为通过,相当于through。 He left by the first train. 他乘第一次列车离开了。The electricity supply is operated by a switch.供电由一个开关控制。by the age of/at the age of,by到时为止。表示的是一段时间,句子通常用完成时态。at在时候。表示的是具体时间点,句子通常用一般时态。By the age of ten,he had learned to play the piano.10岁的时候,他就学会了弹钢琴。He was very clever.and at the age of 15 he went to college.他非常聪明,15岁时上大学了。By the end of this term,well have learned 2000 English words.到本学期末,我们将学会2000个英语单词。At the end of this term,well hold an English party.在本学期末,我们将举行一次英语晚会.call 短语动词.call所构成的短语很多,现将在中学课上的常出现的由call所构成短语的意义和用法列出。(1)call at 指短期访问某地:顺便去某处。We called at the park when we stayed in the city. 我们在那个城市时顺便去了那个公园。(2)call on的意思正式拜访某人;此外,它还有号召之意。如:They called on the famous scientist.他们拜访了那个著名科学家。The Party calls on us to learn from Comrade Lei Feng.党号召我们向雷锋同志学习。(3)call to大声呼唤、招呼、呼求。如:They called to us for help. 他们向我们呼求援助。(4)call for可作要求、需要、提倡,还可作邀约解。如:This is a problem that calls for immediate solution.这是个要求立即解决的问题。Ill call for you then and we go there together.到时我来叫你,我们一起去哪儿。(5)call in有召来、召请、召进之意。Youd better call in a doctor.你最好请一位医生来。(6)此外,call back有叫回来、收回之意;call off有叫出去、叫走之意;call after可作追在后面叫喊和以某人的名字命名之意。can/may/must表推测的用法can, may, must等都可用于表推测,但它们的含义和用法不同。must语气最肯定,指一定、必定,只用于肯定句中。must+动词原形表示对现在情况的推测;must + have + done 表示对过去情况的推测。如:Mum must be cooking supper now.妈妈现在一定在做晚饭。He must have finished his work.他一定完成他的工作了。May/might表示或许,可能。如:Tom may go abroad next year.汤姆明年可能要出国。She might have finished the work.她可能已完成这项工作了。He cant know the answer.他不可能知道这个答案。can/could表示可能,会,我用于否定和疑问句中。如:Could she he at home?她可能在家吗?can,表示一时的情况,意为有时侯会。can的这种用法,只用在肯定句中。如:Children are lovely, but they can be tiring.Training by yourself in a game can be highly dangerous.carry短语归纳carry away拿走,带走;carry on(with)ones work继续工作;carry on a struggle/fight 开展斗争;carry on a big business经营大生意;carry out a plan/order/promise/instructions/ones duty/an experiment/advices/tests执行计划/执行命令/履行诺言/执行指示/履行职责/做实验/按建议办/进行试验;be carried up into space被发射升空。应用介、副词填空Its often easier to make plans than it is to carry them_.Lets stop here. Well carry_ the conversation tomorrow.Carry the baby _. Its dangerous here.Rising costs made it hard to carry _ the business.They decided to carry _ though the weather was bad.Key:out on away on oncarry out 搬出;进行,实行,执行 Would you please carry the chairs out? The plan should be carried out at once. It was important to carry out the work quickly.赶快进行这些工作是重要的。 He did not carry out his promise to us. 对我们他没有实现他的诺言。 用out构成的短语:look out向外看,小心work out算出来,实行。 leave out遗漏,忽视 take/bring out拿出来thinking out想出 hold out伸出,支持,抵抗到底case用法小结(1)名词case的词意意为情形、情况。If thats the case, youll have to work much harder.如果是那种情形的话,你将不得不更加努力地工作。意为病例、案例。There were seven cases of cholera.有7起霍乱的病例。The civil case will be heard in court next week. 这一案件将于下星期审理。意为箱、盒、容器。John bought a case of beer.约翰买了一箱啤酒。(2)由case构成的短语in case意为因为可能发生某事、以防万一,是介词短语,在句中作状语,常可置于句尾;也可用做连词,后跟that从句(that常省略),表示条件或目的,从句谓语习惯用should+动词原形(should常省略)或陈述语气。It may rain-youd better take an umbrella(just)in case(it does).可能下雨-你最好带把雨伞,以防万一。In case(=If)he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait.如果他在我回来之前到,请让他等一下。He doesnt dare to leave the house in case(that)he should be recognized.他不敢出门,生怕被认出来。in that case意为既然那样、假若是那样的话,用来承接上文。In that case, you wouldnt have a pan on fire. Youd have a house on fire!要是那样,你就不光使锅着火,你还会把房子烧起来。You dont like the job? In that case why dont you leave?你不喜欢这份工作?那你怎么不辞掉呢?He may be late. In that case we ought to wait for him.他可能迟到,因此我们应该等他。in any case意为无论如何、总之。We have to help him to pay the debt in case.我们无论如何要帮他还债。in no case意为在任何情形下决不、无论如何都不,用于句首时句子要进行部分倒装。In no case shall I forget the expression on her face.我决不会忘记她脸上的表情。in case of sth.意为若发生某事、如果、假如,是短语介词,后接名词、代词、 -ing形式作宾语。In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.遇火警时立即按警铃。In case of rain(=In case it rains),they cant go.要是下雨,他们就走不了了。In case of his being absent, well put off the meeting till next week.如果他缺席,我们就会把会议推迟到下周。in the case of意为至于、就来说,是短语介词。In the case of your debt, Ill pay it off for you.至于你的欠款,我会替你还清的。catch fire; on firecatch fire 意为着火,表示动作。on fire 意为着火、在燃烧,表示状态。如:Suddenly a pan of oil catches fire.Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above to escape.cause n.(大家为之奋斗的)事业 Helping the poor is a worthy cause. 帮助穷人是一项有价值的事业。 World peace is the cause he works for. 世界和平是他为之奋斗的事业。cause v.导致,引起 1)接名词:cause an accident/trouble/death/a fire/a serious illness/damage引起事故/惹麻烦/导致死亡/引起大火/导致重病/造成损害2)接双宾语:cause sb.pain/trouble/damage给某人带来痛苦/麻烦/损害3)接复合宾语:cuase sb. to do sth使某人做某事The sound caused me to jump back. 那声音吓得我向后退。应用完成句子什么使她改变了计划?What _ _ _ _her plan?地震使所有的楼房倒塌了。The earthquake _ all the buildings _ _.Key:caused,her,to,changecuased,to,fallcertain某(些),仅作形容词用法。He didnt come for a certain reason.A certain person called on me yesterday.She will do it on certain conditions.some 也可以作此意讲,但前面无冠词He is living at some place in East Africa.Ive read that story before in some book of other.chance 1)用于短语:give sb.a chance给某人一次机会;have a chance to do sth.有机会做;miss a chance错过机会;lose a chance失去机会;2)用于句型:The chance is that/ The chances are that表示有可能(句型中的The和That 可省略)。如:The chance is (that)shes already heard the news.可能她已听到那则消息了。Chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.新机器可能明天到。3)后接of 或that从句表示可能性。如:He has no chance of winning the match.他不可能赢得这次比赛。There is a chance that I will see him.我有可能见到他。应用一句多译:那里有可能藏着蛇。The chances are that there is a snake over there.There is a chance of a snake hiding there.There is a chance that a snake is over there.change ones mind该动宾词组意为改变主意,其中mind常用单数形式。如:If one always change ones mind, he succeeds in nothing.check out清点;结账;核实;检查;开票提款 Ask him to check the information out for us.请他为我们核实一下信息。 Wed better check the whole room out in case it has been bugged . 我们最好检查一下整个房间以免有蛀虫。 The trainees checked out all right. 这些培训学员完全合格。She checked out 6000 dollars.她提款6000美元。come true成为现实、实现表示变化过程的系动词有:become,get,turn,而be表状态区别:He became(get,turned)angry when hearing the news.听到那消息他生气了。(从不到生气)He was angry, because he heard some bad news.他生气是因为听到不好的消息。常用的单位量词a piece of diary一则日记;a sheet of paper 一张纸;a suitof clothes一套服装;an article of clothing一件衣服;a crowdof people一群人;a basin of water 一盆水;a block of wood一块木头;a cake of soap 一块肥皂;a bottle of ink一瓶墨水;a grain of sand 一粒沙子;a group of tall trees 一片高树;a team of players一队运动员;a copy of China Youth 一分中国青年;a drop of oil 一滴油;a loaf of bread一块面包;a pack of cigarettes一包烟;a pair of socks一双短袜;a tin of beer一罐啤酒;a set of equipment一套设备;a bucket of water一桶水;a couple of eggs两个鸡蛋;a pile of old books 一堆旧书;a bowl of rice 一碗米饭;a handful of sand一把(少量的)沙注意:上述单位量词本身具有复数形式,亦可被具体数字修饰,句中的谓语多用复数形式。应用汉译英搬家时成堆的旧书被卖掉。三条重要新闻刊登在头版。Key:Piles of old books were sold when we moved.Three pieces of important news were printed in the front page.常用合成形容词构成形式; (1) adj+n.+ed:cold-blooded冷血的middle-aged中年的simple-minded头脑简单的,纯朴的 The white-haired girl was named Xier. 那个白毛女叫喜儿。 The milddle-aged woman is warm-hearted and is always willing to help others. 那位中年妇女是个热心肠,总是乐意助人 (2) n. +pres.p.(现在分词):English-speaking说英语的man-eating吃人的 (3) n. + adj:snow-white雪白的world-famous世界闻名的 (4)num.(数词)+n.+ed:four-legged四条腿的nine-storeyed九层的 (5) n.+ past p.(过去分词):man-made人造的 (6) adj.+ pres. p.:good-looking好看的 (7) adv. + past. P. :well-known著名的chief/ main两者都有主要的、首要的之意,但有区别。chief 主要用于人,表示为首的,有最高地位或权力的。main一般说明事与物,可指某些具体的或抽象的东西。如:He is the chief policeman. 他是警长。This is our main teaching building. 这是我们的主教学楼。clear (1)用作形容词,表示清楚的,明白的。如:in a clear voice以清楚的声音;be clear about sth.对清楚,明白;be clear to sb.对某人来说很清楚;make ones meaning clear 说明自己的意思;注意两个句型:A:make it clear that声明,说明;B.Its (was)clear that很明显(清楚)。(2)用作动词,表示清除,清理,使干净。如:clear ones room/a table/a street/the desk整理房间/收拾桌子/清扫大街/整理书桌;clear away the dishes/waste把餐碟收走/把垃圾清除(3)clear up 的三个意义:A.表示清理,收拾,解决。如:The dustmen were busy clearing up the snow on the road.清洁工正在清除路上的积雪。This book has cleared up many problems for me.这本书给我解决了许多难题。B表示(天气)转晴。如:Its snowing now, but I think it will clear up soon.现在正在下雨,但是我想天气很快会晴的。C表示露出喜悦的心情。如:Her face cleared up as she read the letter.她看信的时候面露喜色。应用完成句子她对下一步干什么十分清楚。She is _ _what to do next.很清楚敌人是不会放弃他们的计划的。_ _ _that the enemy wouldnt give up theirplan.他明确表示他要离职。He _ _ _that he would leave office.在离开办公室以前,请把你的桌子整理一下。_ _your desk before you leave the office.Key:clear,about It, is, clearmake , it clear Clear,upclear up(天气)放晴,使明了,收拾整理,解决,了结 The sky cleared up just after the rain. 雨过天晴。 Dont expect me to clear up after you. 别期望我在你后面收拾东西。(收拾不要的东西) The police havent cleared up the murder case. 警察还没查清那件谋杀案。 His face cleared up as she heard the news.(引申义) 听到这个消息她脸上露出喜悦之情。 对比:clean up打扫干净,整理,获利,赚钱 The students cleaned up the classroom after class.(打扫干净) 下课后学生们打扫教室。cloth; clothes; dresscloth指做衣服等用的衣料、布。一般作不可数名词。如:I put a piece of wet cloth around my face and lay on the floor for about two hours.注:用于表达特殊用途的布,如桌布、抹布等时,cloth用做可数名词。如:He washed a table cloth just now.clothes意为衣服,总是以复数形式出现,泛指身上穿的各部分衣着,包括上衣、裤子、内衣、背心等。如:Look at these clothes. They are on Mrs Greens clothes line.注意:(1)一件衣服不可说 a clothes, 应说 an article of clothing;一套衣服可说a suit(set) of clothes.(2)clothes 前不可直接用数词修饰,如不可说three clothes.(3)clothes 前可用these, those, the, many, few修饰,口语中可用much, little修饰。(4)chothes作主语时,谓语动词只能用复数形式。dress 可用于可数和不可数名词,用于可数名词时,常指妇女、儿童服装、内衣或外衣等公共场合穿的衣服。用于不可数名词时,统指衣服。该词可作动词,意为给穿衣。如:What colour is Mrs Greens dress?He could not wash himself or get dressed.combine; connect; join; unite此组动词意为联合、连接。combine意为结合、联合,指为了某一目的而把两事物结合在一起。如:We must combine theory with practice.我们必须把理论和实践联系起来。He combines botany with chemistry.他把植物学和化学联系起来了。connect连接,指用东西把两事物连接在一起,或两事物直接相连,二者仍保持原状。The two cities are connected by a railway. 两座城市由铁路相连。He connected the gas stove with gas pipe.他把煤气和接在煤气炉上。join意为连接,指以线、绳、桥等把两物或两地连接在一起,和connect意思相近,也可指两物互相紧密相接。如:We had better join the island to the mainland with a steel bridge.我们最好建一座钢筋桥把这个岛与大陆连接起来。Where does this stream join the Changjiang River?这条河和长江在哪里会合?unite意为联合,指两种以上的事物结合为一体,有合二为一的意味,强调结合后的统一性。The two companies will unite into one.这两家公司将合并成一家。The whole family united to help him.全家齐心协力帮助他。come about: happen 产生;发生。相当于不及物动词,和happen, take place一样无被动语态。How did this accident come about ?这事故怎么发生的?I dont know how the quarrel came about.我不知道怎么发生的争吵。come across=meet with(meetby chance/accident)无意中碰到,找到,想到 Perhaps I shall come across him somewhere in the park. 也许我会在公园的某个地方遇到他。 He came suddenly across an idea. 他突然有了一个好主意。come down下来,流传下来,倒塌,没落,病倒,减价 The song comes down to us from the 10th century.(流传下来) 这首歌是从10世纪流传到我们这一代的。 The roof of the house came down during the night. 我听说计算机要降价。come outcome out是本单元需要掌握的一个重点词语,现在我们对它们的用法作一比较全面的了解。(1)come out(= be published)出来;出版Ill let you have a copy of my book as soon as it comes out.我的书一出版我就送你一本。(2)come out (= to bloom)长出;发芽;开花;(使)开花;(使)繁盛Spring comes, the trees turn green and flowers come out.春天来了,树变绿了,花儿开了。(3)come out (= to appear)出现;出来Ever since then, the bat comes out only at night.从那时起,蝙幅只在晚上出来。(4)come out(= to win)获得(名次)I came out first in the examination.我考试得了第一名。(5)come out(= to become known)传出,公之于众;(秘密)泄露The truth will come out some day.总有一天会真相大白的。(6)come out (= to be seen, as in a photograph)(在相片等中)显示;被看见Mary always comes out well in photos.玛丽总是很上相。(7)come out (= to be developed)冲印;冲洗The boss said that the photos had been come out for a long time.老板说照片已经冲印出来很久了。(8)come out (= to be removed; disappear)去掉;消失Would you please help me to make the ink in my shirt come out?你能帮我把衬衣上的墨水渍去掉吗?(9)come out (to be on strike; to refuse to work)罢工The workers came out for a pay raise.工人们为增加工资而罢工。(10)come out (= to end in the stated way)后来发现;结果是The answer to the question came out wrong.这个问题的答案后来发现是错误的。(11)come out (= to express clearly)(意思)表达清楚The meaning of his speech did not come out well.他讲话的意思不很清楚。(12)come out (= to be counted)算出来;总计The total expense(花费)comes out at 5000 yuan.总开支达五千元。come to light 发现,暴露(= be discovered / exposed /found out / be brought to light) Much more new evidence has come to light(has been discovered/has been exposed/has been brought to light),so the judges have to sentence the man to death. 新的证据不断被发现,所以法官们不得不判这个人死刑。 When the old woman died, it came to light that she was actually very rich. 老太婆死后,人们才发现她其实很富有。common adj.共同的;一般的;公共的A great interest in music was common to them.他们对音乐都有共同的强列的兴趣。The common people in those days suffered a lot.当时一般民众生活都很苦。We work for the common good.我们为了公共利益而工作。common ,ordinary二者都有普通的,平常的的意思,但侧重点不同。ordinary侧重表示外表平凡,平平常常;而common指普遍存在,经常碰到。对比:in ordinary dress穿着平常的衣服;in an ordinary way以通常的方式;an ordinary - looking man相貌平常的人;an ordinary event平常的一件事;common excuse常用的借口;common knowledge常识;common people普通人,老百姓;have a bathroom in common合用洗澡间。应用完成句子那是一首普通的舞曲。It was a piece of_dance music.这种天气在南方是很常见的。This sort of weather is quite _in the south.这弟兄两个没有什么共同之处。These two brothers have nothing _ _.Key:ordinary common in commoncommunicate v. (1)vt.传达,传送,传染 communicate information/feelings/newsto sb.把信息、感情、消息传递/传达给某人 Ill communicate the news to you directly. 我会直接把消息传达给你。 (2)vi.通讯,通话 communicate with sb.(by)用与某人联络/沟通 We communicate with each other by telephone/letter. 我们用电话/信件彼此沟通。 拓展:communication n.u通讯c消息pl.通讯系统 Radio and television are important means of communication. 收音机和电视机是信息交流的重要工具。 Communications satellite helps the human a lot in many ways . 通讯卫星在很多方面对人类有很大的帮助。complete, finish二个词都有完成之意,但complete更突出使一切完备、没有欠缺、多指完成工程、设计等。而finish是一般用语。常用短语有:complete the work完成工作;complete the new railway 修完铁路;complete ones collection of stamps完备集邮;finish ones homework/middle school/writing the article 完成作业/中学毕业/写完文章。注意:complete还可用作形容词,意为完全的,彻底的、完成了的。completely 是副词,完全地、彻底地。如:a complete sentence/strange/success/failure完整的句子/完全陌生/完全成功/彻底的失败。This job is completely new to me.这项工作对我来说是完全陌生的。应用单句改错You have to finish to read the whole passage in five minutes.Professor Smith has been complete successful in working out the problem.Key:改to read为reading,因为finish后只能接动名词。改complete为completely。congratulate v. 祝贺,庆贺 常用短语:congratulate sb. on / upon sth. / doing sth.为某事向某人祝贺 congratulate oneself that因而自己庆幸 congratulations常用于祝贺语,后可接on,也可单独用。 Id like to congratulate you on your success. 对你的成功我表示祝贺。 Id like to offer my congratulations on your success. 对你的成功我表示祝贺。 You really should congratulate yourself on your appearance. (= You really should congratulate that you are so handsome.) 你真该为自己的外表而庆幸。 对比:celebrate sth.庆贺某事 Well celebrate the New Year with a dance party. 我们将举行跳舞晚会以庆贺新年。 拓展:in celebration of 庆祝 hold a celebration举行庆祝(会)congratulate, congratulations congratulate是动词,作祝贺、庆祝解时,必须以被祝贺的人作宾语,构成:congratulate sb. on sth./doing sth.表示祝贺某人。另外:congratulate oneself表示庆幸,感到幸运。如:We congratulated him on his success/his having succeeded.我们祝贺他的成功。I congratulated myself on having escaped unhurt.我因自己幸免于难而感到幸运。congratulation是名词,多用作复数形式。注意下列用法:Congratulations!(单独使用)祝贺你!Congratulations on your success对你的成功我表示祝贺。Congratulations to everybody!祝贺大家!Please accept my congratulations on your birthday.请接受我对你的生日祝贺。应用选择正确答案We offered him our congratulations him passing the college entrance exams.A. at B. on C. for D. ofconnect连接,把联系起来 (1)vt. The road connects London and Edinburgh. 这条路把伦敦和爱丁堡连在一起。 The two cities are connected by a canal. 这两座城市由运河连在一起。 A good student must connect what he reads with and what he sees around him. 一个好学生必须把他所读的与所见的联系起来。 (2)be connected with与有关系;与有亲戚关系 She is connected with the Smiths. 她与史密斯家有亲戚关系。 对比:jointo Every family is joined to the world by Internet. 每个家庭由网络与世界联系在一起。connect vt.; vi.连接;联系。He connected the two speakers to (with)the recorder.他把两个喇叭同录音机相连。Many people connect China with the Great Wall.许多人把中国与长城联系在一起。consider用法小结consider是个很常用的动词,其意义不同,句型结构也不同。我们在学习中要特别注意。(1)作仔细考虑、深思熟虑解,consider可作不及物动词或及物动词。作及动词时,后可接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,不能接动词不定式,但可以接疑问词+不定式,相当于宾语从句。例如:Consider carefully before you decide.你要慎重考虑后再做决定。They considered your suggestion.他们仔细考虑了你的建议。He is considering studying abroad.他在考虑出国留学。We are considering how to help them.我们在考虑如何帮助他们。(2)作将视为、认为、以为解。可用consider+名词+(to be)名词(形容词)或consider+名词+as+名词(形容词)结构,但当不定式为行为动词时,不能省略,不可用于进行时。这样用时相当于that引导宾语从句。例如:He considers himself(to be)clever(=as clever).=He considers that he is clever.他认为自己很聪明。I consider him(to be)my closest friend(as my closest friend).=I consider(that)he is my closest friend.我把他视为我最亲密的朋友。He is considered to have invented the first computer.他被认为是最早发明计算机的人。还可用于consider+it(形式宾语)+形容词+不定式结构。例如:I consider it wrong for students to smoke.我认为学生抽烟是不对的。consider的用法:You should consider the question.你应该考虑这个问题。跟从句He began to consider when he would get married他开始考虑什么时侯结婚的事情。跟疑问词 +to do sth.He is considering how to get there in time.他正想怎么能及时赶到那儿。跟动名词Who considers answering the question?谁正在考虑回答这个问题?为着想He always considers others before himself他常先为别人着想。名词为:consideration(不可数)take sth. into consideration把考虑在内If you want to go on holidays in Beijing,you should take the cost into consideration.如果想到北京去度假,你应该考虑费用问题。content(1)n.内容;目录He always reads the contents of a book first of all.他读书总是先从目录看起。(2)adj.满足的;甘心的Are you content with your work?你对你的工作满意吗?(3)vt.使(某人)满足。The little boy contented himself with a new toy.那男孩有了新玩具就满足了。continue v.继续They rain continued for three days.雨连续了3天。They continued their game after lunch.他们午饭后继续比赛。He continued writing /to write late into the night.他继续写作到深夜。The weather continued cold.天气持续寒冷。cover盖上;掩盖;占据(时间)(空间),走过(路程);采访。My mother covered the baby with a blanket.She tried to cover the fact that she had been to the place.Im covering the accident.create; invent; discover三者含义相近,但用法不同:(1)create创造、创作,指产生出新的东西,其对象往往是精神上的,如艺术、文学作品中的人物及新的科学领域等。例如:Shakespeare created many famous characters.莎士比亚创造了许多有名的人物。(2)invent发明,指创造出原来自然界不存在的东西,如工具、方法、手段、灯泡、汽车、电视、合成材料等。例如:who invented the telephone?谁发明了电话?He invented a new teaching method.他发明了一种的教学方法。(3)discover指发现或找到某种自然界本来已存在,但以前未被人类发现或认识的事物,如发现元素、电、煤、石油、铁等矿藏以及新星、星系或科学真理等。例如:I discovered an unopened letter in the drawer.我在抽屉里发现了一封未拆的信。crowdcrowd 可用作名词,表示人群,群;用作动词,表示群集,拥挤。如:a crowd of children一群孩子;crowds of books 成堆的书;a cheering crowd 欢呼的人群;crowd into 挤进;crowd in 拥入;crowd round围在的周围;a crowded city/train拥挤的城市/火车;be crowded with 挤满、塞满应用汉译英很多村民从大门拥入,院子里很挤。大厅里挤满了学生。Key:Many villagers crowded in through the gate and the yard was crowded.The hall was crowded with students.cut短语归纳1)用作动词:get ones hair cut理发;c


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