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课时)Module 1 ChangesUnit 1 Xiao lings New ApartmentPart 1 短语1. Welcome to 欢迎来到2. Let me + 动词原形 让我 Let us (Lets)+ 动词原形 让我们3. between A and B 在A和B之间4.连词and 1. 表示“并列”关系;2. 意为“和;以及”3. 模式:A and B A和Bbut 1.表示“转折”;2.意为“但是;可是;然而”4. 判断依据:两个句子中出现相对的意思5. 模式:句子1,but 句子2so 1.表示结果;2.意为“所以;因此;于是” 3.判断依据:存在原因和结果的关系4.模式:(原因)句子,so (结果)句子5.A +be动词(is/are)+ far away from B A 距离B很远6. A + be动词+ near to B A在B 附近7. A + be动词+close to B A 接近B8.不定代词单数 = 1 (is) this 这个 that 那个复数2 (are) these 这些 those 那些Part 2 形容词比较级 A.本单元的形容词原形 比较级 原形 比较级small big bright dark large near close pretty comfortable B.形容词的比较级和最高级 比较级 最高级以单音节词及ly/er/ow结尾的形容词 + er + est单音节词以e结尾的形容词 + r + st重读闭音节要双写末尾字母 + er + est多音节形容词要在前面 + more +most由分词演变的形容词要在前面 + more +most以辅音字母+ y 结尾的形容词 y ier y iestB不规则形容词原级 比较级 最高级good/well(好的) better bestbad(坏的) worse worstlittle(少的) less leastmuch/many(多的) more mostfar(远的) further furthestold(老的) older/elder oldest/eldestC.比较级语法公式1.两种物品的比较(2种)或同种事物的前后比较“A”+be动词+形容词比较级(-er/more 形容词)+than “B”注意:much放在比较级前可加强“程度”2.三种以上的物品的比较“A“+ be 动词+the+最高级(形容词est/most 形容词)注意:“序数词” 一般放在the 和最高级之间 如:the first biggest3.the+比较级,the+比较级 = 越越4.比较级 and 比较级 =越来越 如:more and more 越来越多Part 3 句型1.反意疑问句:(1)陈述部分肯定式+疑问部分否定式They work hard, dont they? 他们努力工作,不是吗? Yes, they do.对,他们工作努力。/No, they dont.不,他们工作不努力 (2)陈述部分否定式+疑问部分肯定式They dont work hard, do they? 他们不太努力工作,是吗? Yes, they do. 不,他们工作努力。/No, they dont. 对, 他们工作不努力例如:You are nearer to the school mow, arent you?Your bed here is prettier than the one in your old bedroom, isnt it?2.but 转折句(意思相反)There is 名词(现在) ,but there wasnt名词(过去)My bedroom was 形容词before(过去),but now it is.(现在)3. There be 句型 表示“有”There is + a 可数名词单数/不可数名词There are + 可数名词复数4.表示比较级的句型1“A”+be动词+形容词比较级(-er/more 形容词)+than “B” A比B (显示比较对象)2 “A” + be动词+形容词比较级 (隐藏比较的对象)A比较Unit 2 A Lovely BabyPart 1 词汇 1. 形容词外貌 身体 性格beautiful healthy naughty漂亮的 健康的 调皮的lovely fit kind可爱的 健康的 友好的nice strong funny漂亮的 强壮的 有趣的slim heavy 纤细的 重的 good-looking thin 好看的 纤瘦的 2. very/so /quite+ 形容词 形容程度深浅3. with + 名词词组 表示“有”或“伴随着”例如: You are a lovely boy, with blue eyes.描述外貌的句子:You have two blue eyes.4. in trouble 处于麻烦中5. go on a diet 进行膳食平衡Part 2 句型1. When did he become a manager(职业)?-In 1989(年代).2.过去和现在比较It was/wasnt(名词/形容词)but nowIt looked/didnt look(形容词)but nowIt had/didnt have(名词)but nowThere was/were/wasnt/werent(名词)but now公式:主语+动词过去式(否定didnt)but now 主语+动词现在时Module 2 DiariesPart 1 短语1.种树五部曲1dig a hole 挖洞2put the young tree into the hole 种树3fill the hole with earth 埋土4water the young tree 浇水5grow well 好成长2. all of +名词复数 表示数量“所有的”3.A +be动词+ with B A和B一起4.put A into B 把A放入B中5.fill A with B 用B填满A6. help sb. +动词原形 帮助某人做某事7. carryfor 为某人搬某物8. in front of(n.) 在(外部)的前面 in the front of 在(内部)的前面9. by the road 在路边10. crash into 撞上11. move “A” into “B” 把A搬到B里面去12.cut (it) down 砍倒 13.try to +动词原形v 尝试做某事14. dig A out 把A挖出来15. Keep a diary 写日记16. the day before yesterday 前天Part 2 句型 1. When 引导的时间状语从句公式:句子1+when+句子2 We were happy When we finished the work.I was sad when I saw that.2. I hope +句子(一般将来时/can do) 我期望3.形容物体的形状、颜色、长相等主语 + be 动词 + 形容词Module 3 Famous PeopleUnit 7 Dr Sun YatsetPart 1 短语1. be born in +地方 出生在2. be the father of modern China 中华民国之父3.start/begin to + 动词原形 开始做4.Shall + we/I 我们/我能5. go on + 动词ing 继续6. make a speech 讲话Part 2句型1. 问“身份”的句子:1Whos that woman? She is my mother/名字/地位.Whos that man? He is my father.2Whos he? He is my grandpa.Whos she? She is my grandma.3Who is your father? Bob Green.2.询问职业句子:1. Whats your mother/father/aunt/uncle?2. What does (did) your mother/father/aunt/uncle do?3. Whats your fathers job?4. Whats his/her job?He/She is a farmer.Unit 8 Robin HoodPart 1 短语1. about 大概/关于about ten 大概10个 about me 关于我的2.read a story 读故事3. a lot of (形容数量)大量的4. In the 14th century 在14世纪5. talk about 谈论关于6. take from 从拿到7. give to 拿给.8.live in/on 住在9. But why? 为什么?10. the rich/poor 穷人/富人11. be held 举行Part 2 句型1. What are you doing? (现在进行时提问) -I am reading a book.“现在进行时”语法公式:主语+be动词+动词V. ing2. 时间表达月份+几号(序数词)+年份January 1st,20123. 表达时间的介词的使用in + 较长的时间段 1. 年代:in 19892. 月份:in January3. 泛指上午/下午/晚上:in the morningon +具体/特定的时间 1. 某月某日:on October 1st2. 某节日:on Childrens Day3. 星期几:on Sunday4. 具体时间:on Monday morningat +时间点 1. 时刻:at 12:002. 中午/晚上/傍晚:at noon/night/dawnModule 4 Stories And FablesUnit 10 Waiting for Another HarePart 1 短语1. must / mustnt + 动词原形 必须做/不用做2. lend A to B 把A借给B3. fall to 倒向4. pick up 捡起5. from then on 从那时起6. wait for A 等待A7. have a meal 吃饭8.Let me see. 我找找9. in time 及时10. all day long 整天11. any more 再Part 2 句型1. 图书馆借书的问句1How long may I keep it?-Two weeks.2Can I keep the book a little longer?-Yes,you can.2.Here + be动词 这是/有3.情态动词1can/cant + 动词原形 could/couldnt + 动词原形2may/may not + 动词原形3must/mustnt + 动词原形(neednt)Can I open the door?-Yes, you can.-No, you mustnt.May I borrow your pen?- Certainly.-Sorry.Must I return the book in time?-Yes, you must.-No, you neednt.4. Dont + 动词原形 禁止/不允许Unit 11 The lion and the MousePart 1 短语1. look for 寻找 2. look at 看着3. get out 出去4. go up to 走向5. get out of 从出来6. at last 最后Module 5 Hopes and FantasiesUnit 13 Running for ChinaPart 1 短语1. Good luck. 祝你好运2. fall over 摔倒3. be 动词 + good at 擅长做4. the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会Part 2 句型1.I hope/wish +句子(can/will/could/动词) 我期望(虚拟)2. 询问未来理想的句子:你将来要干什么?1What do you want to be, when you grow up? -I want to be a doctor, when I grow up.What does he/she want to be, when he/she grows up? -He/She wants to be a fireman.2I dream+句子3Im sure+句子Unit 14 Hopes and Fantasies of the ChildrenPart 1 短语1.see a film 看电影2. have a lot of fun 很快乐3. go home 回家4. finish ones homework 完成的作业Part 2 句型1. 主语+ wish +句子(主语 +could +动词原形) 2. What do you want to do?-I want to go to see a film.3. Its time for A to +动词原形A到时间做


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