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由莲山课件提供http:/www.5ykj.com/ 资源全部免费2013年曲靖市初中英语学业水平考试模拟卷(二中 杨正凡 编制)第卷 (共三部分 满分95分)第一部分 听力 (共四节,满分30 分)第一节 听句子,选出与所听句子相关的图片。注意每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5 分)1. A B. C.2. A B. C 3. A B. C. 4. A B. C. 5. A B. C. 第二节 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确大雨。每个句子听两遍。(共五小题 , 每小题1分,满分5分)xK b1 . Co m6. A. Me, too . B. Really? C. Id like to.7. A. Well done. B. Quite well. C. Theyre fine.8. A. In a month. B. About a month. C. Once a month.9. A. Im afraid not. B. Sorry to hear that. C. I dont think so.10. A. Thanks. B. Dont say so. C. No ,thanks.第三节 听对话,选出能回答问题的的正确选项。每段对话听两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)听第一段对话,回答第1112题。11. Does Mike exercise every day ?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt C. We dont know .12. What does the woman think of Mikes living habit? w W w .x K b 1 .c o MA. Healthy . B. Unhealthy C. Terrible.听第二段对话,回答第1314题。13. Where are they talking ?A. In a school. B. In a shop. C. At home.14. What is boys mother ?A. A teacher. B. A soccer player. C. A housewife.听第三段对话,回答第1517题。15. What did the woman go to New York for ?A. Travelling. B. Working. C. Studying.16. How long is the woman going to stay there ?A. Half a year . B. One year . C. Two years.17. Where are the two speakers probably talking ? A. On a bus. B. In a street. C. In a university. 听第四段对话,回答第1820题。18. Who is the man ? X|k | B| 1 . c|O |mA. Sallys teacher. B. A policeman. C. Sallys friend.19. Why did the woman call the man ? A. Because she couldnt find her daughter. B. Because her daughter didnt go to school. C. Because her daughter was back at home.20. What color is Sallys dress ? A. Brown. B. White. C. Black.第四节 听对话, 完成下列信息表格。 对话听两遍。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)Name of the Hotel : The Garden HotelName : Tom BlackRooms to Be Ordered: 21、 Reasons to Beijing:For a holiday Days of Stay : 22、 Telephone number: 23、 Total Money for Rooms : 24、 How to Get to Beijing 25、 21. A. One single room . B. Two single rooms C. Two double rooms22. A. Thursday and Friday B. Friday and Saturday C. Saturday and Sunday23. A. 49776684 B. 49770684 C. 4977608424. A. 1600 yuan . B. 800 yuan C. 400 yuan . 25. A. By train B. By plane C. By taxi第二部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分35分)第一节 词语释义,选出与句中划线部分意义最接近的解释。(共5小题;每小题1 分,共5分)26. Plenty of foreigners come to China for their holidays every year. A. A number of B. Much C. A few D. Some27. Jimmy didnt pass the exam last term. X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m A. took the exam B. failed the exam C. finished the exam D. was good at the exam28. His little sister is afraid of a tiger in the zoo. A. dislike B. is interested in C. is terrified of D. is angry with29. Uncle Yang gave up smoking, because its bad for him. A. stopped smoking B. stopped to smoke C. doesnt smoke D. went on smoking30. I was just a small potato in the company, so few people noticed me. A. not young B. not tall C. not old enough D. not important第二节 单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20 分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择能填入空白处的正确答案。新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网31.The lights are _, please turn them off. A. in B. on C. off D. at32. If I _ you, Id wear a shirt and tie. A. am B. is C. were D. was33. All the parents are hard-working, so every child should help them _ after school. A. do homework B. do exercise C. do some reading D. do housework34. If you cant get to sleep, then get up and try to do something _ lying in the bed. A. and B. or C. because of D. instead of35. During the Word Cup(世界杯),some people _ all night to watch the games. A. wake up B. get up C. stay up D. make up36. _ is listening to the radio, could you please turn it off? A. Something B. Somebody C. Nothing D. Nobody37. Our English is not only strict _ us but also strict _ work. A. on; with B. with; on C. with; with D. on; on38. Dont eat _ cold food. It is bad for your stomach. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. so many39. When you meet a new word, you may _ the new word in a dictionary. A. look over B. look for C. look up D. look after40. The boys of Class Two are going to the seaside this weekend. Um, remember _ them _ in the sea alone. Its dangerous. A. to tell; swimming B. to tell; not to swim C. telling; swimming D. telling; not to swim新- 课-标 -第 -一-网41. She always sings English _, many people love listening to her songs. A. well enough B. enough well C. good enough D. enough good42. _ he was ill, _ she still went to school. A. Because; 不填 B. 不填; but C. Because; so D. Although; but 43. Tom _ English, his English is quite bad. A. studies hard B. studies hardly C. usually studies D. always studies44. Most of _ in our school come from China. They are very good and popular. A. head teachers B. heads teachers C. head teacher D. man teachers45. Song Zuyings voice is so sweet and her songs _ very beautifuf. A. sound B taste C. look D. smell46. Im hungry. Here are a lot of potatoes, please eat _possible. X k B 1 . c o m A. as much as B. as few as C. as little as D. as many as47. Sometimes the best and most beautiful things in the world _, but can be felt with the heart. A. can be seen B. can see C. cannot see D. cannot be seen48. _ his car is broken? Hs has to walk there. A. What about B. Do you know C. What if D. Even though49. Grandparents _ us stories when we were very young. A. used to tell B. is used to tell C. was used to tell D. tell50. Well, its quite a nice picture! I think youll be famous ne day. _. Its my dream.A. I hope so. Thank you C. I dont think soB. Im afraid not D. Really? Its impossible第三节 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)A terrible earthquake(地震)happened in Wenchuan no May 12th, 2008. 51 people lost their lives and home. During those days, a lot of stories about 52 could be heard. Here is 53 of them. After the earthquake, under a fallen building, some soldiers found that a 54 died in a very strange way. When they were ready to take her away, they were surprised to find that a baby in her arms was 55 alive. The baby was sleeping and 56 hurt at all. Between the dead mother 57 the living baby, there was a cell phone(手机)with a short 58 on the screen, “My dear baby, if you can survive(幸存), remember that I love you.” Everyone 59 when they read these words. 新 课 标 第 一 网 Besides this story, many other stories also move(感动)us deeply. 60 these stories, we know more about love. Youre lucky if you are loved by others. Youre great if you love others when youre in danger. 51. A. All B. Many C. Few D. Little52. A. home B. live C. love D. hope 53. A. one B. none C. some D. each54. A. man B. woman C. boy D. girl55. A. still B. often C. never D. usually 56. A. is B. isnt C. was D. wasnt 57. A. or B. and C. also D. but58. A. story B. film C. message D. song59. A. smiled B. shouted C. laughed D. cried 60. A. From B. On C. To D. With 第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)w W w .x K b 1 .c o MAA French student went to London for his holiday. He thought. “I know a little English. I think people can understand me.”One morning he went to visit the Science Museum. At noon he was tired and hungry. He went to the nearest restaurant and sat down at the table. He wanted to have a cup of tea and some eggs. Soon the waiter came up to him and asked, “Can I help you, Sir?”“A cup of tea and ” he could not remember the English word for eggs. He looked around him, but nobody was eating eggs.Then he saw a magazine on the table next to him. There was a picture of a cock(公鸡)on its cover. He showed the picture to the waiter.“Whats the English for this?” he asked. w W w .x K b 1 .c o M“A cock, Sir.” answered the waiter.“What do you call a cocks wife?” was the next question.“A hen, Sir.”“And what do you call a hens children?” “Chicks, Sir.”“And what do you call chicks before theyre born?”“Eggs, Sir.”“Very well,” said the French student. “Bring me two eggs, two eggs and a cup of tea, please.” And he sat back with a smile on his face.根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误。你认为正确的句子写“T”,错误的写“F” 。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)61. A French student knew some English.62. There was an egg on the cover of the book.63. No one was eating eggs in the restaurant.64. A hens husband is a cock.65. The student wanted four eggs and a cup of tea.BAmericans think much about time. From children they learn to value(珍惜)time. As children, they are taught to be on time to go to school, to work and to do everything. When they are having a god time, they say that time goes easily. When a person is dying, they say that he is living on borrowed time. Time is money. Time is knowledge. Time is everything in America. A working American has to work hard for eight hours a day or forty hours a week. This is working time. In his spare time, he also works hard more money. Even on Saturday he also works hard as usual. In the street you can hardly see that a man walks slowly. They walk very fast. In fact, they are running.They love time because time can bring them money and a lot of things. But sometimes they also hate time, because they feel they have become servants(仆人)of the clock.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)w W w .x K b 1 .c o M66. An American always walks _. A. sadly B. slowly C. happily D. fast67. “He is living on borrowed time” means _. A. He is dying B. He is dead C. He has little money D. He has no time68. A working American has to work _ days a week in his working time. A. seven B. six C. five D. four69. In his spare time, an American usually _. A. has a good rest B. plays cards with their friends C. stays at home all day and watches TV D. gets more money by working70. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The Americans think much about time. B. All Americans always have a deep love for time only. C. The Americans even value their spare time. D. Sometimes the Americans hate time.CDo you still get free plastic bags from the supermarkets? Things have changed.China has banned (禁止)free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets, and people have to pay for using plastic bags. The rule started on June 1st. It came because our country tried to make litter less. Making super-thin(超薄)plastic bags also been banned. w W w .x K b 1 .c o MThe Chinese once used about 3,000,000,000 plastic shopping bags a day, and they have caused pollution of the environment. The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution because they are easy to break and people throw them away here and there. So the Chinese people are encouraged to bring their own bags for shopping.What kind of shopping bag is the best to bring? Some students in Chongqing have a good idea. They make their own shopping bags. They use old clothes to make cloth bags, and send them to their parents as presents. They also ask their parents and friends to use cloth bags instead of plastic ones. They think it is their duty to protect the environment.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)71. People in China have to _ now. A. throw plastic bags here and there B. collect plastic bags in the street C. pay for using plastic bags at shops and supermarkets D. using free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets72. Chin made this rule because plastic bags were bad for the _. A. environment B. litter C. shops D. supermarkets73. The Chinese people are encouraged to bring _ for shopping. A. no bags B. free plastic bags C. their own bags D. super-thin plastic bags74. Some students in Chongqing _. A. ask their parents to make cloth bags B. make cloth bags themselves C. pick up plastic bags everywhere D. buy cloth bags for their parents75. Whats the main idea of this article(文章)? A. Making super-thin plastic bags has been banned in China. w W w .x K b 1 .c o M B. The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution. C. Some students in Chongqing begin to make their own shopping bags. D. To protect the environment, free plastic bags have been banned in China. 第卷 (共三部分 满分25分)第一部分 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5 分)76. Frank has done a lot for the tourists. She is really a _ guide. (help)77. Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes. I often read aloud to practice my _. (pronounce)78. Our teachers have always taught us the _ of working hard. (important)79. To _ surprise, he passed the test. (I) 80. Luxun(鲁迅)is a _ writer. (knowledge)第二部分 将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,并将划线部分译成汉,语注意使用适当形式。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5 分)81. _ people come to Kunming every year. (数百万、成百万)82. Unless we _ our problems, we can easily become unhappy.(处理、应付) 83. Her aunt often plays cards _ watching TV. (代替、而不是)84. I really want to see the blue water one day. Many people say its so beautiful. ( )85. Everyone under the sun should protect our environment. ( ) http:/www.xkb1.com第三部分 书面表达(满分15分)How do you study English? 提示:请你以 “How do you study English?” 为题,写一篇短文,表达你学习英语的方法及学习体会。 要求:1、根据题目要求,写一篇短文,词数不少于60 个。 2、语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁。 3、文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。_新课标第一网系列资料 www.xkb1.com xK b1 . Co m由莲山课件提供http:/www.5ykj.com/ 资源全部免费


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