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四年级上册U5U6 测试卷(一)班别_ 姓名_1、 写出你所记住的单词。1、 _2、_3、_ 4、_ 5、_ 6、_ 7、_ 8、_ 9、_ 10、_ 11、_ 12、_ 13、_14、_ 15、_16、_17、_ 18、_ 二、 单词过关。我们的_ 课室_图书馆_ 池_游泳池_ 在对面_运动场_ 有时_体育_ 音乐_课_ 上课_教师办公室_ 工作_艺术;美术_ 饭堂_体育馆_ 吃(饭)_或,或者_ 树_十一_ 十二_十三_ 十五_十八_ 二十_三十_ 四十_五十_ 八十_三、找出合适的活动搭配起来。( )1、We read books A.on the playground( )2、We sometimes swim B. in the library( )3、We play games C.in the dinning hall( )4、We have English lessons D.in the swimming pool( )5、We have meals E. in the teachers room( )6、Teachers work F.in the classroom四年级上册U 5U6 测试卷(二)班别_ 姓名_一、词组过关。1、电脑室_ 2、运动场_ 在音乐室旁边_ 在课室大楼前面_ 上电脑课_ 玩游戏_ 3、 教师办公室_ 4、饭堂_ 在课室后面_ 在图书馆下面/在体育馆旁边_ 教师工作_ 吃饭_ 5、50台电脑_ 6、35棵树 _7、28个球 _ 9、42张椅子 _ 10、上课:_ _ 上英语课:have _lessons 上体育课:have _lessons 上电脑课:have _lessons 上美术课:have _ Lessons 上音乐课: have_lessons11、 课室:_ 电脑室:_ room 音乐室 _ room 美术室:_ room二、根据中文提示把句子补充完整。(书本26页)1. Let _ show you our _ _ . (让我带你们参观我们的新学校)2. It is a very _ school. (美丽的)3. _ is your _ ?(你们的教室在什么地方?)4. Its _ _, next _ the library.(它在那里,图书馆旁边)5. _ there a swimming _ ? (有游泳池吗?)6. It is _ the playground. (它在操场的对面)7. We sometimes have _ lessons there. (我们有时候在那里上体育课)三、 根据句子意思和首字母填空,使句子完整1. I like to play on the p_ .2. The teachers w_ in the teachers room. 3. I like m_ , I often sing songs.4. We have 6 l_every day. 5. We can e_in the dinning room . 6. This is the a_ room, we can draw here. 四、选择题( ) 1. Let me _ you my house . A. show B. to show C. showing ( ) 2. We sometimes _ TV there. A. watch B. watches C. watching( ) 3. Its near the _room. A. teacher B. teachers C. teachers( ) 4. Let me show _ _ new school. A. you I B. your our C. you our( ) 5. _ draw here. A. Let B. Lets C. Lets me( ) 6. This is our_ , we can read a book here. A. library B. gym C. playground( ) 7. The playground is in front _ the classroom building. A. on B. to C. Of ( ) 8. How many boys _ _ in your classroom ? A. there are B. are there C. is there( ) 9. Are they big _ small ? A. on B. or C. in五、根据实际情况回答问题。1) How many classrooms are there in your school? _ 2) Is your classroom next to the art room? _ 3) Where do you have meals at school? _ 4) Is there a gym in your school? (1) This is a m_ room.(2) The children read in the s_. .(3) There are some t_ in the garden. .(4) The children g_ flowers in the garden.(5) Mrs White is in the l_.(6) Dont e_ in the computer room. (7) This is a big s_ pool.(8) This is a monkey on the p_.(9) This is the t_ room.(10)How many c_ are there in your school? 五、选择题( ) 1. We _ have PE lessons there . A. sometimes B. there C. opposite ( ) 2. We sometimes _ TV there. A. watch B. watches C. watching( ) 3. Our school _ thirty-eight classrooms. A. have B. has C. Are( ) 4. There _ forty desks _ forty chairs in oneclassroom. A. is and B. are or C. are and六、根据实际情况回答问题。1) Are your classrooms big or small? _ 2) How many books are there in your schoolbag? _ 3) Do you have two pencils? _ 5) Is your English book old or new? _ 6) How many English teachers are there in your school?

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