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京翰教育http:/www.zgjhjy.com/稼轩中学 38级初一英语 第1单元sectionB学案制作:姚幼兰 崔式文 审核:王允涛 刘琳 2014-02-16 序号 (2) 学号_姓名_I 重点单词和短语 1. 敲鼓_ 2. 拉小提琴_ 3. 对.有办法_ 4. 结交朋友 _ 5. 在周末 _ 6. 在某方面帮助某人_ 7. 和他们做游戏 _ 8. 给某人打电话 _II. 课文重点句式填空:I .I can (speak) English and I can also (play) soccer2. Can you talk and play games _(介词) them? X k B 1 . c o m3. They can (tell) you stories, and you can (make) friends.4. Please call us _(介词)662843561. 5. We need you _(help) with sports for English-speaking students.6. Are you good_(介词) old people ?仔细观察上述句子,看看它们考察哪些知识点总结: _III重点语法点回顾及分析:情态动词can的用法有很多,具体归纳为以下三种情况: 表示“许可,允许”。 You can go home now. 你现在可以回家了。 表示“请求某人做某事”。 Can you take my books to your sister? 你能把我的书拿给你的妹妹吗? 为了使语气更加委婉,我们可以用could。 Could you give me a cup of tea? 你能给我一杯茶吗?表示“具有某种能力”。我们在本单元主要学习can的这种用法。 -Can you play soccer? 你会踢足球吗? -No, I cant. But I can play volleyball. 不,我不会。但是我会打排球。 表示猜测。 -Is that Mr. Smith? 那是史密斯先生吗? -That cant be him. He is in New York now. 那不可能是他。他现在在纽约呢。2. Are you good with old people? be good with . 意思是“和相处的好;善于待人”。 例如:我的祖母很会照看孩子。My grandmother is good with children. 翻译句子: 我们善待动物。 be good with 还可以表示“善于使用某物”。 The girls are good with their hands. 这些女孩子们的手很灵巧。(这些女孩子很会使用她们的双手。)有关be good.的其他常用短语:be good at 在哪方面好;擅长,be good for 对有好处, He is good at drawing. 他擅长画画。 It is good for you to eat more vegetables. 多吃蔬菜对你有好处。3. We need help for our Beidaihe School Trip. (1)need实义动词,意思是“需要;必须”。如果后面跟动词,需用动词的不定式形式:need to do。 例如:我们需要一台新电脑。 We need a new computer. (2)need 与后面的for连用意思是“在哪方面需要”。 例如:我们的足球队需要一名好的教练。 We need a good coach for our soccer team. 4. Can you help with sports? http:/w w w.xkb1. c om help sb with sth. 在某件事情上帮助某人,介词with后接名词或动词的-ing形式。如果表示“帮助做”,常接不定式, help to do sth;如果要表达“帮某人做某事”还可以用help sb to do sth。例如:露茜常在英语方面帮助我。 Lucy often helps with my English. =Lucy often helps me to learn English.翻译句子:我的哥哥经常帮我做作业。(给我做指导) 课文重点句式巩固训练( )1. Sun Yang can _ very well. A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. to swim( )2. What can you do ? _. A. Im Lucy. B. Fine C. I can draw. D. Sorry, I cant.( )3. Can you help me _my English? A. in B. with C. for D. at( )4. Can Jane Smith sing? (肯定回答) _.IV 重点知识过关检测单项选择( )1. Are they in the classroom in the library? X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m A. but B. and C. or D. not( )2. We want three good for our band. A. music B. musician C. musics D. musicians( )3. Bill can very well, so he wants to join the club. A. swim; swimming B. swimming; swim C. swim; swims D. swims; swim( )4. -Can I borrow your guitar? -Sorry, .A. I dont have one B. Here you areC. Take this one D. Thank you( )5. Can he ?A. play the chess B. play the basketball C. play the guitar D. play guitar ( )6. -Can he tell a story? - .A. Yes, I can B. Yes, he cant C. No, he cant D. No, he can( )7. We need two good singers our rock band.A. in B. to C. for D. at( )8. Li Xin can do . A. Chinese kung fu B. the Chinese kung fu C. Chineses kung fu D. the Chinese kung fu( )9. We want basketball players our basketball team. A. to B. in C. for D. at( )10. Can you Japanese?No, I cant. But I can the guitar.A.say;join B.speak;play C.say;want D.play;speakI. Complete the sentence with the proper word form.(用所给词的适当形式完成句子。)1.Can you help kids with (dance)?Yes,I can.2. I want (join)the baseball club.3. Can you (sing)?4. The girl likes music.She wants to be a (music).5. Do you want to join the (swim)club?6. Are you good with (child), Jim?7. I can play the trumpet but I cant play it (good).II. Rewrite the sentence according to the requirment. (根据括要求改写句子。)1.club, art, want, the, to, I, join (连词成句)2.Mary can speak English. (改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答)3.My father can play the guitar very well. 改成否定句)4.I want to join the music club.(对画线部分提问) club do you want to ?5.Linda likes music.(改成否定句) xK b1.C omLinda music.III.Translate the sentence into English. (把下列句子译成英语。)1.你会弹吉他吗? you the guitar?2.我想参加篮球俱乐部。I want to the club.3.你能做什么? can you ?4.Tom 跳舞跳得很好。Tom can very .5.我能帮孩子们游泳。I can kids swimming.新课 标第 一 网 http:/www.xkb1.com w W w .x K b 1.c o M 新 课 标 第 一 网 京翰中考网http:/zhongkao.zgjhjy.com/


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